Zprávy HCJB 1.7.2002 - 6.7.2002

 Běloruský parlament schválil přísný návrh zákona o církvích (?)
   (Assist News Service/Keston News Service) - Dramatický zvrat přineslo čtvrteční zasedání běloruského parlamentu. 27.6. 2002 zde byl neočekávaně přijat zákon, jehož návrh byl zastánci lidských práv označován za jeden z nezpátečnějších v zemích bývalého SSSR. "Při svém rozhodnutí poslanci zcela ignorovali desetitisíce běloruských občanů," řekl German Rodov, představitel Biblické Společnosti Běloruska. "Zákon je fiaskem parlamentu a je svědectvím jeho úpadku." Skupina Svoboda Svědomí komentuje toto rozhodnutí jako "hrom z čistého nebe", protože den předtím běloruský parlament odročoval projednávání tohoto zákona na říjen. Náboženské menšiny v Bělorusku se nyní obávají, že prezident Alexandr Lukašenko zákon podepíše. Zákon staví mimo právo veškerou neregistrovanou náboženskou činnost, zavádí povinnou předběžnou cenzuru náboženské literatury, omezuje publikační, charitativní a výukovou činnost na náboženské společnosti s nejméně 10 povolenými sbory podle stavu v roce 1982 a zakazuje většinu náboženských shromáždění v soukromých domech. Ochránci lidských práv vyjadřují obavy, že schválený zákon je ve skutečnosti základnou pro širokou podporu pravoslavné církve, a že jeho pravým cílem je podpora slovanského živlu a tím i etnické jednoty celého regionu. Zpráva z 2.7. (zítřejší) uvádí, že zákon nakonec schválen nebyl. - Pozn.překl.
 Misie hledá 500.000 modlitebníků za pronásledované věřící.
   (Prayer for the Persecuted Church) - Christians in Crisis ( CIC) je celosvětovou organizací pro modlitební podporu, obhajobu a pomoc pronásledované církvi. Představitelé CIC mají v úmyslu získat 500.000 modlitebníků, kteří by se denně modlili za 200 milionů křesťanů pronásledovaných po celém světě. CIC také po celém světě organizuje Domy Modlitby, kde se křesťanské rodiny scházejí, aby se modlily za pronásledované. Více informací získáte na www.christiansincrisis.org..
 Další dnešní zprávy jednou větou.


Baptisté odmítající podrobit se z věroučných důvodů procesu uznání státem jsou nyní nejpronásledovanější náboženskou skupinou v této zemi.


Od 27. února zahynulo v důsledku násilností přes 1000 lidí, hlavně muslimů. Problém se týká hlavně státu Gujarat, kde snaha křesťanů pomáhat každému naráží na tradiční odpor hinduistů. .


Křesťan strávil 10 let ve vězení na základě vykonstruovaného obvinění z podpory terorizmu. Jeho přiznání bylo ve své době vynuceno mučením. V posledních letech byla řada takto nevinně odsouzených lidí v Peru propuštěna z vězení.


Mohutné protestní akce v Argentině přerostly minulý týden v nepokoje. Misionáři se z finančních důvodů nepouštějí na cesty do zahraničí, ale i tak mají dost práce přímo a Argentině. Lidé, kteří rázem zchudli, kladou vážné otázky. Doba si od křesťanů žádá, aby na tyto otázky odpovídali. I misijní skupiny ze zahraničí by se nyní dobře uplatnily.
 Všechny dnešní zprávy v angličtině.
   BELARUS PARLIAMENT PASSES REPRESSIVE RELIGION BILL In a dramatic turnaround Thursday, June 27, the Belarus parliament unexpectedly adopted what human rights workers call one of the most restrictive religious laws in any of the former Soviet republics. "In making this decision the deputies are completely ignoring the views of tens of thousands of Belarusian citizens," said German Rodov, head of the Bible Society in Belarus. "This law is a fiasco for the Chamber of Representatives as a parliament and a testimony to its bankruptcy." The campaign group For Freedom of Conscience described the decision as a "bolt from out of the blue" as just a day earlier the Belarus parliament had been postponed the matter until October. Religious minorities in Belarus now fear that President Aleksandr Lukashenko will sign the bill into law. The bill would outlaw unregistered religious activity, introduce compulsory prior censorship for all religious literature, restrict the publishing of educational and charitable activity to faiths that had 10 registered communities in 1982, and ban most religious meetings in homes. Human rights workers express concern that the law is part of a wider policy of supporting the Orthodox Church in an effort to strengthen Slavic identity and unity in the region. (Assist News Service/Keston News Service)

