Zprávy HCJB 21.7.2002 - 27.7.2002

 Metodou "Easy Readers" se šíří evangelium v Indii.
   (Mission Network News) - Již rok probíhající program přibližuje obyvatelům Indie zvěst o Pánu Ježíši pomocí metody tzv. "snadného čtení". Roger Massey z World Bible Translation vysvětluje,že základem projektu je "Evangelium ve výrazech a příslovích". Dodává, že takto oslovili již 60 skupin vesničanů kolem Bangalore. "Tito lidé jsou často negramotní nebo tak tak, že čtou, takže mohou číst jednoduché základní věty, případně se pak začít o víru zajímat hlouběji, nebo se posléze i obrátit se ke Kristu, pryč od model." Massey říká, že lidé tak snáze porozumějí základům Bible, moci Pána Ježíše a mohou se i stát křesťany. "Jsou v kontaktu s některými evangelijními skupinami v okolí. Lidí, kteří již mají nějakou povědomost o Kristu přivádíme k církvi v této oblasti fungující."

*Nejnovější zprávy v originální anglické verzi jsou vždy ZDE (klikněte).
 Kosovo: žhářský útok po bohoslužbách.
   (Keston News Service) - Brzy poté, co srbský pravoslavný kněz a mniši opustili pobořený klášter v jihozápadním Kosovu, kde sloužili bohoslužbu, dvě zbylé budovy vzplály zapáleny neznámými útočníky. Také předchozí bohoslužby 14. července byly narušeny místními obyvateli. Byly to první bohoslužby na místě zničeného kostela kláštera v Zociste od stažení jugoslávské armády z Kosova před 3 lety a následného zničení převážné části kláštera. Součástí mezinárodního plánu je podpora návratu z oblasti vypuzených Srbů a obnova místa. Ale místní srbský biskup si stěžoval, že dostal dopis od velení KFOR, že jednotky nemohou zaručit bezpečnost při rekonstrukci klášterního komplexu. Vysoce postavený mnich v Kosovu řekl pro Keston News Service, že požár kláštera je "výmluvným poselstvím místních obyvatel."
 Další zprávy jednou větou.
   Pracovníci Campus Crusade for Christ zahynuli při převržení lodi.

K neštěstí došlo 6. července v oblasti Filipín při tropické bouři. Většina z 24 pasažerů lodi byli korejští misináři. Zahynuli tří dospělí a jedno dítě.

Ázerbajdžánští křesťané čelí rostoucímu tlaku.

Místní úřady v Ázerbajdžánu vyhrožují, pokutují, zadržují, bijí a vystěhovávají či se o to pokoušejí u osob, které chtějí v klidu konat shromáždění. Také zavítají modlitebny.

Evangelium se šíří mezi starými obyvateli Ruska.

Různé staré domorodé kmeny Ruska velmi touží po evangeliu. Největší problém je ekonomická podpora místních misionářů, která vyjde nicméně mnohem levněji, než misionář ze zahraničí.

 Všechny dnešní zprávy v angličtině.

When tropical storms swept over Micronesia, the Koreas, the Philippines, Japan and South China, torrential downpours and wind speeds reached 120 mph, devastating thousands of homes. Many lives were lost, including some staff of the Korean Campus Crusade for Christ (KCCC). Steve Douglass, President of Campus Crusade for Christ International (CCCI), reported: "It is with deep and profound regret that I share with you the deaths of three of our staff and a staff child. On July 6 a boat carrying several of our KCCC staff capsized near Batangas, Philippines. Jun Sung-Hwa (34), the wife of Oh Yun-Taek (39), and Oh Eun-Su, their 6 year-old daughter, perished as well as 23-year-old Lee Seung-Ok, a female staff trainee. Kim Jung-Eun, a 23-year-old female staff trainee, was lost at sea and as of yet her body has not been recovered." Reports of the event, said that the boat was going from the port of Puertogallera in the Mindor island, to Batngas. It was carrying 24 Koreans, including 22 KCCC missionaries and college students (four members of one family and 18 students), who have been in the Philippines for language study since the beginning of February. (CCCI)


Soon after Serbian Orthodox priests and monks left a ruined monastery in south western Kosovo where they had conducted the liturgy, two surviving monastery buildings were set on fire by unknown attackers. The 14 July liturgy also was disrupted by abuse from local people. It was the first service held at the site of the demolished church in the monastery at Zociste (Zozishte in Albanian) in the three years since Yugoslav forces withdrew from Kosovo and the monastery was largely destroyed. As part of an international plan to support the return of expelled Serbs to the area, the site is due for reconstruction. The local Serbian Orthodox bishop has complained, however, about a letter he has received from the peacekeeping force KFOR saying security for the reconstruction of the monastery cannot be guaranteed. A leading Orthodox monk in Kosovo claimed to Keston News Service that the fire in the monastery is "a clear message from the local population". (Keston News Service)


As the world moves to the cities, this massive migration of souls is creating some really great opportunities for community, but also desperate need. Intervarsity Christian Fellowship is working to awaken North American college students through the Global Urban Trek. Intervarsity's Phil Evans. "That's really the goal, is to expose students to the realities of the urban poor and to help them see how Jesus can transform the cities of the world. We want students to catch a vision for that and to give their lives for that." Evans says this spiritual boot camp is challenging, and asks for prayer support for the students. "They're encountering changes in their perspective of what life is like. Comfortable lives in America don't translate very well into ministry to the urban poor. So, pray that these students would see God at work in the urban centers and that they would have their lives changed." This years' Trek teams are working in Mexico City, Manila, Bangkok, Cairo, and Nairobi. (Mission Network News)


