Zprávy HCJB 24.11.2002 - 30.11.2002

   Zdravotní sestra z baptistické církve, která pracovala na misionářské klinice, byla 21.listopadu zastřelena v jiholibanonském městě. Důvodem zřejmě byly evangelizační aktivity na této klinice, jak uvedl list Jerusalem Post. Podle policejní zprávy byla jednatřicetiletá Bonnie Penner Witherall třikrát střelena do hlavy z bezprostřední blízkosti a zhroutila se přímo mezi dveřmi dvouposchoďové budovy, kde má své sídlo jak klinika Unity Center tak i evangelický sbor. „Tato vražda je výsledkem nepřátelského muslimského postoje v Sidonu vůči kázání a školením, které centrum nabízí muslimské mládeži,“ řekl nejmenovaný palestinský představitel v listu Post. Podle New York Times členové této kliniky byli v nedávné době zastrašováni, když se skupina náboženských vůdců dozvěděla, že rozdávají literaturu a hovoří s muslimskou mládeží o Ježíšovi. Witherall a její manžel Gary, narozený v Británii, pracovali jako misionáři pod Křesťanskou a misionářskou aliancí, která sídlí v Colorado Springs v Coloradu. V londýnském listě The Times z 22. listopadu vydal Witherall prohlášení, že odpouští vrahům své ženy. „Bůh nás vedl do Libanonu a věděli jsme, že můžeme zemřít,“ řekl londýnskému listu. „Odpouštím tomu, kdo to udělal. Nezmírňuje to mou bolest. Je to drahé odpuštění….stálo život mé ženy.“ Šestatřicetiletý Witherall odjel z Anglie, aby se stal misionářem a svou ženu potkal v době studií na Moody Bible Institute v Chicagu. (Baptist Press)
   (Mission Network News) - Vietnam není otevřen běžně pojímané evangelizační činnosti. Ale jedna organizace nalezla netradiční cestu v pořádání anglických seminářů. Stephanie Tebow z Educational Services International říká, že jejich přístup je úspěšný díky přirozenému respektu lidu k učitelům. „Myslím, že naše dobré výsledky při vyučování a současně naše úcta ke kultuře jsou základem našeho úspěchu. Jsme zváni do nových míst. V lidech se začíná projevovat jisté osobní uznání k vyučujícím, nejen jako k učitelům, ale i jako k dobrovolníkům připraveným oželet svůj čas, energii a i snad i peníze.“ Tebowová říká, že cesta pro evangelium je tak otevřena. „Najednou posluchači cítí, že nepřicházíte jen evangelizovat, ale máte především vnitřní lásku, protože předtím někdo jiný miloval vás. A pak náhle slyší úplně jinýma ušima, slyší evangelium.“

*Nejnovější zprávy v originální anglické verzi jsou vždy ZDE (klikněte).

   (Religion Today) - Během 62. Národní týdne Bible 24. listopadu – 1. prosince jsou všichni Američané zváni, aby věnovali každý den trochu času četbě Božího slova. Toto stále se opakující pozvání je míněno váženě, nejen během nynějšího svátku Díkůvzdání. Podle průzkumu prováděného organizací George Barny se mnoho lidí stojících mimo církev plete do Bible a jiných náboženských knih. „Ale nepředstavuje to pro ně to hlavní. Zajímají se o náboženství, ale nemají dost pokory učinit víru základem svého života,“ říká Barna. George Gallup jr. to říká s drsnou otevřeností: „Američané uctívají Bibli, ale většinou ji nečtou.“ „Obraťme tento vývoj – alespoň ve svých vlastních životech,“ napomíná Mark Mittleberg, autor knihy Building a Contagious Church (Budování přitažlivé církve). Tato cesta, připomíná Mittelberg, je cestou četby Božího slova srdcem a myslí. Pak je možné povzbuzovat druhé, aby také začali číst.

*Nejnovější zprávy v originální anglické verzi jsou vždy ZDE (klikněte).
   Gallupova organizace provedla studii o důvěryhodnosti institucí ve 47 zemích a dotázala se 36.000 lidí na všech kontinentech. Studii si zaplatilo Světové ekonomické fórum, které se tradičně schází v lednu v Davosu ve Švýcarsku. Podle jejich zprávy Němci nejvíce věří policii (86%) a armádě (70%), církev (39%) je ze 17 hlavních institucí na posledním místě. Celkově se církev umístila na čtvrtém místě s 57%. Centrální národní demokratické instituce jako parlament nebo kongres se celkově ve světě umístily na posledním místě. Lepšího umístění se jim dostalo jen v USA, Dánsku, Norsku, Švédsku, Švýcarsku, Malajsii, Hong Kongu, Indii a Indonésii. Dvě třetiny lidí je přesvědčeno, že jejich národ není veden „podle vůle lidu.“ Podle této studie důvěra ve velké množství klíčových institucí „klesla na kritickou mez.“ (Gallup Friday Fax)

