Zprávy HCJB 25.8.2002 - 31.8.2002

 Německá fotbalová liga zakazuje dresy s náboženskými hesly
   Německá fotbalová liga se pokouší vykázat Ježíše z hřiště. Organizace sídlící ve Frankfurtu požádala hráče, aby přestali nosit náboženské slogany na dresech. V minulé sezóně křesťanští fotbaloví profesionálové, většinou Brazilci, poté co vstřelili branku, ukazovali slogany jako “Ježíš žije” nebo “Ježíš tě miluje”. Zástupci ligy vyjádřili své znepokojení nad možnou “inflací náboženské či politické propagandy při fotbalových zápasech.” Tento zákaz však vzbudil reakce nejen v křesťanských, ale i ve světských kruzích. Magazín Focus to nazývá “dekretem proti Ježíši”. Katolické noviny Neue Bildpost kritizují tuto “přehnanou reakci”. Zneužití bylo vždy možné, ale mohlo by se mu předejít jinými způsoby. “Vykázat Ježíše z hřiště je špatný přístup,” napsal list. ”Žádnému fotbalovému fanouškovi se ještě nikdy nic nestalo, když viděl při zápase Ježíšovo jméno.” Helmfried Riecker, vedoucí evangelizační činnosti mezi sportovci, okomentoval tento spor prohlášením, že křesťanská víra je záležitost srdce, ne dresu. “Každý, kdo věří v Ježíše, najde způsoby, jak svou víru ukázat,” řekl a dodal, že sportovci jsou často mnohem otevřenější, než mnoho ostatních křesťanů. “V tomto směru už nám dali příklad.” (Evangelical News Agency IDEA)
   Komise za náboženskou svobodu při Světové evangelické alianci (WEA) letos znovu organizuje Mezinárodní den modliteb za pronásledovanou církev. Tato událost se bude konat v neděli 10. listopadu. WEA úzce spolupracuje s dr. Leith Andersonem a Národní evangelickou asociací na zajištění maximální možné účasti z řad církví a denominací na této modlitební události. (World Evangelical Alliance)
 Vyznání bude klíčovým prvkem příštích nigerijských prezidentských voleb.
   (World Evangelical Alliance) - Prezidentské volby v Nigérii v roce 2003 by mohly být poprvé v historii ve znamení vyznání voličů. Ti jsou téměř rovnoměrně rozděleni na muslimy a křesťany. S poukazem na rostoucí vzájemnou nevraživost obyvatelstva zejména centrálních států nigerijské federace píše nigerijský biskup Ben Kwaši z Josu: "Pociťujeme nový prudký muslimský nápor. Většina křesťanského obyvatelstva státu Plateau je vystavena teroru." Josiáš Fearon, biskup jiného nigerijského státu Kaduna osobně pamatuje děsivé nepokoje února 2000, kdy místní vláda zavedla šaríja - islámské zákonodárství. Fearon si je jist, že národnostní napětí a nepřátelství ve střední Nigérii se transformovalo v náboženský konflikt. "Obyvatelé střední Nigérie především potřebují naučit se vzájemné toleranci", řekl Fearon. "Ve střední Nigérii vždy panovala otevřenost k lidem z jiných částí země, ale to se náhle změnilo a to nahání strach. Atmosféra ve společnosti je jiná. Chuť moci se stává hnací silou. Je naivní myslet si, že jde jen o víru. Problém je značně složitý. Ale mějme současně na paměti, že jsou zde muslimové plánující rozštěpit zemi."

*Nejnovější zprávy v originální anglické verzi jsou vždy ZDE (klikněte).
 Všechny dnešní zprávy v angličtině.

For the first time a member of a religious minority has been charged and convicted under an article of the Uzbek criminal code that is specifically aimed at religious activity that "incites national, racial or religious hatred." Marat Mudarisov, a member of the Jehovah's Witnesses in Tashkent, was arrested, tried in a closed court hearing, convicted and is now being held in custody. Mudarisov's lawyer sees the case a "litmus test" as authorities want to "check how the international community will react to it." (Keston News Service)


In an open letter, an American missionary pastor and church planter is urging Christians pay attention to the situation on Russia's Sakhalin Island. "Some recent events . . . should be of concern to those who advocate human rights, religious freedom and tolerance," wrote pastor Dominguez. "My family and I are U.S. citizens and Christian missionaries. We have been living in Russia for approximately 21/2 years, and we pastor the Victory Chapel Christian Evangelical Church which we founded. The last few months our church has faced many difficulties trying to register with the state. We have had the assistance and approval of the local Russian Christian Union of Churches; however, the paperwork has been denied by the state government administration because of technicalities. Our church has been repeatedly visited by [police officials]. I am currently being investigated." Dominguez says that while these events are "inconvenient," of greater concern is the "growing negativity and persecution against Protestants, Catholics and Jews" in Russia. Recently a local newspaper printed a "sensational and accusative article about our conservative church creating an outrageous and deceitful image and paralleling the leadership to the TV evangelist stereotype," he says. (Assist News Service)


A rift is appearing between the two sides who have signed the "Sun City" peace deal in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Tensions are on the rise, and Food for the Hungry's Beth Allen says the ministry is being realistic about this longevity of this agreement. "Just because there's a peace accord signed on paper doesn't mean that it's going to happen. Not all of the factions are necessarily in agreement with it. We're very hopeful that the peace will continue -- that areas which have suffered violence will become more stable and that we'll be able to work." But Allen says security has improved and plans are being made to distribute aid. What's more, it's the first step to helping churches evangelize their communities. "It will allow us to be sharing the gospel indeed, and also to be strengthening the existing church so that it can reach out as well. When church members are distracted by things such as war, violence and fear, and churches are divided, the church can't grow." (Mission Network News)

* HCJB World Radio works with local partners in the Democratic Republic of Congo to broadcast the gospel on FM stations in Boma, Bukavu and Kinshasa. Programs go out in English, French, Kikongo Fioti, Lingala, Luba and Swahili. Weekly programs in the Songe and Kikongo San Salvador languages also air from local FM stations in the country. In addition, HCJB World Radio airs Kikongo Fioti programs to the country via shortwave from Ecuador.