Local authorities in parts of Azerbaijan have been threatening, fining, detaining, beating and expelling or attempting to expel believers who want to practice their faith peacefully, as well as closing places of worship. Believers of a number of religious minorities identified the city of Gyanja as a particular black spot, but cited violations of their rights in other areas too. Many leaders told Keston News that harassment of their communities was stepped up after the announcement of the compulsory church re-registration process last year. Central authorities in the national capital of Baku have done little to stamp out such violations. (World Evangelical Alliance)

* HCJB World Radio, in partnership with Hosanna and local partners in Baku, Azerbaijan, has recorded the dramatized Azeri New Testament as part of the Faith Comes by Hearing project. The recordings, completed in 1998, have been made into a series of radio programs.


A year-old program in India is bringing people to Christ through the use of "easy-readers." The World Bible Translation Center's Roger Massey says the program uses the Gospel of Mark and Proverbs as primers. He adds they have launched 60 groups in villages around Bangalore. "They're finding that people usually move from illiterate to a neo-literal, which means you are able to read simple basic things and after that people sometimes move on to a seeker group and from then on to accept Jesus as their Savior and turn from idols." Massey says through the program, people are gaining a better understanding of the Bible, turning to Christ, and being baptized. "They're linked up with some evangelical groups in or near their villages. We're linking people who are interested in knowing more about Jesus with existing churches that are already functioning in those areas." (Mission Network News)


The gospel is reaching ancient tribes in Russia as the country's once-cold spiritual climate continues to thaw, says missionary Michael Zdorow. He says people are looking for the truth and are turning to Christ because of the testimony of local believers. "We hear the same cry over and over again, 'Please come to our city. Please come to our village. We don't have a single church.'" Russia still has cities of more than 1 million without a church or Christian witness. "And there's still such a hunger there even though the communist wall fell more than 10 years ago." Zdorow says their work is not without its challenges. "The greatest obstacle really is just the support for these native missionaries. . . . To support a native missionary is a lot more economical than supporting a Western missionary." (Mission Network News)

* HCJB World Radio has been blanketing Russia with gospel broadcasts via shortwave since 1941. Programs air from Quito and from a leased shortwave site in the U.K. The ministry also has worked to "plant" local radio ministries in strategic cities across the former Soviet Union since the early 1990s. In the fall of 2000 HCJB World Radio helped launch the first Christian Russian radio satellite network.

FREE BOOKLET: Order your own copy of HCJB World Radio's new 20-page booklet, "God Keeps Opening Doors," by e-mailing your name and mailing address to doors@hcjb.org. You'll also receive a free bookmark.

 Útok na křesťanskou školu na Pobřeží Slonoviny
   (Mission Network News) - Evangelijní baptistiská misie (EBM) hlásí, že před několika dny došlo k napadení křesťanské školy na Pobřeží Slonoviny. Podle slov Davida Hugue z EBM: „Akademie na Pobřeží Slonoviny zažila útok banditů, přičemž důvodem jsou snad její vazby na zahraničí. Jeden ze strážců byl zabit a jeden z účetních byl surově zbit.“ Podle Hague nebyl žádný ze studentů zraněn, ale banditi odnesli nějaký školní inventář. EBM podporuje místní např. africké církve různými způsoby včetně zmíněné pomoci Akademii na Pobřeží Slonoviny. Sleduje tím šíření evangelia a podporu učednictví v Pánu Ježíši.
 Křesťanské satelitní televizní vysílání v ruštině a v angličtině.
   (Assist) - První křesťanský televizní satelitní kanál začal svůj provoz 15. července na území bývalého SSSR, centrální Evropy a Asie. „Kanál ‘Nový Život’ (CNL) je schopen zásobit signálem miliony domácností jednak přímým vysíláním z družice HotBird, jednak kabelovým systémem. „Na tuto chvíli jsme čekali dlouho,“ řekl Maxim Maximov, zakladatel CNL a pastor New Life Bible Center v kazašské Alma Atě (Almaty). „CNL je prvním televizním kanálem vysílající dobrou zvěst o Pánu Ježíši v ruštině a v angličtině,“ vysvětluje Maximov. Na programu se podílejí výuková témata, kázání a biblická cvičení.
 Další zprávy jednou větou.
   Zdrženlivost oslovuje americké teenagery

Americké konzervativní skupiny vděčně přijaly federální zprávu obsahující statistické údaje o zvyšující se pohlavní zdrženlivosti mládeže. V roce 1991 mělo 54.3% dětí ve věku 9-12 let za sebou pohlavní styk, v roce 2001 54.4% středoškoláků nemělo dosud žádný.

Miliardy lidí viděly nebo slyšely o evangeliu díky filmu Ježíš.

Film byl přeložen již do 758 jazyků a vidělo jej nebo zprostředkovaně slyšelo vyprávět jeho obsah asi 5.1 miliardy lidí. Projekt tak přispívá k tomu, aby evangelium znali lidé po celém světě.

Insight for Living International bude vysílat v ukrajinštině.

Insight for Living International již dvakrát týdně vysílá rusky a nyní se chystá vysílat i v ukrajinštině.

Církve plánují vzpomínkové bohoslužby na 11. září.

Tisíce amerických sborů se s velkou vážností chystají ke zvláštním bohoslužbám u příležitosti prvního výročí tragického 11. září.