UNREGISTERED BAPTIST CHURCHES IN KAZAKHSTAN FACE PRESSURE The International Council of Churches of Evangelical Christians/Baptists, one of two Baptist groups in Kazakhstan which rejects state registration, is expressing increasing alarm at what it calls persecution of its congregations. Church leaders are complaining that regional officials are continuing to take to court, fine and threaten believers even though earlier this year Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev rejected amendments to the country's religion law that would have restricted the rights of Christians. A religious affairs official at the Kazakh parliament said the Baptists' claims were unfounded. However, Birgit Kainz, human rights officer at the mission of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe in Almaty, said statistics showed that "Baptists who refuse to be registered for ideological reasons form the majority of those who are currently being persecuted." (Keston News Service)

RELIGIOUS TENSIONS DISRUPT CHRISTIAN RELIEF EFFORTS IN INDIA Relief work being conducted by the Church of North India's (CNI) in Gujarat state has been "severely hindered" by communal violence as fear continues to haunt India's minority groups, says Bishop Vinod Malaviya in Gujarat. Fear of "inviting the ire" of Hindu fundamentalists has forced the Christian community to "keep low" in bringing relief to the harassed Muslim community, he said in an interview last week. Malaviya said that Hindu groups enjoying the political patronage of the Hindu government threatened Christians against helping Muslims. As a result, Christian charities and donor agencies have carried out relief work through secular social action groups without "much direct involvement" of churches. Nearly 1,000 people--mostly Muslims--have died in the violence sparked Feb. 27 with the torching of a train that left dozens of Hindus dead. In retaliation, Hindu groups targeted Muslims and their properties while police looked on. Following the devastating earthquake that hit Gujarat in January 2001, Christians have organized massive relief efforts to people regardless of their religious background, Malaviya said. This is no longer possible due to the polarization among Hindus and Muslims and the risk of riots. (Council for World Mission)

* In partnership with FEBA Radio, HCJB World Radio airs weekly Christian programs to eastern India via shortwave in two languages: Chattisgarhi and Mundari. HCJB World Radio also broadcasts 11/2 hours of English programming daily to India via shortwave from South America. The ministry is investigating potential opportunities to help launch local Christian stations in key cities across India.

CHRISTIAN PERUVIAN PRISONER AWAITS RESULT OF APPEAL A Christian prisoner who has spent nearly 10 years behind bars on apparent trumped-up terrorism-related charges will have to wait another three months to hear the result of his appeal. Christian Solidarity Worldwide reported that Walter Cubas Baltazar is waiting for the Peruvian Human Rights Commission, which heard his case in March, to decide whether to grant him a pardon. Baltazar, now 38, was arrested in January 1993 and accused of various terrorist activities, including painting graffiti and taking part in a riot. Anti-terrorist security agents then tortured him until he "confessed." Baltazar said he sang Christian songs to withstand the pain. A military tribunal sentenced him to life in prison, leaving his wife and four young children destitute. Hundreds of innocent Peruvians who were convicted of terrorist-related crimes on flimsy evidence have been released in recent years. (Charisma News Service)