With presidential elections due to take place in Nigeria in early 2003, this could be the first campaign where religion is a major election issue in the nation split almost evenly between Muslims and Christians. Reports chronicle escalating violence in the central regions of Nigeria. Bishop Ben Kwashi of Jos wrote, "We are facing a new Muslim onslaught. Terror has been released on the majority Christian population of in the state of Plateau." Josiah Fearon, bishop of the central Nigerian state of Kaduna, was at the scene of horrendous riots in February 2000 when the local government implemented sharia (Islamic law). Fearon see the tensions and hostilities throughout central Nigeria as ethnic conflicts are being played out in a religious dimension. "Nigerians in the central parts, in particular, need to learn to accept one another again," he says. "Central Nigeria has always had a culture of accommodating people from other parts of the country, but suddenly that has all changed, and it is frightening. The whole climate has changed. Power is the real issue here. It is naive to say the problems are purely religious. The problems are very complex. But having said that, we know that there are Muslims who have plans to divide the nation." (World Evangelical Alliance)

* HCJB World Radio, together with partners In Touch Ministries, SIM and the Evangelical Church of West Africa, began airing weekly half-hour programs in the Igbo language in 2000. The programs air via shortwave to Nigeria's 15 million Igbo speakers.


The German Soccer League is trying to ban Jesus from the field. The organization in Frankfurt has told players to stop displaying religious slogans on T-Shirts. Last season Christian soccer professionals, mostly Brazilians, showed off slogans like "Jesus lives" or "Jesus loves you" after they scored a goal. League officials say there are concerned about a possible "inflation of religious and political propaganda at football matches." But the ban has prompted reactions not only from Christians, but also from secular sources. The news magazine Focus calls it an "anti-Jesus decree." The Catholic newspaper Neue Bildpost criticizes the "exaggerated reaction." Misuse was always possible, but could be prevented by other means. "To ban Jesus from the field is the wrong approach," the magazine reported. "No soccer fan had ever been hurt by seeing Jesus mentioned at a match." Helmfried Riecker, director of an evangelical outreach to athletes, downplayed the controversy, saying that the Christian faith is a matter of the heart, not the shirt. "Anyone who puts his or her trust in Jesus will find ways of showing their faith," he said, adding that athletes are often more outspoken than many other Christians. "In that way, they have already set an example." (Evangelical News Agency IDEA)


In the biggest festival in the history of the Luis Palau Evangelistic Association, more than 150,000 people were exposed to the gospel at the Puget Sound Festival in Seattle, Wash., Aug. 17-18. One of the goals of the festival was to attract the under-30 age group to the hope of Christ. Palau says too often, evangelism is hampered by stereotypes. "We should not build barriers to sharing the faith, until someone raises the barrier, and then we jump over it. We should not imagine that people are anti-good news, anti-Jesus Christ . . . they really aren't." Palau adds that young people are much more open to the hope of Christ than many people think. "Young people are tender, their conscience is still tender. They are not hardened, they are not cynical yet, but they are angry," he says. "Therefore, we must talk lovingly, patiently, but forcefully and with conviction, about our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and the young people will listen." (Mission Network News)

FREE BOOKLET: Order your own copy of HCJB World Radio's new 20-page booklet, "God Keeps Opening Doors," by e-mailing your name and mailing address to doors@hcjb.org. You'll also receive a free bookmark.

 Nigerijská vláda se odmítá vměšovat se do rozsudku trestu smrti ukamenováním.
   Přes bouřlivé místní i mezinárodní protesty se vláda nigerijského federálního státu Katsina nehodlá angažovat ve věci odvolání se Aminy Lawal, jejíž odsouzení k smrti ukamenováním za porození nemanželského děcka bylo potvrzeno odvolacím soudem islámského právního systému šaríja. Minulý týden prohrála 30letá Amina Lawal své první odvolání se proti rozsudku u náboženského soudu. Ale vládní mluvčí státu Katsina, kde šaríja platí od srpna 2000 již dříve řekl, že její osud závisí na odvolání. "Případ Aminy je čistě vnitřní otázkou islámské církve, takže nikomu nepřísluší se do toho vměšovat," řekl vládní mluvčí Ibrahim Abdullahi. "Jsme si vědomi mezinárodních protestů proti rozsudku, ale vláda se ani tak nebude do odvolání vměšovat. Vzniká dojem, že na vládu je činěn nátlak, aby tuto popravu provedla, ale to není pravda. Na tom nemáme zájem. Umožňujeme, aby soudnictví konalo. Rozsudek na této ženě určitě nebude vykonán, dokud nebudou vyčerpány všechny možnosti omilostnění v rámci šaríja.

*HCJB World Radio spolu s partnery In Touch Ministries, SIM a Evangelijními sbory Západní Afriky zahájilo v roce 2000 vysílání půlhodinového programu v jazyce Ibogo jednou týdně na krátkých vlnách. V Nigérii jej může jej slyšet asi 15 milionů posluchačů v Nigérii hovořících tímto jazykem.

