Zprávy HCJB 8.7.2007 - 14.7.2007

 Latinskoamerické církve hrají klíčovou úlohu při boji s AIDS.
   Podle zprávy, kterou zveřejnily Centrum pro studium latinskoamerické církve (CSLR) při Ústavu Latinských Studií (ILS) na Univerzitě Notre Dame a nezisková náboženská hispánská organizace Esperanza jsou latinskoamerické sbory klíčovými partnery v boji s AIDS. Studie pod názvem „Odpověď na volání: jak mohou latinskoamerické církve odpovědět na epidemii AIDS“ je výsledkem intenzivního průzkumu latinskoamerických kongregací v Chicagu, jehož cílem je zjistit, co latinskoamerické sbory dělají proti epidemii a jak se zde mohou uplatnit jak sbory, tak jejich organizační struktury. „Studie jasně ukazuje, že latinskoamerické kongregace si přejí být zapojeny a uplatnit se při prevenci AIDS a při souvisejících pomocných akcích, ale že cesta k realizaci tohoto přání je dlouhá,“ řekl Edwin Hernández, spoluautor zprávy a člen výzkumné skupiny CSLR. „Mnoho církevních představitelů nemá potřebné informace, případně jsou znepokojeni představou vyjadřování se k palčivým otázkám AIDS. Podle zprávy se ale ukazuje, že když jsou duchovní cíleně připravováni, mohou své sbory povzbudit a začít s pomocnými akcemi kolem AIDS.“ Přes polovinu latinskoamerických sborů v Chicagu se některou z těchto aktivit zabývá a další čtvrtina to má v plánu v blízké budoucnosti. Zdroj: Notre Dame University News
 Čína tajně vypověděla 100 zahraničních misionářů ze 6 zemí.
   Čína tajně vypověděla přes 100 zahraničních misionářů v největší podobné kampani proti křesťanským pracovníkům za posledních padesát letech. The China Aid Association (CAA) dnes (10. července) oznámila, že cílem vládou podporované operace pod kódovým názvem Tajfun 5 je předem zabránit zahraničním křesťanům „zabývat se misijními aktivitami“ při Olympijských hrách v Pekingu příští léto. Již od února se čínské bezpečností síly zaměřují na cizince ze šesti zemí (USA, Kanady, Jižní Koreje, Singapuru, Austrálie a Izraele). Nejaktivnější jsou úřady v oblasti Xinjiang a v Tibetu. Čínští úředníci na obvinění nereagovali. CAA cituje jednoho Američana, který pracuje v Xinjiangu 10 let a který uvádí, že jen z tohoto města bylo vypovězeno 60 zahraničních církevních pracovníků. Tento Američan, který si přál z bezpečnostních důvodů zůstat v anonymitě řekl, že někteří z takto vypovězených lidí zde pracují 18 let a nyní jsou nuceni odjet. „Nejméně 15 křesťanských manželských párů z USA a jiných zemí bylo vypovězeno z Pekingu jen za květen.,“ hlásí CAA. Mezi vypovězenými jsou i dvě Američanky – učitelky angličtiny vyslané Anglickým jazykovým ústavem (English Language Institute/ China), který byly přinuceny opustit Tibet. Zdroj: China Aid Association, BosNewsLife

