Zprávy HCJB 15.9.2002 - 21.9.2002

   Církev v Latinské Americe roste. To je ta dobrá zpráva. Ta špatná je, že mají nedostatek těch, kteří by byli schopni nové věřící vyučovat. V reakci na tuto situaci nedávno zahájila Evangelická církevní mise vysílání Vzdělávacího cyklu po síti pro Latinskou Ameriku, neboli LATN. Keith Anderson z této organizace vysvětluje: „LATN dává možnost studovat ve škole, která nemá stěny a nabízí školení na síti, kde je možno školitele najít. To, co je na tom tak úžasné, je, že to školení přichází ke studentům a my nemusíme posílat nikam své profesory. Celý obsah našeho vyučování dodáváme přes Internet.“ Anderson říká, že jsou ještě na samém počátku celého projektu, ale doufají, že v blízké budoucnosti dojde k značnému rozšíření. (Mission Network News)
   (Assist News Service) - Z města Nyankunde na severovýchodě Konga pomalu docházejí zprávy o masakru z 5 září. Útokem bylo přerušeno telefonní spojení a zprávy tak přinášejí uprchlíci. Z města Bunia oznamuje anglikánská církevní misijní společnost (CMS), že slova uprchlíků svědčí o „bezcitném etnickém násilí, které vyústilo ve všeobecnou zkázu.“ Je těžké zjistit, kolik lidí vlastně zahynulo, protože v nastalém zmatku se všichni pokoušeli uniknout. Mrtví byli ponecháni na místě, cesty jsou ucpané a mnoho lidí uvízlo. Zařízení CMS – nemocnice, úrazové oddělení, lékárna, školy, kostely, obchody a školky byly systematicky vydrancovány, obydlí domorodců byla vypleněna a spálena. Mrtev je i rev. Henri Bisamake, místní koordinátor pro HIV/AIDS a jeho čtyři kolegové.

*Nejnovější zprávy v originální anglické verzi jsou vždy ZDE (klikněte).

HCJB World Radio vysílá ve spolupráci s partnery v Demokratické republice Kongo evangelium na FM stanicích v Bomě, Bukavu a Kinshase. Pořady se vysílají anglicky, francouzsky a dále v jazycích Kikongo Fioti, Lingala, Luba a Swahili. Týdenní půlhodinové programy v Songe vysílá také Horizon Radio, FM stanice v Mbuji-Mayi. HCJB World Radio v Ekvádoru navíc do země vysílá pořady v Kikongo Fioti na krátkých vlnách. Pracovníci projekčního centra v Elkhartu plánují zprovoznění nízkovýkonného krátkovlnného přenašeče u partnerské stanice v Bukavu, který by výrazně zvýšil její pokrytí.


The southern Sudan town of Lui was again targeted by Sudanese government bombers on Sept. 12, but this time there were no deaths, injuries or damaged facilities. Lui is the home of the hospital operated by Samaritan's Purse, the Christian relief organization headed by Franklin Graham. The hospital opened five years ago. The town has been bombed seven times since 2000. In the latest attack, 12 staff members at the hospital (five Americans, six Kenyans and a Canadian) were terrorized and ran into the bush, hiding beneath rocks and shelters. Four bombs were dropped in two passes above the town. Lui is the home of the only hospital for an estimated population of 400,000 people with patients walking up to 15 days for medical care. There are no structures in Lui except the hospital, a church (damaged in a December 2000 attack and still being repaired), a school and grass huts. Lui has an estimated population of 7,000 to 9,000. No military targets or personnel are stationed in the town. (Assist News Service)


News has been slow to get out from the town of Nyankunde in northeastern Democratic Republic of Congo where a massacre occurred on Sept. 5. While the attack damaged communications equipment, word came through from refugees in Bunia via the Anglican Church Missionary Society (CMS) who spoke of "ethnic senseless brutality resulting in cataclysmic devastation." It is difficult to know how many people were killed because in the chaos as people were trying to escape. The dead were abandoned, roads were blocked and many people trapped. The CMS hospital, orthopedic center, pharmacy, schools, churches, shops and nursing school were systematically looted while personal homes were ransacked and burned. The dead include Rev. Henri Basimake, the local HIV/AIDS coordinator, and four colleagues. (Assist News Service)

* HCJB World Radio works with local partners in the Democratic Republic of Congo to broadcast the gospel on FM stations in Boma, Bukavu and Kinshasa. Programs go out in English, French, Kikongo Fioti, Lingala, Luba and Swahili. Weekly programs in the Songe and Kikongo San Salvador languages also air from local FM stations in the country. In addition, HCJB World Radio airs Kikongo Fioti programs to the country via shortwave from Ecuador.


