Zprávy HCJB 4.2.2003

    Jak lidé z USA, Indie a Izraele truchlí nad ztrátou sedmi kosmonautů, kteří zahynuli 1. února, členové Grace Community Church z Houstonu si tak připomínají dva ze svých vlastních řad. Velitel vesmírné lodi Columbia plk. Rick Husband a podplukovník Mike Anderson byli oba silně věřící, aktivní členové sboru. Pastor Steve O´Donohoe řekl, „Rick Husband patří mezi nejzbožnější muže, s jakými jsem se kdy setkal. Tak velmi miloval Boha a rád pro něj pracoval, byl to milý člověk ke každému. Patřil k lidem, kterým by se každý rád podobal.“ Rick zpíval v místním sboru a při zvláštních příležitostech i sólově, byl aktivní v mužské službě a pomáhal i své ženě Evelyn ve sborové besídce pro děti. Ke svému podpisu vždy připojil Přísloví 3:5-6. „Jediná doba, kdy nechodil do sboru, byla, když právě pracoval v NASA,“ řekl O´Donohoe. Mika a Sandy Andersonovi popsal jako „spíše tiché“, ale oba stejně uznávané. „Je to právě tři týdny, kdy jsme se během bohoslužby modlili za obě jejich rodiny,“ řekl. Oba kosmonauti hovořili o své nadcházející misi a vyznali se ze své lásky k rodině a k Pánu. Na své mise v NASA vždy pohlíželi jako na příležitost podělit se o evangelium. (Religion Today/Mission Network News)
   (Mission Network News/ESI) - Mezinárodní výuková služba - Educational Services International (ESI) - oznamuje, že rostou potíže křesťanů – učitelů pocházejících se Severní Ameriky, kteří chtějí získat potřebné vízum v Maďarsku a v České Republice. Carice Blazo z EST uvádí, že trvá měsíce, než na podanou žádost dojde úřední odpověď. „Když tato odpověď konečně dojde, může být zamítavá. To velmi komplikuje naše časové plány. Když k takovému odmítnutí dojde koncem léta, naši učitelé celou dobu nečinně vysedávali v domnění, že odletí a budou učit. Je to stále horší.“ Blazo říká, že je třeba více lidí s touhou učit a současně svědčit o víře. „V této chvíli bychom potřebovali dalších 20 učitelů. Musejí si podat žádost o vízum do 1. března, pokud mají stihnout zařazení do Českého programu. A ti, kdo by se chtěli uplatnit v Maďarsku – do 15. března.“ ESI dává křesťanům možnost uplatnit se ve službě Bohu výukou angličtiny, ekonomie a dalších předmětů v Maroku, Kazachstánu, Uzbekistánu, Kirgizstánu, České Republice, Maďarsku, Rusku, Ukrajině a Číně. ESI vycvičila 2000 křesťanů k výuce v zahraničí a pomohla jim tak stavět strategické mosty mezi lidskými kulturami.

*České rozhlasové programy připravené redakcemi HCJB World Radio v ČR i v USA jsou vysílány na sedmi místních stanicích po celých Čechách i na Slovensku. Jsou také šířeny evropskou sítí TWR (Trans World Radio).

*Nejnovější zprávy v originální anglické verzi jsou vždy ZDE (klikněte).


As people across the U.S., India and Israel mourn the loss of seven astronauts on Feb. 1, members of Houston's Grace Community Church are remembering two of their own. Space Shuttle Columbia Commander Col. Rick Husband and Payload Commander Lt. Col. Mike Anderson were both strong Christians and active members at the church. "Rick Husband is probably the godliest man I've ever met," said pastor Steve O'Donohoe. "He was such a lover of God and a worker for God, a kind person to everyone else. He was the type of person that everyone wants to be like." Rick sang in the choir, performed solos at special events, was active in the men's ministry and helped his wife, Evelyn, in the children's church. He always signed his autograph with Proverbs 3:5-6. "The only time Rick was not at church is when he was doing NASA business," said O'Donohoe. He described Mike and Sandy Anderson as "kind of quiet" but equally respected. "Just three Sundays ago we prayed for both families in the service," he said. Both astronauts spoke about their upcoming missions and their love for family and the Lord. They always looked at their missions with NASA as a way to share the gospel. (Religion Today/Mission Network News)