 Všechny dnešní zprávy v angličtině.

Evangelical Baptist Mission (EBM) reports that a Christian school in Côte d'Ivoire was attacked a few days ago. According to EBM's David Hague, "The Ivory Coast Academy experienced an attack by a group of thugs -- people who targeted the Ivory Coast Academy because it is a foreign organization. One of the guards was killed, and one of the financial officers was beaten fairly severely." Hague says none of the students were hurt, but the thieves made off with some of the academy's property. EBM supports the church through partnerships like the one with the Ivory Coast Academy, in order to further worldwide evangelism and discipleship. (Mission Network News)

* HCJB World Radio's regional office for Sub-Saharan Africa is in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire, where Director Lee Sonius and his family are serving along with two missionary couples who joined them this summer. ELVA, a partner FM station in Abidjan operated by SIM and local churches, went on the air in 1999. The station broadcasts 12 hours daily in French, English and local languages. An FM station is also being built in Korhogo.


Citing abstinence education as the pivotal factor, American conservative groups are praising a new federal report that found high school teens who abstain from sex outnumber the sexually active ones. The data was released last month in the 2001 Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS) survey, which asked 13,601 teens about such things as substance use, sexual behavior and physical activity, "The Washington Times" reported. In 1990, the YRBSS found that 54.3 percent of teens in grades 9-12 had had sexual intercourse. In contrast, 54.4 percent of high schoolers by 2001 said they had not had sex. "There is no doubt that kids are responding to an unambiguous abstinence message," said Peter Brandt of Focus on the Family. "The federal Title V abstinence program is having a tremendous impact." In 1996, Congress created the Title V $50 million-a-year program for abstinence-only education programs as part of the welfare law, although it is up for debate with other welfare issues this year. (Charisma News Service)


The Jesus Film Project is reporting remarkable progress in seeing that everyone in the world can see and hear the story of Jesus. Jesus Film officials say 5.1 billion people have either seen or heard the story of Christ, with more than 153 million people indicating decisions for Christ. The Jesus Film has now been translated into 758 languages. Through the "Macedonia Project," volunteers have distributed the Jesus Film to countries all over the world. (Mission Network News)


The first Christian satellite TV channel began airing July 15 throughout the former Soviet Union, Central Europe and Asia. "Channel New Life" (CNL) will reach millions of homes served by the HotBird system via satellite and cable TV. "We have been waiting for this moment for a long time," says Maxim Maximov, founder of CNL, and pastor of the New Life Bible Center in Almaty, Kazakhstan. "CNL is the first television channel which will broadcast the gospel of Jesus Christ from satellite in Russian and the English language," he says. The programming will be educational, evangelistic and discipleship-based. (Assist)


Insight for Living International is taking Bible teaching radio programming into another country. Rolla Goodyear says they're already producing programs in the Russian language twice a week, so they plan to begin airing the broadcast in the Ukraine. "Most of the residents there speak Russian. And we believe it is a unique opportunity to at least begin a presence there, with the hope that some day that we might be able to actually translate it into the Ukrainian language." While the programs will target believers, Goodyear believes many more will benefit from it. "It is more of a discipleship/teaching type message, although we have found in many countries, people will listen to all sorts of broadcasting, and it becomes evangelistic." (Mission Network News)

* HCJB World Radio has worked with local churches to establish radio ministries in Kiev and four other cities in Ukraine. Stations in two Ukrainian cities are also affiliated with New Life Radio, a Russian satellite radio network started with HCJB World Radio's help in 2000. In addition, Ukrainian programs also air daily via shortwave from two international broadcasting sites.


Thousands of churches across the country are planning to hold special remembrance services to mark the anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Partners with Mission America, a coalition of denominations and Christian ministries, are providing resources for pastors planning to hold services. "There are some things only the church can provide in times of crisis," said Glenn Barth, the coalition's national facilitator of city and community ministries. "The news media can tell us what happened. Emergency workers can tell us what is being done in response. But only the church can share a word of hope and call a community to prayer, action and reliance on God." Among the events being planned are a citywide gathering in Spokane, Wash., that organizers hope will draw 10,000 people to hear testimonies from survivors' family members; and a community service project in Norcross, Ga., to honor those who died. "Every church should plan a meaningful memorial service on Sept. 11," said Larry Lewis, the coalition's national facilitator of denominational ministries. "God often uses times of personal or national crises as an opportune time for a powerful gospel witness." (Charisma News Service)

FREE BOOKLET: Order your own copy of HCJB World Radio's new 20-page booklet, "God Keeps Opening Doors," by e-mailing your name and mailing address to doors@hcjb.org. You'll also receive a free bookmark.

 SIM se v Libérii stará o tisíce válečných uprchlíků.
   (SIM) - Během posledních válečných událostí v Libérii uprchly tisíce civilistů do lesů a pak se obrátily k opuštěnému vysílacímu anténnímu komplexu u Monrovie. Kolem 50.000 lidí zde žije v malých, narychlo z klacků a z bláta postavených chýších a čekají zde na mír a stabilitu, aby se mohli vrátit domů. Mezinárodní pomocné organizace jim poskytují skrovnou potravinovou pomoc a udržuje provizorní školy, ale na všechno nestačí. Nejméně 200 rodin patří ke sborům spojeným se SIM z oblastí zasažených boji. Pracovníci SIM jim tu pomohli v pořádání bohoslužeb v jednotlivých sektorech tábora. V sobotu pořádají cvičení pro pastory a vedoucí sborů, aby je lépe vybavili pro službu a také, aby jim řekli praktické věci kolem AIDS a zdravovědy vůbec. Křesťanské Libérijské Ženy se zas učí mladé matky, jak připravovat na bílkoviny bohaté potraviny z obilovin a chránit tak své děti před podvýživou. SIM v Libérii také organizuje projekt hmotné pomoci v nejnaléhavějších potřebách těchto rodin.