Following a presidential ban last June on the import of all Russian newspapers and magazines, Keston News Service has learned that members of the Russian Orthodox Church in Turkmenistan are now barred from subscribing to the Journal of the Moscow Patriarchate along with other Russian church publications. Customs officials have also been instructed to confiscate any Russian publications brought into Turkmenistan. Nevertheless, Andrei Sapunov, head of Turkmenistan's Orthodox Church, remains optimistic. "We have permission from the state agencies to bring religious literature here from Russia, and so I do not envision any problems," he said. (Keston News Service)


On Saturday, the multi-million-dolar radio Voice International Asia Pacific Broadcast Centre was officially opened in Maroochydore, north of Brisbane, by multi-millionaire Bob Edmiston of England. Edmiston, the founder and president of Christian Vision, maintained that the broadcasts being beamed into Indonesia, China, India and South East Asia are unashamedly focussed on hope, faith and a new life through Jesus Christ. The shortwave broadcasts are using the former Radio Australia transmitters at Cox's Peninsula, near Darwin and the footprint covers a third of the globe. The programs -- in Indonesian, Chinese, Hindi and English -- are aired simultaneously via satellite. They provide a mix of secular and Christian music and messages of hope. Voice International now joins Christian Vision's global network of radio stations in Miami and Bromwich, England reaching into India, Africa, South America and Asia. (Worldwide Photos)


The Church in Latin America is exploding. That's the good news. The bad news is that there aren't enough trained leaders to teach new believers. In response, the Evangelical Free Church Mission recently launched the Latin America Training Network, or LATN. Evangelical Free Church's Keith Anderson explains its function. "LATN proposes to be a school without walls, and offer training on-site where those leaders are located. The one unique thing about this is, that we're taking the training to the students, rather than sending professors, we're delivering all of our content on the Internet." Anderson says they're still in the early stages of the project, but they hope to expand it in the near future. (Mission Network News)


A Polish Catholic priest has become a Baptist pastor in Germany. Janusz Blonski, 43, was involved in a spiritual renewal movement in his hometown of Tarnow near Krakow. He was hardly aware of Baptists at that time. The only place he heard them mentioned was in seminary, where they were described as a "sect" or "religious deviators." As Blonski told the evangelical news agency IDEA, he himself gradually strayed from the official Catholic doctrine in his ministry. He believed in the "general priesthood of all believers," saw no biblical ground for infant baptism and refused to officiate at worship services devoted to Mary. On a visit to Germany, Blonski got in touch with Baptists. In 1989 he left his church in Poland and moved to Germany. He was baptized and thus became a member of a Baptist congregation. But it took a long time to convince the Baptist Union that he could be a pastor. At first he was only accepted as counselor and church officer for ethnic German immigrants. After his third application the Union agreed that he could study at their Theological Seminary. He was ordained after three semesters. Today Blonski pastors a church in Mergentheim in South West Germany. He has not cut off all contacts with the Roman Catholic Church. Sometimes he attends mass, because he appreciates the liturgy. Sometimes Catholics listen to his sermons, because they know of this former life. But not all Catholics are sympathetic. Monks from the local monastery turned down the invitation to his inauguration, and never answered Blonski's Christmas greetings. (IDEA)

FREE BOOKLET: Order your own copy of HCJB World Radio's new 20-page booklet, "God Keeps Opening Doors," by e-mailing your name and mailing address to doors@hcjb.org . You'll also receive a free bookmark.

    Podle průzkumu více než 70% světové populace dává přednost vyučování pomocí ústní komunikace. Autor Herbert V. Klem říká, že tito žáci „by se asi nikdy nezačali zajímat o studium Bible, kdybychom k nim přistupovali metodou literární.“ Avery Willis, vice president Mezinárodního misijního úřadu pro zámořské záležitosti, říká:“Zatímco film JEŽÍŠ a chronologicky vyprávěné biblické příběhy přinesly dobrou zprávu stovkám miliónům těch, kteří nečtou, misionáři neměli žádné nástroje, kterých by oni sami mohli použít pro rozšiřování Božího království.“ Aby mohli překonat tuto překážku, Progressive Vision (Progresivní vidění) – vydavatel digitálních prostředků pro rozvoj misie „právě přišel na trh s prvním modulem, který sestává ze šesti cyklů nazvaných – Následování Ježíše: Zrození učedníků z ústně vzdělaných studentů.“ Tyto pořady vybaví misionáře pro využívání těchto vyprávěcích metod k výchově nových učedníků z řad nově věřících a vzdělávat starší sborů v těch podmínkách, kdy se lidé učí poslechem a opakováním spíše, než z psaných materiálů.(Assist News Service)
   (Christian Solidarity Worldwide) - Čelný pákistánský křesťanský představitel varuje, že útok USA proti Iráku by mohl způsobit vážnou eskalaci pronásledování pákistánských křesťanů. Cecil Chaudry, výkonný tajemník All Pakistan Minorities Alliance a předseda Minorities Advisory Council řekl: “Vidím nebezpečí hrozných událostí, pokud dojde k útoku na Irák. Mohlo by dojít k napadání našich kostelů nebo i našich domovů. Každý útok proti Iráku nahraje extrémistům, pravicovým i levicovým, protože útok bude vykládán jako válka křesťanů proti islámu. Nebudeme moci místní teroristy zastavit a to by mohlo přivodit nástup teroru proti křesťanské komunitě, pokud by na Irák USA skutečně zaútočily. V době války v Perském zálivu byl agresorem Irák a Pákistán byl členem mnohonárodních spojeneckých sil. Přesto byly v té době naše kostely předmětem kamenování, jeden katolický kněz byl napaden a došlo k pálení církevního nábytku. Pokud OSN vysloví souhlas s akcí proti Iráku, bude to tentokrát pro křesťany ještě těžší, i když vláda by mohla situaci udržet pod kontrolou prohlášením, že Pákistán musí dodržovat doporučení Rady Bezpečnosti.“