*Nejnovější zprávy v originální anglické verzi jsou vždy ZDE (klikněte).
 Všechny dnešní zprávy v angličtině.

Widespread flooding along China's Yangtze River is affecting millions of people, especially those in the country's four southern provinces as the waters rush downstream. World Help's Mike Clinton says the flood may not be a major disaster in terms of lives lost, but the economic impact is staggering. "The flooding has destroyed a lot of farmland, thousands and thousands of homes, and the livelihood for a lot of people," he says. How has the flooding affected World Help's goal of distributing 1 million Bibles in China? "It shouldn't disrupt it too much because we work throughout China," Clinton says. "Although, if there are workers in the flooded area, the work there would be disrupted. On the other hand, we tend to see disasters as opportunities for outreach. And I know that a lot of Chinese Christians are reaching out to these people who are displaced." (Mission Network News)


Despite local and international outcry, Nigeria's Katsina state government said it would not intervene in the appeal of Amina Lawal whose conviction to death by stoning for having a baby outside wedlock was confirmed by an Islamic sharia appeal court. Last week in Funtua Katsina state, Lawal, 30, lost her first appeal against her conviction by a sharia court for bearing a child out of wedlock. But a spokesman for Katsina state, which reintroduced sharia law in August 2000, said her fate would depend on the result of her appeal. "Amina's case is entirely a religious one, so nobody has the right to meddle in it," said government spokesman Ibrahim Abdullahi. "We are aware of the international protests against the sentence, but that will not make the state government interfere in the appeal process. The impression given is that the government is bent on executing her which is wrong. We have no interest in the case. We allow the judiciary to perform its work. What is certain is that the sentence against Amina will not be carried out until all avenues for reprieve under the sharia are exhausted." (This Day Newspaper)

* HCJB World Radio, together with partners In Touch Ministries, SIM and the Evangelical Church of West Africa, began airing weekly half-hour programs in the Igbo language in 2000. The programs air via shortwave to Nigeria's 15 million Igbo speakers.


As floodwaters recede in Germany, they leave behind not only a muddy mess but a tidal wave of helpfulness. In the last two weeks hundreds of thousands of volunteers have arrived to fill sandbags, clear out homes, provide food and shelter, comfort the forlorn and display Christian love. Volker Kress, the Lutheran bishop of Saxony, describes the solidarity as an "amazing experience at a time when God seemed almost forgotten." In a sermon in Berlin he tried to answer the question about where God was during the disaster: "Go and look for Him in the midst of misery -- that's where He is." In Germany alone 15 people died in the floods, thousands of homes and businesses were destroyed, and the infrastructure suffered extensive damage such as roads and railways. Damage has been estimated at more than $15 billion. Christians have donated more than $110 million to the victims so far. The Salvation Army in Meissen has opened a distribution center for second-hand clothing, furniture, cleaning utensils, baby formula and toys. "Neighbors drop in just for a cup of coffee and a chat," said Lt. Gerald Dueck. "And when they return to their job of clearing up the muddy mess, they take with them a little ray of Christian hope." (Evangelical News Agency IDEA)


Training Christian pastors to help lead and equip their congregations is happening through Open Doors with Brother Andrew, a ministry to the persecuted church. While most pastors in the U.S. have ample opportunities to obtain the training and tools they need to lead effectively, this isn't true in many countries where Christians are being persecuted for their faith. "Delivering God's Word is critical, but backing it up with solid teaching and instruction is vital in supporting and strengthening the church," says Open Doors President Terry Madison. "Persecuted pastors and church leaders need to be equipped with the right resources to lead their congregations. This year Open Doors is training more than 100,000 pastors and lay leaders in countries such as Sudan, China and India." In African countries a course called the Timothy Training Institute is being used to train pastors. It is based on 2 Timothy 2:2 which instructs believers to entrust biblical truth to "faithful men who will be able to teach others also." Many of the students who have completed the course, held one week a month for 10 months, are now tutoring others, Madison says. (Religion Today)

* Through Apoyo, a joint ministry of HCJB World Radio and Leadership Resources International, more than 5,000 pastors and church leaders across Latin America participated in pastors' training workshops and conferences in 2001. Hundreds of churches benefited from teacher training workshops, family conferences and other seminars and Bible studies. Apoyo also launched Training National Trainers, a strategic three-year program that equips national pastors to train emerging national church leaders for the ministry. Although Apoyo's main ministry has been in Latin America, it is expanding into Asia, Africa and beyond.


The Religious Liberty Commission of World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) will lead the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church again this year. The event takes place Sunday, Nov. 10. WEA is working closely with Dr. Leith Anderson and the National Association of Evangelical to maximize church and denominational involvement in this prayer event. (World Evangelical Alliance)


Some upsetting numbers are coming out of a research group showing a breakdown in how the Western church looks at missions. The report indicates that Christians spend nearly 97 cents of every dollar on themselves and nearly 3 cents on already-evangelized countries. "This leaves just three-tenths of one penny out of every dollar we spend that is being used to reach the 1.6 billion people on earth who've heard about Coca Cola, but have never heard about Christ," says Mission India's John DeVries. "It's really an incredible, startling statistic." DeVries says there is desperate need for more workers to take advantage of open doors to spread the gospel. "India is open to the gospel. Many of these 1.6 billion are in totally closed countries; they're very difficult to reach. But that's not so for India today. The church there desperately needs the help of churches that are wealthy in resources; the gospel is just going wild." (Mission Network News)

FREE BOOKLET: Order your own copy of HCJB World Radio's new 20-page booklet, "God Keeps Opening Doors," by e-mailing your name and mailing address to doors@hcjb.org. You'll also receive a free bookmark.

