Zprávy HCJB 24.1.2003

    Ve Středoafrické republice zůstává i nadále destabilizujícím faktorem přítomnost ozbrojených rebelantů. Tím narůstá napětí a ničí se vynaložené úsilí k nastolení míru. Nejméně jedna misijní agentura musela být pro potíže evakuovaná, říká Thelma Landrud z Evangelical Free Church. „Právě včera jsme se dozvěděli, že jedna z našich misijních stanic byla vypleněna. Vládní síly byly vyhnány a někteří vojáci z Čadu se zmocnili města a vydali se k naší misijní stanici, která je vzdálená asi 5 mil. Dvakrát ji vyrabovali, ale zatím nevíme v jakém rozsahu.“ Landrud doufá, že se dnes bude moci vrátit do země, ale záleží na okolnostech. „Prosíme lidi o modlitby za mír a za uklidnění politické situace, aby lidé mohli začít znovu žít normálním životem. Jsou to právě místní lidé, kteří tím vším nejvíce trpí.“ (Mission Network News)
   (MCC) - Dvě pracovnice Mennonitského ústředí ( MCC) žijící v Indonézii byly ve středu 25. ledna zaskočeny náhlou povodní v horách Telemoyo blízko města Salatiga na Jávě. Podle zpráv je jedna pracovnice mrtvá a druhá se pohřešuje. Obě si vyrazily na túru s ještě dalším pracovníkem z MCC a místním přítelem – ti vyvázli bez újmy. 25letá Hannah Showaker z Newville v Pennsylvánii byla nalezena mrtvá půl míle od místa, kde ji strhl náhlý příval vody. 21letá Alana Fife pocházející z Calgary v Albertě, která se později přestěhovala do Winnipegu v Manitobě, je nezvěstná. Třetí pracovník, Daniel Warren z Shorelinu ve státe Washington, vyvázl nezraněn. Všichni tři pracovali v programu MCC Společně sloužit a učit se (SALT) určeném pro mládež. Do Indonézie přijeli v srpnu 2002. „Všichni z MCC a připojených církevních skupin jsou hluboce zasaženi tragédií, která postihla dvě rodiny,“ řekl Ron Mathies, výkonný ředitel MCC. Pracovníci MCC si často vyráželi na výlet do oblasti Telemoyo, populárního místa konání pikniků. Ve středu odpoledne Warren právě fotografoval Showakerovou a Fifeovou, jak stojí po kotníky ve vodě u paty vodopádu Sekarlangit. Bez jakýchkoli varovných známek se náhle shora přihnala velká voda a obě ženy odnesla. Jejich indonézského přítele voda strhla také, ale dokázal se zachránit. Viz též podrobná zpráva ZDE (klikněte).

*Nejnovější zprávy v originální anglické verzi jsou vždy ZDE (klikněte).


In the Central African Republic the presence of an armed rebellion remains a destabilizing factor, raising tensions and hampering efforts to restore peace. The trouble forced at least one mission agency to evacuate, says Thelma Landrud of the Evangelical Free Church. "We just had word yesterday that another one of our mission stations has been looted. The government forces were kicked out, and some soldiers from Chad took over the town and went to our mission station which is five miles away. They've been in there twice and looted, but we don't know to what extent." Landrud hoped to return to the country today, but that depends on what else happens. "We're asking that people pray for peace and that these political situations could be settled so people can carry on with their lives. It's the local people who are the most traumatized." (Mission Network News)

* HCJB World Radio worked with Grace Brethren Mission and local believers in Bangui, Central African Republic, to put a Christian FM station on the air in May 2001.