*Nejnovější zprávy v originální anglické verzi jsou vždy ZDE (klikněte).

Gunmen reportedly attacked two villages in North Maluku early Sunday. While no one claimed responsibility for the incident, it heightens fears that a full-scale assault against Christians is on the way. That is due, in part, because a February peace accord has failed to stop sporadic outbreaks of violence. Christian Aid Mission's John Lindner reports, "The Laskar Jihad, which is the strong terrorist group in Indonesia, has denounced the peace accord, and they don't intend to abide by it; they are going to do everything they can to thwart it, so, the peace accord is fine in itself, but unless the Indonesia government makes a very strong stand against some of their own Muslim Indonesians, it's going to go down the tubes. ... Christian ministry in Indonesia is always at risk by those who are opposed to the gospel. It will continue as long as they have an opportunity to do anything, because these believers there are willing to do whatever needs to be done in order to bring the gospel to their people." (Mission Network News)


A leading Pakistani Christian has warned that an attack on Iraq by America could cause a severe increase in persecution for Christians in Pakistan. Cecil Chaudry, Executive Secretary of the All Pakistan Minorities Alliance and Senior Vice Chairman of the Minorities Advisory Council, said: "I see terrible things happening if Iraq is invaded, including attacks on our churches and even attacks on our homes. Any attack on Iraq is going to signify to the extremists, rightly or wrongly, that this is a war of Christianity against Islam. We have not been able to weed out our local terrorists and this could bring about a reign of terror on the Christian community should Iraq be attacked by America. When the Gulf War took place Iraq was the aggressor and Pakistan was part of the multi-national coalition force, but our churches were stoned, a Catholic priest was manhandled and furniture burned. If the U.N. give their support to action against Iraq it will still be difficult for Christians, but the government may be able to keep the situation under control as they will say that Pakistan as a country has to stand by the Security Council's recommendations." (Christian Solidarity Worldwide)


Home building in India is having an impact on the gospel in the State of Gujarat. In January 2001, Gujarat suffered an incredible earthquake which claims nearly 30,000 lives and left thousands more homeless. Mission India's David DeGroot says they have just finished a project that is helping the suffering. "We have just completed the construction of dwelling places for 65 families in one village in Gujarat. This was a village that was leveled. It was nothing but smashed bricks on the ground." According to DeGroot this is the first time Christians have been visibly involved in the community. "So this is the very first entrée into this village by a group of Christians and the villagers have taken note of that." DeGroot is praying this will open the eyes of the people there to request Mission India's Bible clubs to come to the area. (Mission Network News)


?Even if I die here, I will never leave Jesus!? cried the young missionary trainee as the fists of angry men pummeled his body. Earlier that day, the man had been distributing gospel tracts and talking to people about the Lord along a narrow street in the Indian city of Jodhpur, Rajasthan. When a bystander said he wanted to know more about Jesus, the trainee showed him some Christian books. Then the man suggested they go to a nearby office to continue talking, and the trainee agreed. But when he stepped into the room, five men were waiting for him. He had been lured into the local office of an anti-Christian organization. He was told to sit on a chair while the men emptied his bag of books and started asking questions. With boldness, the man gave his testimony and then stood to leave. Just then, one of the men grabbed his hands and tied them tightly behind his back. Then one by one they took turns beating him. ?Even if I die here, I will never leave Jesus,? he cried in pain. The ordeal ended four hours later when a woman came into the room and began shouting at the men. Even though he was injured and hurt, he had the strength to leave the building and catch a bus for home. (Gospel for Asia)


According to research, more than 70 percent of the world's population have an oral communication learning preference and lifestyle. Author Herbert V. Klem says these oral learners are ?not likely to take an interest in the Bible if we take a literary approach to teaching.? Avery Willis, International Missions Board Vice President for overseas operations, says, "While the JESUS Film and Chronological Bible Storying have taken the good news to hundreds of millions of non-readers, missionaries have had no tools to train them to multiply God's Kingdom themselves." To help overcome this obstacle, Progressive Vision -- a digital publisher of resources for missions advancement ? has just released the first module in a six-part series called "Following Jesus: Making Disciples of Primary Oral Learners." The series will equip missionaries to use storying methods to disciple new believers and train church leaders in cultures where people learn by hearing and repeating, rather than through written material. (Assist News Service)