   Indičtí Dalité- ti, kteří žijí mimo kastovní systém – i nadále přicházejí ke spasitelné víře v Ježíše Krista poté, co se vloni na podzim tisíce Dalitů veřejně zřeklo své hinduistické víry a přijali buddhismus.Rochunga Pudaite z organizace Bible pro svět se nedávno vrátil z Indie, kde jeden z misionářů této organizace přivedl 100 lidí ke Kristu. „Každý z takto nově obrácených, kteří chtěli být pokřtěni, museli předložit certifikát z oblastního magistrátu, na kterém stálo, že se stali následovníky Ježíše Krista zcela o své vlastní vůli, bez násilí či nátlaku,“ řekl Pudaite. „Všichni tito lidé takové potvrzení předložili.“ Potřeba Biblí je obrovská, zvláště ve světle toho, co řekl Dalitský vůdce Pudaitovi. „Řekl mi, ‚Vypadá to, jako by (stát se buddhistou) ve skutečnosti nenaplňovalo naše potřeby. Potřebujeme něco víc, než co nám nabízí buddhismus.‘ Právě teď máme před sebou největší příležitost, jakou kdy můžeme v Indii mít.“ Misionáři s Biblemi pro svět nedávno založili tři sbory v okolí Nového Dillí. (Mission Network News)
 Nárůst vandalizmu postihuje zdravotní střediska Adventistů v Burundi.
   (Adventist News Network) - Nedávné vloupání do zdravotního střediska Adventistů Sedmého Dne v Burundi je typickým příkladem přibývajících potíží , kterým v oblasti čelí zdravotničtí pracovníci z řad církve. Upozorňuje na to Adelphine Hatangimana, oblastní účetní zdravotních služeb Adventistů. Více než 9 let občanské války v této středoafrické zemi podpořilo nárůst vandalizmu a loupeží. K poslednímu přepadení došlo v zdravotním středisku Bugunda 29. července v noci. Podle místního církevního představitele vandalové spoutali stráž i službu mající ošetřovatelku, ukradli zdravotnické potřeby, hotovost z pokladny a lékařské vybavení. Také zapálili zdravotnickou dokumentaci a jiné důležité listiny a odvezli si dvě jízdní kola. Hatangimana řekla, že přes tento vandalský útok jsou tři církevní zdravotní střediska dále v provozu. Ale středisko v Rutsindu muselo být zavřeno na půl roku následkem zhoršení bezpečnostní situace v oblasti a středisko Nyanza-Lac bylo přepadeno v pravidelných odstupech již třikrát.

*Nejnovější zprávy v originální anglické verzi jsou vždy ZDE (klikněte).
 Všechny dnešní zprávy v angličtině.

Philippine soldiers killed a Muslim militant in a gunfight Sunday, Aug. 25, during a rescue operation to save a kidnapped 4-year-old girl and her nanny. The dead man was identified as Faisal Marohombsar, the leader of the Pentagon Gang, a group of former Muslim separatist rebels who are regarded by Washington as terrorists. This development is seen as part of Philippine President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo's self-proclaimed war against guerrillas responsible for kidnappings. Two other suspects were also captured, and one policeman was injured, during the gun battle in Magallanes about 40 miles south of Manila, reported the BBC. Hostages Patricia Chong, 4, and her nanny, Winena Jordan, were freed from weeklong captivity in the operation. The girl is the niece of a prominent Filipino business executive from whom the gang had demanded a ransom of about $1.9 million. Troops also hope to rescue four women from a local Jehovah's Witnesses group kidnapped by Abu Sayyaf rebels last week. Earlier, the terrorists beheaded two male members of the group. More than two months ago two hostages--American missionary Martin Burnham and Filipino nurse Deborah Yap--were killed during a rescue operation from Abu Sayyaf rebels. Burnham's wife, Gracia, was rescued and returned to the U.S. (Assist News Service)


A group of Chinese religious activists said Friday that close to 70 Christians have disappeared or been secretly arrested in China in recent months, reported the Associated Press. The Christians participate in underground or house churches that operate outside the communist government's control, reported the New York-based Committee for Investigation on Persecution of Religion in China. Some scholars have estimated that the number of house church members could be as high as 60 million. China's "official" Christian churches have about 15 million members. The crackdown could be related to the Communist Party's upcoming national congress, a major meeting of China's leaders that takes place about once every five years. "Authorities usually arrest political and religious activists and others who might embarrass the Communist Party during such high-profile events. The government has yet to announce the date for the congress, expected to be held this fall," reported AP. (Religion Today)


The Indonesian government continues to deploy reinforcement troops in Central Sulawesi along with special forces who are charged with investigating reports of "foreign" mujahideen. However, some members of the security forces have been accused of aiding the mujahideen in their jihad (holy war). The mujahideen recently razed six Christian villages around Poso, killing several Christians and forcing thousands to take refuge in the Christian highland town of Tentena. Meanwhile, members of the Laskar Jihad, an Islamic militant group, said on a website that they are "fighting in Poso with the Muslim community against the arrogance of the infidel." (World Evangelical Alliance)


