Zprávy HCJB 8.12.2002 - 14.12.2002

   Podle mluvčího misijní služby Petera Deana bude tento měsíc vytištěna 30-ti milióntá Bible společností Amity Printing Company (joint venture mezi Amity Foundation a United Bible Societes). Oslava je plánovaná na 11. prosince. Amity Foundation v čínském městě Nanjing byla založena z iniciativy čínských křesťanů za účelem zdravotní péče, vzdělání, sociálních služeb a rozvojových projektů pro venkov v Číně. Tato společnost se však hlavně zabývá tiskem Biblí a ostatních publikací pro církevní organizace. Bible začala tisknout v roce 1987 a jen v posledních třech letech jich bylo vytištěno 27 miliónů. Kromě Biblí společnost tiskne i kancionály a jiné knihy a literaturu pro Čínskou křesťanskou radu a její semináře. Dean řekl, že Amity Press vždy držel krok s požadavky na vydávání Biblí pro čínské sbory. Každý si může zakoupit výtisk Bible ve sboru a podle jeho informací bylo povoleno vydat dvakrát více Biblí během jednoho roku i přes nízké počáteční odhady. Řekl, že v tisku mají dostatečnou kapacitu i možnost okamžitě reagovat na jakoukoli zvýšenou poptávku po Biblích. (Assist News Service)
   (Christian Aid Mission) - Indická misijní organizace poznává, že její sociální a pedagogická misie je umocněna duchovním prospěchem. Misie (její jméno není z bezpečnostních důvodu uváděno) zahájila svou činnost před 30 lety dětským domovem pečujícím o 95 dětí malomocných rodičů. Život zde, odděleně od rodičů, děti chránil před nákazou touto smrtelnou infekcí a také jim poskytoval vzdělání, kterého by se jim jinak nedostalo. Většina z těchto dětí pocházela z rodin jiného, než křesťanského vyznání. „Vidíme v životech těchto dětí úžasné pokroky, jaké jsme nikdy neviděli ani u dětí ze zdravých tradičně křesťanských rodin,“ řekl ředitel misie. Vedle tohoto dětského domova misie vede ještě dvě základní školy. Ta větší je pro 1800 školáků pocházejících z rodin zpravidla Sikhů, hinduistů a zaměstnává 70 učitelů. V březnu 2003 se chystá otevření třetí školy. Misie má také lékárnu obsluhovanou vysloužilými zdravotníky. Skupina má i lékaře, který na únor plánuje zahájení činnosti mobilní polikliniky. K tomu všemu misie založila 45 sborů, které navštěvuje asi 4.800 věřících. „Letos jsme na dvou místech zahájili práci dvou křesťanských center, kde se uplatňují pracovníci placení misií a naše sbory tak rychle rostou,“ řekl ředitel.

*Nejnovější zprávy v originální anglické verzi jsou vždy ZDE (klikněte).

   Křesťanský aktivista za lidská práva, který byl na Kubě propuštěn z vězení po odpykání tříletého trestu byl znova zatčen. Dr. Oscar Elias Biscet byl policií zadržen 6. prosince v domě v Lawtonském distriktu v Havaně. Zúčastnil se setkání organizovaného skupinou Přátelé lidských práv, když bezpečnostní státní agenti zablokovali vchod a zabránili jemu a dalším 11 lidem odejití z budovy. Všichni byli zatčeni a jsou drženi v 10. jednotce Národní revoluční policie v Havaně. Jednačtyřicetiletý Biscet je znovuzrozeným křesťanem a zakladatelem Lawtonské společnosti za lidská práva, která hájí lidská práva nenásilnou cestou. Dr. Biscet byl již 26 zadržen a teprve nedávno byl propuštěn z kubánského vězení po odpykání tříletého trestu za zneuctění státních symbolů, veřejné výtržnosti a podněcování kriminálního chování, po té co zorganizoval tichý mírový pochod za podporu lidských práv a svobodu politických vězňů v daném regionu. (Christian Solidarity Worldwide)

*HCJB World Radio pokračuje ve vysílání programů pro Kubu ve španělštině na krátkých vlnách z Jižní Ameriky. Stovky posluchačů se přihlásili do služby organizace Vzdušný Biblický institut, který zahrnuje korespondenční programy pro španělské vysílání. Zároveň od poloviny devadesátých let na Kubě proběhlo mnoho pastoračních kursů a cvičení sponzorovaných organizací Apoyo a Leadership Resources International.

   Podle posledních statistických průzkumů u 24 hlavních protestantských denominací, se protestantské církve v Německu zmenšují rychleji než církve římsko-katolické. Hlavní protestantské denominace čítali minulý rok 26.66 milionů členů, což je o jedno procento měně než rok předcházející. Klesající počty členů v církví má částečně za vinu klesající populace v Německu kde případy smrti převažují případy narození. Navíc asi 190,000 protestantů a 130,000 katolíků každoročně zruší své členství v církvích. V roce 1986 bylo v Německu přibližně stejně katolíků jako protestantů – asi 30 milionů v každé skupině. Současná mezinárodní studie indikuje poklesající důvěru v církve. V Německu pouze 39 procent obyvatelstva důvěřuje církvi. Tato studie odsunuje církev na konec stupnice za takové instituce jako je policie (86 procent) a ozbrojené síly (70 procent). Významní obchodníci, politici a umělci tento trend dávají za vině dvěma hlavním faktorům: církve se příliš motají do politiky a zanedbávají šíření evangelia. “Církev má jedinečnou zprávu pro lidi, ale současní církevní vůdci si ani netroufají mluvit o odpuštění a spasení,“ říká Peter Barrenstein, ředitel McKinsey Consulting v Německu. (Evangelical News Agency IDEA)
   I přes válku, sucho a hladomor má Malawi stále naději, říká Paul Tolleson z International Bible Society. Poukazuje tím na nedávné vydání Nového zákona v jazyce Chichewa, který bude do budoucna základem pro podporu církve. „Prvotní cíl je oslovit mladé lidi,“ říká. „To byl vždy v Africe problém, zvláště v místech, kde nemají současný překlad Bible. Pro ně je Bible jen ta stará kniha, která je velmi obtížná ke čtení a dnes už nikomu nic neříká.“ Tolleson říká, že během své služby při návštěvách místních sborů v Malawi nalezli i další potřebu. „Je nutné, abychom dostatečně vyškolili své místní vedoucí, aby věděli, jak mají Bibli ve své službě používat – jak ji mají sami studovat. Ve většině jejich Biblí nejsou studijní vysvětlivky, takže jedna z prvních věcí, na které se budeme soustředit, bude zabezpečení studijních Biblí.“ (Mission Network News)
   (Christian Aid Mission) - Jedna peruánská misie získala zkušenost, že duchovní pomoc těm, kdo v minulosti zažili duševní trauma, je základem ovoce víry u těchto lidí. Misie Segadores („Ženci“), která zahájila své působení pod vedením Petera Hockinga (pocházejícího z americké misionářské rodiny) nedávno pořádala konferenci mezi příslušníky kmenů Yanesha a Ashaninka. „Bůh mocně mluvil k mužům i k ženám, mnohé usvědčil z hříchu a obrátil,“ řekl Hocking. Bratr hostitelského sboru, sám původně příslušník zločineckého a teroristického podsvětí znovu vyznal, že měl vztek při pomyšlení, že jej rodiče jako dítě opustili. „Plakal jako dítě když vyznával své hříchy a zlo, které způsobil,“ vypráví Hocking. „A Bůh jej láskyplně očistil a vzkřísil ho. Po jeho znovuzrození Bůh stejně zapůsobil na jeho manželku a vyléčil její bolestné vzpomínky na dětství, které do té doby ochromovaly jejich manželský vztah.“ Obdobná konference proběhla o několik týdnů později mezi ženami kmene Ashaninka. Účastnily se jen ženy a jejich reakce byla chladná, dokud nebylo oznámeno, že příští týden bude podobné vyučování i pro jejich manžely. Pak se ženy rozpovídaly o tak prožily uvolnění starých bolestí, které měly v srdci. Od roku 1963, kdy tato misie aktivizovala mladé kazatele, Segadores založili 25 sborů a mají v terénu asi 25 svých pracovníků.