On Sept. 5, an ecumenical group of Christian scholars issued a statement arguing that ?Jews are in an eternal covenant with God? and renounced missionary efforts at converting Jews. ?We know there has been a long tradition of anti-Judaism within that Christian tradition,? said Joseph Tyson, chairman of the scholars group and professor emeritus at Southern Methodist University. ?It?s based on certain misperceptions of history, and it?s theologically invalid.? Religion New Service reported that the statement was issued by members of the Christian Scholars Group on Christian-Jewish Relations and represents an ongoing effort to strengthen dialogue between Christians and Jews. In August a statement issued by Jewish and Catholic leaders claimed that efforts to evangelize the Jews are no longer ?theologically acceptable.? The statements have articulated a theological position that represents a significant departure from historic, orthodox, Christianity. ?Evangelical Christians cannot assent to a diminished universal significance of Jesus as both a Jewish and Gentile Messiah and Savior,? said Gordon Lewis, professor of theology and philosophy at Denver Seminary. ?The Jews were the ones who needed the atonement because there aren?t any, Jew or Gentile, who live faithfully by the law. The law is fulfilled only in Christ, and only through the atonement can we who cannot keep the law be saved.? (Religion Today)

FREE BOOKLET: Order your own copy of HCJB World Radio's new 20-page booklet, "God Keeps Opening Doors," by e-mailing your name and mailing address to doors@hcjb.org. You'll also receive a free bookmark.

    Ruský pastor nedávno referoval o pozitivních změnách vůči náboženství v Rusku. 12. září pastor Igor „Nikki“ Nikitin, prezident Asociace křesťanských sborů v Rusku, byl v polské Varšavě, kde se zúčastnil zasedání Organizace pro bezpečnost a spolupráci v Evropě (OSCE). Po mnoha letech obrany práv věřících v Rusku informoval o tom, že tam v této oblasti došlo k „pozitivním změnám“. Nikitin řekl, že je rád, že může oznámit, že se v Rusku v několika posledních měsících „změnila k lepšímu“ situace v dodržování práva svobody vyznání. Dnes se můžeme s čistým svědomím zmínit o přání vlády Ruské federace a úřadu pro rezidenty, řešit historické i současné problémy za přísného dodržování práv věřících,“ řekl Nikitin. „Vidíme,že OSCE a ostatní mezinárodní organizace pro lidská práva sehrály důležitou roli. Rusko je nyní součástí celkového procesu demokratických reforem. Celá země se učí žít ve společnosti, kde občané mají svá práva a povinnosti, zatímco prezident a stát musí zajistit a garantovat dodržování ústavních práv a svobod, včetně svobody vyznání.“ (Assist News Service)
   (Compass) - Místní představitelé odmítli dovolit asi 100 dětem evangelijních křesťanů zapsat se do základní školy ve městě Mitziton v kraji San Cristóbal de las Casas v nejjižnějším mexickém státě Chiapas. Již minulý leden bylo několik rodin evangelikálů násilně z města Mitzitonu vypuzeno a jejich domy byly vypáleny. Rodiny se později vrátily, od té doby živoří v nejistotě a zakoušejí nepřátelství místních tradičních katolíků. Státní orgány v Mitzitonu ustavily speciální skupinu soudních vykonavatelů s cílem předejít dalšímu nepřátelství, ale náčelníci místních Indiánů kmene Tzotzil jsou rozhodnuti evangelikály ve městě vymýtit.

*Nejnovější zprávy v originální anglické verzi jsou vždy ZDE (klikněte).


The government of central Nigeria's Plateau state is appealing for calm following a bomb explosion at a Christian church that has increased tensions in a region already shaken by religious violence. The explosion on Sept. 11 at the Church of Christ in Nigeria in the Laranto suburb of the state capital of Jos shook buildings in the surrounding area, causing slight structural damage to the church and covering the entire premises with a thick, dark smoke. So far there are no reported deaths or injuries. Thousands have died since September last year when religious unrest first erupted in Plateau state. Until then the state had been largely untouched by the violence that has affected other northern and central states following moves by state governments to impose full sharia (Islamic law) in defiance of the country's constitution. Today 12 of Nigeria's 36 states have either adopted Islamic law or are in the process of doing so. Following the bomb attack, Ezekiel Gomos, secretary to the state government, issued a press statement underlining the government's determination to deal decisively with "any person found to be engaged in such condemnable acts that will breach the peace." (Christian Solidarity Worldwide)

* HCJB World Radio, together with partners In Touch Ministries, SIM and the Evangelical Church of West Africa, began airing weekly half-hour programs in the Igbo language in 2000. The programs air via shortwave to Nigeria's 15 million Igbo speakers. CHRISTIANS BEING MONITORED BY UKRAINE'S SECRET SERVICE