A recent break-in and robbery at a Seventh-day Adventist medical center in Burundi is typical of the continuing difficulties faced by the church's health work there, reports Adelphine Hatangimana, an accountant for Adventist Health Services in the region. More than nine years of civil conflict in this central African nation has resulted in rising rates of vandalism and robbery. The most recent raid occurred at the Buganda Health Center the night of July 29. Local church leaders say that vandals immobilized a security guard and the nurse on duty, raided the medical supplies and stole cash and medical equipment. They also burned the equipment records and other important papers, and carried away two bicycles. Despite being targeted by vandals, Hatangimana says the church's three health centers are open for business. However, the Rutsindu Health Center had to close its doors for a period of six months following a deterioration of security in the area, and the Nyanza-Lac Health Center has also been raided three times at regular intervals. (Adventist News Network)


India's Dalits--those outside of the caste system--continue to come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ after an event last fall when thousands of Dalits publicly renounced their Hindu faith and embraced Buddhism. Rochunga Pudaite of Bibles for the World recently returned from India where one of the organization's missionaries recently led 100 people to Christ. "Each one of the converts who wanted to be baptized had to produce a certificate from the district magistrate stating that they had become followers of Jesus Christ entirely on their own will, without force or inducement," Pudaite says. "All of these people have produced that." The need for Bibles is great, especially in light of what the Dalit leader told Pudaite. "He said to me, 'It looks like [becoming Buddhists] is not really meeting our needs. We need something more than what Buddhism offers.' We are facing the greatest opportunity that we are ever going to have in India." Missionaries with Bibles for the World recently planted three churches around New Delhi. (Mission Network News)

* In partnership with FEBA Radio, HCJB World Radio airs weekly Christian programs to eastern India via shortwave in two languages: Chattisgarhi and Mundari. HCJB World Radio also broadcasts 11/2 hours of English programming daily to India via shortwave from South America. The ministry is investigating potential opportunities to help launch local Christian stations in key cities across India.


Steven Snyder, president of international Christian Concern (ICC), an organization dedicated to assisting believers persecuted for their faith, died of a blood infection the evening of Tuesday, Aug. 27. He passed away just 23 hours after being rushed to a hospital in Baltimore with a high fever. He is survived by his wife, Connie, and four children, including a daughter who serves as a missionary in Ukraine. "The suffering church around the world has lost one of its heroes," said ICC spokesman Pat Bradley. "So did I, and a lot of you also. God bless you and thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your prayers." (Assist News Service)

FREE BOOKLET: Order your own copy of HCJB World Radio's new 20-page booklet, "God Keeps Opening Doors," by e-mailing your name and mailing address to doors@hcjb.org. You'll also receive a free bookmark.

   Nezávislému baptistickému sboru v ruském tichomořském přístavním městě Vanino hrozí na základě dnešního (29.8.) rozhodnutí místního soudu likvidace. „Jestliže nikdo nezasáhne, náš sbor bude zrušen,“ řekl zakladatel sboru Dan Pollard ve Spojených státech. „Jakmile je jednou zaregistrován jako nezávislý baptistický sbor, pak v případě jeho zániku se už nikdy nemůže zaregistrovat jako nezávislý baptistický sbor.“ Podle ruského zákona z roku 1997 o církvích, takovému sboru nebude povolena registrace po dobu patnáctileté čekací lhůty, během níž bude zbaven práva např. distribuce literatury nebo možnosti pozvat hosty ze zahraničí. Pollard nadále čeká na povolení k návratu do Ruska i přes květnové soudní rozhodnutí stanovující zákaz vstupu do země až do března 2004, které bylo prohlášeno za neplatné. „Je zřejmé, že mě tam nechtějí, aby mohli zrušit náš sbor bez vnějších zásahů,“ řekl. (Keston News Service)
   Křesťanské mládežnické hnutí, které se jmenuje Nová vlna, oslovuje bulharskou mládež a motivuje její generaci k seznámení se s Kristem. Založil ji pastor Nikolaj Kokončev ve Varně v roce 2001. Jedna událost za druhou přitáhla vždy větší počet mladých lidí ze všech evangelikálních sborů nadšených evangeliem. Tou poslední událostí byla čtyřdenní výprava pod stany , která se konala v červenci v Burgasu a přilákala na 500 mladých lidí. „Mnoho mladých lidí obnovilo svou víru v Krista,“ řekl jeden z mladých účastníků. „Měli jsme tu chvály a bohoslužby, silná evangelická poselství a hodně zábavy.“ Toto shromáždění bylo zakončeno pochodem ulicemi proti násilí a pornografii. (Christian Aid Mission)
 Křesťanská rozhlasová stanice v jižním Ekvádoru slaví první výročí zahájení činnosti.
   (SIM) - Dříve spíše neoslovená jižní ekvádorská provincie Loja je teď dobře živena evangeliem, částečně i díky misijnímu vysílání Rozhlasu Naděje (Radio Hope) zahájenému před rokem. Jeho vysílač v současnosti využívá výlučně starou techniku AM. Radio Hope vniklo jako produkt společného úsilí SIM, HCJB World Radio, International Mission Board, World Mission Prayer League a místních křesťanů. Při oslavě prvního výročí zahájení vysílání řada osob hovořila o vlivu, který na jejich život vysílání Radio Hope má. Při oslavě se setkali delegáti různých denominací a tak ukázali jednotu sborů a misií v oblasti. I v souvislosti s potřebou úspory plateb za elektrický proud potřebný pro vysílání se představenstvo stanice rozhodlo přecházet na FM vysílání. Proto se plánuje výstavba čtyř místních vysílačů v provincii Loja. Ty navíc zlepší slyšitelnost stanice. Perspektivním cílem je nezávislost stanice na vnějších (finančních) zdrojích tak, aby šlo čistě o zařízení ekvádorských sborů. SIM (Serving in Mission) je mezinárodní nedenominační misijní organizace, která vysílá své pracovníky do více než 40 zemí světa. Pracovníci SIM se zabývají šířením víry např. cestou zakládání sborů (evangelizací a učením sborovému životu), cestou humanitární pomoci či výchovou vedoucích křesťanských pracovníků.

