Zprávy HCJB 16.6.2003

   Kathy a Kevin Daviscordovi cestují letos v létě po Spojených státech. Ale jedná se o víc než jen o rodinnou dovolenou. „Vzali jsme si jeden rok dovolené a cestujeme po celé zemi v našem kempinkovém voze společně s našimi dvěma dětmi. Doufáme, že během té doby budeme mít možnost mluvit s množstvím členů různých církevních sborů i s jednotlivci o misii a zvláště o krátkodobých misijních cestách s Global Missions Fellowship.“ Úsilí Davidscordových vzbudilo zvědavost a otázky. „Setkali jsme se s velkou reakcí. Na zadní části našeho vozu máme velký nápis, který zní ´Jedeme, abychom rostli k Boží slávě´ , a to vzbudilo zájem a mnoho otázek od lidí – ,Co to vlastně děláte?´ a ,Co to má znamenat?´“ Využívají této cesty jako možnosti podělit se o evangelium, když je to možné. Na konci léta plánují přijet na Floridu, poté co projedou téměř 48 států. (Mission Network News)
   Assist News Service - Nejméně dva křesťanští majitelé obchodů v Iráku byli nedávno zastřeleni šíitskými muslimskými extrémisty a existují nepotvrzené zprávy o zabití dalšího obchodníka a k tomu jednoho poblíž se nacházejícího křesťana. Hlásí to skupina Křesťanské fórum na podporu pronásledovaných náboženských menšin ve světě. V některých oblastech začínají být ženy nuceny nosit závoj a jsou napomínány, uráženy a je jim odmítáno ošetření v nemocnici, pokud tak nečiní. Ještě zranitelnější je drobná židovská komunita, která je obecně spojována se státem Izrael. Tito ohrožení se strachují o výsledek bitvy o budoucí složení irácké vlády. Místní církev se obává panství vyznavačů tvrdé islámské linie. Nedávno se představitelé iráckých šíitských muslimů vyslovili pro vznik islámského státu řízeného islámským zákonodárstvím (šaríja), kterému by podléhalo i milion místních křesťanů. V jižním Iráku, kde je koncentrace šíitských muslimů nejvyšší, začali již muslimové brát zákon do vlastních rukou a vypálili asi 100 obchodů v Basře. Křesťané z Basry uvádějí, že drancující lupiči dělali „nájezdy na domy křesťanů“ a hrozili, že je příště za jejich víru zabijí. Některé křesťanské rodiny začaly Basru ze strachu před pronásledováním opouštět a stěhují se do křesťanské oblasti kolem Mosulu.

*Nejnovější zprávy v originální anglické verzi jsou vždy zde (klikněte).

   Baptist Press - 1200 tun „daru lásky“ je na cestě hladovějícím iráckým rodinám – díky obětavosti The Southern Baptists. Od poloviny dubna se ve sborech po celých USA plnily 35kilové krabice rýží, moukou, fazolemi a dalšími potravinami užívanými na středním východě. Jedna krabice by měla pomoci vydržet pětičlenné rodině asi měsíc. Nyní se tyto zásilky shromažďují v přístavech v Houstonu v Texasu a v Norfolku ve Virginii, kde se ukládají do kontejnerů a jsou dopravovány přes moře. „Nemohu Jižním Baptistům dost poděkovat,“ řekl Jim Brown, ředitel World Hunger and Relief Ministries při Mezinárodní radě misií. „Každý přiložil ruku k dílu na pomoc potřebným Iráčanům.“ Dárci tím, že krabice sami naplnili, ušetřili asi 2 miliony dolarů a vytvořili zásoby potravin, které by naplnily 590 nákladních aut.

At least two Christian shop owners in Iraq were recently shot dead by Shiite Muslim extremists, and there are unconfirmed reports of another owner and a Christian bystander also being killed, reports the group, Christian Forum in Support of Persecuted Religious Minorities Worldwide. In some areas women are forced to wear the veil and have been spat upon, vilified and refused treatment at hospitals when they failed to do so. Even more vulnerable is Iraq's tiny Jewish population which is associated with the state of Israel. There is concern that a battle is being waged for control over the future Iraqi government which churches fear will be dominated by hard-line Muslims. Recently, prominent leaders among Iraq's Shiite Muslim population have called for the creation of an Islamic state governed according to sharia (Islamic law) and that this law be applied to the country's up to one million Christians. In southern Iraq, where the country's Shiite majority is concentrated, Muslims have already begun to take the law into their own hands by burning down more than 100 shops in Basra. In addition, Christians in Basra say looters "raided Christian homes," threatening that next time occupants will be killed because of their faith. Some Christian families have begun to leave Basra for the country's Christian heartland around Mosul in fear of persecution. (Assist News Service)


