Zprávy HCJB 7.9.2003 - 13.9.2003

   (IDEA) - Turecký premiér Recep Tayip Erdogan slíbil záruku stejných náboženských práv i pro křesťanskou menšinu v zemi. Během své návštěvy v Německu se Erdogan ve středu 3.září v Berlíně sešel s představiteli církví a skupin na obranu lidských práv. Jedním z účastníků byl i reverend Christian Duncker, který dříve vedl německy mluvící křesťanský sbor v Istanbulu. Řekl, že Erdogan slíbil „učinit vše pro zrovnoprávnění křesťanů a muslimů.“ Nejnaléhavější potřebou je zajištění stejného právního postavení, aby si sbory mohly například kupovat, stavět a opravovat kostely, řekl Duncker. Zatím si ani nemohly otevřít účet v bance. Dodal, že turečtí křesťané potřebují teologická učiliště. Křesťanského duchovenstva zde ubývá, protože poslední teologický seminář byl uzavřen v roce 1971. Duncker řekl, že křesťanství je v Turecku „ohroženo zánikem.“ Turecko má 66 milionů obyvatel a z nich je 110.000 ponejvíce pravoslavných křesťanů. Členové malých evangelijních sborů jsou často vystaveni diskriminaci.

Technici z HCJB World Radio Engineering Center v Elkhartu v Indianě letos ve spolupráci s Radio Shema nainstalovali v Ankaře v Turecku vysílač o výkonu 2000 wattů. Jde o společný projekt s Words od Hope.

*Tato a další zprávy jsou (pouze v aktuální den) v originální anglické verzi zde.

    Poprvé v historii vydaly německé protestantské církve brožuru na téma pronásledování křesťanů. Protestantský vůdce Manfred Kock podtrhl důležitost náboženské svobody na tiskové konferenci v Hannoveru, která se konala 4. září. „Náboženská svoboda je nezbytná pro lidská práva každého jednotlivce,“ řekl. „Musíme však s lítostí přiznat, že mnoho křesťanů muselo žít v podmínkách, kde náboženské svobody byly neustále potlačovány.“ Pronásledování se netýká pouze muslimských zemí, ale i zemí jako je Indie, Rusko a Čína. Kock, který reprezentoval 26,6 milionu členů církve, poukázal na bývalý Sovětský svaz, kde pravoslavná církev často zaujímá dominantní postavení nebo dokonce monopolní postavení vůči ostatním náboženstvím. „Je nepřípustné, aby jedna církev držela celou zemi ve svých rukou,“ řekl. Herman Groehe, mluvčí křesťanských demokratů za lidská práva, vyjádřil své znepokojení nad diskriminací a pronásledováním křesťanů v islámských zemích jako Pákistán a Saudská Arábie a rostoucí nacionalismus Hinduistů v Indii. I když se situace v Číně od kulturní revoluce zlepšila, v některých oblastech jsou nezávislí katolíci a protestanti stále pod „tlakem“ řekl Groehe. Někteří kněží, evangelisté a vedoucí domácích sborů jsou drženi v „převýchovných táborech,“ řekl. Liberálové v německém parlamentu uvítali snahy církví o prosazování náboženských svobod. Marita Sehn, mluvčí v záležitostech církví, řekla, že utrpení a mučení nebude nikdy tolerováno a vyzvala německou vládu, aby „se neustále zasazovala za pronásledované křesťany“. (IDEA)
   Dvojice misionářů se na Surinamu zabývá učením věřících pocházejících z jednoho z nejzapadlejších místních kmenů, jak šířit evangelium mezi svými soukmenovci. Perry a Roline Smitovi slouží v řadách World Teamu. Cvičí věřící z rodu Trio, jak evangelizovat a učit druhé. Perry říká, že ačkoli tito evangelisté čelí těžkým překážkám, jsou rozhodnuti šířit evangelium. „Mají jen Nový Zákon (přeložený do jejich rodného jazyka), přesto pokračují dál, mimo své vesnice a i do okolních zemí zvěstovat evangelium jiným rodům. … Učíme jejich vedoucí a oni pak jdou a kážou svému lidu. Misie se tak znásobuje.“ Perry říká, že výcvik místních věřících vede k nejefektivnějšímu způsobu šíření evangelia. „Někdy zcela opouštějí své rodiny, aby šli do cizích krajů zvěstovat spasení.“ Nedostupnost některých místních vesnic a hrozba nemocí zvětšuje velikost této výzvy k záchraně jejich obyvatel pro Krista.

*Personál technického centra HCJB World Radio v Elkhartu v Indianě spolu s Word and Music Ministries v Paramaribo na Surinamu nainstalovali počátkem roku 2001 500-wattový FM vysílač včetně antény a studia vybavený větrnou elektrárnou.