*Nejnovější zprávy v originální anglické verzi jsou vždy ZDE (klikněte).
 *Přidružená stanice v Kapském Městě dostala licenci na 24hodinové každodenní vysílání.
    Po letech žádostí byla potvrzena licence na 24hodinové každodenní vysílání stanici Cape Community FM (CCFm), což je přidružená stanice HCJB World Radio v Kapském Městě v Jihoafrické Republice. Ve středu 14. srpna, asi 2 týdny po získání licence, byla změněna vysílací frekvence stanice na 107,5MHz. Vysílá se i na druhém kmitočtu 96,7MHz. Předtím se stanice o kmitočet dělila s jinou stanicí a každá tak vysílala 12 hodin denně.

"Jsme vděčni za to, jak mnoho posluchačů nás po změně kmitočtu znovu našlo", řekla manažerka stanice Avril Thomasová, která současně vede velký tým dobrovolných moderátorů a producentů. "Modlíme se k Pánu o Jeho neutuchající laskavost - jsem zaměstnanější, než kdy předtím."

Její manžel John Thomas, pastor Fish Hoek Baptist Church byl u mikrofonu, když v 6 hodin odpoledne 14. srpna vysílání najelo na novou frekvenci. Měl živě vysílaný rozhovor se třemi představiteli HCJB World Radio, kteří byli v Kapském Městě na návštěvě: ředitelem Guest Ministries Jerry Carnillem z Quita, ředitelem pro komunikace Jimem Ferrierem a představitelem Ministry Partner Peterem Brownem z Colorado Springs (Co, USA).

 Všechny dnešní zprávy v angličtině.

An independent Baptist church in the Russian Pacific port city of Vanino may face liquidation by a local court today (Aug. 29). "If no one intervenes, our church will be liquidated," said the church's founder, Dan Pollard, in the U.S. "Since it is registered as an independent Baptist church, once that is lost, we can never register again as an independent Baptist church." Under Russia's 1997 law on religion, the church would not be allowed to seek registration until after a 15-year wait, during which it would be deprived of rights such as distributing literature and inviting foreign citizens. Pollard continues to wait for a permit to return to Russia despite a May ruling by a court declaring invalid a previous decision not to admit him to the country until March 2004. "It is apparent that they don't want me there so that they can liquidate our church without interference," he said. (Keston News Service)


China's swollen Yangtze River has flooded many cities while leaving others untouched. As the crest reached Wuhan, there was some concern for other areas nearby, including Jiangxi province. China Partner Ministries' Erik Burklin doesn't believe the waters will reach their training school or prevent classes. His concern is for others. "As far as students getting to the Bible school, I don't think that would really affect them that much. Most affected are local churches in the northern part of Jiangxi where Christians who have lost property, or even their homes. I've heard that there are many Christians who are helping out to get them back on their feet again." Burklin says the disaster, while not uncommon to this area, helps to mobilize the church. "It's exciting to see how believers are helping their fellow Christians with this need and, by the way, using this as an opportunity to reach out to the non-Christian population. That's being a tremendous witness." (Mission Network News)


The landlocked Himalayan country of Nepal, that for so long resisted the incursion of foreign gospel witness within its borders, is now home to an estimated 500,000 believers -- mostly through the witness of ethnic Nepali Christians. But finding leaders for thousands of worshiping groups in this Himalayan country is a challenge. One Nepali Christian leader is rising to meet that need. A former Hindu Brahmin priest turned preacher and is conducting training seminars for local Christian leaders. A seminar in western Nepal earlier this month drew 104 local church leaders. The ministry offers a three-year Bible correspondence course that has attracted a total of more 225,000 students. So far 22,350 have completed the course, and of these, 2,894 have taken additional discipleship training. "The demand for training is high," the leader said. "We have received more than 400 invitations to conduct our seminars." (Christian Aid Mission)


The gospel is making inroads in southern Ecuador's once-resistant Loja province, thanks in part to the ministry of Radio Hope, a local AM station that went on the air one year ago. Radio Hope is a cooperative effort of SIM, HCJB World Radio, International Mission Board, World Mission Prayer League and local Christians. At the celebration of the first anniversary, several people spoke of the impact that Radio Hope had on their lives. The celebration brought together delegates from various denominations, demonstrating unity among churches and missions in the region. Meanwhile, in an effort to reduce electricity costs, the board of directors for the station has decided to switch to FM. Plans are to install four transmitters throughout Loja province to better reach the area with gospel broadcasts. The goal is for the radio ministry to be self-sustaining and fully in the hands of Ecuadorian churches. SIM (Serving in Mission) is an international, interdenominational mission agency, sending workers to more than 40 field countries around the world. SIM members are involved in outreach such as church planting (evangelism and discipleship), ministries to human need and development of Christian leaders. (SIM)


A Christian youth movement called New Wave is reaching young people in Bulgaria and motivating them to reach their generation for Christ. Founded by pastor Nikolay Kokontchev in Varna in 2001, each successive event has drawn an increasing number of young people from all evangelical churches enthusiastic for the gospel. The most recent event was a four-day tent crusade in Burgas in July that attracted 500 young people. "Many young people renewed their faith in Christ," said one of the young people participating. "We had praise and worship, strong gospel messages, and a lot of fun." The rally concluded with a street march protesting violence and pornography. (Christian Aid Mission)

* CAPE TOWN PARTNER STATION GETS 24-HOUR-A-DAY LICENSE After years of applying, Cape Community FM (CCFm), HCJB World Radio's partner station in Cape Town, South Africa, has been granted a four-year, 24-hour-a-day license. The FM station switched to the new frequency of 107.5 FM Wednesday, Aug. 14, about two weeks after the license was approved. The programs also air on a second frequency (96.7). Previously, CCFm shared a frequency with another community station, each broadcasting 12 hours a day.