Krátkovlnný vysílač HCJBGlobal-Australia v Kununnurra vysílá každý týden 25,5 hodiny v mandaríncké čínštině.
 2 čínští domácí kazatelé posláni do tábora nucených prací.
   V Číně v provincii Shandong byli dva kazatelé stále rostoucích domácích sborů odsouzeni k „jednomu roku převýchovy v pracovním táboře“. Obvinění vycházelo z jejich křesťanské aktivity. Místní soud známý pod pojmem Správní výbor Lidové Vlády v provincii města Heze řekl, že pastoři Hang Geming a Sun Qingwen „používali ďábelskou sektu k omezování zákona,“ což je napsáno v soudním oznámení přeloženém později skupinou na obranu náboženských svobod China Aid Association (CAA). Uvádí se v něm, že pastoři byli posláni „k převýchově prací v táboře v Jining“ v provincii Shandong. Nastoupili zde 29. června a neočekává se, že odtud odejdou před 14. červnem 2008. Místní křesťané ve zveřejněném komentáři sdělili, že oba pastoři byli „evangelijní misionáři“ vyslaní svými sbory z provincie Henan do Shandongu. Zadrženi byli 15. června spolu se čtyřmi dalšími církevními pracovníky během bohoslužby. Ti byli propuštěni v neděli 1. července poté, co byli donuceni zaplatit pokutu ve výši odpovídající 30000 Kč. Zdroj: BosNewsLife, China Aid Association
 Kabylští Berbeři v Alžíru reagují na křesťanské televizní vysílání Arab Vision
   I když na křesťanské TV programy vyráběné Arab Vision v posledním desetiletí reaguje mnoho lidí, žádná skupina lidí není tak vnímavá, jako kabylští Berbeři žijící v alžírském severovýchodním pohraničí. Arab Vision popisuje, jak jejich programy přivedly ke Kristu kabylského policistu. Nyní po jeho svědectví jsou stejné víry i jeho otec, manželka a dvě sestry. V telefonickém rozhovoru řekl: „Zpočátku jsem byl trochu vystrašený a bázlivý, že mi tato víra způsobí víc škody než užitku, zvlášť v zaměstnání. Ale Pán Ježíš Kristus mě ve víře posiloval a současně mě zvláštním způsobem spojil s jinými policisty, kteří se také stali křesťany. Nyní se modlíme společně!“ Počet křesťanů mezi Kabyly roste a odhaduje se na 10 000 obrácených. Část z nich se schází tajně. „Tento počet může být i 4x vyšší, nevíme to jistě,“ řekl ředitel severoafrické sekce Arab Vision. „Co ale víme jistě je, že pozitivní účinek mezi Kabyly je povzbuzením pro celou oblast. Kabylší věřící se také aktivně věnují evangelizaci.“ Zdroj: Arab Vision
 Odpor vůči sňatkům homosexuálů i registrovanému partnerství roste.
   Odpor proti sňatkům homosexuálů i proti registrovanému partnerství osob stejného pohlaví podle posledních průzkumů Pew Research stoupá. Průzkum mezi 1010 dospělými ukázal, že 57 procent amerických občanů je proti povolování sňatků homosexuálů. Tak vysoký odpor byl zaznamenán naposledy v prosinci 2004, kdy nesouhlas se sňatky homosexuálů vyjádřilo 61 procent Američanů. Opakované průzkumy v červenci 2005 a v dubnu 2006 ukázaly 53 a 51 procent nesouhlasících. Ale od té doby odpor vzrostl na 55, 56, 55 a nyní 57 procent. Podle nejnovějšího průzkumu se sňatky homosexuálů „silně“ nesouhlasí 38 procent dotázaných, „silně“ je podporuje jen 12 procent dotázaných. Průzkum proběhl v únoru a březnu a výsledky byly zveřejněny 1. července. Zdroj: Evangelical News, Baptist Press
 Základní pomoc pro oběti záplav v jižním Pákistánu.
   Episcopal Relief and Development (ERD) spolupracuje s Church World Service na dodávkách základní pomoci lidem v jižním Pákistánu po záplavách, které těžce poničily celou oblast. Dodávky základních potravin - mouky, rýže, oleje na vaření, cukru, čaje, soli a sušeného mléka budou rozděleny mezi 250 nejhůře postižených rodin , nejčastěji vdov, dětí a starců. Silné deště způsobily záplavy v Karáčí – největším městě Pákistánu a v okolních oblastech. 300 lidí v souvislosti s těmito záplavami zahynulo Mnoho míst v Karáčí je bez elektřiny a základních civilizačních vymožeností a je obava z propuknutí nákaz přenášených vodou, neboť náprava škod probíhá pomalu. V provincii Beludžistán je pohřešováno 200 lidí a záplavy je postihly celkem 2 miliony lidí v 15 okresech. V nejhůře postiženém městě Gadap 50 km od Karáčí zahynulo 24 lidí, 200 lidí bylo zraněno a 1000 domů bylo větrem a prudkými dešti buď totálně zničeno nebo těžce poškozeno. Obyvatelé jsou nyní závislí na znečištěné vodě, protože kryty vodojemů odnesla voda. Záplavy také zahubily domácí zvířectvo a zničily 75 drůbežích farem. Škody se vyšplhaly odhadem na 3,3 milionu dolarů. Zdroj: Episcopal News Service
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině.

