Zprávy HCJB 21.10.2007 - 27.10.2007

 Křesťané zdůrazňují nutnost biblické, niterné odpovědi na pandemii AIDS
   Choroba AIDS je v Africe neobyčejně rozšířena. Z přežívajících nemocných je 74 procent v Africe. Během posledních dvou let se v subsaharské Africe touto nemocí nakazilo dalších 2.8 milionu lidí. Tento problém křesťané nemohou ignorovat. Rob Hoskins, prezident Book of Hope International se nedávno vrátil z Keni z mezinárodní konference o AIDS a Bibli. Cesta byla prospěšná, protože „ukázala, jak se nyní Bible využívá v boji s pandemií v subsaharské Africe a také nám ukázala, jak bychom mohli zastavit příliv AIDS.“ Pětidenní konference odhalila, že AIDS je složitý problém, který nemá jednoduché řešení, přičemž křesťané odpověď znají. „Řešením nejsou jen kondomy, ani jen zdrženlivost a věrnost v manželství,“ vysvětluje Hopkins. „Křesťané zde mají odpovědnost při rozsévání Božího Slova do srdcí dětí a mládeže, protože ti potřebují vnitřní proměnu.“ Zdroj: Mission Network News

*HCJB Global Hands bojuje s epidemií AIDS jak v Latinské Americe, tak v subsaharské Africe. Misijní Nemocnice Vozandes v Quito v Ecuadoru provozuje kliniku AIDS a výukové oddělení, které vyrobilo řadu televizních spotů s výzvami k prevenci AIDS prostřednictvím pravých křesťanských hodnot, jako jsou věrnost a zdrženlivost. HCJB Global Hands take posílá skupiny na krátkodobé misijní pobyty do Jihoafrické Republiky, aby zde pomáhali v Hope Community Center, misi zabývající se bojem s AIDS při baptistickém Sboru Krále Králů v Kapském Městě. Řada zdravotnických pracovníků HCJB Global Hands také trvale působí na klinice AIDS Partners in Hope v Lilongwe v Malawi.
 Australská křesťanská rozhlasová síť zahajuje provoz 300. převaděče
   Vision Radio Network, národní síť křesťanských rozhlasových stanic vlastněná a spravovaná Svazem křesťanských rozhlasových stanic Austrálie (UCB) uvedla 29. srpna 2007 severně od Melbourne ve městě Yarrawonga ve státě Victoria do provozu svou 300. stanici. O dva roky dřív se sedm místních sborů ve městě sebralo na 200. stanici pro Yulara (blízko Ayers Rock ve střední Austrálii). Nyní má i Yarrawonga svůj vlastní vysílač. Anténa je umístěna na 70 metrů vysokém zrušeném obilním silu vlastněném místním křesťanem. „Jsme rádi, že odtud uslyšíme Boží Slovo,“ řekl vlastník sila Trevor Jones. „Lidé mohou snadno poslouchat celý den, protože vysíláme i zprávy, předpověď počasí, sport a hudbu. Je to velká věc, když lidé jedoucí kolem města autem či na traktoru mohou slyšet něco hodnotného, ... dobrou novinu.“ Zdroj: United Christian Broadcasters Australia