An Indian pastor and members of a team from Operation Mobilization (OM) India were savagely beaten by a mob on the evening of November 18 in a small town in the state of Goa, India, after showing a film about the life of Christ. A spokesperson for OM India said that a team of three young men was invited to show the Dayasagar film (life of Christ filmed in the Indian context) to a local family . "The local pastor from the community accompanied this small team to the family's home to show the film," he said. "The team successfully showed the film to the family (then) packed their film equipment into its appropriate boxes and secured it in their team vehicle. Afterward, the family provided a meal to the team and the pastor. While the team was eating, a mob of approximately 30 people came to the house and dragged the local pastor out of the family's home and physically beat him. The three OM India team members rushed to the pastor's rescue, but they were also beaten badly." The matter is now under investigation by local police, as well as by senior OM India leaders. (Assist)


As a reported crack-down against evangelical groups continues in several former Soviet republics, a Baptist in Uzbekistan received ten days imprisonment, for hosting a Christian meeting in his home. He was apparently led away November 19 directly from the courtroom to a local prison. Baptist Nikolai Nikulin was sentenced on charges that he "illegally" held a gathering of people in his flat in the central Uzbek town of Navoi without registration, said Keston News Service. (Assist)


Vietnam has not been a country open to traditional evangelistic work. However, one agency has gone the non-traditional route with an English tutorial program. Educational Services International's Stephanie Tebow says their outreach has grown because of the natural respect the people have for teachers. "I think that our success in the classroom and our respect for the culture has given us great success, because we are invited into newer environments. What takes place is that people begin to develop a certain personal respect for you as well, not just simply as an educator, but as a volunteer coming and giving of your time and of your energy and even of your funds." Tebow says the path to the gospel is then open. "Suddenly, they recognize that you're not simply coming to evangelize, but that you come first, out of a sense of love for them, because you have first been loved. And then, suddenly, they hear with new ears, the gospel." (Mission Network News)


A Baptist nurse who worked at a missionary clinic was gunned down Nov. 21 in this southern Lebanese city, apparently in response to the clinic's evangelical activities, according to the Jerusalem Post. Bonnie Penner Witherall, 31, was shot three times in the head at close range, the police said, and collapsed right inside the door of the two-story building that housed both the Unity Center clinic and an evangelical church. "The killing was the result of a hostile Muslim reaction in Sidon to the preaching and indoctrination lessons the center was giving to Muslim youths," an unidentified Palestinian official told the Post. The New York Times reported that clinic members had been threatened in recent months after a group of religious leaders learned they were handing out literature and talking to groups of young Muslims about Jesus. Witherall and her British-born husband, Gary, were partner missionaries with the Christian and Missionary Alliance, based in Colorado Springs, Colo. In the Nov. 22 edition of The Times of London, Witherall issued a statement forgiving his wife's killers. "God led us to Lebanon and we knew that we might die," he told the London paper. "I forgive anyone who did that. It doesn't take the pain. It's a costly forgiveness ... it cost my wife." Witherall, 36, left England to become a missionary and met his wife while they were students at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago. (Baptist Press)


Far East Broadcasting Company Indonesia, also known as YASKI, introduced its new FM station on the island of Bali on November 13. Six staff members produce programs for Heartline Bali. The station's reception reaches the areas of Nusa Dua, Denpasar, Bangli, Klungkung and Kuta, the site of the bombing in Bali on October 12. "We want to be a station that can be a trusted friend to Bali society," said the director of YASKI. "Our vision is to provide alternative programming where listeners will find useful and helpful information that will impact their lives in a positive way." The first month will feature instrumental music, with a short message in the evenings. As the months progress, more radio features and community outreach programs will be developed. YASKI currently broadcasts Christian programs in 13 languages, a total of 365 hours per week to the country of Indonesia via shortwave and local broadcasting. (Assist)


Lucio Gutierrez has won at the ballot box the power that eluded him after leading an army putsch, but Ecuador's president-elect must now deliver on his promises to tackle a what he calls a corrupt establishment and improve the lives of millions of poor people who voted for him. Gutierrez, 45, was an unknown army colonel when he led his troops in support of an uprising by native Indians that swept President Jamil Mahuad from power in 2000. After six months' detention, he emerged as a political figure whose vehement denunciations political corruption won the support of many of the 60 percent of Ecuadorians who live in poverty and brought him victory in Sunday's election. He plans to provide cheap housing and free health care in a nation that defaulted on foreign debt in 1999 and whose delicate finances are dependent on the speedy conclusion of a new loan deal with the International Monetary Fund. Gutierrez told a news conference on Sunday night he would form a team with the outgoing administration of President Gustavo Noboa to start negotiations with the IMF shortly. (Reuters)

* HCJB World Radio offers a variety of short-term programs in Ecuador and a growing list of countries such as South Africa, Côte d'Ivoire and the U.S. Working visitors normally help for two weeks to three months, and short-term workers serve for up to two years. A summer missionary program is also available to college students, and short-term ministry teams help in Ecuador and other countries. HCJB World Radio has been sending short-term teams to South Africa on a regular basis to help at Hope Community Center, an HIV/AIDS ministry of Fish Hoek Baptist Church in Cape Town.