*Nejnovější zprávy v originální anglické verzi jsou vždy ZDE (klikněte).

   Zjevné rozdíly v rukopisu nápisu na vápencové urně, která je největším archeologickým biblickým objevem od doby nalezení svitků od Mrtvého moře, vedly kritiky k názoru, že nějaký padělatel zřejmě dopsal část věty o Ježíši. Kritici říkají, že nápis obsahuje dva rozdílné rukopisy. Podle listu The New York Times, první část, „Jakub, syn Josefův,“ byla napsána formálním stylem, zatímco druhá, „bratr Ježíšův,“ je psána volnějším, více položeným písmem. Odborníci se přeli o platnost nápisu na konferenci biblických a archeologických badatelů v Torontu. Andre Lemaire, francouzský specialista na aramejštinu, který první upozornil na spojení nápisu s Ježíšem, obhajoval jeho platnost na konferenci. Vápencová urna se má vrátit do Izraele po skončení výstavy v torontském Royal Ontario Museum na konci prosince. (Religion Today)
   Časopis The Baptist Press informoval o vítězství pěveckého sboru Seminole High School Gospol Choir, když místní představenstvo škol schválilo nové pravidla, podle kterých má sbor zase právo účinkovat při akcích v kostelech. Toto vítězství si vyžádalo vytrvalost a modlitby zúčastněných. Mnohokrát oceněný pěvecký sbor nemohl zpívat na pamětní bohoslužbě věnované obětem útoků z 11. září minulého roku. Místní právní poradce v reakci na zmíněný zákaz okamžitě faxoval právní názory na tři nezávislé federální soudní případy, ve kterých bylo potvrzeno, že sbory mohou zpívat náboženské písně při podobných příležitostech. Zároveň upozornil na to, že zabránění vystoupení sboru bylo nejen neústavní, ale také nemoudré ve světle faktu, že bohoslužba byla věnovaná obětem z 11.9. Ve svém tiskovém prohlášení poradce upozornil, že zvažuje možnost federální žaloby. “V administrativních silách jsou určití lidé, kteří se snažili zabránit vystoupení náboženského sboru na náboženských akcích,“ říká Matt Stver, president Liberty Counsel v Orlandu. “Vytrvalost v tomto případě přinesla výsledky. Po té co celá záležitost byla předložena místnímu představenstvu s širokou podporou místní komunity, celá záležitost se nakonec vyřešila. Byl jsem nadšen tímto prohlášením zvláště z důvodu blížících se vánočních svátků.“ (Religion Today)
   Shane Hipps je 27 letým studentem ve Fullerském teologickém semináři v Pasdeně v Kalifornii. Studuje teologickou fakultu, po které je běžné stát se pastorem. Ale Hipps nyní váhá a neví zda si má vybrat tuto tradiční cestu a stát se pastorem. „Moji nejbližší mi říkají, že bych byl dobrým pastorem, ale já budu velice opatrný než si vyvolím tuto cestu.“ řekl Hipps při fozhovoru pro křesťanský časopis FaithWorks. „Studium v semináři je hlavně příležitostí k uposlechnutí výzvy od Boha v mém životě, ale nemusí to být jen odborná průprava na další práci.“ Hippsův názor není ojedinělý. Podle studií Auburnského teologického semináře v New Yorku, méně než třetina studentů se chce stát pastory. Často slyšíme, že se tito lidé přiznávají ke strachu, že je Bůh může povolat k práci misionáře někde v Africe. Ale dnešní mladí křesťané se spíše bojí stát se pastorem církve v sousedství. Výzkumníci a ředitelé seminářů se obávají nedostatku pastorů, který může pramenit z tohoto přístupu studentů. Navíc počet pastorů mladších 35 let od roku 1970 klesnul o necelé dvě třetiny. Tato práce je podle názorů studentů málo placená, má vyčerpávající nároky a poslední dobou je ve společnosti méně uznávaná. Mnoho potenciálních pastorů zakládá vlastní podniky a neziskové organizace, což jim poskytuje alternativní cestu služby druhým. (Religion Today)
   (Keston News Service) - Zaali Tkeshelashvili, pastor sboru Grace Church ve Tbilisi v Gruzii je potěšen částečným vítězstvím u gruzínského ústavní soudu, který zrušil dva články zákona o shromažďování, kterým místní policie v roce 1999 odůvodnila zákaz shromáždění pod širým nebem pořádaných jeho sborem. „Po tříletém úsilí o uznání nepřípustnosti takového zasahování do našich práv ze strany státu nejvyšší orgán země, Ústavní soud, uznal oprávněnost námitek církve,“ řekl Tkeshelashvili po obdržení písemného rozsudku 26. listopadu. Soudce Shota Grigalashvili odůvodnil rozhodnutí soudu tím, že sporné články zákona „odporují ústavě, která právo na demonstrace zaručuje“. Dle Tkeshelashviliho je to velké vítězství pro celý národ. Jiní pozorovatelé nevidí v rozhodnutí soudu nic vítězného. „Ústavní soud odstranil z celého zákona jen dva nevýznamné články, které se v praxi beztak neuplatnily,“ řekl Levan Ramishvili z Institutu pro svobodu - skupiny ochránců lidských práv sídlící ve Tbilisi.