*HCJB Global Voice Radio-Australia provozuje krátkovlnnou rozhlasovou stanici v Kununurra, odkud je signál slyčitelný po celé asijsko-pacifické oblasti a která vysílá ve 20 řečech. Nahravací studia v Melbourne produkují pořady hlavně v angličtině a v jazyce Oromo, kterým se mluví v Etiopii.
 MAF spojuje svou činnost do jedné celosvětové organizace
   Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) pro zvýšení operativnosti propojuje své jednotlivé úseky po světě do jednoho organizačního celku. Nové uspořádání, které vstoupí v platnost 1. ledna 2008 spojuje praktické činnosti prováděné americkou misií s obdobnými programy řízenými z Kanady, Austrálie a Jižní Afriky. „Vedení MAF a výbor ředitelů usoudili, že misie uskuteční víc misijní práce jako jeden celek, než jako nezávislé jednotlivé skupiny MAF,“ řekl Kevin Swanson, prezident americké sekce MAF. „Cílem integrace je koordinace, rozmnožení a sdílení finančních zdrojů, letounů a personálu, což povede k uspokojení rostoucích potřeb i možností působení ve světě,“ řekl Swanson. „Když jsme se poprvé začali zabývat myšlenkou spojení s dalšími organizacemi MAF, hned jsme viděli, že to přinese výhody … Každá národní MAF zůstane zachována, cíle i zdroje budou ale společné.“
 Židovští extrémisté podezřelí ze založení požáru kostela v Jeruzalémě
   Izraelská policie je vyvedena z míry tím, že je nucena podezírat židovské extrémisty ze založení požáru Američany podporovaného jeruzalémského baptistického kostela, ke kterému došlo časně ráno ve středu 23. října. Tento čin zvyšuje napětí mezi ortodoxními Židy a maličkou místní křesťanskou komunitou. „Podezírám extrémisty, že to udělali,“ řekl pastor Charles Kopp reportérům. „Všichni potřebujeme být tolerantnější a přijímat rozdíly ve společnosti.“ Představitelé sboru potvrdili, že než byl oheň uhašen, zničil židle a další vybavení. Byl to druhý větší útok na budovu v posledních dvou desetiletích. V roce 1982 byl kostel zcela rekonstruován poté, co jej ultraortodoxní extrémisté vypálili. Poslední útok je spojován se Židy, kteří se vzpírají tomu, co sami označují za úsilí zejména evangelikálních Američanů obracet Židy na křesťanství. Někteří žádají, aby evangelikálové do města vůbec nesměli. Starosta Jeruzaléma Uri Lupolianski útoku lituje s tím, že rozdílný názor nesmí být záminkou k násilí. „Úsilí žhářů poškodit vztahy mezi komunitami ve městě neuspěje, vřelé vztahy mezi komunitami budou zachovány.,“ řekl starosta Jeruzaléma. Zdroj: BosNewsLife
 Polovina dotázaných křesťanů v posledním měsíci lhala
   Jeden z průzkumů, který společnost ChristiaNet.com prováděla mezi křesťany, se týkal lhaní. Na otázku, zda během posledního měsíce lhali, ze 700 dotázaných kladně odpovědělo něco přes 50% – uvádí to Onenewsnow.com. Když se tazatelé ptali na důvod lhaní, většina odpověděla, že nechtěli ranit někoho jiného. Prezident ChristiaNet Bill Cooper řekl, že někteří se snažili ospravedlnit své lhaní i jinak. „Někteří lidé řekli, ‘Prosím vás, co je to vlastně lež? Jsou tyhle svaté lži opravdu lži, a jestlipak se o ně Bůh stará?’ Tak a podobně vypadaly některé komentáře,“ řekl Cooper. Třicet pět procent dotázaných odmítlo, že by poslední měsíc lhali a zbylých 14 procent si nebylo jisto. Zdroj: Religion Today
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině.

Source: Mission Network News
HIV/AIDS is a pandemic across Africa. Of those living with the disease worldwide, 74 percent live in Africa. Last year 2.8 million adults and children in Sub-Saharan Africa became infected with HIV. It’s a problem that can’t be ignored by Christians any more. Rob Hoskins, president of Book of Hope International, recently returned from Kenya where he attended the International Conference on HIV/AIDS and the Bible. The trip was helpful “to discover what’s presently being done to use Scripture to combat the pandemic in Sub-Saharan Africa and also to learn together about some new things that we can do as agencies to help stem the tide of AIDS.” The five-day conference revealed that while the HIV/AIDS problem is complex and there are no simplistic solutions, Christians have answers. “The answer is not exclusively condoms, not exclusively abstinence and being faithful in marriage,” Hoskins explained. “Even more than that, [believers] have the responsibility to plant the truth of God’s Word in the hearts of children and young people because it’s a heart response that’s needed.”

* HCJB Global Hands is working to battle the AIDS crisis in both Latin America and Sub-Saharan Africa. The ministry’s Vozandes Hospital in Quito, Ecuador operates an AIDS clinic, and the education department has produced a series of TV spots that urge prevention of AIDS through Christian values such as fidelity and abstinence. HCJB Global Hands has also sent out short-term ministry teams to South Africa to help at Hope Community Center, an HIV/AIDS ministry of King of Kings Baptist Church in Cape Town. Several HCJB Global Hands medical workers are now permanently stationed at Partners in Hope AIDS clinic in Lilongwe, Malawi.


