Zprávy HCJB 31.1.2003

    I přes nedávné útoky proti křesťanským sborům v Pákistánu probíhá i nadále vyškolování a vysílání stále většího počtu pracovníků do nedotčených oblastí země. Během měsíce ledna 40 nových vedoucích odpracovalo ve službě 112 hodin na přípravě podkladů pro zakládání nových sborů. „Povzbuzuje nás, že sám Pán nám posílá dělníky na velkou žeň duší,“ řekl jeden z vedoucích. V současné době je vysíláno 10 týmů, které se specializují na zakládání sborů. „Vaše modlitby a finanční podpora jsou vždy velkým povzbuzením v naší službě,“ řekl dále vedoucí. „To, co nutně potřebujeme, jsou jízdní kola, zvuková technika, hudební nástroje, audio a video kazety, Bible, materiály pro vyučování a měsíční podpora pro nové pracovníky. Duch pronásledování pracuje proti sborům. Nicméně Pán je k nám milostivý a dovoluje nám pokračovat v práci pro Něj.“ (Mission Insider)
   (Missions Insider) - Před rokem 1950 v Tibetu nebyli žádní křesťané. Byl to domov nejpřísnější podoby buddhismu. Dalajláma byl zbožštěn a měl absolutní moc. Kdo smýšlel jinak, byl okamžitě usmrcen. Když se zmocnili Tibetu čínští komunisté, začali s destrukcí tibetské kultury i náboženství. Dalajláma byl nucen uchýlit se do vyhnanství a tisíce jeho následovníků uprchly do Indie a do Nepálu. Tam se těmto Tibeťanům otevřela možnost slyšet evangelium od tamějších misionářů. Mnoho z nich se obrátilo ke křesťanství a někteří se také zase vrátili do Tibetu poháněni touhou vidět své příbuzné a přátele, zvěstovat jim Boží slovo a radovat se z jejich obrácení. Bůh tak nyní začíná rozšiřovat Své království i v Tibetu. Jedna tibetská žena se stala křesťanskou prostřednictvím svědectví domorodého misionáře: „Studovala jsem buddhistická písma a přitom jsem v knihovně svého guru - duchovního učitele - narazila na knihu o Ježíši. On mi řekl, abych se jí ani nedotkla, ale využila jsem příležitost, vzala ji a četla.“ Tajně tak četla Bibli a došla k jistotě, že Bible je pravdivá kniha, opustila buddhistickou školu a začala v Nepálu hledat jiné křesťany. Vypráví dále: „Nakonec jsem našla sbor tibetských křesťanů. Ti lidé milovali Boha a současně rozuměli mé kultuře a mluvili mým jazykem. Bůh vyslyšel modlitbu mého srdce: ‘Otče, dej mi možnost studovat Tvé slovo a učiň mě vnímavější, abych je hlouběji pochopila.‘ Nyní cítím, že Bůh mne připravuje, abych se vrátila do mé rodné země a Jemu tam sloužila, aby Jeho slovo přišlo i k mému lidu.“

*Tato a další zprávy jsou (pouze v aktuální den) v originální anglické verzi zde.

Despite recent attacks against Christian churches, a ministry in Pakistan is training and sending out more workers to unreached parts of the country. In January the ministry gave 40 new leaders 112 hours of training for church-planting work. "We are encouraged that the Lord is providing laborers for a great harvest of souls," the leader said. The ministry is also sending out 10 church-planting teams. "Your prayer and financial support always have been a great encouragement in ministry partnership," the leader said. "We urgently need bicycles, sound systems, musical instruments, audio and videotapes, Bibles, teaching materials and monthly support for these new workers. A persecution spirit is working against the churches. However, the Lord is merciful to us to continue His work." (Missions Insider)


There were no Christians in Tibet before 1950. It was home to the world's strictest form of Buddhism. The Dalai Lama was worshiped as a god with absolute power. Any person who taught differently was killed immediately. When the Chinese communists took over Tibet, they began to crush Tibetan culture and religion. The Dalai Lama was forced into exile, and thousands of his followers fled to India and Nepal. This opened an opportunity for Tibetans to hear the gospel through indigenous missionaries in India and Nepal. Many have turned to the Lord, and some are returning to Tibet bearing the truth of God's Word and an urgency to see their friends and relatives turn to Christ. One changed life at a time, God is building His kingdom in Tibet. At least one Tibetan woman found Christ through an indigenous ministry in India. "I was studying Buddhist scripture, and one day I saw a book about Jesus on my guru's bookshelf," she said. I had never heard this name before. My guru told me not to touch this book, but I got a chance to take it and read it." She secretly read the book, and convinced that the Bible was true, she left the Buddhist school and began seeking other Christians in Nepal. "Finally I found a fellowship group of Tibetan Christians," she said. "The people there loved God and understood my culture and language. God answered the prayer of my heart, 'Father, give me a good chance to study your Word and make me able to understand it in a deeper way.' Now I feel that God's vision for me is to go back to my homeland and serve Him and make His Word known to my people." (Missions Insider)


