Zprávy HCJB 12.3.2007

 Mír se vrátil do biblické školy v Indii, 5 lidí je stále v nemocnici.
   Mír se vrátil do biblické školy Gospel for Asia (GFA) ve státě Orissa v Indii týden po útoku na studenty a po vyplenění budov při útoku protikřesťanských extrémistů. Smířlivá rezoluce k nestabilní situaci byla zveřejněna ve středu 7. března po setkání vedení školy, 20 představitelů vesnice a B.K. Luke, který na práci GFA v Orisse dohlíží. „Před týdnem nás bili a teď nám třesou rukama a objímají nás,“ řekl Luke. Vedení GFA v oblasti hlásí, že útoky byly vedeny hrstkou protikřesťanských extrémistů, kterým šlo také o užívání příslušných pozemků. Desítky studentů byly při útoku dne 28. února zraněny a řada budov kampusu byla vyrabována. Extrémisté požadovali uzavření školy a ukončení veškeré činnosti GFA v Orisse. Pět osob patřících ke škole – čtyři studenti a jedna zaměstnankyně – zůstávají se svými zraněními v nemocnici. Zdroj: Assist News Service
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině.

Source: Assist News Service
Outsourcing telemarketing, technical support and other “call center” activities to India has created an economic boon for the country. These days, if you have a computer problem requiring customer support, your telephone call will likely be routed to India. These booming businesses are thriving in suburbs of larger cities like New Delhi and drawing many young employees to live and work near the call centers. Pastors trained by the ministry Asian Access are focusing outreach efforts on this “call center culture.” Speaking from India, David Dayalan of Asian Access said, “It has been the past five years since we’ve had the ‘call center culture.’ In fact, those of us who are based in an urban setting have been trying all ways (and) methods to reach them.” When asked if this type of evangelism was easy, Dayalan replied, “This whole thing is new. The young people are in awe of everything that’s happening around them, and they’re seeing a lot of new money. So it’s been difficult.”


Source: Voice of the Martyrs
Uzbekistan police officers burst into church services in a church in Qarshi on Sunday, Feb. 25, confiscating literature and demanding information on who was funding the church. Police also brought video equipment to record the worship service. Pastor Sergei Shandyvayev continued the service while the cameras ran. After the service, the officers shut the doors and began questioning the believers, especially asking why they had become Christians. Shandyvayev’s church is not registered with the Uzbek government, and the Christians expected to be summoned for a court hearing at some point.

Elsewhere in Uzbekistan, Pastor Dmitry Shestakov was sentenced to four years in exile on Friday, March 9. The location to which he will be sent has not been determined, and it’s not clear if his family will be able to go with him. Shestakov was arrested in a January raid of his congregation in Andijan. Uzbekistan’s Religious Affairs Committee claims Shestakov is not an authorized leader of any officially recognized religious organization in Uzbekistan. They describe him as an “imposter” leading an underground group identified as “charismatic Pentecostals” engaged in proselytizing under Shestakov’s leadership.

* HCJB Global Voice airs 2.5 hours of Uzbek programs per week from an AM station outside the country. More than 15 million people speak this language.


Sources: World Evangelical Alliance, Compass Direct News
Vietnamese human rights lawyer Nguyen van Dai, a founder of the Committee for Human Rights in Vietnam and an elder in his Christian & Missionary Alliance Church, was arrested in Hanoi Tuesday, March 6, along with fellow human rights attorney Le Thi Cong Nhan. The World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) reports that pressure against Dai intensified in early February after he hosted Vietnam’s first-ever discussion on human rights law. The WEA indicates Dai is being persecuted because of his advocacy work on behalf of the church and the evidence he has gathered that Vietnam is not living up to international agreements to improve religious freedom.

In a separate case, Father Nguyen Van Ly, a longtime human rights advocate in Vietnam, was rearrested in the city of Hue on Feb. 18, charged with “propagating against” and “defaming” the government. Before his release on Feb. 1, 2005, Ly had been incarcerated for more than three years after being sentenced to 15 years in prison in October 2001 for writing to a U.S. government agency about religious rights violations. While in prison he was severely tortured. After raiding his home last month, Vietnamese authorities moved Ly to a new location where he is under house arrest. Police confiscated computers, telephones and more than 440 pounds of documents.

“We anticipated this crackdown on dissent after the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit once Vietnam had obtained all it wanted from the international community,” said Vo Van Ai of the Paris-based Vietnam Committee on Human Rights. “We did not have to wait long.”


Source: Assist News Service
Calm has returned to a Gospel for Asia (GFA) Bible college in Orissa, India, a week after students were assaulted and the buildings ransacked in an attack led by anti-Christian extremists. The peaceful resolution to the volatile situation came Wednesday, March 7, after a meeting of Bible college administrators, about 20 representatives from the village and B.K. Luke, who oversees GFA’s work in Orissa. “One week ago they were hitting us and now they are shaking our hands and hugging us,” Luke said. GFA leaders in the area report the attack was spearheaded by a handful of anti-Christian extremists who took advantage of a land-use issue involving the Bible college and the village. Dozens of students were injured in the Feb. 28 attack, and several of the buildings on the campus were ransacked. The extremists demanded that the school be closed and that all GFA work in Orissa be stopped. Five people from the school -- four male students and one female staff member -- remain hospitalized as a result of their injuries.


Sources: New York Times, Christian Newswire
The Sunday, March 4, edition of The New York Times reported on a growing interest in dance in Christian churches. The article featured Wendy Heagy of Raise Him Up Praise Dance School in Manhattan. The school teaches students how to “dance the Word of God” using ballet, jazz, modern dance and African dance techniques with a focus on worship, praise, celebration and spiritual warfare. Sign language and mime are also incorporated. “The Word of God says we’re to glorify him with our bodies, and that’s what we do,” states Heagy. Students at the school range in age from 5 to 80 years old and are predominantly African American women. In New York more and more churches have added “praise movement ministries” to their worship services. The Greater Allen AME Cathedral in Jamaica, Queens, has a powerful dance ministry with more than 400 dancers. When Heagy founded Raise Him Up a decade ago she had just 10 students; the number has now grown to more than 100 with rapid growth in the last two years. Heagy’s dance team often performs at conferences, prisons and other locations nationwide and beyond, traveling as far away as Germany. “In many cases we’ve seen breakthrough with dance ministry where sometimes the spoken word or music alone hasn’t gotten through,” says Heagy.

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