Protestant and Catholic church leaders and missionary leaders are again being monitored by the former communist secret service of Ukraine, reported Keston News Service. "They were outside my gate, always in the same vehicle, and followed me when I went to the church," said a foreign pastor who leads a Protestant church in the ex-Soviet republic. Secret police are also monitoring other church leaders, said the pastor who asked to remain anonymous. "They just want to show that they know more about you than you think," he said. The pastor recounted the experience of another foreign Protestant working elsewhere in Ukraine. When the Protestant went to renew his residence permit at the visa and registration office, officials brought out a large file with printouts of all his e-mails and questioned him on statements he had made in them. On Monday, Sept. 16, tens of thousands of people took to the streets in Kiev and other cities to demonstrate for more human rights as well as to honor Ukrainian journalist Georgy Gongadze whose death triggered a political crisis two years ago. His beheaded, acid-laced body was found a few weeks later. (Assist News Service)

* HCJB World Radio has worked with local churches to establish radio ministries in Kiev and four other cities in Ukraine. Stations in two Ukrainian cities are also affiliated with New Life Radio, a Russian satellite radio network started with HCJB World Radio's help in 2000. In addition, Ukrainian programs also air daily via shortwave from two international broadcasting sites. RUSSIAN PASTOR REPORTS POSITIVE CHANGES TOWARD RELIGION

A Russian pastor has reported positive changes toward religion in Russia. On Sept. 12, Pastor Igor "Nikki" Nikitin, president of the Association of Christian Churches of Russia, was in Warsaw, Poland, participating in the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). After defending the rights of believers in Russia for many years, he reported that there are "positive changes" in Russia in this area. Nikitin said he was pleased to announce that in the previous several months the situation regarding the observance of the freedom of conscience in Russia has "changed for the better. Today we can clearly note the desire of the government of the Russian Federation and the resident's administration to solve historical or current conflicts in strict observance of the rights of believers," said Nikitin. "We see here that the OSCE and other international human rights organizations have played a major role. Russia is now involved in the complex process of democratic reform. The entire country is learning to live in a society where citizens have rights and obligations, while the president and the state must provide and guarantee the observance of their constitutional rights and freedoms, including the freedom of conscience." (Assist News Service)


Heavy rainfall in the highlands of western Guatemala caused flooding and landslides that leveled a hillside in the community of El Porvenir, 95 miles west of Guatemala City. The homes of more than 60 families were destroyed, and 28 people are confirmed to have been killed -- among them 14 children. Catholic Relief Services (CRS) has responded with immediate cash donations for emergency supplies. "This is one of the poorest areas of the country," said Dula James of CRS in Guatemala. "The homes are often built with inadequate materials. When heavy rains like these come, the combination of deforested land and poorly constructed houses leaves people extremely vulnerable. This is a problem that extends beyond immediate needs, and we will look to attend to the medium and longer term needs of the community here as well." CRS is working with a local partner, the Guillermo Toriello Foundation, to provide immediate assistance to the families who have been displaced. Food, medicine and basic household supplies will be distributed; assessments regarding the needs of the landslide victims will be ongoing during the next few weeks. (Catholic Relief Services)


A missionary working among indigenous people in Brazil says he is facing increasing opposition from tribal chiefs and anthropologists. Often Indian missionaries are subject to mobbing, reports the German Indian Pioneer Mission in Remshalden near Stuttgart. "We hear more and more voices calling for a return to the old culture," said Director Juergen Sachs. He told stories of subtle forms of harassment by tribal chiefs who call general meetings at times when they coincide with Sunday worship. Missionary Markus Hiller said that Brazil was more open to the gospel 25 years ago than it is now. Only in the north can mission work be carried out relatively undisturbed. (IDEA)


Local leaders have refused to allow approximately 100 evangelical Christian children to enroll in primary school in Mitziton, a town in the municipality of San Cristóbal de las Casas in Mexico's southernmost state of Chiapas. Last January several evangelical families were violently expelled from Mitziton and their homes were burned. They later returned and have been eking out a precarious existence while facing hostility from local traditional Catholics. State authorities have placed a special group of law enforcement officials in Mitziton in an attempt to avoid further violence, but Tzotzil Indian leaders are determined to rid the town of evangelicals. (Compass)

FREE BOOKLET: Order your own copy of HCJB World Radio's new 20-page booklet, "God Keeps Opening Doors," by e-mailing your name and mailing address to doors@hcjb.org . You'll also receive a free bookmark.