ECONOMIC CALAMITY IN ARGENTINA OPENS DOORS FOR GOSPEL In Argentina where violent protests turned to rioting late last week, President Eduardo Duhalde says the unrest may mean an already disastrous economic crisis could become even more calamitous. For those working in missions, it's cause for alarm. "In a lot of churches they're a bit afraid," says Operation Mobilization's Nicholas Constantine. "They're not so certain to send out workers any more for missions because of the financial situation, but they're really focused on doing work inside of Argentina." But Constantine says this is the ideal time for foreign mission teams to come in. "Pray that God would raise up the church. People are looking for answers to their questions . . . they don't know who to trust anymore. This is really a special time for believers to go out and share the love of Jesus Christ one on one." (Mission Network News)

* The ALAS Latin American satellite radio network, operated jointly by HCJB World Radio and Trans World Radio, reaches 18 countries with Christian Spanish programming on more than 117 transmitters. These include radio outlets in three cities of Argentina: Buenos Aires, Córdoba and Jujuy.

MINISTRY SEEKS 500,000 INTERCESSORS FOR PERSECUTED BELIEVERS Christians in Crisis (CIC) is a global ministry of prayer, advocacy and aid for the persecuted church. CIC leaders have a vision to raise up 500,000 intercessors to pray daily for the more than 200 million persecuted Christians worldwide. CIC is also organizing Houses of Prayer worldwide in which Christian families gather to pray for those suffering from persecution. For more information visit www.christiansincrisis.org. (Prayer for the Persecuted Church)
 Pákistánský soud odsoudil dalšího křesťana k smrti.
   (Compass) - Další odsouzenec se připojil ke křesťanu Ayubu Masihovi a doplnili tak řadu pákistánských křesťanů odsouzených k smrti za údajné "rouhání" proti islámu: 25letý Augustine Ashiq "Kingri" Masih byl v sobotu 29. června soudem v okrese Faisalabad uznán vinným z pomlouvání muslimského proroka Mohameda. Podle příslušných předpisů musí být oba muži za tento údajný trestný čin oběšeni Předsedající soudce Chaudhry Mohammed Rafique oběma navíc vyměřil pokutu 50.000 rupií (asi 830 dolarů). Kingri Mashih byl uvězněn v květnu 2000 na základě udání o prý hanlivých poznámkách o proroku Mohamedovi, když se jej nějaký znalec Koránu vyptával, jak je to s tou jeho změnou víry. Pákistánské zákony občanům dovolují změnit náboženství, ale muslimové, kteří to udělají, získají nálepku "odpadlíků" a jsou nuceni snášet těžké protivenství v rodině i ve společnosti. Masihovi obhájci se proti rozsudku odvolávají k nejvyššímu soudu, což může trvat další dva roky. Kromě těchto dvou mužů odsouzených k smrti za rouhání čeká podobný osud pět dalších a tři jiní teprve čekají na výsledek svých přelíčení.

*Tato a další dnešní zprávy jsou (pouze v aktuální den) v originální anglické verzi zde.
 Asijská misie vykročila k rozdávání Biblí v Indii.
   (Mission Network News) - Gospel for Asia (GFA) stojí u zrodu Biblické společnosti v Indii a snaží se tak urychlit šíření evangelia mezi stamiliony obyvatel této velké země. Taun Cortado z GFA říká, že bezprostředně je potřeba 60 milionů výtisků Bible a tato potřeby by nyní mohla být pokryta. "Nyní můžeme tisknout Bible sami, mnohem rychleji a levněji," říká Cortado. "Dříve jsme Bible objednávali, ale bylo jich potřeba tolik, dodací lhůty byly tak dlouhé a naše finanční možnosti tak omezené, že jsme vlastně měli svázané ruce." Nyní se Bible pro GFA tisknou přímo v Indii, měsíční kapacita je 200.000 výtisků a cena za jeden jen 25 centů. "Bible říká, že Boží slovo mocně působí, tak jak On předurčil," řekl Cortado. "Skutečně vidíme, jak se lidé obracejí k Pánu Ježíši z pouhého čtení Božího slova. Proto čím více výtisků, tím lépe."
 Zprávy jednou větou.