© Copyright 2002 - HCJB World Radio - Colorado Springs, CO USA - btc@hcjb.org


The number of people living with HIV/AIDS around the world is now well more than 40 million, latest figures reveal. More people are also dying from the disease than ever before, with 3.1 million AIDS-related deaths in the past year. The latest global update from UNAIDS shows that southern Africa is at the epicenter of the AIDS disaster. The region is home to almost 30 million people with the disease. There were approximately 3.5 million new infections last year. An estimated 8.8 percent of the adult population in Sub-Saharan Africa has the virus. But the report, entitled AIDS Epidemic Update 2002 and released ahead of World AIDS Day on Sunday, says that worse is yet to come in Africa. It states: "In four southern African countries, national adult HIV prevalence has risen higher than thought possible." These countries are Botswana, Lesotho, Swaziland and Zimbabwe where one in three people has the disease. (BBC)


Members of a Buffalo, N.Y., church responded to an unlikely "altar call" Sunday -- to be tested for the AIDS virus. Around 100 worshipers at True Bethel Baptist Church had the test at a nearby school after their pastor, Darius G. Pridgen, was tested in front of the congregation during morning worship. The mass screening drive through a church is believed to be the first of its kind in the country, the Associated Press reported. "We see this as the tearing down of the traditional church barriers that excludes dialogue about sex, HIV and AIDS," said Ken Smith, a program coordinator at GROUP Ministries, which organized the event. Pridgen warned teens in his church about the dangers of promiscuity. "Once you catch [AIDS], you don't just get rid of it," he said. (Charisma News Service)


Church planters in Poland continue to work at establishing churches in a nation where most believe in God but few have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. The Bible League's Waldmar Kurz, says most Poles believe good works are the key. "They are good church attenders and they feel that their relationship with God is good. They go to church, and they think that they don't need God, and so they are not really open to a relationship with Jesus Christ." Many local people don't understand church planters and some have been persecuted. The Bible League has 20 church planters, and they are beginning to see results. "Through those people who have started the ministry about a year and a half ago, about 145 people have already accepted the Lord. They have organized about 40 small Bible study groups, and so I would just encourage prayer for those church planters because sometimes it is very difficult for them." (Mission Network News)

* DEO Recordings, HCJB World Radio's partner ministry in Poland, operates 24-hour-a-day FM radio stations in five cities of southern Poland, making gospel broadcasts available to more than 5.7 million residents. The ministry is also awaiting approval of a broadcasting license for a sixth city with 200,000 people. A Christian satellite radio network to link the Polish stations and expand the ministry is also being planned.


The Gallup organization conducted a study of which institutions are most trusted in 47 nations, interviewing 36,000 people on all continents. The study was paid for by the World Economic Forum, which traditionally meets in Davos, Switzerland, in January. The report reveals that Germans trust the police (86 percent) and army (70 percent) most, and that the Church (39 percent) is last among the 17 major institutions. Globally, the Church ranks fourth with 57 percent. Around the world, the central national democratic institution (Parliament or Congress) ranks last. It only ranks better in the USA, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, Malaysia, Hong Kong, India and Indonesia. Two thirds believe that their nation is not ruled "according to the will of the people." Trust in many key institutions "has sunk to a critical level," according to the study. (Gallup/FridayFax)


More than a dozen churches in Tennessee sent their congregants away Sunday with $100 bills to "plant seeds of kindness" for the upcoming holiday season. According to "The (Nashville) Tennessean," $50,000 was distributed to be given -- no strings attached -- to strangers who may be in need or neighbors who are down on their luck. "The point of this is to plant seeds of kindness," said Rubel Shelly, minister at Woodmont Hills Church of Christ, who distributed the bills to his members. The "Seeds of Kindness" effort is funded by an anonymous businessman who gave the money to Woodmont Hills, which is administering the program that involves about 15 churches of various denominations. (Charisma News Service)


During the 62nd annual National Bible Week, Nov. 24-Dec. 1, all Americans are invited to take a few minutes each day to read God's Word. This long-standing invitation is well worth heeding. And not just the week of Thanksgiving. According to pollster George Barna, many currently unchurched American adults dabble in the Bible and other religious media. "[T]hose activities," however, "are not foundational to them. They are interested in religious faith, but are not devoted to integrating faith into their life," Barna says. George Gallup Jr. has put it a little more bluntly: "Americans revere the Bible -- but, by and large, they don't read it." "Let's change this trend, at least in our own lives," urges Mark Mittelberg, author of Building a Contagious Church. The key, says Mittelberg, is to read God's Word with our heart and mind. And then to start encouraging others to read it as well. (Religion Today)


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