   Bez ohledu na problémy, které přináší šíření evangelia v Indii, tisíce lidí se obrací ke Kristu. Mnoho z nich tak činí po shlédnutí filmu o životě Krista . John Gilman z Dayspring International (společnost, která film natočila), se právě vrátil z Indie. „Bez nadsázky mohu říci, že Indové patří k nejvíce nábožensky orientovaným lidem na zemi a ve svých životech touží po duchovní stravě. Když vidí náš film o životě Krista, ve kterém účinkují pouze indičtí herci, přemáhají je emoce a mnoho z nich prosí o modlitbu.“( Mission Network News)
   (Religion Today) Persecution Project Foundation dovršila 1. září pomocnou akci pro obyvatele na západě Horního Nilu, která byla vyvolána zoufalými výzvami církevních představitelů. Misie podnikla 7 letů a rozdělila přes 35 tun základních potřeb pro uprchlíky. Ke koordinované pomocné akci došlo po výzvách reverenda Johna Sudana Gaduela, vedoucího domorodé „Operace Milosrdenství“ (South Sudan Operation Mercy), který svědčil o vládou podporovaných útocích v létě, již po podpisu mírové dohody Machakos I. „Předběžné odhady počtu vyhnanců a mrtvých se nyní zdají být velmi podhodnocené,“ řekl Brad Phillips, který vedl pomocnou skupinu z Warrentonu ve Virginii. „Přes 250.000 lidí z okresu Mayom bylo minulý měsíc vysídleno na východ do Bahr el Gazahl a do severnějších oblastí kolem Horního Nilu. Dalších 60.000 vysídlených se ale nahrnulo do našeho distribučního střediska v Západním Horním Nilu,“ řekl Phillips. Jiných 23.000, kteří před odsunem uprchli rovnou, se nyní vrátilo a shánějí pomoc. „Tisíce žen a dětí umírají podvýživou, malárií, tuberkulózou, parazitárními a jinými chorobami, protože nemají co jíst, nemají střechu nad hlavou ani lékařské ošetření.“

*Nejnovější zprávy v originální anglické verzi jsou vždy ZDE (klikněte).


World Relief President Clive Calver returned last week from Zimbabwe where he was assessing the needs in what many say will be the worst famine Sub-Saharan Africa has faced in more than 60 years. Calver describes the situation in Zimbabwe as "ghastly." A severe drought and dubious government policies have crippled the food supply throughout Zimbabwe. "These people here have absolutely nothing to eat, and they are beginning to die," Calver said. The U.S. Agency for International Development reported that 6 million Zimbabweans alone will face death if action is not taken. "This famine facing Zimbabwe is the worst one seen in years," Calver said. " This one dwarfs the Ethiopian and Sudanese famines." Calver said that churches are key in the response to the growing famine in the region because churches understand the needs of their communities better than outsiders do and can distribute aid more effectively. (Religion Today)


The Persecution Project Foundation completed an emergency relief intervention in Western Upper Nile region of Sudan Sept. 1 in response to desperate appeals from church leaders. The foundation's emergency relief mission involved seven flights and the distribution of more than 70,000 pounds of lifesaving supplies for the refugees. The intervention was coordinated in response to appeals from Rev. John Sudan Gaduel, director of the indigenous South Sudan Operation Mercy who witnessed Sudan government-sponsored attacks this summer after the signing of the Machakos I Peace Agreement. "The initial estimates of displaced and dead have turned out to be very conservative underestimates," says Brad Phillips, who led the team from Warrenton, Va. "More than 250,000 people from Mayom county were displaced into eastern Bahr el Gazahl and northern Upper Nile last month. Another 60,000 people from among those displaced flocked to our distribution center in Western Upper Nile," he says. Another 23,000 members of the host community who had also fled returned to the area seeking help. "Thousands of women and children are dying of malnutrition, malaria, tuberculosis, parasites and other diseases, because of lack of food, shelter and medicine. (Religion Today)


Local Baptist congregations in Kazakhstan that refuse to register with authorities have reported an increase in the number of fines and court orders closing down churches, reports Ninel Fokina, the chair of the Almaty Helsinki Committee. Kazakhstan's religion law states that registration of religious communities is not compulsory. However, in 2000 a special amendment made the activity of an unregistered religious organization illegal, and officials now argue that the amendment has greater legal weight than the law, which is disputed by human rights groups. (Keston News Service)


A missionary working near the India-Bhutan border says that even though it is difficult sharing the gospel among Hindus and Buddhists, the demonstrations of God's power are bringing people to Christ. "We face many challenges, but each time we also see the glory of God," said the missionary. "One day a poisonous snake bit one of our believers. Friends brought him to the church, we prayed for him, and he survived. We prayed for one demon-possessed man, and he was set free in the name of Jesus. After this, three other men accepted Christ as their Savior. One of these men was a staunch follower of the Hindu goddess Kali. He had built his own small temple to the goddess in his house and worshiped her regularly. One day he became convinced that she was demanding that he kill his family as a sacrificial offering. Not being happy with this conclusion, he called out that if there was a true God to reveal Himself. Yet he proceeded with preparations to kill his family unless such a revelation occurred. He had his weapon in his hand when suddenly a bright light entered his room. Believing that the true God was signifying His presence, he threw his weapon from his hand. The weapon struck and destroyed his small Kali temple. I heard about this and went to his house the next day. I told him about the Lord Jesus Christ who died for him and rose again, and he immediately accepted Christ as his Savior." This missionary serving with an India-based mission has led 45 people to Christ in the last six months. (Christian Aid)