3 pracovníci World Vision v Ugandě vyvázli z léčky.

Tři pracovníci World Vision vyvázli nezraněni z léčky v sobotu 21. června, když jejich smíšený konvoj byl přepaden povstalci. Kulka prostřelila chladič a pneumatiku, ale ujeli.

Projednávání náboženského zákona v Bělorusku nakonec odloženo.

Horní komora běloruského parlamentu nakonec pro "nečekané problémy" odložila projednávání nového náboženského zákona na některé z řádných podzimních zasedání (viz naše související včerejší zpráva).

Při havárii autobusu v Maďarsku zahynulo nejméně 19 polských katolických poutníků.

Autobus havaroval v pondělí 1. července u Balatonu. 32 jiných poutníků bylo zraněno. Cestovali do svatyně Panny Marie v severovýchodní Bosně.
 Celé dnešní zpravodajství v nezkrácené anglické verzi.

PAKISTAN COURT SENTENCES ANOTHER CHRISTIAN TO DEATH Another Christian has been sentenced to death in Pakistan, joining Ayub Masih in the line-up of Pakistani Christians on death row for alleged "blasphemy" against Islam. Augustine Ashiq "Kingri" Masih, 25, was convicted Saturday, June 29, by the Faisalabad District and Sessions Court on charges of slandering the Muslim prophet Mohammed. Under the mandatory execution statutes, both men must be hanged for the alleged offense. Presiding Judge Chaudhry Mohammed Rafique also assessed an additional fine of 50,000 rupees (US$830) against the young Christian. Kingri Masih was jailed in May 2000 on accusations that he made the derogatory remarks while some Muslim acquaintances were questioning him about changing his religious faith. The laws of Pakistan allow citizens to change their religion, but Muslims who do so are branded "apostates" and face strong family and societal pressures. Masih's lawyers are appealing the sentence to the high court, a process that is expected to take more than two years. In addition to the two men on Pakistan's death row on blasphemy charges, five more are appealing life sentences and an additional three are awaiting results of their trials. (Compass)

3 WORLD VISION WORKERS IN UGANDA UNHARMED IN REBEL AMBUSH Three World Vision Uganda staff members were unharmed Sunday, June 21, when the Food Security Program vehicle in which they were traveling was attacked by Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) rebels in Uganda. They were part of a mini-convoy with at least three vehicles, including one from the regional police commander, his armed escorts and an unidentified military person. Lawrence Oroma, manager of the USAID-funded Kitgum Food Security Project, and two other World Vision members were traveling to their work post in Kitgum (270 miles north of Kampala) when they were ambushed. One bullet hit a tire and another pierced the hood of the Ford pick-up, cutting the fan belt and destroying the radiator, but the vehicle "miraculously sped on," said Program Manager Basilio Okell. As a result of the attacks, World Vision has tightened security precautions while soldiers continue to patrol the area. World Vision works with refugees and former abductees in Uganda, providing healthcare, psychological counseling and food. (World Vision/Mission Network News)

* HCJB World Radio, together with the Evangelical Churches of Kampala and FEBA Radio, broadcasts the gospel locally on two FM transmitters. HCJB World Radio also worked with Jesus Focus Ministries to put a 500-watt FM station on the air in Masaka. Programs air in English and Luganda.

RESTRICTIVE RELIGION LAW IN BELARUS POSTPONED AFTER ALL In an unexpected move, the upper chamber of the Belarus parliament refused to adopt a restrictive religious law, reported Keston News Service on Monday. The upper house failed to agree on the text of the bill already adopted by the parliament's lower house last Thursday. Earlier reports indicated that the Belarus parliament had adopted the law. However, Anatoli Novikov, an official of the upper chamber's Commission for Social Questions, said there were last-minute problems. The law will not be considered until the autumn session which begins on Oct. 2 "unless there is the need to call an extraordinary session." (Assist News Service)