*Tato a další zprávy jsou (pouze v aktuální den) v originální anglické verzi zde
   Čínské autority, rozzlobené nad únikem informací o strašných podmínkách vězení, zamítly právo na odvolání zadrženému pastoru Ghong Shenliangovi. Shenliang si odpykává doživotní trest za znásilnění, které bylo založeno na donucených výpovědích čtyřech vězněných žen, které svoje výpovědi později popřely. Bob Fu, vrchní ředitel Výboru pro vyšetřovaní stíhání náboženství v Číně, upozornil na hladovku, kterou Shenliang drží na protest již od 14. listopadu. “Drží hladovku, protože vězení ve městě Jingmen v Hubeiské provincii, kde je vězněn, zabavilo dva dokumenty, které napsal po svém druhém soudu v říjnu. Bylo mi řečeno, že zdraví pastora Gonga bylo díky mučení velmi křehké ještě před začátkem hladovky a nyní se už nemůže postavit ani na nohy.“ Čtyřem vězněným ženám autority také zamítly právo na odvolání. 16. prosince se v Bejingu uskuteční dialog mezi čínskými autoritami a Lornem Cranerem, zástupcem ministra pro demokracii, lidská práva a práci. Ještě není jasné jestli Lorne Craner zmíní široce publikovaný Shenliangův případ. Dále se všeobecně doufá v probírání případu jihokorejského misionáře Choi Bong-ila a šesti dalších severokorejských a čínských občanů, kteří jsou souzeni za propašování 70 severokorejských uprchlíků do Číny. Joseph Coi je korejsko-americkým misionářem, který je od května vězněn ve městě Yanbian na základě obvinění za pomoc severokorejským uprchlíkům. (Assist News Service)
   Malá skupina lidí na severních Filipínách má nyní část Božího slova v jejich vlastním jazyce. Roger Hanna ze společnosti Seed Company informoval o práci jeho lidí spolu s překladatelskou komisí s úkolem umožnit četbu Bible pro skupinu lidí mluvících jazykem Majukayong. “Jsme velmi potěšení dokončením evangelia sv. Marka. Modlíme se, aby Bůh požehnal svému slovu tak, aby se místní lidé obrátili od uctívání zlých duchů a začali chválit jediného opravdového Boha.“ Toto bylo i ústředním tématem modliteb starších při oslavě inaugurace nového překladu jak uvedl Hanna. Mezitím práce na překladu pokračují. “Potřebujeme jak finační, tak modlitební partnery pro tento projekt. V současnosti se překládací komise věnuje knize Skutků a zatím jim to jde.“ (Mission Network News)
   V posledních týdnech plnilo stránky novin násilí páchané v souvislosti se soutěží Miss World, které si vyžádalo na dvě stovky mrtvých. Tento týden přišla podrobnější zpráva od zástupce z Nigérie. Spolu s mnoha mrtvými a zraněnými došlo v severní Nigérii ve státě Kaduna k vypálení 102 kostelů a k zabití dvou pastorů. Výtržníci napadali každého, kdo byl podezřelý z toho, že je křesťan. Všechny kostely v Lemu Road v Kaduně byly buď vypáleny nebo zničeny muslimskými výtržníky. To není poprvé, kdy takové násilí v Kaduně propuklo. V únoru 2000 vedly výtržnosti ke smrti více než dvou tisíc lidí. V nedávné době otevřel Voice of the Martyrs nový úřad v Kaduně, poté co předcházející úřad byl během výtržností zničen. U příležitosti otevření nového úřadu mluvilo hodně věřících o vysoké ceně, kterou platí stoupenci křesťanství v Nigérii. (Voice of the Martyrs)
   (Catholic Relief Services) - Vedoucí pracovníci Potravinového programu OSN (WFP) a Americké agentury pro mezinárodní rozvoj (USAID) se 3. prosince sešli v ústředí Katolických pomocných služeb (CRS) v Baltimore, aby zahájili světovou kampaň za záchranu 34 milionů lidí ze subsaharské Afriky před hrozícím hladem. „Rýsuje se potravinová krizi velkých rozměrů,“ řekl výkonný ředitel CGS Ken Hackett. Celý kontinent trpí velkým nedostatkem jídla kvůli suchu, záplavám či neschopným místním vládám a hrozí tak rychlý nárůst potíží do rozměrů srovnatelných s katastrofálním hladomorem v Etiopii v 80. letech. Správce USAID Andrew Natsios řekl, že situace již je kritická: „Až uvidíte vychrtlé děti v televizi, bude již pozdě; selhali jste. Konat je nutno teď.“ Vedoucí pracovníci na shromáždění přijali „Baltimorské prohlášení“ - společnou výzvu nevládních organizací a WFP k pomoci v úsilí předejít hladomoru, který již hrozí některým částem střední, východní i západní Afriky. „Je to skutečně spojené úsilí a my se zavazujeme ve smyslu tohoto prohlášení usilovat o odvrácení hladu v Africe,“ řekl Hackett. „Hodláme se tomuto cíli věnovat naplno.“