Source: Notre Dame University News
Latin American churches are a key partner in the fight against HIV/AIDS, according to a report recently released by the Center for the Study of Latino Religion (CSLR) in the University of Notre Dame’s Institute for Latino Studies (ILS) and the nonprofit, faith-based Hispanic organization, Esperanza. The study, titled “Answering the Call: How Latino Churches Can Respond to the HIV/AIDS Epidemic,” is the result of an intensive study of Latino congregations in Chicago examining what Latino churches are doing to respond to the epidemic and what congregational and leadership characteristics appear to contribute to such efforts. “This study clearly shows that Latino congregations are willing to be engaged and are engaged in HIV/AIDS prevention and support services, but that there is a long way to go,” said Edwin Hernández, coauthor of the report and a CSLR research fellow. “Many leaders lack information or are apprehensive to address sensitive topics related to AIDS. The report shows that when clergy are trained, they then mobilize their congregations to start HIV/AIDs-related services.” More than half of Latino churches in Chicago have engaged in some activity to address HIV/AIDS, and nearly a quarter are planning to start a related ministry in the near future.


Sources: Forum 18 News Service, Assist News Service
Two members of God’s Love Pentecostal Church in the Jizzakh region of the Central Asian nation of Uzbekistan spent 10 days in prison in June after being found guilty of violating laws on religion and “illegal” religious teaching, Protestant sources reported. Hudoer Pardaev and Igor Kim, both in their mid-30s, were sentenced on Tuesday, June 12, by the Yangiabad District Criminal Court. They were given the prison terms for “violating the laws on religious organizations and violating the procedure for teaching religion.” Sixteen Christian books and eight CDs were taken from them.

In a separate case, Baptist Sharofat Allamova was held for four days beginning at 11 p.m. Sunday, June 10, after a late-night check on a bus taking her back to her hometown of Urgench revealed she had Christian books and films in her bag. Eleven books, 11 DVDs and other Christian materials were confiscated. The books included four copies of the New Testament and three copies of Proverbs in Uzbek while DVDs contained the “Jesus” film and other Christian productions. She was held for four days with no arrest warrant or other documentation.

This year has seen increased harassment in Uzbekistan, particularly of Protestant Christians. At the same time harsh prison or corrective labor sentences, raids on religious worship services, fines, confiscation of religious literature and deportation of foreign citizens engaged in peaceful religious activity have also intensified.


Source: Avant Ministries
Five churches have been planted in northeastern Brazil as a result of Avant Ministry’s broadcasts on AM-780, a station in the city of Nova Russas. In 2003 Avant facilitated the purchase of the 10,000-watt station, the first Christian station in the region. Its signal is within hearing range of 1.2 million people living in small towns and isolated villages within a 150-mile radius. Response has been tremendous with five new churches already formed as a result of the Christian programming. The goal is for the station to become a commercially sponsored station, independent of outside financial support. Meanwhile, Avant is subsidizing the station until it can attract enough local advertisers to become self-supporting.

* HCJB Global Voice broadcasts the gospel in Portuguese to Brazil via shortwave from Quito, Ecuador, and maintains a world office and radio studios in Curitiba. Portuguese programs, which have been on the air continuously since 1947, generate more listener letters than any language service at Radio Station HCJB in Ecuador. The ministry’s Portuguese programs also air on local radio stations across Brazil.


Source: Compass Direct News
In a bizarre twist in the criminal prosecution of two Turkish Christians for “insulting Turkish identity,” an administrative district authority in Istanbul has fined the converts from Islam for “illegal collection of funds.” Hakan Tastan and Turan Topal, who joined a host of more than 300 Turkish writers, journalists, historians and other intellectuals who have been indicted under the nation’s Article 301 for defaming “Turkishness” (a concept which remains undefined), recently had to face additional charges. The two were summoned to Istanbul’s Beyoglu police headquarters the morning of Sunday, July 1, just before church services began at the Taksim Protestant Church where Tastan is a member. The two were accused of collecting money without permission from local authorities. “This is ridiculous,” said the men’s attorney, Haydar Polat. “It has nothing whatever to do with the original case against my clients.” According to the one-page decisions, each of the two was ordered to pay the equivalent of US$461 for the collection of money without official permission from local district authorities. “What is this? Just more harassment,” Topal said. Both he and Tastan have been subjected to surveillance and secret filming by Turkish police in the past year.