BUS CRASH IN HUNGARY KILLS 19 POLISH PILGRIMS At least 19 Polish Catholics were killed and 32 injured when a bus taking them on a pilgrimage crashed early Monday, July 1, near Hungary's popular Lake Balaton resort. Police investigators told reporters it was dark when the bus slid off a road and overturned while going through a traffic circle about 70 miles southwest of Budapest. Rescue workers said they had recovered the remains of at least 19 people who were killed in the incident, including one of the two drivers. There were fears that the death toll could rise as dozens of people were rushed to nearby hospitals with serious injuries. It was difficult to reach many of the wounded passengers trapped beneath twisted metal. The bus, carrying 49 pilgrims, was bound for a shrine to the Virgin Mary in southeastern Bosnia. Many of the passengers were from Stoczek, a small town near the city of Lublin in eastern Poland. (Assist News Service)

* DEO Recordings, HCJB World Radio's partner ministry in Poland, operates 24-hour-a-day FM radio stations in five cities of southern Poland, making gospel broadcasts available to more than 5.7 million residents. The ministry is also awaiting approval of a broadcasting license for a sixth city with 200,000 people. A Christian satellite radio network to link the Polish stations and expand the ministry is also being planned.

ASIAN MINISTRY STEPS UP BIBLE DISTRIBUTION OUTREACH IN INDIA Gospel for Asia is forming a Bible society in India to help speed the spread of the gospel to the hundreds of millions of people in this vast country. GFA's Taun Cortado says there's an immediate need for 60 million Bibles, and this will help meet the demand. "What this allows us to do is print our own Bibles much quicker and at a much cheaper price," Cortado says. "In the past we've ordered Bibles, but there was such a tremendous need for them, the waiting period was such and the amount that we could actually get [was so limited] that it prevented us from really spreading the Word of God." GFA has purchased a press in India that is being used to print 200,000 New Testaments a month at a price of just 25 cents each. "The Bible says God's Word does not return void, but it accomplishes what He set it out to do," Cortado says. "We're seeing people come to Christ just from reading the Word of God, which shouldn't surprise anybody. So the more copies we can get out there the better." (Mission Network News)

OUSTED WORLDCOM HEAD TELLS CHURCH HE'S 'NOT A CROOK' Bernard Ebbers, the recently ousted chief executive of telecommunications giant WorldCom that has been rocked with an accounting scandal, told his congregation Sunday, June 30, that he was innocent of any wrongdoing. Appearing at Easthaven Baptist Church in Brookhaven, Miss., as usual to teach Sunday school and attend the morning worship service, Ebbers made his first public comments about the company since the disclosure of $3.8 billion in improper accounting last week. "I just want you to know you aren't going to church with a crook," Ebbers addressed the congregation at the end of the service. "This has been a strange week at best. Last Tuesday I received a call telling me what was happening. I don't know what all is going to happen or what mistakes have been made." The Securities and Exchange Commission has brought a civil charge of fraud against the company. WorldCom's planned accounting restatement is already among the largest in U.S. history--six times as large as that of Enron Corp. "No one will find me to have knowingly committed fraud," said a teary-eyed Ebbers. "More than anything else, I hope that my witness for Jesus Christ will not be jeopardized." Ebbers declined further comment after the congregation erupted in a standing ovation. (Charisma News Service)
 Politický pohyb směřující k upevnění vedoucí úlohy hinduistů v Indii křesťany rmoutí.
   (Mission Network News) - Indický premiér Shri Vajpayee zvyšuje moc své hinduistické vlády jmenováním dalších hinduistických nacionalistů do kabinetu. John DeVries z Mission India řekl, že by to mohl být začátek trnité cesty pro místní misii. „Tento premiérův přímočarý postup je součástí celkové strategie zvyšování moci ústřední indické vlády,“ řekl DeVries. „Jak to při podobných příležitostech bývá, čím více těžkostí na křesťany padá, tím více se vzmáhají.“ DeVries si myslí, že další rozvoj misie omezují jen malé [finanční] zdroje. „Naši místní partneři nás [například] žádají o 5 milionů souprav pro dětský biblický klub, můžeme však dát dohromady jen 3 miliony souprav.“

