Zprávy HCJB 30.1.2003

    Důstojníci nigerijské federální policie zabili 4 katolíky a osm dalších zranili, protože odmítli zaplatit úplatek. Skupina se vracela z nočního bdění při modlitbě dne 14. prosince, když policie zastavila jejich autobus. Jeden z cestujících, kterému se podařilo uprchnout, řekl, že řidič kvůli své víře odmítl zaplatit úplatek a byl na místě zastřelen. Když ostatní ze skupiny protestovali, byli také zastřeleni, zatímco ostatní se rozutekli. V odpovědi na toto zabíjení nařídil guvernér z Enugu, Chinwoke Mbadinuju, všem jednotkám federální policie, aby opustily zemi a vyzval federální vládu, aby se zabývala problémem násilí ze strany bezpečnostních sil. Úplatkářství je „až příliš běžnou záležitostí“ na nigerijských oficiálních místech.“ (Voice of the Martyrs)
   (Missions Insider) - Uprostřed nepřátelských slovních útoků hinduistů a v kolotoči pronásledování jedna domorodá misie pracující v severní Indii oznamuje „významný pokrok“ v severoindickém státě Utarpradéš a v celé oblasti. Misie se loni zaměřila na přípravu křesťanů ve 12 státech severní Indie. Někteří byli připravováni v rámci Great Commission Training Centers a jiných o církev se opírajících biblických škol. (Great Commission – Velké Poslání je u nás málo vžitý termín běžně užívaný v anglosaských zemích k vyjádření Ježíšova pokynu Protož jdouce, učte všechny národy … - Mat.28,19-20 . -Pozn.překl.) „Výsledkem jsou tisíce nově vzniklých sborů,“ řekl místní kazatel. Skupina má nyní v terénu 700 misionářů a poskytuje vzdělání 3000 laických kazatelů. Společně založili 9000 modlitebních skupinek (z toho 7000 domácích) ve 12 státech severní Indie. Skupina provozuje mnoho balwadis (neoficiálních škol) i základních škol ve dvou větších městech severní Indie. Připojuje se mnoho lidí, kteří nejsou křesťany a sledují křesťanské programy poskytované těmito školami. Někteří k této činnosti poskytli své domy. Jedna ze škol v Kašmíru přitáhla 1000 lidí včetně 400 žáků. Řada z nich slyší evangelium poprvé. Válka v oblasti takovým setkáním v roce 2001 bránila. Jeden z těch, kdo se tak obrátili na víru v Krista, byl v minulosti muslimským duchovním. Když se dal na cestu za Pánem, jeho vlastní bratr se pokusil zabít jej kopím. Podařilo se mu uhnout, ale oštěp zasáhl a zabil jeho 12letého syna. Uprchl se svou ženou a ostatními třemi dětmi. I jeho mladší bratr přišel ke Kristu a byl za to kamenován. Je ve vážném stavu v nemocnici. Jeho žena a jeho tři děti jsou pod ochranou jiného dřívějšího muslima, který se též obrátil ke Kristu.

*Ve spolupráci s rádio FEBA vysílá HCJB World Radio jednou týdně na krátkých vlnách své programy do východní Indie, a to ve dvou místních nářečích: Chattisgarhi and Mundari. Kromě toho vysílá HCJB pro Indii denně na krátkých vlnách devadesátiminutové programy v angličtině z ecuadorského Quita. HCJB také zkoumá možnost rozmístit křesťanské vysílače přímo v velkých indických městech.

*Nejnovější zprávy v originální anglické verzi jsou vždy ZDE (klikněte).


Some members of the Central Baptist Church in Tbilisi, Georgia, were beaten on Friday, Jan. 24, as they prepared for an ecumenical worship service. This comes nearly a year after last February's attack on the church's warehouse where hundreds of Bibles were burned beneath the shadow of a cross. "Many people had been invited to the service, including parliamentarians, politicians, academicians, diplomats and representatives of all major Christian confessions in Georgia," said Malkhaz Songulashvili, president of the Evangelical Baptist Union and pastor of the church. "Before all of these people arrived at the church, however, a group of ultra-fundamentalist Orthodox Christians led by [defrocked Orthodox priest] Basil Mkalavishvili, started an attack on the church." After trying to defend the church by locking the gates, members of the church, on site to prepare for the worship service, were physically and verbally abused. It is unclear whether anyone was seriously injured. "After the mob had left, the area police made the necessary investigations, and we were able to continue with our service," Songulashvili said. "This attack was an action not only against the Baptist Church, but against all Christian churches in Georgia." Church leaders in the country are urging Georgian President Eduard Shevardnadze to end the "intolerable religious situation in the country which represents a threat to the state." (Baptist World Alliance/Assist)


