Zprávy HCJB 25.2.2003

   18. února během příprav k promítání filmu o Ježíšově životě byl 26-ti letý misionář Titus z Gospel for Asia (Evangelium pro Asii) napaden skupinou nepřátelských mužů. Titus je velmi energický misionář a vedoucí týmu, který promítá tento film. K napadení došlo v evangeliem neoslovené oblasti Jharkhand ve východní Indii, kde na film čekaly zvědavé davy. Poté, co byl téměř uškrcen svým vlastním šátkem, aby nemohl křičet o pomoc, začali ho ti muži bít holemi, dokud neztratil vědomí. Ostatní členové filmového týmu byli také zbiti, ale těm se podařilo utéci. Titus zůstal ve vesnici, kde se o něj postaral jeho křesťanský přítel, který ho vzal k sobě domů. Příští ráno se útočníci znovu vrátili, tentokrát s perem a papírem a požadovali, aby se zřekl křesťanství. „Ne, nemohu svou víru ztratit,“ dokázal říct, přestože ho bolelo v krku potom, co byl předchozí den téměř uškrcen. Pak ho znovu zbili a nyní se dostává ze svých zranění. Vesničtí vůdci se znovu sejdou ve středu 26. února, aby prodiskutovali celou záležitost. Požadovali, aby Titus se svým týmem zajistili stravu pro přibližně 2000 vesničanů po dobu dvou dní. Potom se rozhodnou, co bude dál. (Assist News Service) HCJB World Radio ve spolupráci s Feba Radio vysílá týdně křesťanské programy do východní Indie po KV ve třech jazycích. Pětihodinový blok v angličtině je vysílán také po KV do Indie z Kununurra v Austrálii. Zjišťují se potenciální možnosti, jak pomoci se zavedením místních křesťanských stanic v klíčových městech Indie.
   (Sammy Tippit Ministries/MNN) - Občanská válka v Kongu nezastavila šíření evangelia. Kazatel Sammy Tippit vedl minulý týden ve dnech 20.-22. února řadu evangelizačních shromáždění v povstalci ovládaném městě Kisangani ve východní části země. Válečná spoušť se tudy za poslední čtyři roky prohnala pětkrát. Odhadem se tří odpoledních evangelizačních shromáždění ve čtvrtek, v pátek a v sobotu zúčastnilo celkem 120.000 lidí. 18.000 z nich kázání tak oslovilo, že se rozhodli jít cestou za Pánem Ježíšem. Tippit sám řekl, že jeho tým byl „až zaskočen“ vřelým přijetím: „Byl jsem překvapen, když jsme přistáli v Kisangani. Neveděl jsem totiž, co nás čeká. Pilot našeho letadla před přistáním řekl, že se tam zřejmě něco muselo stát a udělal bezpečnostní oblet. Přemítal jsem, zda nedošlo k obnovení bojů. Když jsme přistáli, ukázalo se, že šlo o sběh 1000 lidí, kteří na nás čekali. Hrál orchestr. Okamžitě byla vykonána přehlídka a slavnostní průjezd městem. Lidé podél chodníků zpívali, tančili a vykřikovali. Bylo to opravdu úžasné.“ Shromáždění pořádalo místní sdružení evangelijních sborů. Rev. Jaen Marc Runiga, který shromážděním předsedal řekl: „Toto je mimořádná událost v životě naší komunity. Až dosud to jediné, co o nás mezinárodní společenství slyšelo je, že se tu válčí. Ale nyní se tu tančí, zpívá a společně se veselí v ulicích i zde na našem stadionu. Byli jsme duchem tohoto shromážděním tak požehnáni… Tisíce našich bližních se vydali za Kristem. Je to naděje pro náš národ a pro náš lid.“

*Tato a další zprávy jsou (pouze v aktuální den) v originální anglické verzi zde.

On Feb. 18 while trying to show a film on the life of Jesus to an eager crowd of villagers in an unreached region of Jharkhand in eastern India, 26-year-old Titus, an energetic Gospel for Asia missionary and film team leader, was attacked by a group of hostile men. After nearly strangling him with his own scarf so he couldn't cry for help, the men began punching and beating him with sticks until he fell unconscious. Other members of the film team were also beaten, but they managed to escape. Titus remained in the village where a Christian friend carried him to his house. The next morning the attackers returned, this time carrying pen and paper, demanding that he renounce Christianity. "No, I can't leave my faith," he managed to say, even though his throat was sore from nearly being strangled the day before. The group then beat him again, and he is resting from his injuries. The village leaders will meet again on Wednesday, Feb. 26, to discuss the matter. They have demanded that Titus and his team feed approximately 2,000 villagers for two days. After that they will decide what else should be done. (Assist News Service)

* In partnership with FEBA Radio, HCJB World Radio airs weekly Christian programs to eastern India via shortwave in three languages: Bhojpuri, Chattisgarhi and Mundari. A five-hour block of English programs also beams across India from a shortwave site in Kununurra, Australia. The ministry is investigating potential opportunities to help launch local Christian stations in key cities across India.