*Nejnovější zprávy v originální anglické verzi jsou vždy ZDE (klikněte).
 200 uprchlíků - Uganďanů se na útěku před ozbrojeným útokem uchýlilo do církevního komplexu budov.
   (Religion Today) - Asi 1200-členná jednotka Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) ve středu 17. července zaútočila na utečenecký tábor Maagi Refugee Camp v severní Ugandě, zabila 5 lidí a zapálila mnoho chýší, takže 200 utečenců zůstalo bez střechy nad hlavou. Hlásí to Assist News Service. Maagi spadá pod Adjumani, největší uprchlickou oblast v Ugandě. Mnoho z postižených se proto kvůli své bezpečnosti uchýlilo do komplexu Africa Inland Church (AIC) v Adjumani.

LRA je neuspořádaná skupina krutých banditů působící na severu Ugandy. Přes mnohaleté vládní úsilí o jejich likvidaci jsou stále aktivní a představují hrozbu jak pro severní Ugandu, tak pro jižní Súdán. Jsou podporování muslimským Súdánem – jejich profil viz http://www.fas.org/irp/world/para/lra.htm .

 Další zprávy jednou větou.
   Pronásledování indických křesťanů nezbrzdilo šíření evangelia.

Denně se v Indii nechá pokřtít 111 lidí, denně se zde objeví 19 nových biblických skupinek.

Bez hlásání evangelia malajsijská církev zemře, varuje církevní představitel.

Aktivní hlásání evangelia má klíčovou úlohu při zachování církve uprostřed islámského národa v Malajsii. Přitom tato činnost bývá v islámských zemích pronásledována, stavby kostelů zakazovány a přitom výstavba nových mešit má vládní podporu.

Křesťanský pohled se uplatňuje při formování mladých Slováků.

Ředitelé několika slovenských středních škol vybrali 30 studentů – nečlenů církve - k účasti na programu Otevřené uši, který pod patronací International Needs Network pořádá Pavel Sinko. Studentům má být ukázána osobní cesta spásy v Pánu Ježíši.

 Všechny dnešní zprávy v angličtině.

During recent fighting in Liberia, thousands of civilians fled into the bush, and then made their way to an abandoned radio antenna field near Monrovia. About 50,000 people are living in small, hastily built stick-and-mud houses, waiting for peace and stability to return to their home areas. International aid organizations are providing some food and temporary schools, but many needs remain unmet. At least 200 of the families are members of SIM-related churches in the areas hit by the fighting. Church leaders from Monrovia have helped them set up worship services in each section of the camp. On Saturdays they conduct training for pastors and church leaders, improving their ministry skills and also teaching about HIV/AIDS and common health problems. A Christian Liberian woman is teaching young mothers know how to prepare high-protein cereal to protect their children from malnutrition. SIM-Liberia has set up a project to help meet the most pressing needs of these families. (SIM)

* HCJB World Radio works in partnership with ELWA, a ministry founded by SIM in Monrovia, Liberia, in 1954, to air the gospel across the country and West Africa. The station was destroyed twice by civil war, first in 1990 and again in 1996. ELWA went back on the air in 1997 with a small FM transmitter supplied by HCJB World Radio. Then in 2000 HCJB World Radio provided a low-power shortwave transmitter, again enabling the station to reach the region. ELWA broadcasts the gospel in 10 languages and plans to add more as resources become available.


Despite increasing violence against Christians in India, there's a huge desire to learn God's Word, says the Bible League's Jay Kumar. Through the ministry's Project Philip Bible study program, about 435 people a day complete an evangelistic Bible study. "Every day we're seeing 19 cell groups formed," Kumar adds. "Every day we see 111 people come to faith and become baptized members of the church. That's more than 30,000 people in just the past nine months." (Mission Network News)


A 1,200-member contingency of the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) attacked refugees in the Maagi Refugee Camp in northern Uganda Wednesday, July 17, killing five and burning homes while leaving as many as 200 refugees homeless, reported Assist News Service. Maagi is a subsection of Adjumani, the largest refugee resettlement area in Uganda. Many of the refugees fled to an Africa Inland Church (AIC) compound in the Adjumani area for safety. The LRA is a loose band of rebels that operate in northern Uganda. Despite years of government attempts to stamp it out, the rebel group remains a constant threat in northern Uganda and southern Sudan. (Religion Today)


Evangelism is crucial for the church's survival in the Islamic nation of Malaysia, says Rev. Wong Fong Yang of the Presbyterian Church in Malaysia. "Most countries where Islam is strong, such as Turkey and Egypt, have [nearly] wiped out Christianity," he said. In Malaysia, converting a Muslim is against the law, building new churches is usually prohibited by the State Security Council, while new mosques are built around the country with state funding. However, Wong added that Malaysia is more progressive than most Muslim states. "The government wants foreign investment and economic progress and knows that these won't happen if it suppresses other religions." (Council for World Mission)


