Zprávy HCJB 28.2.2008

 Alžírsko vypovědělo amerického protestantského pastora po 45 letech působení
   Starý americký pastor a bývalý představitel Protestantské církve Alžíru se připravuje k podání protestu proti plánům úřadů na jeho deportaci ze země. V komentáři zveřejněném na holandské římskokatolické webové stránce Hugh Johnson uvádí, že mu bylo nařízeno opustit zemi do 11. března. 74-letý Johnson žije v Alžírsku 45 let. Alžírská média citovala zdroje z Úřadu pro náboženské záležitosti podle kterých k vypovězení kazatele dochází na základě jeho pokusu přivézt do Alžíru bez povolení výtisk Nového Zákona. Oznámení o deportaci kněze je poslední z řady incidentů vyvolaných úřady proti křesťanům pro jejich údajnou evangelizační či jinou misijní aktivitu – uvádí ve zveřejněném komentáři alžírský římskokatolický arcibiskup Henri Teissier. Řekl, že francouzský kněz Pierre Wallez dostal před měsícem rok vězení s podmínkou za to, že se s křesťany modlil na místě, které není pro bohoslužbu schváleno. Církev proti tomuto rozsudku plánuje odvolání. Zdroj: BosNewsLife
 Vđechny zprávy v angličtině

Sources: Christian Newswire, OneNewsNow, Evangelical News
Christian publishing house Remnant Publications is spearheading a campaign to send 4 million Bibles to Africa. Remnant President Dwight Hall met with church leaders in Africa two years ago and was told of the need for Bibles.

Hall said he heard about “several persons who had gone for three or four days without food, only water, so they could save enough money to buy a Bible.” He then formulated a plan to facilitate the spreading of the gospel by printing, collecting and shipping the Bibles to the people of Africa.

Hall launched the project after being interviewed on 3ABN, a Christian satellite network, and people began calling in to find out how they could help, calling the campaign “Bibles for Africa.”

Through a discount for a large printing order, Hall has been able to secure quality Bibles at a cost of $2 each, and he is encouraging Christians in the U.S. to donate Bibles they don’t use. So far he has collected enough funds for nearly half a million Bibles.

“Those folks are so open when they receive the Word, it allows them to grow,” he said. “I guess that’s why I’m so anxious to see people get these Bibles, because the . . . harvest is ripe, and they can’t grow without the Word.”

Remnant Publications has also donated more than 125,000 Christ-centered books and 750,000 individual Bible study guides. More shipments are scheduled, and more new Bibles will be printed. Hall estimate that each Bible sent to Africa can impact the lives of more than 20 people.

* HCJB Global represents the Voice and Hands of Jesus in a growing number of nations in Sub-Saharan Africa from its regional headquarters in Accra, Ghana.


Source: BosNewsLife
An elderly American pastor and former chairman of the Protestant Church of Algeria is preparing to launch an appeal against plans by authorities to deport him from the country. In comments published by a Dutch Roman Catholic news website, RKnieuws.net, Hugh Johnson said he had been told to leave the country by Tuesday, March 11. Johnson, 74, has been living in Algeria for 45 years. Algerian media quoted Religious Affairs Ministry sources as saying that the decision to expel the pastor was made after he brought a copy of the New Testament into the country without permission. The announced deportation was the latest in a series of incidents involving authorities targeting Christians for their alleged involvement in evangelism or other missionary activities, said Roman Catholic Archbishop of Algiers, Henri Teissier, in published comment. He said French priest Pierre Wallez was given a suspended one-year prison sentence last month for praying with Christians in western Algeria in a place not authorized for religious worship. The church plans to appeal the ruling.


Sources: Christian Solidarity Worldwide, Assist News Service
More than 1,000 Sri Lankan church leaders gathered for the funeral of Pastor Neil Edirisinghe on Thursday, Feb. 21, in Ampara, Sri Lanka, four days after he was murdered by two gunmen outside his home.

The pastor was shot in the chest and his wife in the stomach in what is believed to be a religiously motivated attack. Two men on a motorcycle shot the 37-year-old pastor and his wife, Shiromi, at about 9 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 17, as the family was returning home from a meal with friends.

Shiromi, 31, remains unconscious in the intensive care unit at the Ampara Base Hospital. The couple’s 1˝-year-old son reportedly received minor injuries and continues to suffer from severe trauma. The funeral was organized by the Pastors Fellowship of Ampara.

Police have reportedly arrested four people in connection with the murder. Two of those arrested are members of the Home Guards who were established by the government to assist the police and military in security and other duties. Reports suggest that this was a contract killing arising from Edirisinghe’s role in religious conversions, but it’s unclear who ordered the murder.


Source: OneNewsNow
Workers with Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) are still involved in rescue operations throughout Kenya as violence continues in the aftermath of December’s contested presidential elections. MAF workers have evacuated people on all sides of the conflict which has claimed the lives of hundreds of people. Fran Derocher, MAF’s director of operations in Africa, describes the situation as tense. Negotiations are continuing in an effort to end the unrest. Derocher says much of the fighting has pitted tribes against each other. However, he says Christians in Kenya have been able to help both sides. “It has been a real blessing to watch,” he explained. “We had so many clothes that were brought to our church that we actually had to give them away to other groups that needed them. It has been a tremendous blessing to watch the believers respond in a way that I haven’t seen.” MAF provides aviation services in Kenya as well as information technology and logistics services to Kenya, Sudan and Somalia.


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