Sources: Evangelical News, Assist News Service
Canon Andrew White, the “Vicar of Baghdad” with the Church of England, wrote of meeting with “the devil” during a discussion with religious leaders and negotiators in Amman, Jordan, two months ago. “I had the worst meeting of my life,” White wrote in his update through the website of the Foundation for Relief for Reconciliation in the Middle East. He was forced to discontinue the meeting following a confrontation with an Iraqi Sunni man who, he said, ranted, raved and boasted of imminent attacks in the U.K. and then in the U.S., delighting in the deaths of innocent men women and children -- especially Jews, Christians and all “infidels.” He later learned that that the “awful man” was a “senior al-Qaeda figure.” His final words, “Those who cure you will kill you,” perplexed Andrew until last weekend when a “terrorist sleeper cell,” made up of medical doctors, tried to detonate two car bombs in London. Following their failure to deliver the promised massacre of innocent young people at a London night club, two of the would-be “martyrs” drove a Jeep packed with gas canisters and fuel cans into the Glasgow airport building.

© Copyright 2007 - HCJB Global - Colorado Springs, CO USA
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině.

Source: Christian Newswire
At a national conference on Saturday, June 30, World Vision U.S. President Rich Stearns thanked Women of Faith for making a huge statement for children in need around the world. He announced that Women of Faith had reached the 100,000 milestone in child sponsorships in association with World Vision. According to the latest numbers, 3 million children benefited from World Vision sponsorship worldwide in 2006, including 850,000 who are supported by people in the U.S. In an average weekend Women of Faith conference, 300 to 400 children are sponsored for World Vision. During the conference at Seattle’s Key Arena on the weekend of June 30, more than 1,200 children were sponsored, resulting in a record 15-percent response rate and helping Women of Faith reach the goal of 100,000 sponsored children. More than 3.4 million women have attended some 275 Women of Faith events in more than 70 cities across North America. World Vision and Women of Faith have been ministry partners for the past 10 years.


Source: BosNewsLife
Two Pentecostal pastors have been assassinated in Colombia by suspected leftist rebels, Christian rights activists said today (Tuesday, July 10). In a “prayer alert,” international Christian rights and advocacy group Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) reported that pastors Humberto Méndez, 63, and Joel Cruz García, 27, were apparently killed in the village of El Dorado on Thursday, July 5, by militants of the leftist guerrilla group, Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC). Local authorities reportedly said the pastors were approached by a group of armed men wearing camouflage clothing at about 8 p.m. local time while they preached at an open-air evangelistic meeting. The armed men apparently called them by name and led them away. Their bodies were found the next day, 130 feet apart. Both had been shot in the head, Christian rights activists said. The pastors were married and had children. Cruz’s only daughter is just a few months old, reported the advocacy group Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW). A motive of the killings was not clear, but FARC has been quoted as saying that Protestant pastors are among legitimate military targets as part of its struggle. The largely peasant army has fought for more than four decades for a more equitable distribution of Colombia’s wealth, but critics claim it wants to establish communism.

* Together with local partners, HCJB Global Voice broadcasts the gospel on FM stations in four Colombian cities. The ministry also continues to air Spanish programs across the country and all of Latin America via shortwave from Quito.


Sources: China Aid Association, BosNewsLife
China has secretly expelled more than 100 foreign missionaries in largest expulsion campaign of Christian workers over half a century. The China Aid Association (CAA) reported today (Tuesday, July 10) that the government-backed operation, codenamed “Typhoon No. 5,” was aimed at preventing foreign Christians from “engaging in mission activities” in advance of the Olympic Games in Beijing next summer. Since February Chinese security forces have been targeting citizens from six countries, including the U.S., South Korea, Singapore, Canada, Australia and Israel. Most were active in Beijing, the region of Xinjiang and Tibet. Chinese officials have not commented on the allegations. CAA quoted one American who had been working in Xinjiang for 10 years, saying that more than 60 foreign religious workers were expelled from this city alone. The American, who spoke on condition of anonymity for security reasons, said some workers had been serving locals for up to 18 years before being forced to leave. “At least 15 Christian couples from the U.S. and other countries were expelled from Beijing in the month of May,” reported the CAA. They included two American English teachers, sent by the English Language Institute/China (ELIC), who were expelled from Tibet.

* HCJB Global-Australia’s shortwave station in Kununurra broadcasts 25.5 hours of Mandarin programming each week.