Indian Christian Stanislas Chellappa and his family were deported from Qatar Wednesday, Jan. 29, by order of the Qatari Interior Ministry, which still refuses any explanation for his arrest and expulsion. Chellappa, along with his wife, Esther, and 12-year-old son, Gnayna, flew back to their home near Madras in India's Tamil Nadu state Wednesday evening. "They are not saying the reason," Chellappa said two days ago as he was loading his family's personal effects into a container. "I am a Christian, and [I think] that is why they don't want to say why." Chellappa, who speaks openly about his faith, pastored a small congregation of Tamil-speaking Christians in Doha, the capital of Qatar. After working for the Hamad Medical Corporation in Qatar for 22 years, Chellappa was arrested without warning in early December and sent to the country's deportation center. Known as one of the more moderate Gulf states, Qatar has expanded its democratic freedoms in recent years by allowing expatriate Christians to meet freely for private worship. (Compass)


Christians in China are optimistic that 60-year-old Hu Jintao, who has been appointed to be the country's president starting next spring, will give them greater freedoms to worship and spread the gospel. "I'm sure that initially he will prove to the state and to the communist regime that he can be very strong," said Eric Burklin who serves with China Partner in Littleton, Colo. "But I think after several years he might even loosen up, and I think there is great opportunity for the gospel to move even further. I believe that eventually some of these restrictions that we know of today that relate to religious groups will be softened." Burklin says the government keeps a close eye on parts of China where the church is growing rapidly. "We do hear from different government officials that they are concerned about that fast growth, and I think they are more concerned about those Christian groups that are growing that are unregistered. On the positive side, I have had government officials tell me that they are actually appreciating the fact that churches are being built in certain areas." China Partner is constructing a seminary in China that will allow more students to have Bible training. (Mission Network News)


Nigerian federal police officers reportedly killed four Catholics and injured eight others for refusing to pay a bribe, according to Compass Direct. A group was returning from a crusade and prayer vigil on Dec. 14 when police stopped their bus. One of the passengers who managed to escape said the bus driver refused to pay a bribe because of his faith and was then shot at point-blank range. When others in the group intervened, they were also shot while the rest fled on foot. In response to the killings, the governor of Enugu, Chinwoke Mbadinuju, ordered all federal police units to leave the state and is calling on the federal government to address the issue of violence by security forces. Bribery of officials in Nigeria reportedly is "extremely common." (Voice of the Martyrs)

* HCJB World Radio, together with partners In Touch Ministries, SIM and the Evangelical Church of West Africa, began airing weekly half-hour programs in the Igbo language in 2000. The programs air via shortwave to Nigeria's 15 million Igbo speakers.


Despite the activity of Maoist rebels, the gospel is going forth in the Himalayan country of Nepal, winning souls, planting churches and training leaders. A ministry run by Nepali leaders said this week that despite the disruption in their country through terrorist rebel activities, their Bible correspondence course is reaching thousands. "Even though many hundreds of post offices have been destroyed, our Bible correspondence course is increasing day by day, and more and more students are coming for training, especially in remote parts ... more than we expected," the leader said. New worship fellowships are being formed as more people place faith in Christ. The ministry has an extensive leadership training program that reaches Christians in Nepal, India, Bhutan and Tibet. This year the ministry plans to send five missionaries to different parts of Nepal and others to Bhutan, India, and to the border with Tibet. Despite the critical situation in Nepal, the ministry completed four leadership training seminars in different parts of the country last year. Five additional seminars are being planned for Nepal and one among people of Nepalese ancestry in India this year. (Missions Insider)


In the midst of hostile Hindu rhetoric and persecution, one indigenous ministry working in northern India reports "a tremendous breakthrough" in the north India state of Uttar Pradesh and in the region. The ministry focused on training Christians amid 12 states of northern India last year. Some were trained in the group's "Great Commission Training Centers" and others in church-based video Bible schools. "As a result, thousands of new house churches were established," said a local church leader. The group now has 700 missionaries on the field and has trained more than 3,000 lay workers. Together they have established at least 9,000 worshiping groups (including 7,000 house churches) in 12 states of northern India. The group operates a number of balwadis (informal schools) and primary schools in two major cities of North India. Many non-Christians attended the Christmas programs put on by these schools, and some have opened their homes for fellowship and learning. One of the schools in Kashmir attracted 1,000 people, including 400 pupils. Many of those attending heard the gospel for the first time. War in the region prevented such gatherings in 2001. One of those who came to Christ was a former Muslim cleric. When he confessed Christ, his own brothers tried to kill him with a spear. He dodged the spear, but it struck and killed his 12-year-old son. He escaped with his wife and three other children. His younger brother also came to the Lord and was stoned. He is in serious condition in a hospital. His wife and three children also are under the protective custody of another former Muslim leader who came to Christ. (Missions Insider)

* In partnership with FEBA Radio, HCJB World Radio airs weekly Christian programs to eastern India via shortwave in three languages: Bhojpuri, Chattisgarhi and Mundari. A five-hour block of English programs also beams across India from a shortwave site in Kununurra, Australia. The ministry is investigating potential opportunities to help launch local Christian stations in key cities across India.

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