Members of the board at a Jacksonville, Fla.-area church have resigned over the launch of a skateboard ministry. "It kind of shook up the congregation a bit," said pastor Curran Spottswood. But the twice-monthly sessions have drawn in unchurched local youngsters to Fort Caroline United Methodist Church in Arlington, reported The Jacksonville Times-Union. "It's bold," Spottswood said. "We're drawing in lots of kids from the neighborhood who would normally not set foot in the church. It's one of the more exciting things we've done." Volunteers at the church built ramps for the skateboarders at the encouragement of Brent Foucht, a 14-year-old member of the congregation who visited a similar program at Oceanway Assembly of God. More than 100 teens turn out for Tuesday- and Wednesday-night sessions that feature music, drama and preaching along with skateboarding. "We are seeing an explosion of youth," said senior pastor Danny Baggett. "We have seen numerous kids give their hearts to the Lord since we started this." Ryan Willey, for example said he used to be into "bad stuff" before attending the church's skateboarding evenings where the 12-year-old boy said he "got into God more." (Charisma News Service)


International Needs Network is making inroads in Slovakia. The headmasters of several public high schools recently selected 30 students to participate in the Open Ears program, hosted by the network's Pavel Sinko. These non-Christian young people, along with a few Christian teens, explore current issues from a Christian perspective. Two follow-up sessions will be held with the goal of leading many of the students to personal salvation through Jesus Christ. (Mission Network News)

* HCJB World Radio airs Slovak programs to Europe via shortwave from Quito two hours weekly. The programs are also archived on the Internet (visit www.hcjb.org). The ministry is also working with Trans World Radio to put Czech and Slovak programs on a 24-hour satellite service starting in April 2003.

FREE BOOKLET: Order your own copy of HCJB World Radio's new 20-page booklet, "God Keeps Opening Doors," by e-mailing your name and mailing address to doors@hcjb.org. You'll also receive a free bookmark.

 V Etiopii dav napadl stovky věřících.
   (Voice of the Martyrs) - Při útoku velkého davu v čele s místními vůdci etiopské pravoslavné církve byly v neděli 21. července napadeny stovky evangelijních křesťanů meči, holemi a noži. K útoku došlo ve městě Merhawe, asi 500 km severozápadně od Addis Abeby. Při útoku byl jeden muž – křesťan zabit a několik dalších zraněno. Stovky evangelijních rodin byly odvezeny ze svých domovů a byl jim poskytnut úkryt v chrámu Full Gospel Church u Bahi Daru. „Tyto velké útoky ilustrují situace, kterým musí etiopští evangelikálové čelit a jsou ukázkou hrozby, která může vzplanout kdykoli v kterémkoli etiopském městě,“ praví se ve stanovisku oblastního koordinátora Voice of Martyrs.

*Nejnovější zprávy v originální anglické verzi jsou vždy ZDE (klikněte).
 Členům kazašské církve nebylo dovoleno navštívit místní vězení.
   (Charisma News Service) - Vedení vězeňské správy zakázalo členům letniční církve v jižním Kazachstánu vstup do místních káznic, protože jeden z kazatelů byl dříve sám vězněm. Přes žádosti vězňů o misii byl minulý měsíc tento zákaz oznámen sboru Christian Full Gospel ve městě Lenger. Hlásí to Keston News Service. Alexandr Karimov je jedním z nejaktivnějších členů sboru. Předtím byl dlouho závislý na drogách a také seděl ve vězení. Po svém obrácení se uzdravil a i šest jiných obyvatel Lengeru, který je proslulý vysokým výskytem narkomanie a AIDS, přestalo po rozhovoru s Karimovem užívat drogy. „Sami vězni mne žádali, abych se ve vězení modlil,“ řekl Karimov. „Mám dopis podepsaný 30 vězni. Lidé ve vězení, kteří si na mne pamatují chtějí, abych jim popsal, jak se mi podařilo se zachránit.“ Místní úřady považují zákaz Karimovy činnosti za nezákonný, nemají však žádné nástroje, kterými by rozhodnutí vězeňské správy zvrátily.
 Boje v Afghánistánu odezněly, možnosti pro kazatele se otevírají.
   (Mission Network News) - Válečná atmosféra v Afghánistánu odchází a nastává období rekonstrukcí a míru. Křesťané zjišťují, že je příznivá doba pro pomoc a pro šíření evangelia. Paul Calhoun z Ambassadors International říká, že potřeba pomoci je až neskutečná, protože lidé jsou stále ochromeni. „Jedna z věcí, se kterými se v důsledku bývalé moci Tálibanu stále potýkáme, je velká zatrpklost,“ říká Calhoun. „Sedmdesát procent obyvatel má psychické následky. Jejich životy byly tím, co viděli, strašlivě poznamenány.“ Calhoun říká, že důsledné dodržování zásad křesťanského života pracovníky pomocných organizací otevírá dveře pro zvěstování evangelia. Medical Ambassadors se snaží vybudovat základ budoucí společnosti přerušením věčného koloběhu násilí. „Jedna z věcí, o které chceme svědčit, je blahodárné ovoce ,Stromu Odpuštění’. Současně chceme vysvětlovat, že neodpouštění a zatrpklost se vzájemně podmiňují,“ dodává Calhoun.
 Vysvobozená misionářka Gracie Burnhamová se dnes setká s prezidentem Bushem.
   (Associated Press) - Misionářka, která byla přes rok držena jako rukojmí na Filipínách se dnes setká v Bílém Domě s prezidentem George W. Bushem. Filipínská armáda ji v červnu vysvobodila, ale její manžel a jedna další zadržovaná žena při zásahu zahynuli. Burnhamová je tento týden ve Washingtonu se svými třemi dětmi, se svými rodiči a s rodiči svého manžela. Včera navštívila Smithsonské muzeum. Také oznámila, že napíše knihu, kde „pravdivě vylíčí“ příběh svého zajetí a jak toto zajetí ovlivnilo vztah obou manželů k Bohu. Její vydavatel řekl, že kniha by měla vyjít příští rok na jaře.
 Další zprávy jednou větou.
   Čínská policie zadržela 5 dospělých a 25 dětí za účast při vyučování katechismu.