*Tato a další zprávy jsou (pouze v aktuální den) v originální anglické verzi zde.
   Evangelizační kampaň, která proběhla minulý měsíc v severní Indii, probudila kamenná srdce a přivedla 103 duší ke Kristu. „Hříšníkům, modlícím se v slzách, bylo odpuštěno,“ řekl vedoucí mise. „Ztracení byli nalezeni a nemocní uzdraveni. Posměvači a ti, kteří horlivě opovrhovali evangeliem, nyní vydávají svědectví Kristovy spásné milosti… Mnoho odpadlíků se vrátilo k Pánovi. Evangelium rozbilo kamenná srdce lidí a přineslo jim Spasitele. Křesťané se ještě více zavázali Pánu Ježíši Kristu a mnoho mladých lidí nabídlo své životy křesťanské službě.“ Tato skupina založila sbory v šesti vesnicích. V jedné vesnici vyznaly svou víru tři rodiny pocházející z nekřesťanského prostředí, odevzdaly své životy Kristu a byly pokřtěny. Noví věřící se pravidelně scházejí k bohoslužbám a k nim se přidávají i jejich nevěřící sousedé. Tato misijní práce se odehrává na odlehlých místech, zcela mimo dosah veřejné dopravy. (Christian Aid Mission)
   (Christian Aid Mission) - Liberijská kazatelská skupina, jejímž cílem je zakládání nových sborů zaznamenává významný pokrok, přestože v zemi zmítané již 10 let trvající občanskou válkou jistě musí mít potíže. James Cuffee, který uvěřil v Pána Ježíše jako svého Spasitele v roce 1978, zahájil činnost v rámci Christ Evangelical Fellowship Ministries v roce 1983. Během následujících 19 let za ním díky Pánu každý rok zůstal jeden nový sbor a v nich celkem 2.873 pokřtěných lidí. Čtyři sbory vznikly v oblasti Monrovie; ostatní jsou na venkově. Skupina se také stará o 67 sirotků a provozuje dvě základní školy a jedno nižší gymnázium. Tyto úspěchy však také něco stojí. Při nedávné evangelizaci najatý řidič odmítl jet dál a tak Cuffee a jeho spolupracovníci šlapali k cílí 7 hodin pěšky. Pokřtili zde 71 nových věřících. Cuffee a jeho 12 spolupracovníků kázali evangelium mnoha lidem do té doby podléhajícím čarodějnictví a modlářství. Při poslední evangelizaci tři mladí muži vyslechli evangeliuim a pak ochotně přinesli své modly ke spálení. „Modlili jsme se k tomu od dětství,“ říkali. „Občas jsme tomu obětovali zvíře nebo i lidskou krev, ke zvýšení účinku. Nyní máme skutečnou sílu v Pánu Ježíši.“ V severních oblastech země pokračují boje. „Mnoho lidí tam zahynulo, majetek byl vydrancován či zničen nesmyslnou válkou,“ říká Cuffee. „Přes milion lidí bylo vyhnáno ze svých sídel ve venkovských krajích Montserrado, Bong a Margibi. Ekonomická situace je skutečně ohavná. Přes 90% lidí je nezaměstnaných. Vláda nemá na platy státních zaměstnanců.“

*HCJB World Radio spolupracuje s ELWA – misií založenou SIM v Monrovii v Libérii v roce 1954 za účelem rozhlasového šíření evangelia na území Libérie a vůbec západní Afriky. Vysílač byl dvakrát zničen občanskou válkou – poprvé v roce 1990, pak v roce 1996. ELWA začala opět vysílat v roce 1997 malým FM vysílačem za podpory HCJB World Radio. V roce 2000 přišel od HCJB krátkovlnný vysílač o malém výkonu, takže vysílání je opět slyšitelné v celé oblasti. ELWA vysílá v 10 jazycích a plánuje další rozšíření tak, jak budou prostředky.

*Nejnovější zprávy v originální anglické verzi jsou vždy ZDE (klikněte).


Indonesian police have not ruling out a link between a spate of recent bombings. Authorities believe the terrorist acts are the latest attempt to destabilize the country. Christian Aid Mission's John Lindner says the ministry is seeing developments that may become a concern for their workers. "We have been concerned about the terrorist activity of radical Muslims in Indonesia for quite some time," he said. "It hit our shores a year ago, so we can expect more of this." Linder urges Christians to pray. "The radicals are targeting Christians specifically, and more recently, those who are associated with Western countries such as the U.S. and Australia. A document was recently uncovered that was an instruction manual on how to do jihad [holy war] in Indonesia." (Mission Network News)


A Christian human rights activist who was released from prison in Cuba on Oct. 31 after serving a three-year sentence has been rearrested. Dr. Oscar Elias Biscet was detained by police on Dec. 6 at a home in the Lawton district of Havana. He was attending a meeting of the Friends of Human Rights when state security agents blocked the entrance and prevented him and 11 other individuals from entering or leaving. All were arrested and are being held at the 10th unit of the National Revolutionary Police in Havana. Biscet, 41, is a devout Christian and founder of the Lawton Foundation for Human Rights which promotes the defense of human rights through non-violent means. He has been detained 26 times and was only recently released from Cuban prison after serving a three-year sentence for "dishonoring public symbols, public disorder and inciting delinquent behavior" after he organized a peaceful silent march in support of human rights and freedom for political prisoners in his neighborhood. (Christian Solidarity Worldwide)

* HCJB World Radio continues to air Spanish programs to Cuba via shortwave from South America. Hundreds of listeners have enrolled in the ministry's Bible Institute of the Air, a correspondence program incorporating Spanish broadcasts. In addition, many pastors' workshops sponsored by Apoyo, a joint training ministry with Leadership Resources International, have been held in Cuba since the mid-1990s.


A ministry in India is finding that its social and educational ministries are bearing much fruit when combined with a spiritual emphasis. A ministry started 30 years ago that asked to be unnamed for security reasons cares for 95 children of leprous parents in a children's home. Living apart from the parents prevents the children from contracting the same dread disease and also gives them an education, that otherwise would pass them by. Most of the children come from non-Christian families. "We are seeing amazing results in the lives of these children that I have not seen even in children from traditional Christian homes," said the ministry's director. Along with the children's home, the ministry also operates two elementary schools. The biggest one teaches 1,800 "day scholars" from mostly Sikh and Hindu homes and employs 70 teachers. A third school is scheduled to open in March 2003. The ministry also runs a daily dispensary with a retired public health person. A Christian doctor is joining the team and plans to begin operating a mobile health clinic in February. Amid all this social and educational ministry the mission group has been able to plant 45 churches with a total constituency of more than 4,800 believers. "This year we started church fellowships in two new places with full time workers, and our churches are growing rapidly," the director said. (Christian Aid Mission)

* In partnership with FEBA Radio, HCJB World Radio airs weekly Christian programs to eastern India via shortwave in three languages: Bhojpuri, Chattisgarhi and Mundari. HCJB World Radio also broadcasts 11/2 hours of English programming daily to India via shortwave from South America. The ministry is investigating potential opportunities to help launch local Christian stations in key cities across India.