Source: Compass Direct News
One man has been killed with a sword and another bludgeoned to death in Kaduna in north-central Nigeria following Muslim leaders’ appeal to wage violent jihad against youthful Christians. Muslim extremists on Friday, Oct. 12 murdered Henry Emmanuel Ogbaje, a 24-year-old Christian, at an area known as Gamji Gate. The following day a young Christian identified only as Basil was beaten to death with wooden clubs in the same area. Saidu Dogo, secretary of the northern Nigeria chapter of the Christian Association of Nigeria, said that Islamic leader Sheik Gumi had urged Muslims to wage jihad against Christians in televised broadcasts during the Islamic month-long observance of Ramadan. “He specifically called for a jihad and that when they go killing they should not kill the elderly people because the elderly have spent their years already, but that Muslims should kill young Christians,” Dogo said. “With these kinds of statements coming from Muslim leaders, why would the followers of Islam not attack Christians? We believe that the killing of Henry Ogbaje and Basil are the result of such sermons of these Muslim leaders.”

* HCJB Global Voice, together with partners In Touch Ministries, SIM and the Evangelical Church of West Africa, began airing weekly half-hour programs to Nigeria in the Igbo language in 2000. In 2003 weekly broadcasts were added in two additional languages, Yoruba and Hausa. HCJB Global Voice also has helped with radio ministries in six cities with more in the planning stages.


Source: Assist News Service
Almost a year after her release from an Eritrean prisoner and fleeing to neighboring Sudan, former Eritrean prisoner Helen Berhane arrived in a European country Friday, Oct. 19, after she was granted asylum. Despite her ordeal in detention, leaving her unable to walk without assistance, Berhane and her sister fled to Sudan in December 2006. For the last 11 months she has maintained a low profile in Khartoum where she was later joined by her daughter.

Helen Berhane, 32, is one of the most high-profile former prisoners from the East African country of Eritrea, and her case was widely publicized worldwide. A member of Rhema Pentecostal Church, she was incarcerated in May 2004 after releasing a gospel music album that was popular among young Eritrean Christians.

Berhane was reportedly held for extensive periods in shipping containers and in underground cells at the Mai-Serwa military camp. She refused to sign a paper recanting her faith and promising not to participate in church-related activities.

Thousands of Eritreans are fleeing their country each month, according to Christian Solidarity Worldwide. The Eritrean government has allegedly responded to this by publicly executing anyone found to be assisting in these escapes, including the man who facilitated the escape of Berhane’s daughter. Sources reported that after execution, the man’s body was placed in a sack and unceremoniously deposited in front of his parents’ home.


Sources: BosNewsLife, Assist News Service, Compass Direct News
Two Iraqi priests kidnapped more than a week ago returned to their Mosul parish in good health after being released the morning of Sunday, Oct. 21. Pius Affas and Mazen Ishoa were freed by their captors at an undisclosed location in Mosul at 11 a.m. Affas did not comment on whether the church had paid a $1-million ransom initially demanded by the kidnappers. Unidentified gunmen, who ambushed their car in Mosul’s Hay al-Thawra neighborhood and took them to an unidentified location on Saturday, Oct. 13, and demanded a ransom for their release. An ultimatum for paying that ransom expired on Saturday, Oct. 20. Church officials did not reveal whether any money had been paid.


Source: Religion Today
Despite the fact that it is a movie about the Bible, family-friendly Disney Co. insisted that the word “God” be stricken from some advertisements promoting an upcoming animated film on Moses and the Ten Commandments. Fox News reported that Radio Disney was to broadcast a radio spot for Promenade Pictures, makers of the film “The Ten Commandments,” but the company sent an e-mail earlier this month instructing that the phrase, “chosen by God,” be stripped from the script. Calls to Radio Disney Network sales associate Jason Atkinson and other representatives were not returned. “In connection with the Ten Commandments, I did find it offensive,” said Promenade President Cindy Bond. “God in our movie is the main character. You rip the whole guts out of the piece.” Nonetheless, Promenade complied with Disney’s request because the movie was targeting teens and tweens.