Source: Inspire Magazine Online
Premier Radio has delivered more than 70,000 letters from its listeners to the head office of broadcasting regulator Ofcom, the independent regulator and competition authority for the U.K communications industries. These letters came in response to an appeal for opinions from the public about who should be awarded a national digital license. The letters urge that the National Grid be awarded the national digital license, allowing the service to broadcast BBC services alongside 12 other channels, including Premier Christian Radio, the only Christian broadcaster on either application.” When broadcasting regulator Ofcom asked for the public’s opinion on which provider a national digital license should be granted to, I don’t think they or anyone else expected such an overwhelming response from supporters of Premier Christian Radio and the National Grid,” explained Premier Chief Executive Peter Kerridge. “It just goes to show how passionate Christians across the country are about being able to receive high-quality Christian radio in their homes. Should National Grid win this bid, Christian programs will be heard on portable radios across the nation for the first time in U.K. history. The magnitude of this opportunity is huge -- not just for Premier, but for the Christian voice across the U.K. now and for many years to come.”


Sources: Gospel for Asia, Assist News Service
The civil rights of Christians in the Himalayan country of Bhutan are eroding rapidly. The government has recently begun clamping down on Christians by barring some congregations from meeting for worship. This has caused at least two churches affiliated with Gospel for Asia (GFA) to temporarily close their doors. Correspondents in Bhutan also report that the government is planning to enact laws to further restrict the practice of Christianity in the country. Bhutan, wedged between China and India, has widely varied population estimates ranging from 675,000 to more than 2 million with less than 1 percent proclaiming Christianity. Bhutan is in the process of transitioning from a monarchical form of government to a democracy, and Buddhism remains the official state religion. There is little legal protection for Bhutan citizens who choose to follow Christ. They can be stripped of their citizenship or even expelled from the country. In one area of Bhutan GFA missionaries Satyamurty Paro and Ramita Kinley said they are about to lose the church building where a congregation of about 120 Christians meets for worship. The government recently informed the missionaries that their church building, which was constructed by the believers themselves, has been slated for demolition and the government is blocking the believers from worshiping there.

© Copyright 2007 - HCJB Global - Colorado Springs, CO USA
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině.

Source: Mission Network News
Continuing troubles in Sudan’s Darfur region mean an unfolding emergency situation in the neighboring country of Chad. In some regions, the population is densely packed, magnifying the humanitarian crisis. “We’re building some infrastructure, paying the internally displaced people, so that they can earn some income while they are in their displacement,” said Food for the Hungry’s Sara Sywulka, speaking from a refugee camp in Gozbeida, Chad. “But at the same time, we’re building this infrastructure that will remain here and help replenish the water table as well as providing some water for them to cultivate in the dry season.” Sywulka added that the ministry aspect can be tricky in a predominantly Muslim area. “We make sure that we are acting in such a way that reflects Christ’s love. Should opportunities arise, especially if people are asking us questions, then that opens the door for us to share the reason for our faith,” she said.


Sources: BosNewsLife, China Aid Association
Two leaders of China’s growing house church movement have been sentenced to “one year re-education through labor” in Shandong province on charges related to their Christian activities. A local court, known as the Management Committee of the People’s Government of the province’s Heze City, said pastors Hang Geming and Sun Qingwen were “using an evil cult to obstruct the law,” according to a notification paper translated by religious rights group China Aid Association (CAA). It said the pastors had been sent to “re-education through [the] Labor Camp of Jining City” in Shandong province. They began serving the sentence on Friday, June 29, and aren’t expected to be released until June 14, 2008, at the earliest. Local Christians said in published remarks that both pastors were “evangelical missionaries” sent by their churches from Henan province to Shandong. They were reportedly detained on Friday, June 15, along with four other local church leaders when they held a worship service. The four others were released on Sunday, July 1, after being forced to pay a fine the equivalent of US$1,300.


Source: Christian Newswire
Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) launched a worldwide campaign Tuesday, July 10, in an effort to free a North Korean man awaiting public execution for the “crime” of being a Christian. Son Jong Nam, a former North Korean Army officer turned underground evangelist, has been beaten, tortured and held in a bleak North Korean death row basement jail in the capital city of Pyongyang for more than a year. Previously he had spent three years in a North Korean prison after being deported from China. He has been sentenced to public execution as an example to the North Korean people. VOM is calling on U.S. residents and people worldwide to write on Son’s behalf using a special website (www.prisoneralert.com) set up by VOM. The letter is to be mailed to the North Korean United Nations delegation along with a cover letter asking the government to spare Son’s life, release him from prison immediately, report on his status and deliver the personal letter to Son. “Jesus said ministering to a prisoner was like ministering to Himself,” said Todd Nettleton, VOM’s director of media development. “Every letter and e-mail can make a difference.”