Educational Services International (ESI) reports that it's becoming increasingly difficult for Christian teachers from North America to get visas to serve in Hungary and the Czech Republic. ESI's Carice Blazo says it can take months just to receive an answer from the authorities once an application is submitted. "When it finally comes back, they might say it's rejected. That makes it very difficult for our timing. If it's rejected at the end of the summer, then our teachers are sitting around waiting to go fly overseas and start school. It's become progressively more complicated." Blazo says more people are needed who are willing to teach and share the gospel. "We probably need another 20 teachers right now. They need to apply and be accepted into the Czech program by March 1. And for those wanting to go to Hungary, they need to apply and be accepted into the program by March 15." ESI gives Christians an opportunity to serve God through teaching English, business and other subjects in Morocco, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Czech Republic, Hungary, Russia, Ukraine and China. ESI has trained 2,000 Christians to be teachers overseas, helping them to be a strategic bridge between cultures. (Mission Network News/ESI)

* Czech programs recorded by HCJB World Radio producers in the Czech Republic and the U.S. air on seven local stations throughout the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Programs also air via Trans World Radio (TWR) in Europe.


Near-record crowds for a public event came to the Monumento de los Espańoles in Buenos Aires, Argentina, the nights of Friday and Saturday, Jan. 31-Feb. 1, for the "Festival of Hope" featuring top Latin American Christian musicians and evangelist Luis Palau. A combined audience estimated by city officials at 1 million braved hot weather and the threat of severe thunderstorms to attend the festival. It came at a time of great political and economic turmoil in the city of 13.5 million where unemployment, poverty and hunger are commonplace. Besides helping with the event, some 22,000 volunteers distributed food to 20,000 needy families and visited more than 3 million homes throughout the region. Palau also met with political and spiritual leaders during festival week, including Argentine President Eduardo Duhalde and the mayor of Buenos Aires. Local and national media covered the festival as an event of national significance and impact. An estimated 350,000 to 400,000 people attended Friday's event followed by more than 600,000 on Saturday. Palau's evangelistic message of hope through faith in Jesus Christ resulted in tens of thousands of first-time decisions and rededications to Christ. (Assist News Service)


SIM Director Jim Plueddemann is challenging leaders from its sending and field offices in Latin America to come alongside the emerging mission movement that is sweeping the region. SIM delegates met in Guatemala City, Guatemala, Jan. 13-17 for strategic discussions on SIM's potential role. Thousands of Latin Americans are willing and ready to go and share the gospel where it has not been heard. After many years of encouraging autonomous sending agencies in Latin America, SIM's willingness to play a more active role is in response to invitations from key Latin American mission leaders. Plueddemann said pointed out similarities between current trends in Latin America and those present in Asia two decades ago. Mission efforts emerging in Asia in the 1980s have now matured to the point where SIM has full sending offices in both Singapore and Seoul, South Korea, with active councils in about 10 other Asian countries. Initiatives resulting from the Guatemala consultation will be tailored to each South American country where SIM has relationships. In addition to missionary-sending partnerships, SIM will also serve as a catalyst in training candidates and equipping churches to fulfill the Great Commission. ( SIM )


The world is becoming more religious as the growth of Christianity and most other religions continues to outpace the growth of atheism and nonreligious people. U.S. statisticians David Barrett and Todd Johnson count one in three of the world's 6.28 billion humans as Christians (2.1 billion). One in five (1.3 billion) are Muslims; 13.5 percent are Hindus (849 million); and 5.9 percent are Buddhists (371 million). Almost 15 percent (938 million) are non-religious and atheists, but their annual growth rates of 0.8 and 0.2 percent lag well behind the world's population growth rate of 1.2 percent. Muslims record the fastest annual growth rate at 2.1 percent followed by Hindus at 1.5 percent. Christianity continues to grow, but only by 1.3 percent - just slightly faster than the world population growth. The number of Buddhists is rising by 1 percent annually. Although nearly 5 billion Bibles and Scripture portions are distributed worldwide each year, the gospel has not yet reached one in four persons (26.3 percent), say Barrett and Johnson. (IDEA)


The Mission America Coalition (MAC) has announced a new nationwide effort called "Honor our Heroes" to help build bridges between churches and communities as they honor local public servants and leaders who have shown outstanding courage, character, sacrifice and service. The program encourages churches across the U.S. to hold special services to honor national and community heroes on the Memorial Day weekend, July 4, Veteran's Day and the anniversary of 9/11. Coalition President Wayne Pederson said the it will "provide churches throughout the nation with an opportunity reach out into their communities, especially touching those who might not normally attend a church event." Meanwhile, the coalition is expanding from the 500 national ministry leaders to include anyone in ministry leadership with a heart for collaborative evangelism and revival. "This expansion will bring thousands of Christian leaders across the nation to join the coalition," said Pederson. "We're planning to bring 2,000 ministry leaders to our annual meeting in New York City next October. This forum will present opportunities for bringing the gospel to the cities of our nation. It will be a breakthrough event in uniting church, community, civic and charitable resources to make a difference in reaching our cities." (MAC/Assist News Service)

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