Zprávy HCJB 24.6.2004

   PO VÍCE NEŽ 12 LETECH byl propuštěn z tureckého vězení křesťan, který byl falešně obviněn a odsouzen za účast na bombovém atentátu v Istanbulu v roce 1991. Při výsleších byl mučen a donucen k doznání. Původně byl odsouzen na doživotí. Jeho propuštění je odpovědí na modlitby mnoha křesťanů po celém světě. (Assist News Service) BÝVALÝ ČLEN SEKTY v Keni byl sťat poté, co se stal křesťanem. Jeho hlava byla nalezena v plastikovém pytli na chodníku, tělo dosud nebylo nalezeno. Členové sekty Mungiki tímto způsobem jednají s každým, kdo přestoupí k jiné víře, nebo opustí jejich sektu. Podobně brutálně byli zavražděni tři další členové a došlo i k únosům. Vedoucí sekty vydali ultimátum do ledna 2004, aby se všichni vrátili do sekty, jinak budou zabiti. Nejméně 18 lidí bylo zavražděno od doby, kdy ultimátum uplynulo. Tato sekta má asi 2 miliony členů, je protizápadní a volá lidi zpět k tradičním africkým kmenovým náboženstvím. (World Evangelical Alliance Religious Liberty Commision) BUDDHISTIČTÍ MNIŠI ŠTVOU DAV PROTI KŘESŤANSKÝM SBORŮM na Srí Lance. Asi 50 mnichů s dalšími 150 lidmi napadli sbor, kde zničili zařízení a vyhrožovali farníkům. Policie musela zasáhnout plynovými bombami a výstřely do vzduchu. Pastor byl donucen přislíbit, že zruší sborová shromáždění. (Voice of the Martyrs) MEZINÁRODNÍ BIBLICKÁ SPOLEČNOST už za dobu své činnosti dosáhla v distribuci 400 milionů kusů Písma. (International Bible Society) KŘESŤANÉ V INDII „SPÍ“, zatímco hinduisté plánují svůj návrat do vedení země. Prezident „Evangelia pro Asii“ varuje, aby křesťané nezůstali nečinní, když mají před sebou pět let vlády, která slíbila tolerovat náboženské menšiny. (Mission Network News) NÁRŮST MISIONÁŘSKÉ PRÁCE V ALŽÍRSKU dělá starosti muslimům. Evangelizace začala mezi malými kmeny a rozšířila se do dalších částí země. Misionáři distribuují evangelizační materiály a křesťanské knihy, které jsou zaměřené na děti. Zároveň rozšiřují CD o životě Ježíše Krista, namluvené v místním dialektu. Muslimové v zemi chtějí proti tomuto fenoménu zakročit a považují jej za „bezprecedentní agresi“ proti muslimům. (Worldwide Religious News/IslamOnline.net)
   CHRISTIAN RELEASED AFTER MORE THAN 12 YEARS IN TURKISH PRISON Soner Onder was released from a high-security Turkish prison on Tuesday, June 22, exactly 12 years and six months after his arrest as a 17-year-old on Christmas Day, 1991. Onder walked into the arms of his family outside a Turkish military compound in Tekirdag. Weeping and clapping as they hugged and kissed him, relatives had come from as far away as Germany, Sweden and the Netherlands to join him and his family for the long-awaited reunion. The youngest of nine children in a Syrian Catholic Christian family, members of Onder's family had emigrated from southeastern Turkey 15 to 20 years ago when the region degenerated into civil war between Kurdish dissidents and the Turkish military. "Soner's release is another answer to the prayers of thousands of Christians around the world," said Carl Moeller, president of Open Doors USA. He was released after completing his reduced life sentence for alleged involvement in a Kurdish terrorist attack in Istanbul on Dec. 25, 1991. Onder denies the charges, saying he was forced to sign a "confession" while being tortured. The Turkish court refused to consider an official forensic report verifying this claim. He and his family believe his arrest was based solely on the fact that his identity card revealed his birthplace as Diyarbakir, center of the Kurdish separatist uprising that eventually took the lives of 35,000 civilians and Turkish troops. Onder said he received more than 11,000 cards and letters from concerned Christians worldwide during his imprisonment. (Assist News Service) FORMER CULT MEMBER IN KENYA BEHEADED AFTER BECOMING CHRISTIAN On Tuesday, June 8, the head of Simon Ndabi Kamore was found wrapped in green plastic on the pavement near the bus stop where he had been preaching the previous Sunday. The rest of his body has not yet been recovered. Kamore, a former member of Kenya's outlawed Mungiki sect, had denounced the sect after converting to Christianity. The East African Standard reported, "The murder comes in the wake of a recent revelation that fanatical Mungiki adherents have in the recent past been attacking and killing any sect member who dares to reconvert to another religion or disassociates himself with the outlawed outfit." Earlier this year, police placed Mungiki defectors on a 24-hour guard following the brutal murder of three members and the kidnapping of several who had openly denounced the sect. Among those killed were pastor James Irungu Njenga and his wife, Florence, who were shot to death at their home in Nairobi in March while their children looked on. Last year Mungiki leaders gave defectors an ultimatum: return to the sect by January 2004 or be killed. At least 18 people have been murdered since the deadline expired. The cult, which has some 2 million members, appeals to tribalism, is anti-West, and calls people back to traditional African tribal religions. These elements tend to attract disillusioned, nominal Christians and poor people who are feeling frustrated and hopeless due to their socioeconomic situation. (World Evangelical Alliance Religious Liberty Commission) * HCJB World Radio has worked with local partners to install radio ministries in Nairobi (two stations), Mombasa and Tinderet. BUDDHIST MONKS STIR UP MOB AGAINST