*Nejnovější zprávy v originální anglické verzi jsou vždy zde (klikněte).

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   Konference v německém Olfenu, která se konala od 24. do 29. srpna, spojila během akce pořádané Salimem Munayerem a týmem z Jeruzaléma vedeným Musalahou, palestinské a izraelské vůdce mládeže. „Pán svedl dohromady dynamické vůdce mládeže ze všech částí Izraele a Palestiny,“ řekl Munayer. Věkové složení účastníků bylo mezi 18 a 45 lety. Řekl, že mladí lidé žijící na středním východě se denně setkávají s konflikty. „Lidé musí nejen překročit hranice, aby se mohli vzájemně navštívit, ale musí k sobě najít i citovou a duchovní cestu,“ řekl Musalaha. Jeho představa je, aby se konaly podobné akce vůdců mládeže, kde mohou porozumět důležitosti smíření a mohou být připraveni zapojit mládež do tohoto procesu. „Soustředíme se na témata jako komunikace, tvořivost, vize, evangelizace a plánování mládežnických programů,“ dodal Musalaha. „“Díky této zkušenosti se mezi účastníky vytvořilo zvláštní pouto. Během návštěvy v Heidelbergu dva mladí účastníci hledali místo, kde by si mohli koupit vodu. Nakonec skončili v nějakém baru a začali si povídat o Pánu s barmanem. Ten byl skeptický. Jeden z nich řekl, ‚Podívejte se na nás, Arab a Izraelita pospolu. Jestliže Bůh dokáže toto, pak dokáže cokoli!‘“ (Assist News Service)
   (Agape Press/Religion Today) - Vysoce postavený představitel Jižních baptistů (Southern Baptist) tlumočí odmítavé stanovisko k otázce odklonu církve od symbolu kříže, který prý přináší pohoršení. Vedoucí pracovník American Clergy Leadership Conference totiž vyzývá křesťany, aby na znak smíření sejmuli z kostelů kříže, protože prý mohou být chápány jako „symbol útlaku a vyzývavé nadřazenosti.“ Převažující část křesťanských představitelů jako Dr. Bill Merrill ze Souhern Baptist Convention na to reagují s ohromením. Podle něj je jasné, že kdo se nazývá křesťanem, musí přijmout události kříže, které jiné pohoršují. Merrill dodává, že kříž není symbolem útlaku, ale „našeho vykoupení.“ American Clergy Leadership Conference je odbočkou Církve Sjednocení založené Moonem. Ti tvrdí, že mír na Středním východě je blokován nepříznivými reakcemi nekřesťanů na kříž.

*Nejnovější zprávy v originální anglické verzi jsou vždy zde (klikněte).

    Představitelé Grace Ministries International děkují Bohu za helikoptéru Organizace spojených národů,která přiletěla z Bukavu do Kamy v Dem. Rep. Kongo a dodala tak zásoby léků a jiných potřeb. Bylo to první přistání v Kamě za poslední rok. Lety byly zrušeny kvůli občanské válce a násilí v této oblasti. Toto násilí postihlo i misionáře jako Sama Vintona Sr., který v zemi sloužil více než 70 let. Při drancování jeho domu přišel o všechno. Představitelé OSN a humanitárních organizací se také do této oblasti vydali, aby zjistili podmínky více než 10,000 uprchlíků, kteří jsou ubytováni ve školách a zdravotnických zařízeních v Kamě. Mimo město je situace stále nebezpečná, neboť se zde potloukají skupiny banditů. Rebelové stále drží v zajetí pastora Mukulu, vice-prezidenta z Grace Churches v Dem. Rep.Kongo. U Grace Ministries byl založen fond pro konžské uprchlíky, který má pomoci těm, kteří o všechno přišli a pomůže zajistit i lékařskou pomoc. (Mission Network News)
    I přes nedostatek potravin slouží misionáři v Myanmaru (bývalé Barmě) Pánu. Podle zprávy, kterou minulý týden obdržela Christian Aid, bylo zavřeno více než 100 společností a velké množství lidí zůstalo bez práce. Ceny stouply dvojnásobně, zatímco místní měna devalvovala o 50%. Výsledkem je evangelizace s prázdným žaludkem. Jeden z vedoucích misionářů řekl, že mu volal jeden z jeho kolegů a sdělil mu, že nemají s rodinou co jíst. Pak volal jiný misionář a řekl to samé. V každém z těchto případů poslal vedoucí misionář dodatečnou pomoc. Pak se dozvěděl, že jedna rodina z místního sboru už tři dny drží půst, protože nemají co jíst. Poslal jim tedy nějakou rýži. „Kdykoli slyším podobné věci, láme mi to srdce,“ řekl vedoucí. I přes to všechno pracují misionáři tvrdě a nesou ovoce, řekl. V jedné vesnici místní misionář přivedl k Pánu jednoho z předních představitelů obce, který pocházel z nekřesťanského prostředí. „Věřící se modlí k Bohu,“ řekl. „Já sám jsem přesvědčen, že Bůh má všechno pod kontrolou.“ (Mission Insider)
   (Mission Network News) - Zhruba 20 000 výtisků Nového Zákona bude vytištěno ve Vietnamu a rozděleno zde sborům po celé zemi.Sděluje to Richard Loh z World Bible Translation Center. Řekl: „Je to skutečný milník pro nás i pro církev ve Vietnamu vzhledem k tomu, že jde stále o komunistický stát a ve vztahu k Bibli je policie velmi přísná a klade různá omezení. Z našeho pohledu je schválení projektu zásadním vykročením úřadů směrem ke křesťanům.“ Loh řekl, že zabere „dva až tři měsíce“, než bude tisk dokončen. Dodává, že „tento nový překlad biblického textu používá moderní, současnou vietnamštinu. Text bude k užitku jak novým věřícím … tak i těm, kdo evangelium slyší vůbec poprvé.“ Řekl, že Boží slovo je ve Vietnamu naléhavě nezbytné – nyní zde převažuje buddhismus a animismus.