Despite the challenges facing evangelistic outreach in India, thousands are turning to Christ. Many are doing so in response to Dayspring International's movie on the life of Christ. Dayspring's John Gilman just returned from India. "In India, the people are certainly some of the most religious people on the face of the earth, and they have a great hunger for spiritual knowledge in their life. When they see our all Indian-acted life of Christ motion picture, it overwhelms them, and so many of them ask for prayer." (Mission Network News)

* In partnership with FEBA Radio, HCJB World Radio airs weekly Christian programs to eastern India via shortwave in two languages: Chattisgarhi and Mundari. HCJB World Radio also broadcasts 11/2 hours of English programming daily to India via shortwave from South America. The ministry is investigating potential opportunities to help launch local Christian stations in key cities across India.


The Humanitarian International Services Group of Colorado Springs, Colo., has been invited to participate in the Balikitan exercises to be conducted by the U.S. military in the Philippines next April and May. "The group will help coordinate the humanitarian activity portions of this joint exercise between the U.S. and Philippine militaries and civil affairs units. The group will mobilize the efforts of non-profit organizations and international organizations to work strategically with the similar groups in the Philippines. "This is unprecedented, and we are humbled in being asked," said Executive Director Kay Hiramine. "The Philippines initiative has evolved far beyond the impact of a simple action-oriented coalition. At this point, the Philippines initiative now provides an opportunity for the piloting of an operational model that could change the way humanitarian operations are conducted throughout the world." (Assist News Service)

FREE BOOKLET: Order your own copy of HCJB World Radio's new 20-page booklet, "God Keeps Opening Doors," by e-mailing your name and mailing address to doors@hcjb.org . You'll also receive a free bookmark.

   Více než tisíc křesťanů v úterý pochodovalo Berlínem, aby tak protestovaly proti každoročnímu zabíjení 300 000 nenarozených dětí v Německu. Protestující, oblečeni v černém, nesli tisíc bílých křížů. Týden před všeobecnými volbami v Německu, které jsou stanoveny na 22. září, kritizovali aktivisté strany „pro život“ všechny politické strany za jejich vlažný přístup k řešení otázky potratů. Claudia Kaminski, ředitelka Federální asociace pro život, vyzvala k zamyšlení nad nespravedlností, že „každý pracovní den ztratí své životy v Německu na tisíc nevinných dětí.“ Od roku 1995, kdy bylo reformováno právo potratu v zemi, 1,8 miliónů dětí bylo dáno k potratu. Hartmut Steeb, generální sekretář Německé evangelikální aliance, říká, že je to nezodpovědné a nerozvážné, když politici nic nedělají, aby zabránili tomu, co on nazývá „největší lidská katastrofa“, zatímco na druhé straně se všemožně snaží zřídit komise a zajistit obrovské finanční prostředky pro oběti povodní ve východním Německu. (IDEA)
   (Mission Network News) - Očekává se, že nový překlad Bible pomůže šíření víry v Ježíše Krista v Chorvatsku. Chorvatsko se nyní k evangeliu staví ponejvíc netečně. The World Bible Translation Center (WTBC) dokončuje překlad, který by misionářům mohl sloužit jako nový nástroj svědectví. Vrian LeMore z WTBC říká: „Doufáme, že vytištěný a svázaný překlad budou mít Chorvaté v rukou jako pěkný vánoční dárek. Doufáme v příchod obnoveného Slova ve svěžím jazyce, které osloví mládež, děti i ty, kdo dosud neměli možnost dozvědět se, kým Ježíš je. Je to pro nás velmi dojemné.“ McLemore zjišťuje, že minulá éra komunizmu má i nyní vliv na duchovní klima v zemi. „Po minulém období zůstalo prázdno. Je zde generace, která nemohla žít tradičním náboženským životem, generace, která vyrostla bez skutečného náboženství. Nyní s novou Biblí přichází možnost všechny tyto lidi oslovit.“

* HCJB World Radio spolu s Chorvatským evangelijním seminářem v Osijeku zřídili v roce 1999 nahrávací studio. Týdenní rozhlasové programy „Zdroje víry“ nahrávané ve studiu jsou vysílány 23 běžnými rozhlasovými stanicemi po celém Chorvatsku a dvěma stanicemi v Bosně.

*Nejnovější zprávy v originální anglické verzi jsou vždy ZDE (klikněte).