© Copyright 2007 - HCJB Global - Colorado Springs, CO USA
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině

Source: United Christian Broadcasters Australia
Vision Radio Network, a national network of Christian radio stations owned and operated by United Christian Broadcasters (UCB) Australia, flicked the switch to turn on the ministry’s 300th radio station on Aug. 29 in Yarrawonga, Victoria (north of Melbourne). Two years earlier seven local churches in the town raised funds to put Vision’s 200th station on the air in Yulara (near Ayers Rock in central Australia). Now Yarrawonga’s believers have their own outlet. The antenna was placed on a 150-foot high decommissioned grain silo owned by a local Christian businessman. “We are delighted that we’ve got the Christian message going from here,” said Trevor Jones, a local believer. “People are encouraged to have the station on all day because you get the news, weather, sport and music. It’s a great thing for people driving around on tractors or driving through the country in cars to be able to hear something that’s worthwhile . . . something that’s good news.”

* HCJB Global Voice Radio-Australia operates a shortwave station in Kununurra, reaching across the Asia Pacific region with programs in 20 languages. Studios at the office in Melbourne are used to record programs in English and Oromo, a language spoken in Ethiopia.


Source: Mission Network News
Voice of the Martyrs’ (VOM) Canada reports that a Muslim attack on 25 Christian families in Seka Yoyo, a town just southwest of Ethiopia’s capital, left a dozen houses demolished on Tuesday, Oct. 16. The families were forced to flee to the nearby city of Jimma where several incidents of violence have occurred in recent months, leaving at least six Christians dead. Approximately 98 percent of the population is Muslim. VOM’s Todd Nettleton said this is one incident among others that led to the passage of the Ethiopia Democracy and Accountability Act of 2007 in the U.S. House of Representatives. The bill, which is now in the Senate for a vote, is aimed at encouraging and facilitating the consolidation of peace and security, respect for human rights, democracy and economic freedom in Ethiopia. Meanwhile, there have been increasing reports of the clamping down on religious freedom in Ethiopia. Nettleton says that only serves as a backdrop to growth. “One of the exciting things that is happening is a renewal movement in the Orthodox church, a real return to a scriptural understanding of Christianity and what it means to be a believer. There is also an effective evangelism going on amongst Muslims in Ethiopia.”

* Staff members at HCJB Global Voice-Australia’s studios record Oromo language programs that air to 28 million speakers in Ethiopia and Kenya via FEBA Radio’s shortwave facilities.


Sources: Assist News Service, Gospel for Asia
Jeewam Shri, a Dalit woman in northern India’s Uttar Pradesh state, was burned alive by her higher-caste neighbor because her son eloped with the neighbor’s daughter. “They burned me. My neighbor Rajveer burned me,” Shri said just before she died at the hospital from burns covering 80 percent of her body. This incident is one in a long line of atrocities against Dalits (formerly referred to as “untouchables”), even in Uttar Pradesh where the majority of the state’s government officials are Dalits or come from other low-caste groups. Up to 7,500 crime reports have been filed by Dalits in the state in the last four months alone. In Shri’s case her relatives have fled the village rather than file the report, fearing further revenge from the higher-caste community. The Human Rights Education Movement of India reports that only 1 percent of those who commit crimes against Dalits are convicted. “This incident is unfortunately part of a widespread mindset toward low-caste people,” said Gospel for Asia President K.P. Yohannan. “The only way Dalits can find peace is to find their value in Christ.”


Source: Mission Network News
The soccer team from a Hopegivers International-sponsored Hope Home in Kota, India, won the Rajasthan state championship in their age bracket. Even though the team of Christian orphans was nearly denied the opportunity to participate in the tournament, they played and carried themselves like champions. “Our children are proof that every life matters and is precious to God,” said Hopegivers founder M.A. Thomas. After the historic victory, the children were greeted with jubilation and a parade was held in their honor. This is the first team from their district to win a soccer state championship since the tournament began in 1947. “People from the public came and took those children on their shoulders and danced with them,” Thomas added. “Then they began to give them gifts and brought food items and fruits.” Despite the difficulties the ministry has faced in the last year because of its faith-based approach, Thomas believes this victory can go a long way to unite and bring communities together.