IRELAND’S LARGEST PRO-LIFE RALLY IN 15 YEARS HELD IN DUBLIN Sources: Standard Newswire, Christian Newswire The Irish pro-life rally “Celebrate Life” which was held on Dublin’s main street, had heads spinning as the color and the enthusiasm of the crowd grabbed the attention of thousands of Dublin shoppers the afternoon of Saturday, July 7. “The turnout was far beyond expectations, we were trilled with the day,” said an ecstatic Eoghan De Faoite, chairman of the organizing rally committee and leader of the pro-life group Youth Defense. Before the event, organizers described the pro-life rally as Ireland’s largest pro-life event in 15 years. Abortion remains illegal in Ireland despite the legal quandary left by a 1992 court case known as the “X case” which ruled that abortion was allowed in the case of suicide. However, abortion remains illegal in Ireland. “Though this rally has given a huge boost to the pro-life cause in Ireland, we cannot become complacent. We need to continue to pray and act to make sure Ireland remains abortion free,” concluded De Faoite.


Sources: Assist News Service, BBC News
One family in Australia may be tempted to ask, “What’s in a name?” after an Australian Catholic school refused entry to their 5-year-old son with the surname Hell. According to the British Broadcasting Corporation website, Alex Hell said St. Peter the Apostle School in Melbourne had welcomed his son Max when enrolled under his mother’s maiden name, Wembridge, but they balked when the family had a change of heart regarding the surname. School officials now say Max has a place, but the father claims they only changed their minds because of media attention. He said he would not now be taking up the school’s offer. The BBC reported that the father initially decided to enroll Max at the school under his wife’s maiden name to avoid the ridicule he himself had suffered as a schoolboy. But at the last minute, he and his wife decided against the name change. The father claimed the priest refused to accept his son as Hell and was told by the school’s head he had “made a rod for your son’s back.” “It’s Hell. That’s our name, it’s our heritage,” the father told The Age newspaper. “It’s who he is, and if he wants to change his name at 18, then that’s up to him.” In Austrian his last name means “bright.”

CORRECTION: In a clarification from Christian Solidarity Worldwide, Tuesday’s article about two pastors being shot to death in Colombia on Thursday, July 5, should have stated that they were taken from their homes before being killed.

© Copyright 2007 - HCJB Global - Colorado Springs, CO USA
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině.

Source: Arab Vision
While many people groups have responded to the Christian TV programs produced by Arab Vision in the last decade, no group has been more receptive than the Kabyle Berbers who live in Algeria’s northeastern coastal region. Arab Vision reported that a Kabyle policeman came to Christ through the programs. Now his father, wife and two sisters are sharing the same faith after he witnessed to them. He explained in a telephone call, “In the beginning, I was anxious and fearful that this faith may cause me more harm than good, especially in relation to my work. However, the Lord Jesus not only comforted me in my faith, but led me in an unusual way to meet other colleagues in the police corps who are also Christians. We now even pray together!” The number of Christians among the Kabyle is growing, with an estimated 10,000 converts representing both large mainstream and secret house churches. “The figure could well be four times that! We are not sure,” said Arab Vision’s North Africa Director. “But what we’re sure about is that the response among the Kabyle to the gospel in uniquely encouraging for this region. Kabyle believers are also actively involved in evangelism.”

* HCJB Global Voice reaches across North Africa, the Middle East and Europe with Christian Arabic programming aired via shortwave, satellite and local stations. The mission’s Arabic satellite network airs programs direct-to-home 24 hours a day. This region has the world’s highest concentration of personal satellite dishes.


Sources: Assist News Service, Gospel for Asia
A Gospel for Asia (GFA) missionary named Kasota and several other believers have been released from prison after being falsely accused of murdering a young child in Rajasthan, India. The missionary even led one man to Christ while he was in prison. Kasota, who works in northwestern India’s Rajasthan state, was held in prison for more than a month before all charges were dropped. The 16-month-old child from the missionary’s village reportedly died of an illness. Knowing that the parents had previously quarreled with the missionary’s family regarding some land, an extremist group saw this an opportunity to cause problems for Christians. They advised the child’s parents to break the bones in his body so it would look like the toddler had been beaten, then told them to take the child’s body to a doctor for a postmortem examination. The physician recognized the plot, refusing to go along with the ploy until he was threatened and forced to file a false report. The inaccurate report was used to bring murder charges against the missionary and 10 believers in a GFA-affiliated church, claiming the “murder” was part of a plot to take land for a church building.