The Amity Printing Company, a joint venture between Amity Foundation and the United Bible Societies, will print its 30 millionth Bible this month, says ministry spokesman Peter Dean. A celebration is planned for Dec. 11. The Amity Foundation in Nanjing, China, was set up on the initiative of Chinese Christians for the purposes of promoting health, education, social service and rural development projects in China. The company gives priority to the printing of Bibles and other publications entrusted by church organizations. It began printing Bibles in 1987 with 27 million printed in the last three years alone. In addition to Bibles, the company also prints hymnals and other books and literature for the China Christian Council and its seminaries. Dean said that Amity Press has always kept up with production demand for Bibles from the Chinese churches. Everyone can purchase copies of Bibles from the churches, and twice in his knowledge permits have been granted to publish more Bibles in the same year, on occasions when initial estimations proved to be low. He said that the press has enough capacity and the ability to quickly respond and cope with any increase in Bible demand. (Assist News Service)


The Protestant churches in Germany is shrinking faster than the Roman Catholic Church, indicate recent statistics from the country's 24 main Protestant denominations which counted 26.34 million members last year, a loss of 1 percent. The number of Catholics fell by 0.6 per cent to 26.66 million. The falling church membership is due partially to the falling population in Germany as deaths continue to outpace births. In addition, nearly 190,000 Protestants and 130,000 Catholics cancel their church membership every year. In 1986, Germany had nearly an equal number of Protestants and Catholics -- about 30 million. A recent international study shows declining confidence in churches. In Germany only 39 percent of the population trust the churches. This places them at the end of the scale behind institutions such as the police (86 percent) and the armed forces (70 percent). Prominent businessmen, politicians and artists blame two major factors for this result: the church dabbles too much in politics and neglects the proclamation of the gospel message. "The church has a unique message, but church leaders often do not dare talk about forgiveness and salvation," said Peter Barrenstein, director of McKinsey Consulting in Germany. (Evangelical News Agency IDEA)


Spain has always been known as a graveyard for missionaries and for being resistant to the gospel. But missionaries are now reporting that the time may be at hand for a revival in that European country. "Spain is living a key moment," says Dayana Elasmar of Latin America Mission who has worked with church planting in the Extremadura region. But she warns that church growth is slow. An typical "large" church has between 50 and 100 members, and churches often grow at a much slower rate than in Latin America, Elasmar says. Only 650 towns in Spain have evangelical churches, leaving 7,000 towns and cities without an evangelical witness. (Mission Network News)

© Copyright 2002 - HCJB World Radio - Colorado Springs, CO USA - btc@hcjb.org


Boris Akrachkov, pastor of the Baptist church in Gulistan, Uzbekistan, was brought before the local town court on Dec. 2 to face charges of breaking the "law on religious organizations." He was found guilty and fined the equivalent of US$7. The trial followed an investigative raid, Nov. 3, on the church's prayer house by local law enforcement agencies together with representatives of the local authority and the regional department of justice. Following the raid, the administrative case was brought against Akrachkov. At the same time, a much heavier fine was imposed on him in a separate case for showing "unlicensed" religious videos in a private home. "We are being blamed for the fact that the church in Gulistan is unregistered," said Dmitri Pitirimov, press officer of the Baptist Union. "But this is absurd. We have to start operations first in order to gain enough [members] for the church [to be registered]," he said. "The authorities' advice reminds me of a joke in which a physical education teacher makes children learn to swim in an empty swimming pool, explaining that they will only put water in when the children have become good swimmers." (Keston News Service)


It took "persistence and prayer," but the 84-voice Seminole High School Gospel Choir won a victory recently when the local school board issued new guidelines allowing the choir to perform at events held in churches, reported The Baptist Press. The award-winning choir was barred from performing at a community-wide memorial service honoring memories of the 9/11 attacks. Liberty Counsel, in a response to the action, faxed a legal opinion outlining three federal court of appeals cases that ruled school choirs may sing religious songs, and that barring the group from singing at a church was not only unconstitutional, but also "imprudent" in light of the 9/11 memorial. In a press release, the counsel said it was considering a federal lawsuit. "There were certain people within the administration who sought to ban the Gospel Choir from singing at religious events," said Matt Staver, president of Orlando-based Liberty Counsel. "Persistence paid off in this case. Once the matter came to the board with broad support from the community, the issue was finally resolved. I am thrilled by this announcement as we approach the Christmas season." (Religion Today)


A ministry in Peru is learning that addressing the needs of its own workers who have experienced trauma in the past releases them for even greater spiritual fruit. Segadores (Reapers), a ministry started and directed by Peter Hocking (the son of American missionaries), recently held conferences among the Yanesha and Ashaninka tribes. "God spoke to the men powerfully, as He did to the women, breaking and transforming many of them," Hocking said. A leader from the host church who came from a background of crime and terrorism confessed that he still resented being abandoned as a child. "He sobbed like a child as he confessed and renounced his sins and hurts," Hocking said, "and God lovingly cleansed and renewed him. After that he was a new man. God met his wife in a similar way, healing painful memories from her childhood that had been destroying their marriage." A similar conference was held for Ashaninka women a few weeks later. This time only women attended, but the response seemed cool at first, until it was announced that their husbands could receive the same teaching the following week. Then the women opened up and experienced healing for past hurts in their souls. Started in 1963 as a ministry to mobilize and disciple youth for missionary outreach, Segadores has planted 25 churches and has about two dozen workers on the field. (Christian Aid Mission)

* HCJB World Radio, together with local partners, has helped plant Christian radio stations in seven Peruvian cities. Affiliate stations in three cities also carry Spanish programming distributed by the ALAS satellite radio network for Latin America., operated jointly with Trans World Radio. In addition, HCJB World Radio holds training workshops for pastors across Peru through Apoyo, a joint effort with Leadership Resources International.


Despite war, drought and famine, Malawi still has hope, says Paul Tolleson of the International Bible Society. He points to the recent release of the contemporary Chichewa New Testament as the foundation that will shore up the church's future. "The primary way is reaching out to the young people," he says. "This has really been a problem throughout Africa, especially where they don't have a contemporary translation of the Bible. They look at the Bible as being this old book that they have a hard time reading, and it's not relevant to them today." Tolleson says the ministry discovered another need while visiting the churches in Malawi. "We also need to train our lay leaders in how to use the Bible in their ministry -- how to study the Bible themselves. Most of the Bibles have no study helps to them, so one of the things that we'll be doing is providing study Bibles." (Mission Network News)

* In partnership with African Bible College, HCJB World Radio helped plant a Christian radio station in Lilongwe, Malawi, in 1995. The station airs programs in Chichewa and English. HCJB World Radio also helped the ministry begin a hospital and provided training, including seminars dealing with the HIV/AIDS crisis. Last year staff members from the HCJB World Radio Engineering Center in Elkhart, Ind., also installed FM transmitters at stations in two Malawian cities, Blantyre and Mzuzu.