*Tato a další zprávy jsou (pouze v aktuální den) v originální anglické verzi zde.

   Deset měsíců potom, co vstoupil v platnost vysoce restriktivní zákon o církvích a proces povinných znovu-registrací započal, dokázalo se znovu zaregistrovat jen malé procento náboženských organizací. Pouze 27 ze 140 sborů se znovu zaregistrovalo na národní úrovni, zatímco zvláště pomalý pokrok zaznamenaly sbory, které se musí registrovat na místních úřadech. „Na nižších správních úřadech jdou věci velmi pomalu,“ řekl Sergej Khomich, vedoucí unie letničních. Protože podle tohoto nového zákona jsou veškeré náboženské aktivity nezaregistrovaných sborů posuzovány jako kriminální činy, je nezbytně nutné, aby byly jednotlivé sbory znovu zaregistrovány a mohly tak legálně pracovat. Všechny sbory musí být znovu zaregistrovány do listopadu 2004, jinak riskují, že je úřady zruší. (Forum 18 News Service)
   (Assist News Service) - Oblastní informační síť při OSN (IRIN) hlásí 1. září, že Kano, jeden ze států nigerijské federace vyhlásil „povinné nošení islámských šátků (hidžab) pro všechna děvčata navštěvující státní školy, ať jde o muslimky nebo ne.“ Nařízení se nevztahuje na soukromé a nigerijské federální školy, jen na žačky státních škol v Kano. Ve skutečnosti zde vláda uzavřela skoro všechny křesťanské školy, takže křesťanské dívky nemají příliš na vybranou. Většina křesťanských škol přitom byla uzavřena z toho důvodu, že nevyhověla požadavkům státu - například povinnosti zaměstnávat islámského duchovního, který do dětí nalévá islám. Křesťanské sdružení Nigérie ve svém komuniké vyzývá vlády severních států Nigérie, aby „respektovaly křesťanskou kulturu v zájmu míru a harmonického života.“

*Nejnovější zprávy v originální anglické verzi jsou vždy zde (klikněte).


Terrorism was dealt a blow with the recent sentencing of two Islamic radicals in Indonesia, but Christians remain concerned. AMG International's Paul Jenks says Indonesian President Megawati Sukarnoputri's government appears ready to crack down on violence, but that's little consolation. "They're trying to at least give some kind of justice there, yet there are elements in her own government as well as in the society that would very much like to see the court of law be thrown out and perhaps even Islamic law be brought in to replace secular law." Jenks urges believers to pray that Indonesia's government would stand firm in the face of these threats. "Under the president's leadership, the churches have been able to exist. If we had an extreme form of government like in the Middle East, these churches would be immediately rooted out and destroyed." AMG provides evangelism and church-planting training in Indonesia. The ministry sends out 25 new pastors and church planters each year. "Pray for them as many are returning to their homes where they once were practicing Muslims," Jenks adds. "These believers are heroes at work for the gospel." (Mission Network News)


Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayip Erdogan has promised to grant equal religious rights to the Christian minority in his country. During a visit to Germany Wednesday, Sept. 3, Erdogan met with representatives from churches and human rights organizations in Berlin. One of the participants of the meeting was Rev. Christian Duncker who formerly led the German-speaking Protestant church in Istanbul. He said Erdogan promised to "make every effort to grant Christians the same religious rights as Muslims." The most urgent need is to secure equal judicial status in order to be able to buy, build or renovate churches, Duncker said. So far they were not even allowed to open a bank account. He added that Turkish Christians need theological training facilities. There has been a growing shortage of clergy as the last seminaries were closed in 1971. Duncker said that Christianity in Turkey is "in danger of extinction." Turkey has 66 million citizens, among them 110,000 mostly Orthodox Christians. Members of the small and young evangelical churches often face discrimination. (IDEA)

* Staff members from the HCJB World Radio Engineering Center in Elkhart, Ind., installed a 2-kw transmitter with local partner Radio Shema in Ankara, Turkey, earlier this year. This was a joint project with Words of Hope.