Hlavní obviněná dostala 18. července 15 dnů vězení za nepovolenou náboženskou činnost, čtyři dospělí a 25 dětí ve věku 10-16 let byli s výstrahou propuštěni. Stalo se ve vesnici v severovýchodní Číně.

Pomocné organizace a církve pomáhají zmírnit důsledky hladomoru v Zimbabwe.

V důsledku chaosu v Zimbabwe je v zemi nejhorší hlad za posledních 50 let.

Ecuadorské úřady povolily výstavbu nového letiště.

Jak pracovníci HCJB World Radio včas předvídali, v těsné blízkosti nynějších vysílacích antén vyroste nové letiště pro Quito. Zařízení HCJB se přestěhuje blíže k moři. Viz zpráva z 2.4.2002.

 Všechny dnešní zprávy v angličtině.

In a massive mob attack coordinated by local Ethiopian Orthodox church leaders Sunday, July 21, hundreds of evangelical Christians were assaulted with swords, sticks and knives in the Ethiopian city of Merhawe (350 miles northwest of Addis Ababa). One Christian man was killed and several others wounded in the assault. Hundreds of evangelical families have been driven from their homes and are being sheltered in the Full Gospel Church in nearby Bahir Dar. "This massive attack is a clear indication of the situation facing evangelical Christians in Ethiopia and the potential danger which might burst any time in every city," says Voice of the Martyrs' project coordinator for the region. (Voice of the Martyrs)


Prison system officials have refused members of a Pentecostal church in Kazakhstan's southern region access to local penitentiaries because one of its preachers is a former prisoner. Despite requests for visits by prisoners, the Christian Full Gospel Church in the town of Lenger was notified last month of the ban, Keston News Service reported. One of the church's most active members is Aleksandr Karimov, a long-term drug addict who served time in one of the region's prisons. Since joining the church, he has turned his life around, and six residents of Lenger -- which has the worst incidence of drug addiction and AIDS in the area -- have given up taking drugs after speaking to Karimov. "The prisoners themselves asked me to preach in the prisons," Karimov said. "I have a letter signed by about 30 prisoners. People who remember me in prison want me to tell them how I managed to save myself." Authorities in the region say the ban is unlawful, but they are unable to overrule the decision by prison officials. (Charisma News Service)


Five adults and 25 children were arrested in southeastern China for engaging in religious activities, indicate Chinese police reports. In a July 21 news release, Zenit reported that one of the adults, Chen Mei, was sentenced without a trial on July 18 to 15 days in jail. She was charged for leading catechism for children in the village of Dongan in the Lianjiang district of Fujian province. The other four adults and the children, ages 10-16, received an official warning from the authorities and were released the day of their arrest. (Voice of the Martyrs)


As the tone in Afghanistan moves out of war and into one of reparations and peacemaking, Christians are finding it's a good time to get involved in relief work and spreading the gospel. Medical Ambassadors' International's Paul Calhoun says the needs are incredible because the people are still in shock. "One of the things that we're struggling with during the aftermath of the Taliban is that there is great bitterness," he says. "Seventy percent of the nation is in post-traumatic syndrome. Their lives are impacted so dreadfully by what they have seen." Calhoun says the workers' consistent Christian life is opening doors to share the gospel. Medical Ambassadors is also helping to build a future for the people by breaking the cycle of violence. "One of the things that we do as we teach our moral lessons is to go through what we call the 'Forgiveness Tree,' pointing out to them that the lack of forgiveness has deep roots in bitterness," Calhoun says. (Mission Network News)


More than 6 million people are in need of food in Zimbabwe. As aid agencies move to help the people survive the country's worst food shortage in 50 years, violence is breaking out. Karen Hawkins of Bible Pathway Ministries says the unrest is raising concerns. "The pastor we work with very closely there has set up two feeding programs. But his church is just overwhelmed because many of the members have been run off their farms, and now they are in need of the food. Government crackdowns have made the farmers leave crops in the field to rot, so they're asking for prayer." Hawkins says the church continues to hand out food, but funds are running low. "This is an active church, and they have been doing this for a long time. They have been going into the community and helping. They went into Mozambique when it was flooded. Everything they give, they give in the name of Christ, and they share the gospel." (Mission Network News)


A missionary who was held hostage in the Philippines for more than a year is to meet with President George W. Bush at the White House today. Philippine troops rescued Gracia Burnham from Abu Sayyaf rebels in June, but her husband, Martin, and a fellow hostage died in the operation. Burnham is in Washington, D.C., this week with her three children, her parents and Martin's parents. Yesterday they visited the Smithsonian museums. Burnham has announced that she'll write a book to tell the "real story" of how her captivity affected her relationship with her husband and with God. Her publicist says the story will be published next spring. (Associated Press)


HCJB World Radio will begin moving its shortwave transmitters and antennas to a new site near Ecuador's coast now that the City of Quito has signed an agreement to build a new airport just six miles from the mission's broadcasting facilities in Pifo, Ecuador. The final contract is expected to be signed on Sept. 15 with construction slated to begin in March 2003.

