Zprávy HCJB 24.6.2003

   Christian Aid Mission - Muž, který kdysi prodělával výcvik na budoucího učitele islámské mešity zahájil domorodou misii v severní Africe, kterou podporuje Christian Aid. Děsily jej magické praktiky jeho dřívějších učitelů a hledal pravého Boha. Skrze svědectví jedné americké ženy objevil existenci Krista, uvěřil a po mnoha letech postupného duchovního růstu zahájil vysílání pořadu, který je šířen po severní Africe. I když mu hrozí pronásledování za to, že se stal křesťanem a i nebezpečí za další šíření evangelia v severní Africe, tento bratr v misii roste a sám vidí mnohé další lidi přicházet ke Kristu. „Nikdy předtím jsme nikoho neslyšeli tak mluvit o Pánu Ježíši a o lásce,“ napsal jeden posluchač. „Naslouchali jsme jeho svědectví tři roky a jeho duchem nesené proslovy nám pomohly poznat Pána Ježíše Krista. Má žena, děti i můj bratr, který rovněž býval učitelem v mešitě jsou nyní všichni křesťany.“

*Tato a další zprávy jsou (pouze v aktuální den) v originální anglické verzi zde.

    Maranatha - Desítky tisíc lidí obviněných z politických zločinů jsou údajně mučeny, vystavovány hladovění, ponižovány a vražděny v moderních pracovních táborech v severní Koreji. Některé nejhorší výstřelky jsou zde vyhrazeny pro křesťany. Podmínky v táborech jsou podle uprchlých vězňů tak strašné, že se to vymyká popisu. Mezi hladovějícími vězni není vzácností kanibalismus. Důstojníci používají ženy – vězeňkyně jako sexuální otroky a stráže pak vraždí jejich novorozeňata. Vězni jsou používáni jako pokusná zvířata při testování chemických a biologických bojových látek, což potvrdili jak bývalí vězni, tak americké úřady. Severokorejská vláda vedená diktátorem Kim Jong Ilem existenci pracovních táborů popírá. Nicméně mezinárodní organizace pro lidská práva odhadují, že ve 12 táborech pro politické vězně a ve 20 táborech nucených prací je v uvězněno celkem 200.000 lidí. Uprchlíci – křesťané uvádějí, že byli vězněni za čtení stránek Bible, modlení evangelia a mluvení o Bohu. Uvádí to zpráva Michaela Horowitze z Hudsonova Institutu. „Několik tisíc křesťanů je drženo v pracovních táborech, kde jsou dle proskakujících zpráv vystaveni mučení, hladovění a smrti,“ uvádí Amnesty International. „Křesťané jsou považování za „podlidi“ a jejich věznitelé s nimi zacházejí hůř, než se zvířaty,“ uvádí se ve zprávě této organizace. „Toto zacházení trvá tak dlouho, dokud vězni neprojeví ochotu zříci se Ježíše Krista a prohlásit, že Bohem je Kim Jong Il. Dosvědčil to Soon Ok Lee, křesťan, který přežil v pracovním táboře 13 let.

Tens of thousands of people accused of political crimes are reportedly being tortured, starved, humiliated and murdered in modern-day prison camps in North Korea, where some of the worst brutality is reserved for Christians. Conditions in the prisons are so horrifying that they are almost beyond description, escaped prisoners say. Cannibalism is not uncommon among the starving prisoners. Officers use women as sexual slaves and guards kill newborn babies. Inmates are used as guinea pigs for testing biological and chemical agents, according to former inmates and U.S. officials. The North Korean government, ruled by dictator Kim Jong Il, does not acknowledge the existence of the camps. However, international human-rights organizations estimate that there are 200,000 prisoners in 12 political prison camps in the country, plus about 30 forced-labor and education camps. Defectors who are Christians say they have been imprisoned because they were reading pages of the Bible, preaching the gospel or talking about God, according to Michael Horowitz of the Hudson Institute. "Several thousand Christians are being held in labor camps where they reportedly faced torture, starvation and death," according to Amnesty International. Christians are considered "less than human" and are treated "worse than animals" by their captors, unless they are willing to renounce their faith in Jesus Christ and declare that Kim Jong Il is God, said Soon Ok Lee, a Christian who was a prisoner of the camps for 13 years. (Maranatha)