For the first time, the Germany's mainline Protestant Churches have published a brochure on the persecution of Christians. Protestant leader Manfred Kock stressed the importance of religious freedom at a press conference in Hanover, Sept. 4. "Religious liberty is a prerequisite for individual human rights," he said. "Regretfully, many Christians had to live in conditions where religious liberties are constantly violated." Persecution is not limited to Muslim countries, but also countries such as India, Russia and China, he said. Kock, representing 26.6 million church members, pointed to the former Soviet Union where Orthodox churches often claimed predominance or even a monopoly over other religions. "It is unacceptable that one church should hold a whole country under a lease," he said. Hermann Groehe, the Christian Democrat's spokesman for human rights, expressed concerns about the discrimination and persecution of Christians in Islamic countries such as Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, and the growing Hindu nationalism in India. Although the situation in China has improved since the Cultural Revolution, in some regions independent Catholics and Protestants are still subject to "considerable pressure," Groehe said. Some priests, evangelists and house church leaders are held in "re-education camps," he said. Liberals in the German parliament welcomed the church's efforts to propagate religious freedom. Marita Sehn, spokesperson for church affairs, said suffering and torture could never be tolerated, and she called on the German government to "persistently speak out for persecuted Christians." (IDEA)


A Muslim group which issued demands to the government of Zimbabwe to scale back the Christian emphasis in schools -- with the threat of legal action -- has backed down, reported Barnabas Fund. In a letter received by the Education Ministry on Aug. 5, the Islamic Convent of the Strict Observance (ICSO) complained that Zimbabwe's school calendar only made provision for Christian holidays and that prayers during assembly to the "Christian God" and Christian religious instruction prejudiced a Muslim's right to freedom of religious expression. The letter gave the government 60 days to rectify the situation or else face a Supreme Court challenge. However, on Aug. 13 the ICSO withdrew their demands, acknowledging that they had not canvassed the prevailing opinion of Muslims in Zimbabwe. The ICSO demand appealed to liberal ideals as it called for the secularization of schools, but the group also advocates the strict observance of Islamic religious teachings, promoting its own Islamic agenda in Zimbabwe's schools. The Muslim community represents just 1 percent of the country's population. The demands of the ICSO come at a time when Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi has been strongly asserting his influence in Zimbabwe. (Assist News Service)


Unregistered mosques in the Tajikistan capital of Dushanbe may no longer broadcast the call to prayer through loudspeakers, local Muslims said. However, officials denied that any decree had been issued. Shamsuddin Nuriddinov of the religious affairs department of the city administration said the authorities had only "requested" the leaders of unregistered mosques not to use loudspeakers for the call to prayer. Nuriddinov added that unregistered Muslim places of worship cannot be regarded as mosques and are operating illegally. (Forum 18 News Service)


The 2003 International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church will be observed on Sunday, Nov. 9. Once again, event is expected to unify hundreds of thousands of believers worldwide in prayer for Christians suffering persecution for their faith in Jesus Christ. Christians in Crisis, one of the ministries sponsoring the event, is seeking 500,000 intercessors to pray daily for the suffering church. To sign up and receive weekly persecution reports, send an e-mail message to ahold@famvid.com. (Prayer for the Persecuted Church)

© Copyright 2003 - HCJB World Radio - Colorado Springs, CO USA - btc@hcjb.org


Police in Nanyang county in China's Henan province recently arrested 170 house church Christians in a crackdown of unregistered churches. The believers had assembled for worship when Public Security Bureau officers raided the meeting place. After the arrest, police started processing the detainees to identify the leaders. Fourteen of the leaders remain in detention while the rest of the detainees were forced to pay fines before being fingerprinted, warned and released. The 14 leaders face more serious charges and may be imprisoned. Local believers are concerned that they will be beaten and tortured. Nanyang County is one of the strongest Christian areas in China after a revival began in the 1970s and continues today. Up to 50 percent of the 1.1 million population in the county are believers. Some villages are entirely Christian. Throughout the years, Nanyang has been the scene of some of China's strongest and most diabolical persecution. The country has produced many of China's house church leaders. (Religion Today/Voice of the Martyrs)