Source: Christian Newswire
Tens of thousands of students from more than 4,000 campuses in 16 countries are taking part in the fourth annual Stand True Pro-Life Day of Silent Solidarity today (Tuesday, Oct. 23). Stand True expects more than 100,000 students to stand in solidarity with each other to bring attention to the abortion of almost 4,000 babies every day in the U.S. alone. Participants will not only remain silent but will also wear red armbands and/or red duct tape on their mouths, and distribute educational flyers to anyone who asks why they are silent. Many home-schooled students will also participate in the event by visiting local malls and other public areas to distribute flyers. The students are instructed to be respectful to teachers and other officials and to speak with them when required. The ministry has “already heard back from one girl who changed her mind about abortion after reading the website,” said Bryan Kemper, president of Stand True Ministries. “Last year we heard back from 16 girls who canceled their abortion appointments because of this event.”

© Copyright 2007 - HCJB Global - Colorado Springs, CO USA
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině

Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) is integrating its field operations worldwide under one international umbrella that will function as an operations entity. The new structure, which takes effect on Jan. 1, 2008, combines the field programs of the U.S.-based mission with the field programs of other MAF entities in Canada, Europe, Australia and South Africa. “The MAF leadership group and board of directors determined that the mission will accomplish more ministry as one organization than each MAF group does by operating independently,” said Kevin Swanson, MAF’s president in the U.S. “Coordinating, maximizing and sharing financial resources, aircraft and personnel to match increasing needs and opportunities around the world are the goals of the integration,” he said. “When we first began to explore the possibility of uniting efforts with other MAF organizations, the potential benefits quickly became apparent. . . . Each national MAF organization will retain its own identity and respective board of directors even though efforts and resources are combined.”


Source: WorldWide Religious News, PTI
China’s ruling Communist Party on Sunday, Oct. 21, made a significant amendment to the party’s constitution to mention “religion” for first time, signaling a pragmatic attitude towards growing number of religious beliefs in the officially atheist nation. “For the first time in its history, the Communist Party of China (CPC) has mentioned the word ‘religion’ in an amendment to its constitution, adopted at the closing session of the 17th CPC National Congress,” reported local media outlets. To insert CPC’s guiding principles and policies in religious work in the party constitution is conducive to their full implementation, according to a resolution on the amendment to the constitution. It said the insertion has been made to meet the demands posed by the “new situation and new tasks.” The CPC, with 73 million members, has been widely known as atheistic since its founding in 1921.


Source: BosNewsLife
Baptist pastor Zaur Balaev in Azerbaijan is facing a two-year prison sentence in a forced labor camp after an appeals court refused to overturn the conviction. Baptists in Azerbaijan are reportedly “in shock” following the Oct. 3 ruling by the appeals court in Sheki, a city in northwestern Azerbaijan. “We’re stunned at the result the court handed down,” the head of the Baptist Union, Ilya Zenchenko, said in remarks published by the Forum 18 News Service. “We don’t know what to do. It is a tragedy for his wife and children.” Balaev was detained on May 20 after police raided what they said was an “illegal” religious gathering. Police then claimed that he attacked the officers. He was prosecuted under legislation that punishes the “application or threat of application of violence” against officials on duty, apparently because he resisted the police raid on his church. Balaev, 44, led a Baptist congregation in the small town of Aliabad near the border with Georgia. The church has repeatedly tried to obtain legal status throughout the years, but was always refused and continues to be harassed by authorities.


Source: Mission Network News
World Vision International (WVI) resumed partial operations in Sudan’s Darfur region on Saturday, Oct. 20, following the direct attack on their humanitarian personnel a month ago. Two WVI staff members were shot in the head and a third in the arm. Several other staff received minor injuries from glass and shrapnel. All are recuperating well from their injuries, but the incident prompted WVI to temporarily suspend its work until security improved. “What we’re doing is focusing on life-saving services, food and health particularly, scaling down some of our other services unfortunately for the time being,” said WVI’s Rachel Wolff. “But we’re still trying to reach as many as possible of the half a million people that we serve.” The team distributes food (alongside emergency education, peace building, nutritional and food security projects) to about 250,000 internally displaced people across war-torn South Darfur and in rebel-controlled areas to the northeast and south. Some 13,000 relief workers are trying to assist nearly 4 million people affected by violence.