Two Mennonite Central Committee ( MCC) workers living in Indonesia were caught in a flash flood Wednesday, Jan. 22, in the Telemoyo mountain area outside the city of Salatiga, Java. One worker is reported dead and the other missing. The two were hiking with another MCC worker and a local friend who were both unharmed. Hannah Showaker, 25, Newville, Pa., was found dead half a mile from the point where she was washed away by the flood waters. Alana Fife, 21, of Calgary, Alberta (most recently of Winnipeg, Manitoba), is missing. The third worker, Daniel Warren of Shoreline, Wash., escaped injury. All three MCC workers were part of the one-year MCC Serving and Learning Together (SALT) program for young adults. They arrived in Indonesia in August 2002. "The entire MCC family and supporting faith community are deeply shocked at the tragedy that has befallen these two families," said Ron Mathies, MCC executive director. MCC workers often hiked in the Telomoyo area -- a popular picnic spot. Warren was taking a photograph of Showaker and Fife as they stood in ankle-deep water at Sekarlangit Falls Wednesday afternoon. Without warning a wall of water rushed over the falls and swept the two women away. An Indonesian friend was also caught in the torrent, but managed to escape. (MCC)


A 47-year-old house church leader has been sent back to labor camp for 18 months amid fears that he may not survive a further detention, reported Jubilee Campaign USA. Relatives of Guoxing Xu said that he had been sentenced Jan. 7, although "there has been no due process of law, and no conviction has been given." Xu was arrested in December when police burst into his home in Shanghai, detaining him and some of his church members -- who were later released. Police searched Xu's house, confiscating written materials, tapes and a computer. Jubilee reported that Xu had previously been detained for more than six years, including an extended period of hard labor. "He is unlikely to physically endure another term of hard labor treatment. Please pray for him and for those who persecute him." (Religion Today)


For the second time in three months a Jordanian Christian widow has been forced into hiding after a court ordered her to surrender her children to an estranged Muslim relative. In the latest twist in a custody battle lasting nearly five years, a court in Irbid, 50 miles north of Amman, ruled that Siham Qandah be imprisoned for 30 days until she surrenders custody of her children to the authorities. The Jan. 16 ruling was delivered to Qandah four days later. Her lawyer appealed the ruling. Meanwhile, she has taken her children into hiding once again. Qandah was previously forced into hiding last October after she was told by the Ministry of Justice that she had less than a week to hand over her children, Rawan, 14, and Fadi, 13. They are threatened with separation from their mother because the Jordanian courts have deemed Qandah unfit to be their custodian due to the fact that she is raising them as Christians, rather than Muslims. When she was widowed in 1994, a local Islamic court declared that her late husband had converted to Islam years earlier. According to Islamic Law, this would mean his minor children automatically became Muslims too. Qandah and her family have consistently disputed the alleged conversion, sparking a lengthy legal battle for the custody of her children. (Christian Solidarity Worldwide)


Oklahoma City Mayor Kirk Humphreys and Governor Brad Henry welcomed Billy Graham team members to Oklahoma City as plans were unveiled for a June mission. Humphreys will oversee the five-month preparation process, culminating with evangelistic meetings June 12-15 at the Ford Center in downtown Oklahoma City. "Billy Graham holds a special place in the life and history of Oklahoma City," Humphreys said. "None of us will ever forget his leadership of the memorial service in 1995 after the bombing. Multiplied thousands of lives have been changed forever through his ministry in our city in the past 50 years." Graham said he was "overwhelmed" to receive an invitation to preach in Oklahoma City. "Although my strength is more limited now that I am in my 80s, my burden to proclaim the gospel is as strong as ever." The announcement came shortly after Graham agreed to hold a similar event in San Diego May 8-11. The Oklahoma City event is expected to mobilize more than 15,000 volunteers from 500 area churches representing 45 denominations. (Billy Graham Evangelistic Association)


An estimated 2,500 people gathered at the Sultan's Palace in Solo, Central Java, Sunday, Jan. 2, for an interfaith peace rally. Dressed in matching T-shirts, they declared 2003 as the year of the "Peoplehood of Peace." Solo has been the scene of religious, ethnic and economic tensions in recent years. Amid threats of war and violence, the event brought together Mennonites, Catholics and other Christians while the forum included members of the Muslim, Confucian, Hindu and Buddhist religions. All agreed on the need to follow a path of peace. Solo is one of two cultural centers of Central Java. In recent years, 12 outbreaks of violence have left the city scarred. Paulus Hartono, an Indonesian Mennonite pastor who leads a small congregation in the city, played a key role in organizing the event, taking the initiative to call religious leaders together to work for peace. (Mennonite World Conference)

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