Zprávy HCJB 6.2.2003

   (Missions Insider/Religion Today) - Jeden indonézský soud v pátek 31. ledna zprostil viny vysoce postaveného činitele Laskar Jihad Jaffara Umara Thaliba obviněného z podněcování muslimů k útokům na křesťany. Dva představitelé křesťanských separatistů naproti tomu dostali po 3 letech vězení. Thalib byl obviněn z trestné činnosti, protože vedl milici Laskar Jihad na nábožensky rozděleném Moluckém souostroví ve východní Indonézii. Osvobozující rozsudek vyslechl jen dva dny poté, co dva představitelé křesťanů, 55letý Alex Manuputty a 45letý Samuel Waileruny, byli odsouzeni ke 3 letům vězení za podvracení v době nábožensky motivovaného nepřátelství. Tehdy v této oblasti zahynuly tisíce lidí. Islámský duchovní byl uvězněn 4. května po projevu, ve kterém údajně úpěnlivě žádal muslimy, aby si „připravili bomby a pušky.“ O dva dny později bylo 13 lidí povražděno v křesťanské vesnici Soya.

*Nejnovější zprávy v originální anglické verzi jsou vždy ZDE (klikněte).

   Křesťané v některých státech v Nigérii, kde vláda přijala zákon šaría, žijí pod neustálou hrozbou pronásledování. Sektářské boje vyústily v množství škod i obětí na životech. „Je tu všudypřítomná rivalita mezi těmito dvěma skupinami a to je špatné,“ říká Denton Lotz z Baptist World Alliance. „Nigerijští křesťané a odpovědní muslimští vůdcové se společně sešli a prohlásili, že „to není správné.“ A s touto otevřeností sbory pokračují, podle Lotze, v růstu. „Setkáváme se s obrovskou odezvou na evangelium, částečně proto, že tu lidé žijí v tak zoufalé době. Je tu země, která produkuje ropu a sama jí má nedostatek. Je tu velký rozdíl mezi bohatými a chudými, těmi, kteří mají a těmi, kteří nemají. Tak sem přichází evangelium a přináší uklidňující sílu, která dává lidem naději.“ Lotz říká, že Alliance povzbuzuje nigerijské věřící tak, že jim pomáhá s opravami některých objektů zničených během nedávných nepokojů. (Mission Network News) HCJB World Radio společně s partnery In Touch Ministries, SIM a Evangelikální církví západní Afriky, začalo v roce 2000 jednou týdně vysílat půlhodinové programy v jazyce Igbo. Vysílá se na krátkých vlnách k 15 miliónům Nigérijčanů, kteří hovoří tímto jazykem. Křesťané v některých státech v Nigérii, kde vláda přijala zákon šaría, žijí pod neustálou hrozbou pronásledování. Sektářské boje vyústily v množství škod i obětí na životech. „Je tu všudypřítomná rivalita mezi těmito dvěma skupinami a to je špatné,“ říká Denton Lotz z Baptist World Alliance. „Nigerijští křesťané a odpovědní muslimští vůdcové se společně sešli a prohlásili, že „to není správné.“ A s touto otevřeností sbory pokračují, podle Lotze, v růstu. „Setkáváme se s obrovskou odezvou na evangelium, částečně proto, že tu lidé žijí v tak zoufalé době. Je tu země, která produkuje ropu a sama jí má nedostatek. Je tu velký rozdíl mezi bohatými a chudými, těmi, kteří mají a těmi, kteří nemají. Tak sem přichází evangelium a přináší uklidňující sílu, která dává lidem naději.“ Lotz říká, že Alliance povzbuzuje nigerijské věřící tak, že jim pomáhá s opravami některých objektů zničených během nedávných nepokojů. (Mission Network News) HCJB World Radio společně s partnery In Touch Ministries, SIM a Evangelikální církví západní Afriky, začalo v roce 2000 jednou týdně vysílat půlhodinové programy v jazyce Igbo. Vysílá se na krátkých vlnách k 15 miliónům Nigérijčanů, kteří hovoří tímto jazykem.