CHURCH IN SRI LANKA Buddhist monks from the Bodhidumarama temple in Wadduwa, Sri Lanka, incited a mob to march against a local evangelical church the evening of Saturday, June 19, saying they wanted to "rid our village of the fundamentalist plague." About 50 monks, accompanied by 150 other local residents, marched from the Buddhist temple to the church. When they arrived, they found only two parishioners along with the pastor's two daughters. After demanding that the pastor be brought to them, they began throwing chairs and tearing down Scripture banners and threatened the daughters. One of the girls managed to call police who were unable to control the mob when they arrived. After damaging the church, the mob finally left with no arrests being made. The next morning the pastor canceled services as he had done the previous Sunday because of threats. Again a large mob gathered and tried to force their way into the church despite police guards. The rioters threw gasoline bombs, bricks and rocks, damaging the roof and windows. A parapet wall also collapsed. Police used tear gas to disperse the crowd and fired shots into the air. The pastor was eventually forced to announce that he would stop holding meetings at the church. (Voice of the Martyrs) IBS PASSES 400-MILLION MARK IN TOTAL SCRIPTURES DISTRIBUTED International Bible Society (IBS), the translation sponsor of the New International Version of the Bible, recently surpassed the 400-million mark in total number of Scriptures distributed worldwide. IBS has distributed more than 402 million Scriptures since its founding in 1809. In addition, IBS has translated the Bible into 88 of the world's major languages and, in conjunction with Wycliffe Bible Translators, has published God's Word in more than 660 languages. Through a ministry alliance with Gospelcom's Bible Gateway, IBS provides online Scriptures to virtually every corner of the world. Beginning in 1995 with the NIV and in 1996 with the Arabic Bible, IBS has put 40 translations online in various digital formats. "While the scope of the Bible Society's ministry has widened since 1809, our goal remains the same-evangelism," said IBS President Peter Bradley. "We accomplish that goal through translating and reaching out with Scriptures. We have committed ourselves to making the Word of God available to anyone who truly wants it." Vice President Tom Youngblood added, "For nearly 200 years we have worked diligently to provide appropriate Scriptures to people -- from prison inmates to children, youth, disaster/crisis victims and many more, we have planted the seed of God's Word. It's hard to know the impact of 400 million Scriptures on the lives of men and women around the world. But we are confident the Word has done its work and has sprouted and matured and increased the population of heaven." (International Bible Society) CHRISTIANS 'SLEEPING' WHILE HINDUS PLAN TO MAKE COMEBACK IN INDIA In India, Hindu nationalists are vowing to reclaim power as the opposition Bharatiya Janata Party meets this week to strategize how to do that. While believers are encouraged by the recent change of power with the country's first-ever non-Hindu government in place, Gospel for Asia President K.P. Yohannan says he's puzzled by the response of believers. "God in His mercy has given us five years right now with a new government. That government says, 'We will protect the minorities, and we will give them freedom to spread their faith.' But the church at large, I'm afraid, is missing it." Yohannan says not all groups are sleeping, but not enough is being done. "In a nation with 1.2 billion people, you can imagine how much a handful of groups can do. What we need is an incredible revival and a passion for souls among the body of Christ at large." Despite the new government, persecution continues in many parts of India. (Mission Network News) GROWTH OF MISSIONARY WORK IN ALGERIA WORRIES MUSLIMS Missionary work is growing in Algeria, and cases of proselytized Muslims are making the news in the North African country. Newspapers such as El-Youm and Echourouk El-Arabi reported that the phenomenon was on the rise while El-Bilad reported that the new converts already perform Christian rituals in some 15 churches. Al-Akhdar Bin Khallaf, a prominent member of the Movement for National Reform, confirmed the reports. "The missionary work first started at the tribes area and then spilled into other Algerian states like Annaba (360 miles northeast of Algiers) and Constantine (260 miles northeast of the capital)," he told IslamOnline. Khallaf said he has copies of glossy Gospels and Christian books that target children. He added that missionaries are distributing CDs on the life of Jesus Christ in the widely spoken dialect of the country to appeal to a wide range of people. Authorities also have been known to order the closure of mosques after believers prayed. Khallaf said his party, which has seats in the Sri Lankan parliament, will ask the government to respond to questions on the "worrying phenomenon." Sheikh Abdul Rahman Shaiban, head of Algeria's Muslim Scholars Association, said the missionary work is an "unprecedented aggression" on Muslims in the country. He added that Christians in the country are entitled to practice their rituals and religion, but have "no right whatsoever to dissuade Muslims and shake their beliefs." (WorldWide Religious News/IslamOnline.net)

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