Pope John Paul II has asked Serbs to forgive the Catholic Church for crimes against humanity during World War II. The pontiff made his appeal Sunday, June 22, in the Serb part of Bosnia Herzegovina, which was devastated by the more recent Balkan conflict of the 1990s. The ailing 83-year old pontiff made his appeal for forgiveness at a mass attended by some 50,000 pilgrims held at the site of a Franciscan monastery near Banja Luka. The monastery was destroyed by Serb forces during the 1992-95 Bosnian war because of its role as a World War II base for Nazi-allied Croat Ustashe forces. It was also the home of Franciscan leader Vjekoslav Filipovic, who earned the title "Brother Satan" because of his involvement in the nearby Jasenovac concentration camp where at least 40,000 people, including many Jews, were massacred. Relatives of those who died had protested against the ceremony, while Bosnian Serb hardliners in the region put up "Pope Go Home" posters, but they were removed before the pope arrived. Speaking in Bosnian, Pope John Paul suggested he understood the wounds of history which were painfully re-opened during the Bosnian war of the last decade. About 200,000 people died during that conflict and 2 million were made homeless. (Assist News Service)


The severe persecution of Christians in parts of Africa was highlighted in a House of Commons debate in the U.K. last week. Conservative Member of Parliament Alistair Burt introduced the debate. He said: "By standing up for the rights of persecuted religious groups, we are also helping to tackle other human rights abuses and to promote a more healthy respect for human rights throughout the world." Burt went on to give an overview of the situation in Africa, focusing in particular on Nigeria. Noting that the current bouts of violence began in 1999, when some northern Muslim states began to impose sharia law, he pointed out that this was part of an overall strategy to impose full sharia law in a majority of Nigeria's 36 states. Once they have that majority they can challenge the country's constitution and, eventually, declare Nigeria a fully Islamic state, rather than the secular one that it is now. That should be of deep concern to anyone who is interested in Nigeria's future welfare." (Christian Solidarity Worldwide)

* HCJB World Radio, together with partners In Touch Ministries, SIM and the Evangelical Church of West Africa, began airing weekly half-hour programs in the Igbo language in 2000. The programs air via shortwave to Nigeria's 15 million Igbo speakers.


The Canadian government moved quickly last week to assure churches and religious groups that planned laws allowing for same-sex marriages will not be imposed on them. "We'll be proposing legislation that will protect the right of churches and religious organizations to sanctify marriage as they define it," Prime Minister Jean Chretien said, after announcing his government will not appeal three recent court rulings that said banning same-sex marriage is unconstitutional. Chretien said Ottawa would rewrite the traditional definition of marriage to allow for same-sex matrimony. If successful, Canada would be the third country in the world to recognize gay marriages. Chretien acknowledged some religious groups and individual Canadians will not agree with the decision. But he said it would balance the need for equality with religious freedoms guaranteed in Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedoms. And he stressed that Ottawa would not impose the new law on religious groups, who can still refuse to perform same-sex weddings. (Religion News Service)


A man who was once in training to be a teacher at a Muslim mosque started an indigenous ministry in North Africa that is being helped by Christian Aid. Watching his former teachers practice sorcery scared him and led to a desire to know the true God. Through the witness of an American woman he came to know Christ and, after many years of growth, started a radio ministry that reaches throughout North Africa. Despite the persecution that comes with becoming a Christian and the serious danger associated with sharing the gospel in North Africa, this brother's ministry is growing, and he is seeing numerous people come to Christ. "We had never before heard of anyone speak of Jesus and love as this man did," one listener wrote. "After listening for three years, his inspired messages helped us to know the Lord Jesus Christ. My wife, children, and, my brother, who was also once a teacher at a Muslim mosque, are now all Christians." (Christian Aid Mission)

*HCJB World Radio reaches across North Africa, the Middle East and Europe with Christian Arabic programming aired via shortwave, satellite and local stations. The Radio Al Mahabba (Radio Love) Arabic satellite network airs programs direct-to-home 24 hours a day. This region has the world's highest concentration of personal satellite dishes.

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