Pakistani police investigating the July 5 murder of a Roman Catholic priest have accused three local Christians of killing Fr. George Ibrahim during an armed robbery attempt. Together with a Muslim suspect identified as a repeat offender burglar, the three Christians have denied any involvement in the crime. All four are jailed near the Renala Khurd village where Ibrahim was shot to death by six gunmen. Police said robbery was the motive for the murder, but church leaders believe the priest was targeted by the former principal of a girls' school who had threatened him. When local police refused to question her, Catholic leaders filed a petition Thursday, Sept. 4, on behalf of the four arrested "suspects" before the Lahore High Court. "The presiding judge gave an order to the police to reinvestigate the case," a Catholic official said from Lahore. (Compass)


After numerous registration applications and refusal to pay a bribe to acquire registration, two Methodist congregations in the separatist republic of Transdniester in eastern Moldova live a "twilight existence," said spokesman Dmitri Hantil. "We can't rent anywhere for services and we can't afford to buy property. We have to meet semi-legally in private flats." He alleged that registration applications in 1997 and again in 2000 were stalled because church members refused to pay a bribe of at least US$500 to local officials. Transdniester's 1995 religion law requires only 10 founding members of a religious community to be registered -- a criterion met by the Methodists. Hantil claimed that other religious groups have obtained registration in Transdniester, but only after paying bribes to local officials. (Forum 18 News Service)


Thousands of churches nationwide will pay special tributes to heroes Thursday, Sept. 11, to mark the second anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Coordinated by the Mission America Coalition (MAC), "Honor Our Heroes" services will remember the courage and sacrifice of police, firefighters and emergency medical personnel during and after the attacks while recognizing the importance of community heroes. "We are recommending that pastors encourage people to bring to the service those who have been a hero in their own lives, so that they may be honored as well," said Rev. Glenn Barth, the events' national coordinator. Some 80,000 people made decisions for Christ during 9/11 services in 2002, MAC officials said. More than 60 denominations, representing more than 200,000 churches and dozens of ministries such as Campus Crusade for Christ and the International Bible Society are endorsing the events.

President George W. Bush will attend a morning prayer service of remembrance and observe a moment of silence to mark the 9/11 anniversary, the Associated Press reported. He will attend a service at St. John's Episcopal Church in Washington, D.C., which is frequently attended by presidents. Then the president, his wife, Laura, and members of his staff will gather outside the White House to observe a moment of silence at 8:46 a.m., the time when the first plane hit the World Trade Center. Bush also plans to sign two proclamations, one of them designating Sept. 11 as a national day of prayer and remembrance and another designating the day as Patriot Day. It also will call on Americans to hold candlelight vigils and prayer services to mark the day and will direct the nation's governors to fly the flag at half-staff in honor of the victims of the terrorist attacks. (Charisma News Service)


A conference in Olfen, Germany, Aug. 24-29 joined Palestinian and Israeli youth leaders in an event organized by Salim Munayer and the team from Musalaha, a reconciliation ministry based in Jerusalem. "The Lord formed a group of dynamic youth leaders from across Israel and the Palestinian areas," Munayer said. Participants ranged in age from 18 to 45. He said that young people living in the Middle East face a reality that is conflict-ridden. "People not only have to cross borders to meet with each other, but have to make an emotional and spiritual journey as well," Musalaha said. His vision is to bring youth leaders to an event where they can understand the importance of reconciliation and equip them to bring youth into the process. "We focused on topics such as communication, creativity, vision, evangelism, and planning youth programs," Musalaha added. "The experience created a special bond among the participants. Two of the young people, during the visit to Heidelberg, were looking for a place to buy water. They ended up finding water for sale in a bar, and began talking about the Lord with the bartender. He was skeptical. One of them said, 'Hey look at us, an Arab and an Israeli together. If God can do that, he can do anything!'"(Assist News Service)


A national missionary couple from Suriname is working to equip believers in one of the country's remotest tribes to spread the gospel among their own people. Perry and Roline Smit serve with World Team, training believers in the Trio tribe to evangelize and teach others. Perry says even though the evangelists face tremendous obstacles, they're committed to sharing the gospel. "They only have the New Testament [translated into their own language], and still they're going beyond their own village and even to neighboring countries to bring the gospel to other tribes. . . . We train the leaders, and they go and train their own people. It's a multiplication ministry." Perry says training local believers to share the gospel is the most effective way to evangelize the tribe. "Sometimes they leave their whole family behind to go and spread the gospel." The remoteness of the tribe and the threat of illness make reaching these people for Christ especially challenging. (Mission Network News)

* Staff members from the HCJB World Radio Engineering Center in Elkhart, Ind., worked with partner Word and Music Ministries in Paramaribo, Suriname, to install a 500-watt FM transmitter, antenna, studio equipment and Wings station automation system in early 2001.