Shane Hipps is a 27-year old student at Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, Calif. He is studying for a master's of divinity degree -- the degree often sought by prospective pastors. Yet Hipps hesitates when asked if he will follow that traditional route into ministry. "I have been told by those closest to me that I'd make a good pastor . . . but I'm extremely cautious about such a vocation," he said in an interview with the Christian magazine FaithWorks. "Seminary is primarily an opportunity to pursue God's call on my life, and not necessarily vocational training." Hipps isn't alone. Less than a third of seminary students intend to become pastors, shows a study conducted by Auburn Theological Seminary in New York. It's common to hear people confess their fears that God might send them to Africa as a missionary. But today's young Christians are even more afraid that God might call them to be the pastor of the neighborhood church. Researchers and seminary leaders say this attitude could lead to a pastor shortage. Already the number of pastors under age 35 has dropped by nearly two-thirds since the 1970s. Seminaries cite low pay, exhausting job demands and dwindling social respect for the trend. Many prospective pastors are starting small businesses and non-profit organizations that give them alternative ways to minister to others. (Religion Today)


SIM is working with the Association of Evangelicals of Africa to produce the continent's first one-volume Bible commentary produced for Africans and written by African theologians. The editorial staff urges believers to pray as contributors to the project face deadlines in early 2003 and editors compile their manuscripts for publication. Work on the commentary began in January 2001. (SIM)

© Copyright 2002 - HCJB World Radio - Colorado Springs, CO USA - btc@hcjb.org


The Pacific island of Guam is still reeling after being hit head-on by a devastating typhoon this weekend. With sustained winds of up to 150 miles per hour, Trans World Radio's equipment collapsed under the storm's battering. "Three of our five antennae curtains which operate shortwave to Asia were completely shredded," says TWR's Rich Greene. "We are now off the air, trying to repair the other two antennas in order to, Lord willing, be in a limited way back on the air broadcasting the good news of Christ by Thursday." Greene says the two surviving antennas provide service for China and Southeast Asia. "We need prayer that the Lord would enable our staff, all of whom are safe, to be able to give them the strength to weather this devastating time." (Mission Network News)


Chinese authorities, angry about the leaking of information about the appalling conditions faced by detained pastor Gong Shenliang, have denied his right to appeal. Shenliang is serving a life sentence on rape charges based on the forced confessions of four women prisoners -- confessions they later recanted. Bob Fu, executive director of the Committee for Investigation on Persecution of Religion in China, says that Shenliang began a hunger strike on Nov. 14 in protest. "He did this because the prison in Jingmen City, Hubei province, where he is detained confiscated two documents he wrote after the second trial in October," Fu said. "I was told that pastor Gong's health has been very fragile even before the hunger strike due to the torture he has been subjected to, and now he is not able to stand up at all." The four women prisoners also have been denied their right to appeal. On Dec. 16 Lorne Craner, the U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights and Labor, will head the resumed human rights dialogue with China in Beijing. It is unclear whether he will address Shenliang's well-publicized case. It is also hoped that he will discuss the case of South Korean missionary Choi Bong-il and six other North Korean and Chinese citizens who are on trial in China on charges of smuggling 70 North Korean refugees into China. Joseph Choi, a Korean-American missionary, also has been imprisoned in Yanbian since May on charges of assisting North Korean refugees. (Assist News Service)


Zaali Tkeshelashvili, pastor of Grace Church in Tbilisi, Georgia, is celebrating a partial victory as Georgia's Constitutional Court overturned two articles of the law on meetings and demonstrations that local police used in 1999 to break up and ban outdoor meetings by his church. "After a three-year struggle to achieve official recognition of the infringement of our rights on the part of the state, the highest legal body of the country, the Constitutional Court, has satisfied the church's claim," he said on Nov. 26 after receiving the court's written judgment. Lawyer Shota Grigalashvili explained the court's ruling, saying that the articles "violated the constitution which guarantees the right to demonstrate. This is a great victory for all the population." However, others were less optimistic about the victory. "The Constitutional Court merely abolished two insignificant articles of the law that were never enforced," said Levan Ramishvili of the Liberty Institute, a Tbilisi-based human rights group. (Keston News Service)

* HCJB World Radio works with a local partner ministry to produce Christian programs in the Georgian language and broadcast them to the region each week. HCJB World Radio also worked with Hosanna and local partners to produce the dramatized New Testament in Georgian through a project called Faith Comes by Hearing.


Apparent differences in the handwriting in the inscription on the limestone box believed to be the most significant biblical archeological discovery since the Dead Sea Scrolls have led critics to suggest that a forger could have added the phrase about Jesus. The inscription appears to be written in two different hands, the critics say. The first phrase, "James, son of Joseph," was written in a formal script while the second, "brother of Jesus," is a more free-flowing cursive style, reported The New York Times. Experts discussed the validity of the inscription at a conference of biblical and archaeological researchers in Toronto. Andre Lemaire, the French specialist in Aramaic who first proposed the inscription's connection to Jesus, defended its authenticity at the conference. The limestone box is set to return to Israel at the conclusion of its exhibition at the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto at the end of December. (Religion Today)


A small people group in the northern Philippines now has a portion of God's Word in their own language. Roger Hanna of the Seed Company says staff members have been working with a translation committee to make the Bible available in the Majukayong language. "We're excited to see that the Gospel of Mark has now been completed," he says. "We're praying that God would bless His Word so that all who read it would turn away from their worship of evil spirits and worship the true God." This is what the elders prayed at a recent celebration to inaugurate the new translation, Hanna says. Meanwhile, Bible translation work continues. "There are needs for financial partners and prayer partners for this project. The committee is working on Acts, and they're making progress on that." (Mission Network News)


A new book published by Miami-based Latin America Mission (LAM) aims to help Christian individuals and churches that have obtained radio stations or programming time in developing countries but aren't sure what to do with them. "Proclaiming the Gospel; Guidelines for Local Christian Radio," written by former HCJB World Radio missionary broadcaster Ken MacHarg, is a guidebook designed to help Christian radio programmers outside of North America develop compelling, quality broadcasts. "The Christian broadcaster who rushes into the development of a new program or the programming of a new station without proper planning is bound to run into difficulties," MacHarg said. "You must fully answer the question, 'What does God want me to say to whom?' Once you have determined that, all of the other pieces fall into place." MacHarg developed the idea for the book after speaking at a Christian writers' conference in Temuco, Chile, several years ago. "I found many Latin Americans who were getting into radio, or wanted to, but who had absolutely no resources to help them," he said. "In a seminary library in Temuco I was not able to find one book or pamphlet that gave guidance on how to develop quality Christian programming." The English version of the book will be available from LAM in March 2003, and a Spanish version will be published later in the year. (LAM News Service)