Sources: BosNewsLife, Forum 18 News
Police in Belarus detained 19 Catholic and Protestant activists Monday-Tuesday, July 2-3, including teenagers who demanded a change to the country’s religious legislation, described as one of the “harshest” in Europe. Sergei Lukanin, one of those arrested, said that he and five other campaigners held at a Minsk police station were “sitting in an office with three policemen who refuse to allow us to leave or to explain why we are here.” Two of the detainees, Feodora Andreyevskaya, 16, Yuliya Kosheleva, 14, were arrested as they collected campaign materials on freedom of thought, conscience and belief. Also arrested was Denis Sadovsky, secretary of the Belarusian Christian Democracy (BCD) movement. In addition, “much literature” was confiscated by police and never returned, including 7,000 newsletters and 500 copies of a booklet . . . detailing religious freedom violations. The detainees were among 25,000 people who signed petitions urging the government to change Belarus’ 2002 Religion Law, one of the most restrictive religious legislations in Europe. At least 50,000 signatures are required for consideration by the country’s Constitutional Court.


Source: Evangelical News, Baptist Press
Opposition to both gay marriage and same-sex civil unions is on the increase, according to a new Pew Research poll. The survey of 1,010 adults shows that 57 percent of U.S residents are against allowing homosexual couples to marry. The last time opposition was this high was in December 2004 when 61 percent of Americans said they opposed gay marriage. Back-to-back Pew polls in July 2005 and March 2006 showed opposition to such marriages at only 53 and 51 percent respectively. But since then, opposition in four new polls has stood at 55, 56, 55 and now 57 percent. In the current poll, 38 percent “strongly” oppose gay marriage while only 12 percent “strongly” favor it. The poll was conducted in February and March and released July 1.


Source: OneNewsNow.com
Administrators at Logos Research Systems, a Bible software company, say they are making it easier for people to study God’s Word. Since the early 1990s Logos has produced Bible study software with the goal of making Bible study more user-friendly. The Bellingham, Wash., company recently released its latest study program, Logos Bible Software 3. “Twenty to 30 hours worth of biblical research is done in less than five seconds because it does all the work for you,” said Scott Lindsey, Logos’ director of ministry relations. Logos cofounder Bob Pritchard was one of the youngest programmers at Microsoft when he worked for the company in the late 1980s. The company’s software, “Scholar’s Library,” includes more than 330 volumes and 19 Bible versions as well as commentaries, a deluxe map set and books on biblical history and culture. It also includes pastors’ resources and ideas, sermons, devotionals, a Logos hymnal and books on Christian living, home schooling, prayer, witnessing and discipleship. “If you have the right technology and the right library on your computer, literally 10 to 15 minutes a day is equivalent to two to three hours’ worth of paper Bible study,” Lindsey said. “I don’t think there’s anybody out there who is so busy that they can’t give God 15 minutes a day for Bible study.”

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Source: Episcopal News Service
Episcopal Relief and Development (ERD) is working with Church World Service to provide emergency aid to people in southern Pakistan after flooding caused severe damage in the region. Critical food supplies such as wheat flour, rice, cooking oil, sugar, tea, salt and powdered milk will be distributed to at least 250 of the most vulnerable families, particularly widows, children and the elderly. Heavy rains caused flooding in Karachi, the largest city in Pakistan, and surrounding areas. More than 300 people have died from storm-related damage and flooding. Many areas of Karachi are without electricity and basic amenities, and there is concern of the development of waterborne diseases due to slow cleanup efforts. In the Balochistan province 200 people are missing and 2 million people in 15 districts were affected by flooding. In the worst-hit city of Gadap, 34 miles from Karachi, more than 24 people were killed, more than 200 were injured and 1,000 homes were either heavily damaged or destroyed by high winds and torrential rains. Residents are now dependent on contaminated water after the covers of the town’s water tanks were blown away. The floods also killed livestock and destroyed 75 poultry farms. Damage is estimated at more than US$3.3 million.