Timbuktu, a name synonymous with remoteness, is now the home of one of HCJB Global Voice’s newest partners, broadcasting the gospel in five languages: Tamasheq (Tuareg), Sonrai/Songhoy, Hassaniya, Bambara and Fulani. Mali is a nation dominated by Islam and traditional religions.

“Timbuktu truly is remote,” said Dennis Wiens, USA director of church connections for SAT-7, an Arabic satellite television ministry. “It’s in the desert along the Niger River. But it’s also a strategic government center.”

The FM station is the latest Christian outlet to go on the air as a result of Wiens’ work with local pastors in the area. “I was a missionary out there and we were looking for a way to empower pastors, many whom are subsistence farmers. Many of them have large families, and they all want to plant more churches, but logistically it’s difficult,” said Wiens who grew up in West Africa and served as a missionary in Mali for 20 years.

Today there are 44 FM radio outlets, eight of which use 250-watt FM “suitcase” transmitters designed and built by engineers at the HCJB Global Technology Center in Elkhart, Ind.

“A Christian Malian media association was established to represent the media interests of the Mali churches,” Wiens added. “Last year a local partner radio Tahanint FM asked for a frequency in Timbuktu and Pastor Maurice Sogoba, president of the Malian Media Association, helped secure a frequency last December for Timbuktu.

The Mali Media project’s consulting FM engineer, Darrell Nickolaus, assembled the necessary equipment, and last April he traveled to Mali to install it. Four days later the station was on the air!” Christian broadcasts from the station can be heard as far away as 100 miles, sparking hundreds of positive responses from listeners.

© Copyright 2007 - HCJB Global - Colorado Springs, CO USA
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině

Sources: Religion Today, Christian Post, American Anglican Council, Mission Network News, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, Church of the Brethren News Service
With more than 1 million Californians forced to leave their homes due to raging wildfires that have razed more than 350,000 acres, Christian organizations are working to bring physical aid and spiritual encouragement to the victims in the affected areas.

The Salvation Army sent nine mobile canteen units and mobilized another six additional units as of Tuesday, Oct. 23. The canteens have provided more than 15,000 meals to thousands of individuals impacted by the disaster. The Salvation Army noted that it had completed its recovery efforts for the 2003 Southern Californian wildfires only weeks ago before again sending out workers to respond to this week’s fires.

The American Anglican Council (AAC) has launched a California Wildfire Relief Fund to assist some of the victims. Local AAC chapters, together with Common Cause Partners, will distribute funds some of the hardest hit people in Southern California.

Archbishop Demetrios Trakatellis, primate of the Greek Orthodox Church in America, has offered prayers for the “swift extinguishment” of the flames. “We are deeply concerned for all residents of the areas in California that are being targeted by these devastating wildfires,” he said. “On behalf of the Greek Orthodox community I offer my steadfast prayers and loving support to all of the residents of California, and I will continue to pray for their strength and resolve during this time.”

Today (Thursday, Oct. 25) five members from St. Andrew Lutheran Church in San Diego visited Qualcomm Stadium where up to 12,000 evacuees have sought temporary refuge. Members of the church also sent supplies to help meet people’s basic needs. “Our group from St. Andrew is trained to listen, respond appropriately and pray with people in need,” said Rev. Andrew Taylor. “We will be available for the long term.” Tempie Beaman, coordinator of Lutheran Disaster Response, added that the team’s work was much appreciated. “As the fires grew it became clear that there would be a great need for the services and resources of Lutheran Disaster Response,” she said.

Children’s Disaster Services (CDS), a program of the Church of the Brethren that sends trained, certified volunteers to help care for children in disaster areas, is preparing to open childcare centers in American Red Cross shelters. A rapid response team of volunteers from CDS has already been at work in one of the shelters, housing evacuees from the fires in cooperation with local disaster relief agencies and authorities. “This rapid response team is what we hope to replicate throughout the country,” said Roy Winter, director of Brethren Disaster Ministries. “It creates a first line of volunteers who are ready to respond. Once the response grows, we can send in additional volunteers from other states.” Some members of San Diego Church of the Brethren have also been volunteering at Qualcomm Stadium, offering medical services to evacuees.