Authorities in Indonesia have arrested the man they believe is responsible for the Christmas 2000 bombings of churches. Omar al-Faruq allegedly confessed after being taken to Afghanistan for more than three months of interrogation by the CIA. Al-Faruq also reportedly confessed to planning a string of attacks against U.S. embassies in Southeast Asia on the first anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. He is accused of helping establish Laskar Jundullah, a militant Islamic group behind attacks on Christian villages in Central Sulawesi province. He also reportedly planned to assassinate Indonesian President Megawati Sukarnoputri, then running as a candidate for the presidency in May 1999, but failed to get the needed weapons into the country. Another plot against Megawati failed in August 2001 when a bomb accidentally went off ahead of time, blowing the leg off the designated bomber. (Christian Aid Mission)


Loyalist forces readied on Friday to recapture cities held by renegade troops after former junta leader Robert Guei was killed in what the government said was an attempt to seize power again in the West African country. The worst strife to hit Ivory Coast since turbulent polls in 2000 revived fears the world's top cocoa grower, riven by ethnic and political quarrels, could tumble into the anarchy that has ruined nearby Liberia and Sierra Leone. The minister in charge of police also was killed in Thurday's coup attempt, Defense Minister Lida Moise Kouassi said on state television, which had been off the air during 12 hours of gunfire and explosions in Abidjan, the commercial capital. Presidential aide Alain Toussaint blamed the former junta leader for calling out rebellious forces during President Laurent Gbagbo's trip to Rome. The former French colony, also called Ivory Coast, has been regaining its political balance after stormy elections in late 2000 which brought Gbagbo to power. Hundreds of people were killed then by political and ethnic violence in a country split between the largely Muslim north and the more Christian and animist south. (Associated Press/Reuters)

* HCJB World Radio's regional office for Sub-Saharan Africa is in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire, where Director Lee Sonius and his family are serving along with two missionary couples who joined them in 2001. Fréquence Vie (Frequency Life), a partner FM station in Abidjan operated by SIM and local churches, went on the air in 1999. The station broadcasts 17 hours daily in French and some local languages. An FM station is also being built in Korhogo.


Wei Jingyi, a bishop in China's underground Roman Catholic Church in China, was arrested on Sept. 9in Qiqihar, a city in Heilongjiang province, reported Zenit. Wei is no stranger to persecution. He has served time in Chinese labor camps in 1987-1989 and 1990-1992. The Cardinal Kung Foundation, a Catholic human rights organization, reported that "Every one of the approximately 50 bishops in the underground Roman Catholic Church is either arrested, under house arrest, under strict surveillance, or in hiding." (Voice of the Martyrs)


A new Bible is expected to help evangelism in Croatia, a country that has become apathetic to the gospel. The World Bible Translation Center (WBTC) is about to finish a translation that could give missionaries a new tool in outreach. WBTC's Brian McLemore reports, "We hope to have this printed and completed and in the hands of the Croatian people to make a wonderful Christmas gift. Now we hope to have the birth of a new Word, a fresh Word, that will reach the youth -- children and those who have never had a chance to know who Jesus Christ is, so that's a very exciting thing for us." McLemore says communism has had an impact the spiritual climate of Croatia. "So, it leaves almost a vacuum, a generation that may not be traditionally religious in their beliefs, and they've grown up with really no religion. So this is a chance to reach (them)." (Mission Network News)

* HCJB World Radio worked with partner Croatian Evangelical Seminary in Osijek to install a recording studio in 1999. Weekly radio programs called "Sources of Faith" produced in the studio air on more than 23 secular radio stations across Croatia and two stations in Bosnia.


More than 1,000 Christians marched through Berlin Tuesday in protest against the 300,000 killings of unborn children each year in Germany. The protesters, dressed in black, carried 1,000 white crosses. One week before Germany's general elections set for Sept. 22, pro-life activists criticized all political parties for their lack of action against abortion. Claudia Kaminski, head of the Federal Pro-Life Association, called attention to the injustice that "each working day 1,000 innocent children lose their lives in Germany." Since 1995, when the country's abortion law was reformed, 1.8 million children have been aborted. Hartmut Steeb, general secretary of the German Evangelical Alliance, says it is irresponsible and off balance that politicians do nothing to prevent what he calls the "biggest human catastrophe" while they are quick to set up commissions and provide large sums of money for flood victims in eastern Germany. (IDEA)


The 14th Asian Games set for Busan, South Korea, Sept. 29-Oct. 14, will provide many opportunities to present the gospel as 10,000 athletes from 43 countries are expected to compete. This includes athletes from 38 countries that are considered "closed" or "restricted" in terms of missionary activity. A small team of Independent Baptists is being assembled in the U.S. to travel to Busan to work with Korean Christians in ministries to the athletes and Korean spectators. Literature is being prepared in Korean and most of the languages represented by these nations. (Independent Baptist Mission)

FREE BOOKLET: Order your own copy of HCJB World Radio's new 20-page booklet, "God Keeps Opening Doors," by e-mailing your name and mailing address to doors@hcjb.org . You'll also receive a free bookmark.


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