© Copyright 2003 - HCJB World Radio - Colorado Springs, CO USA - btc@hcjb.org


Christian missions and aid organizations are reaching out to former "child soldiers" with The Lord's Resistance Army (LRA), a violent cult-militia that has been terrorizing the predominantly Christian population of the northern Uganda for the past 17 years. The ministries provide care and counseling for escaped and rescued child soldiers and assist with their reintegration back into society. The organizations also run orphanages, schools and clinics, and provide safe havens for children afraid of being abducted. An estimated 20,000 frightened children sleep on the streets of Gulu each night. Uganda is home to more than 800,000 refugees. LRA members are infamous for torturing and maiming their victims -- chopping off hands, lips, noses and ears -- and crimes including rape, kidnapping and murder. More than 20,000 children have been abducted by the LRA for use as child soldiers and sex slaves in the past 17 years. Eighty-nine percent of all the girls who have been rescued have AIDS. Ugandan Member of Parliament Ben Wacha questions why the Ugandan Army's "Operation Iron Fist" has failed to bring an end to the terror of the LRA. "How can a few hundred people be more effective than 50,000 soldiers with their tanks and helicopter gun ships equipped with night vision?" he questioned. The Sudanese army is allegedly supplying the LRA with safe haven, intelligence and arms. (Assist News Service)

* HCJB World Radio, together with the Evangelical Churches of Kampala and FEBA Radio, broadcasts the gospel locally in Uganda on two FM transmitters. HCJB World Radio also worked with Jesus Focus Ministries to put a 500-watt FM station on the air in Masaka. Programs air in English and Luganda.


A high-ranking Southern Baptist official is taking issue with a suggestion that Christians do away with the symbol of the cross because some people find it offensive. While an executive of the American Clergy Leadership Conference has called upon Christians to take the crosses off their churches as a gesture of reconciliation because some regard it as a "symbol of oppression and perceived superiority," mainstream Christian leaders like Dr. Bill Merrill of the Southern Baptist Convention are reacting with dismay. He says it is remarkable that any who call themselves Christians should take offense at the cross. Merrill says the cross is not a symbol of oppression at all, but "a symbol of our deliverance." The American Clergy Leadership Conference is a spin-off of the Unification Church, founded by Sun Myung Moon. They say peace in the Middle East is blocked by how non-Christians react to the cross. (Agape Press/Religion Today)


Officials at Grace Ministries International are praising God for a United Nations helicopter that flew from Bukavu to Kama, Democratic Republic of Congo, recently with more than 1,000 pounds of medicines and supplies. This was the first plane to land in Kama in a nearly a year. Flights have been on hold because of civil war-related violence in the region. The violence has affected missionaries such as Sam Vinton Sr. who has served in the country for more than 70 years. He lost everything when his house was looted. U.N. officials and heads of relief agencies also made the trip to see the more than 10,000 refugees who are occupying the schools and medical facilities in Kama. Outside the town, the situation is still dangerous because of roving bandits. Rebels in the area continue to hold hostage pastor Mukula, vice president of the Grace Churches in Dem. Rep. of Congo. Grace Ministries is opening a Congo Refugee Fund to help some of those who have lost everything, including those who need medical care. (Mission Network News)

* HCJB World Radio works with local partners in the Democratic Republic of Congo to broadcast the gospel on FM stations in Boma, Bukavu and Kinshasa. Programs go out in English, French, Kikongo Fioti, Lingala, Luba and Swahili. Weekly programs in the Songe and Kikongo San Salvador languages also air from local FM stations in the country.


Bill McCartney, president of Promise Keepers (PK), the worldwide men's ministry that he founded 13 years ago, has announced his resignation effective Oct. 1 to care for his wife and spend more time with his family. McCartney announced his resignation at the board's quarterly meeting on Monday, Sept. 8. Board Chairman Gen. Alonzo Short will continue serving as interim president, a role he has held since McCartney went on six-month sabbatical in March. McCartney has been on a board-approved leave of absence in order to care for his wife, Lyndi, who is battling a severe respiratory illness. He said his immediate focus should continue to be his family, and eventually to pursue other ministry interests. "The ministry of PK is not finished. It is needed now more than ever," McCartney said. "I am confident that the Lord will direct and empower the ministry to move forward in strength and support." The ministry is designed to "ignite and unite men to become passionate followers of Jesus Christ, through the effective communication of seven promises to God, other men, family, church and community." Since its inception in 1990, more than 5 million men have attended PK conferences. The ministry also includes radio and television programming, Internet, print and multi-media resources, and outreach to local churches. (Assist News Service)