Bill Adams, disaster response services coordinator with the Christian Reformed World Relief Committee, says the ministry is monitoring the situation and ready to respond as it did after fires hit the region in 2003. “Fundraising becomes very difficult because people around the country see, on the news, the expensive homes, and everybody thinks that the people who are being affected have a lot of money,” he explained. “That’s not the case. We spent over a year rebuilding the homes up in the mountains, and there were a lot of low-income homes there.” Adams said the relief efforts inevitably open doors to pray with people and share the gospel.


Source: BosNewsLife
Israeli police remain baffled after suspected Jewish extremists set fire to the American-backed Jerusalem Baptist Church in West Jerusalem early Wednesday, Oct. 23, raising concerns about growing tensions between Orthodox Jews and the country’s tiny Christian minority. “I suspect extremists did this,” Pastor Charles Kopp told reporters. “We all need to be more tolerant and accepting of the differences we have as a society.” The fire damaged chairs and other fittings before being extinguished, church officials confirmed. This was the second major attack on the building in two decades. In 1982 the church had to be rebuilt after ultra-Orthodox Jewish extremists burned it down. The latest attack has been linked to Jews who oppose what they see as efforts, especially by evangelical Americans, to convert Jews to Christianity. Some demand that evangelicals have no presence in the city. Jerusalem Mayor Uri Lupolianski condemned the attack, saying differences in opinion should not lead to violence. “The efforts of the arsonists to harm the fabric of inter-communal relations in the city will not succeed and the warm relations between the communities will be preserved,” he said.


Source: Assist News Service
Two Egyptian converts from Islam to Christianity who went missing on Monday, Oct. 15, are said to be in a “good place.” Muhammad Hegazi and his pregnant wife, Zeinab, disappeared after remaining holed up in their home for a month after receiving numerous death threats. Their lawyer, Ramsis Raouf A-Naggar, refused to give the reason for the couple’s disappearance and talked only of “problems with the government and the Muslims in Egypt,” without elaborating. Hegazi, 24, is engaged in a legal battle with Egyptian authorities for their refusal to recognize his new religion on his national identification card. “As well as switching religions, Muhammad wanted to change his name to Bechoy and his wife wanted her name registered as Christine,” their lawyer said. The couple also wants their unborn child, due in January, to be registered as a Christian. This would enable the child to study in Christian religious classes, marry in a church and practice the faith without facing harassment.


Source: BosNewsLife
Concerns among Chinese Christians have heightened amid reports that prominent Beijing house church Pastor Hua Huiqi was again beaten by security forces after being discharged from the Tiantan Hospital on Tuesday, Oct. 16. The China Aid Association (CAA), a religious rights watchdog group, reported that the incident happened after police transferred Pastor Hua from Beijing’s Tiantan Hospital to his rented house. He had been treated in the hospital for injuries sustained in a beating at the hands of authorities five days earlier. After being discharged from the hospital he was “beaten up again by four or five Public Security Bureau (PSB) officers” who were monitoring his home, said Bob Fu who leads the CAA. The officers reportedly refused Hua’s request to communicate with journalists who were waiting outside his house. The CAA has linked the apparent persecution to Hua’s Christian activities.


Source: Christian Newswire
Imagine taking a dream vacation to a faraway city or country and enjoying free deluxe accommodations while getting to know fellow believers. This is the thrust of ChristianHomeSwap.com, an online company founded by Dave and Kirsty Utting earlier this year. They got the idea after staying in their fair share of “dodgy hotels and disappointing resorts.” The Uttings then began to explore the option of swapping homes with other believers. They were flabbergasted by what they discovered. “When we took a hard look at the home swap concept and realized the remarkable potential, our lives changed for good,” said Dave. “We realized we could enjoy high-end vacations, visiting places we never imagined, and now we’re helping others do the same through our easy-to-use website.” The company encourages participants to enjoy the comforts and conveniences of each others’ homes. “It’s one of those rare win-win opportunities for everyone involved,” added Dave. “Couples and families who never thought they could afford to vacation in Europe are able to do so. The concept is simple. And because it involves Christians connecting with other Christians, there’s an air of wholesomeness and truthfulness about it that just makes the whole process a joy.”