"We're grateful that so many of our listeners have moved with us to our new frequency," said Station Manager Avril Thomas, who leads a large team of volunteer presenters and producers. "We praise the Lord for His continual goodness to us. We are busier than ever."

Her husband, John Thomas, pastor of Fish Hoek Baptist Church, was on the air when the station made the switch to the new frequency at 6 p.m. on Aug. 14. He did live interviews with three visiting representatives from HCJB World Radio: Guest Ministries Director Jerry Carnill from Quito and Communications Director Jim Ferrier and Ministry Partner Representative Peter Brown from Colorado Springs, Colo.

Carnill was in South Africa to lead a short-term missions team from Kensington Community Church in Troy, Mich. The 19-member team worked hard for two weeks to make significant structural improvements at Living Hope Community Center, an HIV/AIDS ministry of Fish Hoek Baptist Church. Team members also spent four afternoons ministering to more than 100 children at Masiphumelele Baptist Church.

CCFm -- one of the first stations in HCJB World Radio's "radio planting" ministry -- went on the air with the mission's help in 1993. Through radio planting, HCJB World Radio provides equipment, training and technical expertise to help local partners own and operate Christian radio stations to minister to their communities. In the last 10 years the ministry has planted more than 200 stations in more than 100 countries. (HCJB World Radio)

FREE BOOKLET: Order your own copy of HCJB World Radio's new 20-page booklet, "God Keeps Opening Doors," by e-mailing your name and mailing address to doors@hcjb.org. You'll also receive a free bookmark.

   Soud v ruském přístavním městě Vanino v úterý 29.srpna rozhodl nezrušit nezávislou baptistickou církev založenou americkým misionářem Danem Pollardem. Žaloba byla vznesena místním soudním oddělením poté, co byla odmítnuta žádost církve o znovu-registraci. Soudkyně Tamara Afanasjeva se zřejmě rozhodla proti likvidaci, když si uvědomila rozhodnutí Ruského ústavního soudu z února 2002, který zrušil rozsudek nižšího soudu o likvidaci moskevské Armády spásy. „Vezmeme-li v úvahu předchozí postoj soudkyně, pak mě její dnešní rozhodnutí velmi překvapilo, nehledě na skutečnost, že právo bylo na naší straně,“ řekla členka sboru Inna Vaulina. Toto rozhodnutí nabude platnosti až za deset dní, během nichž může místní soudní oddělení podat odvolání. Toto soudní oddělení odmítlo znovu-registrační žádost církve z 25. října 2000 s tím, že její zákonná adresa je zároveň registrovaná jako bydliště. (Keston News Service)
    (International Bible Society) - Ke zprávám o naději pro obyvatele České Republiky postižené záplavami dodá Mezinárodní Biblická Společnost (IBS) duchovní obsah: rozdá zde 30.000 knížek s biblickým obsahem a 3.000 Nových Zákonů. Rozdávat se začnou v pondělí 2. září. IBS budou při rozdávání Písem pomáhat stovky místních sborů a Červený Kříž. Nedávné záplavy v Evropě usmrtily asi 100 lidí a vynutily si evakuaci statisíců obyvatel. „Ničivé záplavy zalily mnoho velkých měst včetně Prahy,“ řekl národní ředitel IBS v České Republice pan Hlouch, který distribuci řídí. „Tisíce lidí ztratily domovy, jiní mají své domy těžce poškozené. Při tak obrovském ničení hodnot je důležité připomínat lidem naději v Pánu Ježíši.“

*Paní Klára Steigerová z úřadu HCJB World Radio v Praze popisuje horečné úsilí obyvatel, dobrovolníků i profesionálů odstranit spoušť po záplavách, chybí ale jakákoli známka spolehnutí se na Boží pomoc. „Češi se už vlastně neumějí modlit a nevědí, jak se stavět k duchovní pomoci,“ říká Klára. Místní sbory se zaměřují na pomoc svým členům. Adventisté a katolíci provozují centra pomoci, nejvíce jí ale přichází z nevládních pomocných organizací. Kanceláře HCJB World Radio jsou na kopci mimo střed města, daleko od ohrožené oblasti. HCJB World Radio provozuje křesťanské vysílání v češtině již od roku 1975 a to na krátkých vlnách z Ekvádoru. Každý měsíc dochází asi 500 písemných reakcí na toto vysílání. Personál v Praze tvoří české programy a publikace. Tyto programy se podílejí na vysílání sedmi místních rozhlasových stanic v České Republice, na Slovensku a jsou šířeny také pomocí evropské sítě vysílačů TWR (Trans World Radio).

*Nejnovější zprávy v originální anglické verzi jsou vždy ZDE (klikněte).