Only 5 to 10 percent of pastoral leaders in developing nations have any formal training for the ministry. Global Advance is trying to increase that number by holding conferences to train and equip nationals to fulfill the great commission. Shibley says the 10/40 Window is still a concern as training is almost non-existent. "We take training to them. Obviously we can't give them a Bible school education in a single conference, but we can help them in church growth and becoming a missionary sending church." Even though the conferences can be extremely expensive, spokesman David Shibley says the nearly $30,000 cost is worth it. "We believe it's still a very cost effective investment because of this multiplication effect. Once you put the vision in a pastoral leader, that is multiplied not only to his congregation but beyond him to those he will train." The next Frontline Shepherd's Conference will be held in a restricted country where underground church leaders long for encouragement and vision. As more people come to Christ in these nations, Shibley believes that the world evangelization process will also change. "I believe that we're going to see some very exciting surprises from the hand of the Lord as to who will really be leading the charge for fulfilling the great commission." (Mission Network News)


Seventh-day Adventists worldwide plan to distribute an unprecedented 1 billion brochures inviting people to take part in Bible studies in the next 12 to 18 months. Through the "Sow 1 Billion" challenge, people have the opportunity to study in 145 correspondence Bible schools in 130 countries, says coordinator Kurt Johnson. "We have been meeting with the Bible school leaders and directors and talking to them about the need to print Bible lessons, and the need to train church members to work together and be ready for all the requests we receive for Bible lessons," he says. In the Northern-Asia Pacific region alone, 3,000 volunteers are distributing 58 million brochures this month, says regional coordinator John McGhee. Adventists in this region -- including countries such as Mongolia, South Korea and Japan -- are encouraged to personally hand out two of the small Bible study invitations each day. (Adventist News Network)

© Copyright 2003 - HCJB World Radio - Colorado Springs, CO USA - btc@hcjb.org


A Peruvian mission leader told Christian Aid this week that Shining Path terrorists are seeking to make a comeback in his country, and are attacking peaceful tribes is one of their ploys to grab power. The leader, whose name cannot be disclosed for security reasons, said small bands of Shining Path terrorists invade peaceful Ashaninka villages and capture children as young as 10 years old to train as future terrorists. Then they force the adults to farm plots of land, hunt game, and fish the rivers to provide food for the terrorists. The terrorists dwell in camps high in the mountainous cloud forests, making the area nearly inaccessible, even by helicopter. On rare clear days, the terrorists can see the helicopters coming and evacuate the camps long before the commandos arrive. If government forces try to reach the camps by ground, they often get lost or arrive long after the terrorists have left. The mission leader suggested that increased government support for indigenous peoples in the jungles is key to stopping the terrorists. However, he said the main weapon to be deployed is prayer. "United prayer, regardless of denomination, turned the tide once before, and it will do so again," he said. The ministry has extensive work among the Ashaninkas who also are seeking to gain the confidence of a newly discovered tribe and win them to the Lord. (Missions Insider)

* HCJB World Radio, together with local partners, has helped plant Christian radio stations in seven Peruvian cities. Affiliate stations in three cities also carry Spanish programming distributed by ALAS, the ministry's Latin American satellite radio network. Radio programs in both Spanish and Quechua also air across Peru via shortwave from Quito, Ecuador.


Baptists in the separatist republic of Transdniester in eastern Moldova have complained of increasing restrictions on the distribution of their literature. Baptist pastor Vasili Timoshchuk alleges that Orthodox priest Rev. Igor Konstantyushko confiscated the books from a Baptist street library in Krasnoe on Aug. 30 and called the police to detain the library organizer, Aleksandr Kulysh. Timoshchuk says that Transdniestran authorities have a history of impeding distribution of literature by Baptists and other religious minorities they dislike. Rev. Dionisy Abramov, secretary of the Tiraspol Orthodox diocese, rejected Baptist claims that their priest was involved, but voiced the opinion that the activity of other religious organizations "often break the law." Abramov complained that unregistered religious organizations (such as the Krasnoe Baptist community is unregistered) "conduct propaganda." The Baptists belong to congregations of the International Council of Churches of Evangelical Christians/Baptists which rejects registration on principle in all the former Soviet republics where it operates. (Forum 18 News Service)


In April 2003 churches and missions in Singapore pledged to send 100 mission teams into cross-cultural service throughout Asia within one year. This pledge was made during "Mission Summit 1," hosted by a church-initiated movement called "Love Singapore." Although the SARS epidemic interrupted mission activities for several months, this did not discourage the wave of missions which came to be known as "FEVER 100." Singapore's enthusiastic evangelical churches, excellent infrastructure and freedom of religion have made it a strategic and stable base for sending missionaries. Despite its mélange of religions (including Buddhism, Islam and Hinduism), Singapore has sent missionaries worldwide for more than 20 years. Today 7.8 percent of Singaporeans are considered evangelical, and as of 2001 approximately 457 national Singaporeans were serving in cross-cultural ministries. Singapore is home to 16 seminaries, Bible schools and missions training schools. Among these, Youth With a Mission has agreed to train the FEVER 100 teams for short-term mission service. (SIM)

* HCJB World Radio opened an office in Singapore this year as the hub for Asia/Pacific, the world's most populous region with nearly 3.5 billion people.