Hungarian police have arrested a 25-year-old man who is accused of murdering an Evangelical Lutheran pastor who helped mentally ill people. The resident from the town of Veszprem, identified only as Csaba J., allegedly confessed to strangling pastor Eszter Andorka , 32, in her Budapest home early Sunday, Feb. 16, police officials told reporters. Atilla Petofi, who heads the Life Protection department at Budapest police headquarters, said no motive was given for what is believed to be the first murder of a Hungarian church leader in decades. Detectives suggested that Csaba may have been among those receiving counseling from the 32-year-old pastor. They found the suspect after looking into Andorka's contacts and discovering her cell phone and purse in his apartment. "The victim had helped people with a criminal record, and her home had always been open to such people," Budapest police said. However Andorka's friends told reporters they can't believe that any of the people under her care "would have turned against her." (Assist News Service)

* HCJB World Radio's partner station in Oradea, Romania, airs three hours of Hungarian programming to Hungary each week. The ministry also recently signed a partnership agreement with Yes Radio in Budapest to broadcast Christian programs via the Internet. The partner ministry is applying for a local FM license.


Evangelical Christians in northern Ethiopia confirm that instead of being released as expected, two local church elders jailed without charges 10 months ago were remanded to prison by a local court judge Saturday, Feb. 22. Under Ethiopian law, Pentecostal church leaders Kiros Meles, 46, and Abebayeh Desalegn, 35, can remain in detention only if a prosecutor produces sufficient evidence to press formal murder charges against them. Otherwise, the judge is required to release them. Compass Direct, however, reported that their hearing was postponed another two weeks. Meles and Desalegn were arrested after a mob of Orthodox Church extremists staged a two-day rampage last April against Maychew's five evangelical churches. Local police named the two men as suspects in the death of a young Orthodox man shot dead during the last day of the riots. Church members say that local police used the two Protestants as scapegoats in an attempt to exonerate an off-duty policeman accused of firing the fatal bullet from the local police chief's gun. (Religion Today)


In Sub-Saharan Africa 13 million children have been orphaned because of HIV and AIDS. Jacqui Bond from AIDS, Orphans and Street Children, a partner ministry with Teen Missions International, says the organization is reaching out to these needy children both physically and spiritually. "We have built five of what we're calling 'orphan rescue units.' We have 10 national staff members who have been through Teen Missions' Bible school training. And they reach out to these children, so the children have somewhere to come to have their basic medical needs met. We also teach them how to garden and grow food for themselves." Bond adds that the outreach opens up many witnessing opportunities with these young people. "We have Sunday school each week, and once a month we have a Christian camp. The children will come in and have a little vacation Bible school." As a result, many children have turned to Christ. (Mission Network News)


The World Prayer Center in Colorado Springs, Colo., is calling on Christians everywhere to participate in a Worldwide Day of Prayer Monday, March 3. World Prayer Team President Ted Haggard says his office has been flooded with messages from people around the world saying that God is impressing upon them to prepare to pray on 03/03/03. "These believers do not know one another, nor are they connected to one another," he said. "They do not know that the others are saying the same thing. Clearly, the Holy Spirit is speaking to His church, and He is calling His people to pray." Haggard says the need for prayer is urgent as the U.S. prepares for a possible war against Iraq. The key verse for the event is Jeremiah 33:3 -- "again, three 3s" -- "Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know." Haggard says many Christians think the date is significant because its numerical sequence "reminds them of the Trinity." March 3 is also the eve of the Islamic New Year and marks the last day of the Hajj, the annual pilgrimage to Mecca where Muslims are encouraged to make a sacrifice at least once in their lifetime. (World Prayer Team)


Civil war in the Democratic Republic of Congo isn't stopping the spread of the gospel. Last week evangelist Sammy Tippit held evangelistic meetings in Kisangani, a rebel-held city in the eastern part of the country where war has broken out five times in the last four years. An estimated 120,000 people attended the three afternoon meetings Thursday-Saturday, Feb. 20-22, with 18,000 making decisions for Christ. Tippit says his team was "overwhelmed" by the response and warm reception. "I was surprised when we landed in Kisangani," he said. "I really didn't know what to expect. The pilot of our plane said that there was something happening on the ground and that we may have to circle the airfield. I wondered if fighting had broken out. But when we arrived, there were 1,000 people waiting for us. A band was playing. They immediately had a parade and brought us through the city. People lined the streets singing, dancing and shouting. It was truly amazing." The meetings were hosted by a network of evangelical churches. Rev. Jean Marc Runiga who chaired the meetings said, "This was a special time in the life of our community. The only thing that the international community has heard about us is that there is war. But now there has been singing, dancing and rejoicing in our streets and in our stadium. We have been so blessed by these meetings. Many thousands have come to Christ. This is the hope for our nation and our people." (Sammy Tippit Ministries/MNN)

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