*Nejnovější zprávy v originální anglické verzi jsou vždy ZDE (klikněte).
 Kolik je hodin – to pro bojovníka za lidské duše z Texasu není obyčejná otázka.
   (Charisma News Service) - Kazatel s texaského San Antonia nelituje času při svědectví o evangeliu. Již 18 let Antone Dykes, pastor Spojených metodistických sborů v Sanford Chapel a Jones Chapel, rozdává náramkové hodinky na rozích ulic, v nákupních střediscích, v obchodech s potravinami či ve školách, aby mohl svědčit o Pánu Ježíši. Popisuje to United Methodist News Service. „Lidé jsou vděční za hodinky zadarmo,“ říká 77letý Dykes, který proto má hodinky po kapsách, v kufříku i v autě. „Přitom jim říkám, že i spasení je Boží dar a je také zadarmo. Hodinky jsou dobrá věc pro svědectví. Abyste někoho získali pro Pána, musíte s ním umět promluvit. Když jej zaujmete, vyslechne vás. Když mu dám dárek, zaujmu jej. To je má příležitost vyprávět jim o Pánu Ježíši.“ Dykes vídá mnoho lidí, kterým dal hodinky, v neděli při shromáždění v kostele. „Někteří z nich předtím nežili podle našeho Pána, ale teď ano. Mnoho z nich jde cestou následování Pána,“ dodává Dykes, který hodinky shání po zastavárnách, stáncích a bleších trzích. Od roku 1984 tak získal a rozdal přes 4000 hodinek.
 Zprávy jednou větou.

Ruská duma přijala zákon, který by mohl brzdit „náboženský extrémizmus“.

Dolní komorou ruského parlamentu prošel zákon, který ještě musí schválit horní komora a podepsat prezident Vladimír Putin. Zákon by mohl vést k zákazu celých sborů, pokud některý jejich představitel zaujme „extrémistický“ postoj.

Křesťané z indonézské provincie Jaya na Irianu mají strach z náporu nesmiřitelných muslimů.

Podle všeho se zde schyluje k náporu islámských fundamentalistů z Laskar Jihad. Na ostrov na lodích infiltrují cvičení ozbrojenci, byla již nalezena skladiště zbraní, některé mešity se staly centrem velení, na ostrově jsou muslimské výcvikové tábory. To vše s tajnou podporou úřadů.

Blesk zabil 2 studenty školy Adventistů v Súdánu.

Blesk zasáhl ložnici studentů školy Adventistů s.d., v jižním Súdánu, zabil dva studenty zabil a šest dalších poranil.

Humanitární pomoc rozsévá zrnka evangelia v Kongu.

Válka, jejíž konec je v nedohlednu, přivádí obyvatele Konga do zcela zoufalé situace. Lidé přijímají základní pomoc, která jim může být poskytnuta a upírají své naděje stále více ke Kristu.
 Celé dnešní zpravodajství v nezkrácené anglické verzi.

As Indian Prime Minister Shri Vajpayee strengthens the country's Hindu government by appointing more Hindu nationalists to the cabinet, Mission India's John DeVries says the move could mean a rough road ahead for local partners. "This move by the prime minister to toughen the stance is part of a nationwide strategy to give the Hindu government tighter control over what's happening in India today," he says. "However, as in so many cases with persecution, the more persecution comes to Christianity, the faster Christianity seems to spread." DeVries says the opportunity for ministry is only limited by the resources available. "Our partners [for example] have asked us for more than 5 million sets of children's Bible club material. We've been able to supply only 3 million." (Mission Network News)


A presidential bill banning religious organizations found to have committed "extremist activity" passed its third and final reading in the lower house of the Russian parliament (Duma) in a 274-145 vote June 27. To become law, the bill still needs approval from the upper house of parliament, the Federation Council and President Vladimir Putin who proposed it. If it becomes law, the bill could apparently ban an entire religious group if any of its leaders or governing members make "extremist" statements that are not renounced by the religious group. An accompanying change to the 1997 religion law would widen the existing grounds for banning religious organizations. (Keston News Service)