Officials representing Quito and the Canadian government signed the agreement at noon Monday, July 22, to build the Quito International Airport in the valley east of Quito in Puembo, reported the daily Quito newspaper El Comercio. HCJB World Radio's Pifo installations are considered to be a "high risk" to the operations of the future airport, prompting the move to the Santa Elena peninsula (about 11/2 hours from Guayaquil).

The Canadian Commercial Corporation (CCC) will finance the five-year, US$300-million project to build the new airport. In October the CCC begins operation and administration of the present Mariscal Sucre Airport. This will continue for up to five years or until the new airport is completed. Then the CCC will operate the new airport for 30 years.

The document was signed by CCC Executive Vice President Hugh O'Donnell and Diego Pachel, executive director of the Airport Corporation and Duty-Free Zone of Quito. As witnesses, Quito Mayor Paco Moncayo also signed the agreement along with the ambassador for Canada in Quito, Otch von Finckenstein.

In anticipation of the agreement, HCJB World Radio's board of trustees recently approved Project SERVE (Santa Elena: Renew the Voice from Ecuador), a $4.6-million, four-year project to move the international transmitter site to the Santa Elena.

"We need to take a number of steps in the coming days," says Gonzalo Carvajal, director of Project SERVE. "We need to determine the best sale option for the Pifo property; the design of the power lines to the Santa Elena site; the best options for obtaining and importing the needed towers; the designs for antennas, buildings, and offices; as well as water and road access to the site."

HCJB World Radio purchased a 500-acre site near the coast about a year ago after it appeared probable that the Pifo installation would have to move. Initial broadcasts from the new site could begin as early as mid-2003. Engineers plan to install 11 shortwave transmitters and 17 antennas at the site. The project will be financed primarily by the sale of the 110-acre site in Pifo, but funds also will have to be raised to purchase at least one new 100,000-watt transmitter.

"I'm excited about the chance to develop a new facility that prepares us for the future and strengthens our coverage of the Americas," says Engineering Director Charles Jacobson. "At the same time, it's an overwhelming task, especially considering the timeframe. Our Pifo facility has grown and developed for 50 years, and one does not easily replace it in four."

The new site will provide an even better shortwave signal to HCJB World Radio's target audiences in the Western Hemisphere with broadcasts primarily in Spanish, Portuguese, English, German and Quichua. Portuguese programs will also air to central Africa via shortwave. (HCJB World Radio)

FREE BOOKLET: Order your own copy of HCJB World Radio's new 20-page booklet, "God Keeps Opening Doors," by e-mailing your name and mailing address to doors@hcjb.org. You'll also receive a free bookmark.

 86 procent Američanů věří, že Bůh odpovídá na modlitby.
   (Charisma News Service) - Modlitby účinně pomáhají, ale ne všichni to do důsledků přijímají. The Barna Research Group zjistila, že 86% Američanů věří, že Bůh slyší naše motlitby, přesto jen 58% si najde čas pro každodenní modlitbu. Eddie a Alice Smithovi, ředitelé Amerického modlitebního ústředí (U.S. Prayer Center) z Houstonu dodávají, že Bible je plná příkladů obyčejných lidí, kteří svými modlitbami ovlivnili životy jiných lidí a celých národů: „Modlitba je největší životní výsadou. Proč? Protože jejím prostřednictvím se můžeme přiblížit k srdci Boha. V modlitbě mluvíme k našemu hroznému, ale milujícímu Bohu. Modlitbami se přibližujeme k Jeho uchu a to nám umožňuje stát se v Jeho milosti součástí Jeho záměrů na Zemi. V modlitbě On skutečně s námi sdílí Své nejhlubší touhy a plány.“ Manželé Smithovi nedávno vydali knihu o modlitbě s názvem Blíže k Božímu Srdci.

*Nejnovější zprávy v originální anglické verzi jsou vždy ZDE (klikněte).
 Mnoho lidí se obrací ke Kristu v souvislosti s internetovými diskusními skupinami.
   (Friday Fax) - „Achmed,“ bývalý muslim, nyní křesťan, komunikuje s jinými muslimy pomocí internetových diskusních skupin. Ví to Mark Buchanan z Derek Prince Ministries. Achmed i jeho přítel říkají, že muslimové se více zajímají o evangelium zvláště od 11. září 2001. Achmed nedávno svědčil třem muslimům ze Švédska, Kuvajtu a Kanady právě na internetových diskusních stránkách. Švédský občan chce Krista následovat a jen několik dnů nato letěl na jih se s Achmedem setkat (dle souvisejících informací je Achmed krycí jméno - pozn. překl..). Kolem 50 muslimů se účastní každodenních diskusí na internetových stránkách biblického kurzu. Buchanan odhaduje, že - pokud se trend nezmění - denně se o Pána Ježíše začne zajímat dalších 80 muslimů.. (Doplňující informaci lze t.č. vyčíst m.j. na http://www.uk.derekprince.com/UK%5BOS%5DC.html - pozn. překl).
 Další zprávy jednou větou.
   Povstalci narušili pomocné akce v severovýchodní Ugandě.

Jde o další neblahé akce Lord’s Resistance Army - viz předvčerejší související zpráva.z Ugandy.

Mimosoudní urovnání s poškozenou rodinou amerického misionáře z Peru vázne.