© Copyright 2002 - HCJB World Radio - Colorado Springs, CO USA - btc@hcjb.org


Violence in Nigeria has been a major news story in recent weeks with riots centered on the Miss World competition resulting in more than 200 deaths. This week a report came from a representative in Nigeria detailing some of the results. Along with the many deaths and injuries, he reported that 102 churches in the northern Nigerian state of Kaduna were burned down and two pastors killed as the rioters attacked anyone suspected of being a Christian. All of the churches in Lemu Road, Kaduna, were either burned or vandalized by Muslim rioters. This isn't the first time that violence has erupted in Kaduna. In February 2000 riots led to the deaths of more than 2,000 people. Earlier this year, Voice of the Martyrs opened a new office in Kaduna after the previous office was destroyed in the riots. At the opening of the office, many believers told about the high cost of discipleship in Nigeria. (Voice of the Martyrs)


A leaked Russian policy paper on the prevention of "religious extremism" could seriously threaten non-Orthodox churches and groups in the country. Details of a 15-page draft paper to be discussed by a joint session of three government bodies in January, came a day after reports that foreign missionary workers are facing stiff resistance from local authorities. Russian media reports say the document mentions first the Roman Catholic Church, accusing leaders of "winning over individual priests and representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church as converts to Catholicism." But the document also singles out Protestants. "Under the pretext of providing humanitarian aid, many new Protestant organizations are fostering self-alienation from the Russian state within various sections of the population," reported the Gazeta newspaper, quoting the draft paper. The Moscow-based Slavic Center for Law and Justice and the Institute of Religion and Law called the draft paper "scandalously incompetent and anti-constitutional." While Russian authorities say the new policy is in the interests of "national security," human rights watchers are concerned that it will lead to an "increase in inter-confessional and inter-ethnic tension within our country." The paper also warns about "foreign pseudo-religious communities," including Jehovah's Witnesses, Moonies, Scientologists, Satanists, Eastern religions and Islamic extremists. (Assist News Service)


Executives of the United Nations World Food Program (WFP) and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) gathered at Catholic Relief Services (CRS) World Headquarters in Baltimore Dec. 3 to launch a global campaign to help save more than 34 million people at risk of starvation in Sub-Saharan Africa. "What we now see in Africa is a looming food crisis of great proportion," said CRS Executive Director Ken Hackett. Populations throughout the continent are suffering from massive food shortages caused by drought, flooding and restrictive government policies that threaten to mushroom into a disaster comparable to the Ethiopia famine in the mid-1980s. USAID Administrator Andrew Natsios said the situation has reached crisis levels. "When you see faces of emaciated children on television it's too late; you've failed. The time to act is now," he said. Leaders at the meeting unveiled the "Baltimore Declaration," a unified pledge of non-governmental organizations and the WFP to help prevent famine from taking hold in parts of southern, eastern and western Africa. "This is truly a unique gathering, and we commit ourselves to this declaration and to averting a famine in Africa," said Hackett. "We plan to carry this out with full intensity." (Catholic Relief Services)


While new reports indicate a dismal picture for some believers in China, the good news is that the church is cultivating more leaders. Vernon Brewer of World Help describes how his ministry is responding to the need. "We are actively involved in helping to print and distribute Bibles to the underground house churches. We have heard indirectly from the pastors that at least 50 percent of all the Christians in house churches do not have a copy of the Bible. We're also involved in helping partner with them in providing training centers." However, Brewer says the underground church is still struggling and needs prayer. "The government is trying to intimidate the pastors of the underground church to register [so the government can better control their ministries]. The persecution is still very strong and very great, especially for the underground church at this time." (Mission Network News)


A Christian leader in China who built a Bible school with Christian Aid Mission's help in 1994 tells of the continuing influence of the school both among trainees and in the community. The school and church hall -- built in an unnamed province in just 52 days -- has become a model for biblical training in the country. Using the school as an example, trainees have started 30 other Bible training centers. In the past seven years, thousands of Christians have been trained for leadership, meeting the needs of more than 6,000 churches in that province. "The influence of the Bible schools is truly amazing," said the leader. "The number and impact of cults and false teaching has markedly decreased ... the relationship between the unregistered underground churches and those officially registered with the government is improving ... the spiritual lives of believers are maturing ... and established Bible schools are upgrading their level of teaching and are sending out teachers to train disciples in other places." The leader added that while believers are "still facing much pressure and many hardships and difficulties," their hearts are stirred and encouraged by the support and prayers of Christians overseas. (Christian Aid Mission)


More than 3,100 poor Ecuadorians received both spiritual and physical nourishment as they attended the sixth annual Christmas party at the Quito City Dump, Saturday, Dec. 7, led by HCJB World Radio partner ministry Extreme Response International.

Attendees who glean a living at the dump in Zambiza heard a clear gospel presentation via drama and puppets, ate a hot nutritious meal, played carnival games, made crafts and received a Christmas gift of more than 15 pounds of staple food items. More than 1,300 "Operation Christmas Child" boxes from Samaritan's Purse were also handed out along with bags of Christmas goodies. The event was made possible through donations from people worldwide and more than 150 volunteers from six countries.

The Christmas party is a celebration of the ongoing ministry that takes place at the dump year-round. In Ecuador, Extreme Response works with local leaders to provide medical attention, counseling, basic hygiene and clothing through its "thrift store." Out of these humanitarian efforts has grown a Bible study that meets Friday afternoons.

Ramiro Baez, the "Dump Pastor," said that two days after the dump party he was having lunch at a small roadside restaurant near the HCJB World Radio compound in Quito when he was approached by a 9-year-old boy, begging for something to eat.

Baez bought the boy lunch and asked if he could sit with him. As the boy sat down his face lit up, and he said, "I know you! You are the man from the Christmas party at the dump. Would you tell me more about Jesus?" Baez continued with tears in his eyes, telling how in the middle of lunch, this little boy accepted Christ.

At the party everyone received a flyer with the plan of salvation and a few sentences from the event's sponsors and why it is held. The last page of the leaflet includes telephone numbers of each member on the "dump pastoral team."

The Monday after the party, a lady called Baez, explaining that she was at the party and read the flyer. She was a teacher in an impoverished area of Quito and asked if he could come to her school to put on a program for the children. "They are so poor and have nothing," she said.

"I can come," Baez replied. "But we don't have any more gifts or food to hand out." The teacher said it didn't matter. She just wanted him to share the good news of Jesus Christ. Baez is scheduled to visit the school on Dec. 19.