Child sexual abuse is common in Cambodia, but an evangelical ministry is reaching out to this abused segment of society. Book of Hope's Rob Hoskins describes the abuse and how his ministry can help. "Upwards of 60 percent of the children in Cambodia have been exposed to child prostitution," he says. "So in this abused country, we're really hoping to work with the education system to provide God's Word. By next fall we hope to distribute 150,000 Books of Hope in the public school system [as funds become available]." (Mission Network News)


Christian leaders are applauding U.S. President George W. Bush's renewed emphasis on battling the AIDS epidemic, especially in Africa and the Caribbean. During his State of the Union address Tuesday, Jan. 28, Bush proposed a $15-billion emergency plan for AIDS relief. World Vision's Ken Casey says this could be key to involving more Americans. "Getting involved starts with presidential leadership, and I think [Bush] expressed that. The next challenge is for Congress to follow up and approve the proposals that he sends to them. But it was a great step forward." World Vision has already made AIDS a priority, "equipping local churches become the caregivers in their communities." Baptist World Alliance (BWA) Director Paul Montacute also welcomed the news that "U.S. taxpayers, through the U.S. government, are going to do more to prevent AIDS and assist those living with the disease. Christians are already working with those suffering from AIDS, and these additional resources will be welcomed." Bush said nearly 30 million people have the AIDS virus in Africa alone, including 3 million children under the age 15. "There are whole countries in Africa where more than one-third of the adult population carries the infection," he said. "The plan could prevent 7 million new AIDS infections, treat at least 2 million people with life-extending drugs, and provide care for millions of people suffering from AIDS and for children orphaned by AIDS." (Mission Network News/BWA)


As the U.S. faces the possibility of war with Iraq, Christians nationwide are being urged to join together in concerted prayer for President George W. Bush on Sunday, Feb. 23. Susan Hammond, organizer of the event called "Christians United in Prayer," says pastors across the country are preparing for the effort. "Prayer is both our duty and our privilege," she says. "The church must be diligent about seeking the Lord's will and direction for this crisis which will impact not only the U.S., but the rest of the world." Hammond has been working for the past four years to honor veterans of the U.S. military. In her letter to Bush informing him of the prayer effort, she wrote, "We are humbly coming before the Lord, asking Him for His mercy, grace, wisdom, discernment, direction and protection as we unite with each other and with you in seeking His will for our nation at this critical time." Hammond is hopeful that the call to prayer will spark even more involvement by Christians across the U.S. to participate in the National Day of Prayer set for Thursday, May 1. (Assist News Service)


Christmas was a little brighter for 500 poor Ecuadorian children who attended four holiday season events sponsored by HCJB World Radio. "Rather than have our annual Christmas party at the Larson Center in Quito, we decided to go out to the communities an hold four parties," said missionary Yvonne Kennedy of New Zealand who organized the events.

Dozens of children made decisions for Christ at Christmas parties in the coastal town of San Lorenzo as well as the poor Quito neighborhoods of Atucucho, Carmen Bajo and Rancho Alto. "Our community development staff works in each of these areas except Carmen Bajo," Kennedy said. "We wanted the children to see God and not us missionaries. We felt that one of the ways we could achieve this was to have staff from our medical clinics and local churches take a more active role in organizing everything. It was exciting to see them grasp a hold of this new concept and run with it.

"Through this joint effort the children not only had fun, but they received shoeboxes full of gifts through Samaritan's Purse, and they got to hear about God and his love for them," Kennedy said. "A number of the children when asked if they wanted to know more about Christ, raised their hands and prayed with a counselor. It was lovely to see the concentration on their faces as they prayed along with the person up front."

Churches in the communities where the parties were held are now following up each child who made a decision for Christ. "I believe that the impact of these parties will continue to influence the lives of the children and the communities where we minister -- not as events sponsored by foreigners, but as a demonstration of God's love," Kennedy added. (HCJB World Radio)

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