* HCJB Global Hands sent two medical teams from Ecuador to Pakistan following the earthquake on Oct. 8, 2005, that left tens of thousands dead and thousands more injured and homeless. Staff members helped SIM International with relief efforts.


Source: Religion Today Christian representatives in Pakistan are calling for urgent prayer to prevent a feared backlash against Christians following clashes between security forces and Islamist militants in Pakistan’s capital, Islamabad, reported The Christian Post. Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf says 75 people were killed inside the Lal Masjid mosque complex along with 10 soldiers, but other widely circulated reports indicate that 400 to 1,000 people died. Militants and students from the mosque had holed up there since Tuesday, July 3, after a clash with troops. Militant students armed with assault rifles, sticks and petrol bombs have been calling for strict Islamic law since Wednesday, July 4. They have also been accused of carrying out kidnappings in the area. Local contacts said thousands of extremists have been drawn to the mosque, calling for a jihad. Partners of Release International, which serves the persecuted church worldwide, fears that the anger and frustration of militants will lead to attacks against the Christian community. “Whenever there is any incident against Muslims, Christians are always held liable,” said a spokesman for the Center for Legal Aid Assistance and Settlement (CLAAS).


Source: Christian Aid Mission
A growing number of Christians in Jordan, including native missionaries and refugees, are being forced to leave the predominantly Muslim nation, missionaries reported on Tuesday, July 10. A history of tolerance for minority groups in the Middle Eastern country may be coming to an end, reported Christian Aid Mission (CAM) which supports native missionaries in Jordan and other countries. CAM believes that local Muslim authorities, “influenced by Islamic radicals,” have begun forcing changes within the country. The outreach recently provided assistance when an Arabic Christian worker was forcibly deported from the country. The man was a youth minister at his church and earned a living by working at a hotel. He received a letter from local authorities demanding that he resign from his jobs at the hotel and at a youth ministry, but he refused. One month later, he was forced to leave Jordan. According to this youth leader, authorities have begun to persecute even those Christians who are not actively engaging in evangelism. Two additional people received letters demanding they quit their jobs and stop attending their churches or face arrest and deportation. Several Egyptians, with especially fruitful ministries, have been deported. Native Jordanian missionaries are facing increased persecution, prompting many to leave the country for fear of arrest and imprisonment. While 95 percent of Jordan’s population is Muslim, the constitution provides for freedom of religion.


Source: BosNewsLife
Christian rights activists are expressing concern about reports that a senior government official in the East African nation of Eritrea has “categorically denied the existence of religious repression” in the country and dismissed reports of mass detentions of Christians as “hyperbole.” An estimated 2,000 mainly evangelical Christians are believed to be in prisons nationwide, some being held in shipping containers and military camps. In published remarks, Yemane Gebremeskel, director of the office of the president, said reports of mass arrests are “distorted and exaggerated,” adding that in Eritrea “people have never been prevented from their right to worship freely.” However he reportedly admitted to the “periodic arrests” of members of “new faiths” who “assemble illegally.” Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW), a major Christian advocacy group, condemned the comments, saying that even leaders of traditional “recognized” churches can face detention, citing the prominent example of the ordained patriarch of the Eritrean Orthodox Church, who was illegally deposed and indefinitely detained after objecting to government interference in church affairs.


Source: Assist News Service
Hundreds of Christian doctors from around the world are gathering in Miami, Fla., July 13-14 to examine the topic of supernatural healing from the “Great Physician.” They are part of the World Christian Doctors Network (WCDN) which is holding its 4th International Medical Conference with the theme, “Spirituality and Medicine,” and to hear a series of talks from doctors on such topics as “Judeo-Christian Ethics in Medicine,” “Christian Physician and the Practice of Medicine” and “Adult Stem Cell -- Its Clinical Applications.” There will also be a series of case studies of “incurable” illnesses given by various doctors on what they believe to be miraculous healings resulting from the prayer of faith. “Two-thirds of medical schools in the U.S., including Harvard and Johns Hopkins, offer courses on either spirituality or faith in their curriculums, largely because patients are demanding more spiritual care,” said WCDN President Dr. Joonha Hwang, a physician from South Korea. “During the walk of Jesus here on earth, a major strategy He used to proclaim His lordship was to heal the sick. It is our role as His expert witnesses to testify to the works of healing by the power of God with verified medical data.”

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