A international multi-ministry team found evidence of atrocities in southeastern Sudan after conducting an investigation of recent developments in the Blue and Upper Nile regions of the country. Representatives from Voice of the Martyrs, Servant's Heart and Freedom Quest International discovered the deliberate killing of young children by troops from Sudan's Islamic government. This violated a March 2002 agreement designed to end government attacks against civilian targets in the non-Muslim southern part of the country. The team also found that government-backed militias continue to violate the agreed upon cease-fire. In addition, reliable sources reported a "significant military buildup in and around Juba." Despite the atrocities, the church in southern Sudan continues to grow at an impressive rate. However, the majority of church leaders have little or no biblical education, says Glenn Penner, communications director for Voice of the Martyrs. To help meet this need, the team conducted a four-day church leaders' conference in the town of Yabus. Uduk and Mabaan pastors came to receive specific training on discipling young Christians, Penner said. Few churches in the area have Bibles in their own language. Uduk and Mabaan are the only local languages that have complete New Testament translations. (Voice of the Martyrs)


One Indonesian court acquitted Laskar Jihad leader Jaffar Umar Thalib Friday, Jan. 31, on charges of inciting Muslims to attack Christians while two Christian separatist leaders were each sentenced to three years' in prison. Thalib was accused of the offence while he led the Laskar Jihad militia on the religiously divided Moluccan Islands of eastern Indonesia. The acquittal came just two days after two Christian leaders, Alex Manuputty, 55, and Samuel Waileruny, 45, were sentenced to three years in prison for subversion during the violence in which thousands of people were killed. The cleric was arrested May 4 following a speech in which he reportedly implored Muslims to "prepare our bombs and ready our guns". Two days later 13 people were massacred in the Christian village of Soya. (Missions Insider/Religion Today)


A missionary in Bulgaria says God is blessing his ministry of meeting the needs of the local people and encouraging them to reach out to the poor, hungry people in their area. The leader said he believes the Lord wants use his church as a missions center. "There are tens of villages that God is speaking a blessing over," the leader continued. "We are encouraged to go and reach the unreached." The church is in a depressed region where more than 70 percent of the people live in extreme poverty. A month ago in one of the neighboring villages where the missionary has a congregation of minorities, two young children starved to death. "The families had nothing to feed them," the missionary said. "When I learned about it, we gathered 400 pounds of staples and foodstuffs to give them, although that would hardly be enough for the hard winter." Each Sunday church members give toward helping their neighbors. "We believe that this is only the beginning of something bigger," he said. (Missions Insider)


In Nigeria, Christians have been living with rising persecution in some states that have adopted a full sharia (Islamic law) government. Sectarian fighting has resulted in much destruction and death. "There's an underlying rivalry, almost, between these two groups, and that's unfortunate," says Baptist World Alliance's Denton Lotz. "The Christians in Nigeria and the responsible Muslim leaders have come together and said, 'this isn't right.'" And with that openness, Lotz says the church continues to grow. "There's a tremendous response to the gospel, partially because they've been living in such desperate times. Here's an oil-producing country that's had oil shortages. There's a real disparity between the rich and the poor and between those who have and those who do not have. The gospel comes in as a moderating force, and it gives people hope." Lotz says the Alliance is encouraging Nigerian believers by helping to repair some of the structures ruined in recent riots. (Mission Network News)

* HCJB World Radio, together with partners In Touch Ministries, SIM and the Evangelical Church of West Africa, began airing weekly half-hour programs in the Igbo language in 2000. The programs air via shortwave to Nigeria's 15 million Igbo speakers.


A Christmas greeting card ministry to inmates across the U.S. coordinated by Crossroad Bible Institute in Grandville, Mich., proved to be so popular that it's being expanded to include Easter this year. Instructor coordinator Karen Loyd said the school's "Christmas Send a Card" program was a "huge success" with 11,801 cards sent to prisoners. "We wanted to extend our thanks to Bible study groups, Sunday school classes, families, neighborhoods and entire churches that participated," she said. "The inmates were very grateful. This spring we plan to partner with Prison Fellowship, and we are going to do an Easter card program." Crossroad also supplies Bible correspondence courses to about 20,000 inmates each year and is active in a discipleship program with prisoners. More than 3,000 volunteers correct the Bible studies and send letters of encouragement. (MNN/Crossroad Bible Institute)


New attractions may draw young people to church, but it is the unchanging message of the gospel that keeps them there, says Joel Scrivner, pastor of Neotropolis, a 25,000-square-foot youth center in Carrollton, Texas. The facility is a converted cinema featuring basketball courts, TV and arcade games, movies, karaoke and a snack bar. "This is beneficial [in attracting young people]," he told The Dallas Morning News, "But it doesn't keep them. It's cool to come for awhile, but teens get bored. If they stay, they stay for the ministry." At Fellowship Church in Grapevine, Texas, leaders have enlisted a group of teens to help them keep up with youngsters' interests. A rock-climbing wall at the church's 45,000-square-foot youth center was recently taken down after interest waned. Pastor Cory Wise at Restoration Church in Euless, Texas, used to be "hyped on the big events . . . exciting things to draw youths," he said. "But the bottom line is it's not about having all the fun things. It's about having the vintage things of the faith, building a community, helping connect people with Christ and one another. You either have that or it's all wood, hay and stubble, and it's not going to last anyway." (Religion Today)

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