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Source: BosNewsLife
Two Trans World Radio (TWR) missionaries serving in South Africa are recovering after they survived a kidnapping in South Africa “because of prayers,” the broadcasting mission reported. The troubles began on Tuesday, Oct. 23, when Swaziland couple Doug and Madeleen Schumacher were “viciously carjacked and kidnapped” at gunpoint in Johannesburg. “The Schumachers had just arrived to visit another missionary family when a carload of thugs pulled in behind them and forced them into the back seat of their own car,” TWR reported. “The two thieves drove off and for the next 20 minutes told the Schumachers that they intended to kill them.” Witnesses sent e-mails to TWR staff and friends around the globe, “asking for prayer for the couple,” while other TWR-Africa staff members searched for their captured colleagues. Ray Alary, TWR’s human resources director for Africa, suggested that the prayers worked. “The man who was holding them at gunpoint said to them, ‘I was going to kill you, but you obviously have people praying for you and I am not going to kill you.’” The bandits then dumped the Schumachers 30 miles from their home, “uninjured and praising the Lord for His protection,” TWR reported.

* HCJB Global Voice has worked with local partners to plant local radio ministries in six South African cities: Cape Town, Johannesburg, Durban, Pinetown, Roodepoort and Badplaas. HCJB Global Hands also helps with projects such as the Living Hope Community Center (a ministry of partner King of Kings Baptist Church) near Cape Town.


Source: Assist News Service
The media and productions arm of U.K.-based Harvest Fields Commissioning International, OLI Productions, announced that agreements have been reached to broadcast two of its series of films on four international television networks. Both “Into All the World,” which features the physical and spiritual beauty and condition of a number of nations, and “Principles of Leadership,” a series of interviews with outstanding Christian leaders, are set to air on Romania’s Alfa and Omega Network, the Australian Christian Channel, New Zealand’s Shine TV network and the U Channel in Indonesia. Final agreements are being made with 12 other international networks which would give the films coverage on four continents. Contracts were recently signed at the Christian European Visual Media Association’s annual conference in Weggis, Switzerland. Harvest works to assist, raise up and encourage churches and leaders in 38 countries.


Sources Religion Today, Assist News Service
Four pastors who have been preaching the gospel for many years in eastern India’s Orissa state and nearby villages were forcibly stopped from continuing their work, reported Assist News Service. On Tuesday, Oct. 23, these pastors were distributing New Testaments and gospel tracts to a village in the Cuttack district. Around 2 p.m. about 15 radical Hindus surrounded the Christians and yelled at them, using foul language and forcing them to go to the village temple. The plan was for the pastors to have their hair forcibly cut and be sprinkled with cow’s urine so that they could be “sanctified.” Persecution India reported that the police arrested the pastors and placed them in custody, saying they would subsequently forward charges to an area court.


Source: Compass Direct News
Muslims who attacked a Pakistani church and declared religious war against Christians from mosque minarets have apologized for their actions, human rights workers said. Police no longer stand guard around Gowindh village’s sole church following its attackers’ apology on Friday, Oct. 12, said a member of the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP). No charges have been brought against the 300 Punjabi Muslim villagers who vandalized the New Apostolic Church at 6 a.m. Wednesday, Oct. 10. The mob broke church windows, threw dung on its walls and cut wires to the church’s loudspeaker. But subsequent threats against Gowindh’s Christians were even more serious than the initial attack, said Mehboob Khan of the HRCP. Following these acts of vandalism, Muslim clerics called for jihad (Islamic holy war) against the Christian “infidels.” The clerics issued the call from the town’s eight mosques, Khan said. Another HRCP worker who visited the village east of Lahore said that the threats had included demands for Christians to convert to Islam or face death.

* HCJB Global Hands sent two medical teams from Ecuador to Pakistan following a powerful earthquake on Oct. 8, 2005, that left tens of thousands dead and thousands more injured and homeless. Staff members helped SIM International with relief efforts.


Source: Religion Today
A poll conducted by ChristiaNet.com surveyed 700 Christians and asked if they had told a lie in the last month. More than 50 percent said yes, reported OneNewsNow.com. When asked to explain why, the most common response was that they didn’t want to hurt another person’s feelings. Bill Cooper, president of ChristiaNet, said some of those surveyed tried to justify lying with other excuses. “Some of the people said, ‘You know, really, what is a lie? Are these white fibs really lies, and does God really care about it?’ Those were some of the comments that people were making,” said Cooper. Thirty-five percent denied having told a lie in the past month and the remaining 14 percent were not sure whether they had told a lie or not.

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