A 2.4 million-pound "gift of love" is on its way to hungry Iraqi families, thanks to the generosity of Southern Baptists. Since mid-April, churches from all over the United States have been filling 70-pound boxes with rice, flour, beans, and other Middle East staples. One box will feed a family of five for approximately one month. Now these packages have arrived at ports in Houston, Texas, and Norfolk, Virginia, where they have been loaded into containers to be shipped overseas. "I can't thank Southern Baptists enough," said Jim Brown, director of World Hunger and Relief Ministries at the International Mission Board. "Everyone pitched in to help needy Iraqis". Donors spent approximately $2 million filling these boxes, creating a mass of food exceeding the weight of over 590 full-size trucks. (Baptist Press)


Anang Pal Singh, a leader of the New Life Centre ministry in Dehra Dun, India, went to be with the Lord last week along with six others when the vehicle carrying them crashed. Details were not available. Singh had been returning from a VBS he conducted in Tehri Garhwal. He consistently led these classes in villages in the Himalayan foothills. Singh also preached in New Life Centre and served as evangelist, church planter and prayer warrior, and was being groomed to succeed his father-in-law, Emmanuel Raj, as director. Singh, 30, left behind two sons, Ephraim, 6, and Geoffry, 2, along with his wife, Helena. (Missions Insider)


In the Democratic Republic of Congo the situation in the eastern part of the country remains volatile. Thousands have fled the fighting even as peacekeeping troops entered the fray. Grace Ministries' Sam Vinton said many Christian workers (not only missionaries, but also national pastors) were being evacuated by organizations from east Africa. "Many have fled across the border into Uganda. So naturally, this is very disruptive," he explained. The theological seminary is in Bunia, the heart of the conflict. Vinton urged prayer. "We continue to pray that the Lord will intervene, spare the Christians and bring this to some kind of an end so that people can live in peace." His desire is that the gospel can go forward and produce the results in the lives of people who need the Lord, especially at this time when they've lost everything. (Mission Network News)


Young men who blockaded a Pentecostal church in Tbilisi, the republic of Georgia capital, for seven hours on 15 June to prevent believers from gathering for worship have promised the Pentecostals they will be back next Sunday, church members said. The church had organized a special service and meal to celebrate the feast of Pentecost. "We will do everything to prevent you from meeting. We won't stop till there's blood," Vera Kalutskaya, wife of the pastor, quoted members of the mob as telling the Pentecostals. "The police just stood and watched - they didn't defend us." She said that although there was no actual violence, the mob shouted and threatened to beat and even kill her husband, Pastor Nikolai Kalutsky. The blockade of the church by self-appointed Orthodox vigilantes came the same day that a Baptist church was set on fire in the village of Akhalsopeli in Kvareli district of eastern Georgia and two weeks after police and local authorities halted Jehovah's Witness conventions in central and southern Georgia. Georgia has been plagued by violence against religious minorities from self-appointed Orthodox vigilantes in the past few years, who appear to enjoy powerful support from the authorities. No one has been convicted and imprisoned for any of the more than one hundred violent attacks. (Forum 18 News Service)


A Christian falsely accused of blasphemy in Pakistan was acquitted on June 4 after spending four and a half years in prison. The Lahore High Court overturned the original verdict on the basis that the conviction, based on hearsay evidence, was unsafe, reports Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW). Aslam Masih, a Christian pastor from Mammun Kanjun, Faisalabad district (north central Pakistan), was given two life sentences and a fine of 100,000 Rupees (Ł1,300) on May 7 last year for allegedly defiling the Qur'an and the Prophet Mohammed. The complainant was a local mullah and a member of the 'Ahlay Hadees' Islamic militant group. According to local human rights groups, the case against 46-year-old Aslam Masih was unfounded and registered without proper investigation. He was also reportedly stabbed in the back and severely beaten by a mob of angry Islamists before being taken to the police station. The prosecution had failed to produce concrete evidence to establish Aslam Masih's guilt during the trial. The prosecution's key witness also reportedly testified in open court that he did not know Aslam Masih and did not agree with the accusation brought by the complainant. Eyewitnesses also observed that on the day of trial, the Additional Session Judge was under severe pressure from the Islamic extremists who had gathered outside the courtroom. Aslam Masih has been detained in Faisalabad Central jail since 1998. Muslim inmates reportedly tortured him on several occasions. (Assist News Service)


Kathy and Kevin Daviscord are traveling across the U.S. this summer. But it's more than just a family vacation. "We are taking one year, and we are traveling around the country in a motor home with our two kids. We're hoping during this time to be able to talk with different churches and different individuals about missions and especially short-term missions with Global Missions Fellowship." The Daviscords' efforts have netted curiosity and questions. "We've had great responses. On the back of our motor home we have a big sign or a label that says 'Go to grow for God's glory,' and that has brought a lot of questions from people -- 'What are you guys doing?' and 'What does that mean?'" They are using this trip as an evangelistic tour as well sharing the gospel when they can. They plan to arrive in Florida later this summer after hitting almost all of the lower 48 states. (Mission Network News)

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