A court in the Russian port city of Vanino ruled Thursday, Aug. 29, not to liquidate the local independent Baptist church founded by U.S. missionary Dan Pollard. The case had been brought by the local department of justice after rejecting the church's re-registration application. Judge Tamara Afanasyeva apparently ruled against liquidation after she became aware of the February 2002 decision by Russia's Constitutional Court to overturn a lower-court ruling to liquidate the Salvation Army in Moscow. "Taking into consideration the judge's previous mood, her ruling today struck me as somewhat of a surprise despite the fact that the law was on our side," said church member Inna Vaulina. The decision will not come into force for another 10 days during which the department of justice can appeal the decision. The department of justice rejected the church's re-registration application on Oct. 25, 2000, noting that its legal address is also registered as living accommodation. (Keston News Service)


In spite of a recent peace accord, rebel soldiers are again making attacks in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Reprisal fighting has escalated in the north, which is causing some alarm for Grace Ministries International (GMI). What's more, the continued presence of guerrilla thugs may mean trouble, says GMI's Jim Molencamp. "We are concerned now, because we have not heard from our missionary in Kama. It could be that the radio's broken; it could be that the soldiers have said that nobody can use their radio. It may not be anything serious, but we have not received word of anyone fleeing from that area." Molencamp asks for prayer. "It almost seems like an impossible situation, but we're grateful that the work is still going on there. Pray for the nationals. We have several hundred churches and Bible schools, and they're still going on in the midst of this chaos." (Mission Network News)


A peace delegation to West Africa from Church World Service (CWS) last month is galvanizing an emergency response in this troubled region. Led by CWS Executive Director John McCullough, the delegation encountered extensive poverty and civil wars that have resulted in thousands of refugees spilling across the borders of neighboring countries. Open conflict between rebel and government forces in Liberia has sent tens of thousands of Liberians fleeing for safety across the border to Sierra Leone in recent weeks. Based on the immediate needs the delegation, the aid agency is shipping more than $100,000 in supplies for Liberian refugees in and around Freetown, Sierra Leone. The shipment includes blankets and health and baby kits along with additional supplies donated by Lutheran World Relief. Funds area also being raised to help refugees from Sierra Leone displaced during that country's devastating 11-year civil war that ended in January 2002. An estimated 25,000 Liberians have entered Sierra Leone since January. (Religion Today)

* HCJB World Radio works in partnership with ELWA, a ministry founded by SIM in Monrovia, Liberia, in 1954, to air the gospel across the country and West Africa. The station was destroyed twice by civil war, first in 1990 and again in 1996. ELWA went back on the air in 1997 with a small FM transmitter supplied by HCJB World Radio. Then in 2000 HCJB World Radio provided a low-power shortwave transmitter, again enabling the station to reach the region. ELWA broadcasts the gospel in 10 languages and plans to add more as resources become available. IBS TO DISTRIBUTE 30,000 BOOKLETS, SCRIPTURES IN CZECH REPUBLIC

The International Bible Society (IBS) will bring a message of hope to flood victims in the Czech Republic by distributing 30,000 Scripture-based booklets and 3,000 New Testaments area starting Monday, Sept. 2. IBS will work with hundreds of local churches and the Red Cross to distribute the Scriptures. Recent flooding in Europe has left more than 100 people dead and resulted in the evacuation of hundreds of thousands of residents. "These terrible floods have inundated many big cities, including Prague," says IBS-Czech National Director Hlouch who is leading the distribution efforts. "Thousands of people have lost their homes, and many others are damaged. It is so important to bring these people the hope of Jesus when they are facing great devastation." (International Bible Society)

* Klara Steiger of HCJB World Radio's Czech office in Prague says that while people are working frantically to clean up after the floods, there is "no sign" that they are turning to God for help. "The nation does not know how to pray or how to receive spiritual counseling," she says. Local churches are concentrating on meeting the needs of their own people. Seventh-day Adventist and Catholic churches have set up relief centers, but most help is coming from non-governmental aid agencies. HCJB World Radio's Czech office is about 800 feet above the city, well away from the danger area. HCJB World Radio has been airing Christian Czech programs via shortwave from Ecuador to eastern Europe since 1975. Five hours of weekly programs spark nearly 500 listener letters each month. Staff members at the office in Prague produce Czech programs and publications. Programs air on seven local stations throughout the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Programs also air in Europe via Trans World Radio.


More than 300 homes for destitute families in Jamaica have been dedicated by Food for the Poor (FFP), South Florida's largest charity, as a memorial to the firefighters and policemen who perished during the 9/11 tragedy. FFP presented each of the families of the heroes with a memorial plaque picturing the house and the proud new homeowners. "Like so many Americans, we at FFP desired to do something truly significant to honor those brave men and women who responded to the attack on the World Trade Center, and, at the same time, provide consolation to the families and friends that were left behind," said FFP Chief Executive Officer Robin Mahfood. The modest homes, measuring 12 feet square, are built by local contractors who assist in stimulating the local economy and providing employment. FFP has a waiting list of 19,000 families who qualify for the housing program based upon need. (Assist News Service)


Community health education prove to be key in seeing a church replanted in Ukraine, says Glen Reeves of Medical Ambassadors International who just returned from the country. Opportunities to spread the gospel in the village of Potievka opened after the ministry brought practical help to the needy village. "They have a greenhouse now, and they've even acquired some land from a farm on which they've been able to grow vegetables to use in school lunches. They did a survey and discovered there are a lot of problems with malnutrition, so they've been allowed to teach principles of nutrition in the school." Residents were then prompted to restart a local church that reaches out in other ways. "They were able to put on a summer camp for the kids," Reeves says. "Last year the school did not let them introduce biblical subjects, but this year they were able to." One of the teachers who had been "adamantly opposed" to last year's summer camp program asked to receive a Bible after this year's camp. (Mission Network News)

FREE BOOKLET: Order your own copy of HCJB World Radio's new 20-page booklet, "God Keeps Opening Doors," by e-mailing your name and mailing address to doors@hcjb.org . You'll also receive a free bookmark.


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