Christians in the remote Indonesian province of Irian Jaya are fearful that a violent campaign could be unleashed against them later this year as Laskar Jihad Islamic militants continue to flood into the province with the apparent collusion of authorities, reports the Barnabas Fund. Christians comprise more than 70 percent of the province's population. A number of Laskar Jihad military training camps have been established in Irian Jaya, and military instruction is taking place openly in the compounds of some mosques each afternoon. In the area of Fak Fak, more than 175 boats carrying Laskar Jihad personnel and equipment are said to have arrived along the coast since April. Meanwhile, Christians reportedly have discovered stockpiles of weapons that they fear could be used against them later this year. The Barnabas Fund reported that the Laskar Jihad may also be forming links with local authorities, police and army units as well as the pro-Jakarta militia Satgas Merah Putih that opposes Irian Jaya's calls for independence from Indonesia. (Assist News Service)


Two students at a Seventh-day Adventist school in southern Sudan were killed and six more injured during a lightning storm Thursday, June 27, that affected the dormitory, says Beat Odermatt, president of the Adventist Church in the region. Lightning struck the electrical system on the Eyira Adventist Vocational Academy campus and entered the students' living quarters. The tragedy, which hit at the beginning of exam week, has left many of the students traumatized. A student missionary from Southern Adventist University with two years of nurse's training administered first aid to the injured students. "All of the survivors of the lightning strike are doing well," says Odermatt. The school is closed for two weeks to allow students to visit their families while repairs are made. (Adventist News Network)


Despite a positive attitude, Joseph Kabila, president of the Democratic Republic of Congo, said nothing was achieved in the latest round of peace talks. He said the toll caused by the country's ongoing war continues to rise. Food for the Hungry's Michael Satin agrees that the situation is moving toward a critical stage because people have been driven from their land. "We've been responding to those emergencies by using the limited amount of resources we have to address these hot spots as they're identified," he says. "We do that by distributing seeds and tools to farmers so they can go back to growing their traditional crops and feed their families." Satin says prayer is crucial because people are not only desperate but also open to the hope of Christ. "They've lost faith in their ability to provide for their children. They've lost faith in their ability to go to their churches and understand that God has a plan. Our work here is a lot more than simply handing out seeds and tools--it's restoring dignity in people's lives so that they feel like they can make a difference." (Mission Network News)

* HCJB World Radio works with local partners in the Democratic Republic of Congo to broadcast the gospel on FM stations in Boma, Bukavu and Kinshasa. Programs go out in English, French, Kikongo Fioti, Lingala, Luba and Swahili. Weekly programs in the Songe and Kikongo San Salvador languages also air from local FM stations in the country. In addition, HCJB World Radio airs Kikongo Fioti programs to the country via shortwave from Ecuador.


A San Antonio, Texas, minister doesn't like to waste time when it comes to sharing the gospel. For 18 years, Antone Dykes, pastor of Sanford Chapel and Jones Chapel United Methodist churches, has been giving away wristwatches on street corners, and in malls, grocery stores and schools in order to proselytize about Jesus, United Methodist News Service reported. "People become so thankful to receive a watch for free," said Dykes, 77, who carries timepieces in his briefcase, pockets and car. "I tell them that God's gift is free, too. The watches are a great witnessing tool. To be a soul-winner you need to be able to communicate with others. If you can get the attention of a person, they'll stay to listen. When I present the person with a watch, it gets their attention right away. That is my opportunity to tell them about the Lord." Dykes sees many of the people who receive watches at church on Sundays. "Some visitors weren't living Christ-like lives, but they are now. Many are walking with the Lord," said Dykes, who gets watches from pawnshops, garage sales and flea markets. He has collected more than 4,000 watches since 1984. (Charisma News Service)

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