Kongresman Peter Hoekstra z Michiganu řekl, že vláda USA strká hlavu do písku, pokud jde o uskutečnění platby slíbeného odškodného za sestřelení misionářského letounu v Peru. Viz zprávy z 11., 15., 22 a 25.3..

 Všechny dnešní zprávy v angličtině.

A wave of attacks on villages by guerrillas in northern Uganda is creating even more refugees and straining ongoing relief work in the region, says World Vision's Robby Muhumuza. A month ago members of the rebel group called the Lord's Resistance Army ambushed a convoy carrying relief workers and supplies. The lead vehicle was blown up, killing a number of people. Bullets also hit a vehicle carrying workers from World Vision, but they were uninjured. The organization has taken more security precautions since the ambush. Muhumuza urges people to pray for the ministry. "The people in northern Uganda are very hungry for the gospel," he says. "They're desperate because they're concerned about the future and God's intervention. So in times when we have the teams ready, people are more appreciative and eager to hear the gospel and believe." (Mission Network News)

* HCJB World Radio, together with the Evangelical Churches of Kampala and FEBA Radio, broadcasts the gospel locally in Uganda on two FM transmitters. HCJB World Radio also worked with Jesus Focus Ministries to put a 500-watt FM station on the air in Masaka. Programs air in English and Luganda.


Congressman Peter Hoekstra of Michigan says the U.S. State Department is dragging its feet in paying restitution to family members of slain missionary Veronica "Ronni" Bowers. "To date they have been doing just about everything that they can to delay this settlement, and now even delaying the payment," he says. He refutes the State Department's claims that it doesn't have the funds or the authority to pay the $8-million settlement. "While this delay is wearing on Ronni's husband, Jim, he's still active in reaching the people of Peru," Hoekstra says. "Jim is going down there to take a look at some of the mission projects that they're working on and some of the projects the Peruvian government agreed to fund. While he can go to Peru and take a look at the progress that is being made because of the Peruvian's taking the lead in settling this issue, his own government is still stalling." Ronni and her infant daughter, Charity, were killed when a Peruvian Air Force jet shot down their plane in April 2001 after mistaking it for carrying illicit drugs. This was part of a U.S.-sponsored anti-drug effort. (Mission Network News)

* HCJB World Radio, together with local partners, has helped plant Christian radio stations in seven Peruvian cities. Affiliate stations in three cities also carry Spanish programming distributed by the ALAS satellite radio network for Latin America., operated jointly with Trans World Radio. In addition, HCJB World Radio holds training workshops for pastors across Peru through Apoyo, a joint effort with Leadership Resources International.


"Achmed," an ex-Muslim turned Christian, meets Muslims from around the world every day in Internet chatrooms," says Mark Buchanan of Derek Prince Ministries. Achmed and his friends say that Muslims are increasingly open to the gospel, especially since the events of Sept. 11. Achmed recently shared the gospel with three Muslims from Sweden, Kuwait and Canada in a chatroom. The Swedish man decided to follow Jesus, and only a few days later boarded a plane to personally meet Achmed. Some 50 Muslims take part in the discussions each day and have the opportunity to work through Prince's Arabic Bible course. Buchanan estimates that up to 80 Muslims will come to Christ daily as these Internet forums continue to increase. (Friday Fax)


The Ministry for Europe Trust, based in Holywood, Ireland, has completed the printing and publishing of the first Bible into the Bosnian language, reported the Church of Ireland Gazette. This is a language spoken by about 2.5 million people. The Ministry for Europe Trust assisted in the printing of the first 100,000 Bibles for the Bosnian people. "The truth and hope offered by the message of the Bible to the peoples across Europe is the only means of peace for our continent and for the world," said Thomas Jennings, director of the trust. (Anglican Communion News Service)


Dr. Rick Ferguson, senior pastor of Riverside Baptist Church in Denver, Colo., was killed in a car accident near Hays, Kansas, the morning of Thursday, July 25, while he and his family were on their way to a family reunion. No one else was injured. Ferguson, 44, is survived by his wife, Kathy, and three children. Since becoming the church's senior pastor in 1992, he saw the membership grow to 4,000 after starting with a congregation of 400. Ferguson will be remembered for his "Arms Around Denver" vision as he was instrumental in leading Riverside to start 25 churches in Denver and the western U.S. He was also a key leader in the Southern Baptist Convention, serving as first vice president along with other denominational roles. Ferguson also founded the broadcast, "Hope for Today," that airs on television, radio and the Internet. Funeral services have not yet been set. (www.riversidebaptist.com)


Prayer changes things, but it doesn't come easy for some. The Barna Research Group reports that 86 percent of Americans believe in a prayer-answering God, yet only 58 percent set aside time to pray daily. Eddie and Alice Smith, directors of the U.S. Prayer Center in Houston, says the Bible is full of examples of normal, everyday people who affected other people and nations through prayer. "Praying is life's highest privilege," they write. "Why? Because it is prayer that allows us to draw near to the heart of God. In prayer, we commune with our awesome heavenly Father. Prayer gives us access to the ear of God, enabling us to fulfill His purposes in the earth! And in prayer, He actually shares His deepest desires and purposes with us." The Smiths recently authored a book about prayer called Drawing Closer to God's Heart. (Charisma News Service)

FREE BOOKLET: Order your own copy of HCJB World Radio's new 20-page booklet, "God Keeps Opening Doors," by e-mailing your name and mailing address to doors@hcjb.org. You'll also receive a free bookmark.


   Zpět  Další zprávy: www.prayer.cz