HCJB World Radio, in partnership with Extreme Response, is empowering nationals to minister to the poor in Africa, the Caribbean and South America. (HCJB World Radio)

© Copyright 2002 - HCJB World Radio - Colorado Springs, CO USA - btc@hcjb.org


Members of a local Baptist church in the Uzbekistan capital of Tashkent are refusing to shut down the church despite ongoing pressure from the government. The United Church of Evangelical Christians/Baptists in the Tashkent suburb of Chirchik was ordered to close by the country's Justice Ministry in July, but it continues to operate. Khairullo Khaidarov of the regional justice administration said the church has "flouted the laws of Uzbekistan and has not responded to our requests to bring the church's documents and its activity into line with the laws of Uzbekistan." Officials say that the church's registration papers issued in 1998 were only "temporary" and that it needs re-register to be allowed to function. Church members, however, deny any wrongdoing, saying they have done all they can to comply with the government regulations. "On Nov. 20 we sent out our views in a complaint to the Justice Ministry, but they simply haven't responded," said pastor Stanislav Kim. He accuses authorities of trying to close down his church on trumped-up grounds. (Keston News Service)


Communist government authorities in Laos -- listed by Open Doors as the world's third-largest persecutor of believers -- accuse Christians of causing religious division and try to tightly control their activities. As a result, ministries such as FARMS International have been stymied for the time being, says spokesman Steve Salowitz. "There are three countries [in Southeast Asia] that are restricted," he said. At least one potential outreach planned for the area has been canceled "because you don't want to bring unwanted persecution or unwarranted persecution upon people. "In one of the countries there's been cross-border activity where the people are actually benefiting from our programs," Salowitz said. "They would like to do more, but we have held off with doing any more there." FARMS International serves the church by equipping poor families so they can support themselves. (Mission Network News)


A church-planting ministry in Liberia is making remarkable headway despite hardships in a land ravaged by more than 10 years of civil war. James Cuffee, who came to the Lord in 1978, began Christ Evangelical Fellowship Ministries in 1983. In the next 19 years he succeeded in planting one church per year with a total of 2,873 baptized believers. Four of the churches are in the Monrovia area; the rest are in rural counties. The ministry also assists 67 orphans and operates two primary schools and one junior high school. But this success often comes at a cost. On a recent evangelistic outing, for example, the hired driver refused to take the rented vehicle beyond a certain point. So Cuffee and his companions got out and walked seven hours to reach their destination where they baptized 71 new believers. Cuffee and his 12 fellow missionaries preach the gospel to many still steeped in witchcraft and idol worship. During a recent crusade, three young men heard the gospel and willingly brought their fetishes to be burned to ashes. "We've been worshiping these things since childhood," they said. "Sometimes we sacrificed animals and even offered human blood to increase our power. Now we have the true power in Jesus Christ." Fighting continues in the northern part of the country. "Many persons have been killed, property looted and destroyed by this senseless war," Cuffee said. "This has displaced more than 1 million people in rural Montserrado, Bong and Margibi counties. The economic situation is deplorable. Almost 90 percent of our people are jobless. The government cannot pay its workers." (Christian Aid Mission)

* HCJB World Radio works in partnership with ELWA, a ministry founded by SIM in Monrovia, Liberia, in 1954, to air the gospel across the country and West Africa. The radio station was destroyed twice by civil war, first in 1990 and again in 1996. ELWA went back on the air in 1997 with a small FM transmitter supplied by HCJB World Radio. Then in 2000 HCJB World Radio provided a low-power shortwave transmitter, again enabling the station to reach the region. ELWA broadcasts the gospel in 10 languages and plans to add more as resources become available.


An evangelistic campaign in northern India late last month touched stony hearts and brought 103 souls to Christ. "Sinners, praying with tears, were forgiven," said the mission leader. "The lost were found and the sick healed. Mockers and those once bitterly opposed to the gospel now give testimonies to Christ's saving grace. . . . Many backsliders returned to the Lord. The gospel broke down the stony hearts of the people bringing them to the Savior. Christians also made a deeper commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ with a number of young people coming forward to offer their lives for Christian service." The group has planted congregations in six villages. In one village three families of non-Christian background came forward to commit their lives to Christ and were baptized. The new believers gather regularly for worship, joined even by some of their unbelieving neighbors. The ministry works in remote areas outside of the range of public transportation. (Christian Aid Mission)

* In partnership with FEBA Radio, HCJB World Radio airs weekly Christian programs to eastern India via shortwave in three languages: Bhojpuri, Chattisgarhi and Mundari. HCJB World Radio also broadcasts 11/2 hours of English programming daily to India via shortwave from South America. The ministry is investigating potential opportunities to help launch local Christian stations in key cities across India.


In the Himalayan country of Myanmar (formerly Burma), a contemporary translation of the Gospel of John was released this month. Walk Thru the Bible's Roger Massey believes it will serve as a "great tool for a spiritually hungry people." However, there is also a need for caution, he says. "We understand that Myanmar is a great deal like China in its views on Christianity and birthing and planting new Christian churches in the area, so much of the work has to be done carefully." Releasing the Gospel of John will be instrumental to the small but growing churches, Massey adds. "The government would be quick to move in and close down new works. It's much like the problems that churches are facing in Russia and Eastern Europe when new Christians groups go in and start to try to establish a beachhead. But what we're mainly concentrating on is getting the Word of God into this area in an easy-to-read format." (Mission Network News)


Church planter Ron Nolen threw his lasso, and a "cowboy church" was started -- the Cowboy Church of Ellis County," reported the Baptist Standard. "There is an enormous number of 'Old West Culture' people here who hold true to good old Western values -- 'a man keeps his word' and so on," says Nolen. "This group, mostly working class, was largely ignored by the middle-class Baptists who were often only looking for a higher standard of living." But Old West culture people can be found everywhere. Country music is one of the key signs. They don't necessarily own horses, but their values and culture unite them: family, a home, commitment. There are 2,186 country radio stations in the U.S. -- almost twice as many as the 1,128 pop stations." More than 300 people attended the first service at the Cowboy Church on Easter 2000. Attendance now averages 500, and many of the members are involved in home groups. Nolen has since started a second "cowboy church" and advises several others in the U.S. "There are millions of people with these values," he says. "If we reach only 125,000 of them in the next 10 years, we'll need around 400 churches with 300 members to disciple them. This is one of the largest people groups which has been overlooked by churches in the U.S." (Friday Fax)

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