Increasing persecution against Christians in China isn't stopping a ministry from opening a new seminary in the country. China Partner spokesman Erik Burklin recently returned from China where the first phase of a Bible school in Jiangxi province is complete, including government approval. "What is so exciting to me is that my grandparents were in that same province serving as missionaries with China Inland Mission," Burklin said. Bible schools aren't a new thing in China with 18 government-registered seminaries across the country. "Local pastors remind us that the [religious] freedom is relative," he says. "It's not the kind of freedom you enjoy in America. As long as you're registered and are open about your activities, the government isn't against you. The government just likes control . . . including religion." Burklins says thousands of Chinese are turning to Christ each week, and more Bible schools are needed. "The need of the hour in China is for additional theological training and biblical training for future pastors and Christian leaders." Mission leaders predict that Christians will soon comprise 15 percent of China's population. "I really believe there is a groundswell of evangelical Christianity that's growing very quickly within China," Burklin says. "And that can only have a positive influence and hopefully lead to more reform." (Mission Network News)


Missionaries in Myanmar (formerly Burma) are effectively serving the Lord even though many of them don't have enough food to eat. A report received by Christian Aid last week indicates that more than 100 companies have shut down, leaving many people without jobs. Prices have doubled while the local currency has devalued 50 percent. As a result, many missionaries are evangelizing on empty stomachs. A mission leader said he recently received a call from one of his missionaries saying that his family had no food to eat. Then another missionary called and said the same thing. In each of these instances the mission leader sent additional support. Then he learned that one family in a local church had fasted three days because they had no food to eat. So he sent them some rice. "Whenever I hear that kind of thing, it breaks my heart," the leader said. Even so, the missionaries are working hard and bearing fruit, he said. In one village the local missionary won the local community leader from a non-Christian background to the Lord. "The believers are praying to God," he said. "I am personally confident that God is in control." (Missions Insider)


About 20,000 New Testaments will be printed in Vietnam and distributed to churches across the country, says Richard Loh of the World Bible Translation Center. "This indeed is a significant milestone for the center and for the church in Vietnam, because this is a communist country that has very restrictive policies on Bible printing and distribution," he said. "For us to be granted this approval is definitely a step forward for Christians." Loh said it will take "two or three months" before the printing is complete. "This new translation of the Bible uses modern, contemporary Vietnamese language," he added. "So it will be very suitable for new believers . . . and those who are hearing the gospel for the first time." He says God's Word is urgently needed in Vietnam where Buddhism and animism are prevalent. (Mission Network News)

© Copyright 2003 - HCJB World Radio - Colorado Springs, CO USA - btc@hcjb.org


Authorities in Wenzhou City in China's Zhenjiang province destroyed a local church building the morning of Wednesday, Sept. 10, reported China for Jesus. At about 8 a.m. more than 40 members of the Public Security Bureau and the local Agrarian Bureau began attacking the church, using blowtorches to cut the iron pillars. When a church member tried to stop them, he was dragged along the floor until his shirt was torn and his back was bleeding. Three women from the church who also intervened were arrested and sentenced to five to seven days in prison. After cutting the iron pillars, officials attacked the church's walls with large hammers, nearly leveling the facility. "The kitchen and prayer room at the back of the building were ruined. The meeting hall, however, was not all down with its roof still hanging up there, ready to cave in at any moment," stated a website report. Earlier this year, church members were warned that a "major strike was about to commence against them in a bid to eradicate them once and for all." Inside sources said this was part of a "systematic nationwide plan" that was being hatched to take out the entire house church leadership in China. In another incident, Shen Yiping, one of the leaders from China Gospel Fellowship, was arrested last week as he took the train from Guangzhou (Canton) in southern China back to his home in Henan province. Yiping faces a harsh prison sentence as he has already been jailed many times for the sake of the gospel. He was last released from prison about two years ago. In a third incident, 14 of the 170 house church Christians arrested in Nanyang county Aug. 28 are still being detained in a local police station holding cell, awaiting sentencing from authorities. (Asia Harvest)


The U.N. Integrated Regional Information Network (IRIN) reported on Sept. 1 that Nigeria's northern state of Kano has made it "compulsory for all girls attending schools run by the state government to wear the hijab Islamic headscarf, whether or not they are Muslim." The directive does not apply to private schools or schools run by the Nigerian federal government, but it does apply to all girls, regardless of religion, who attend schools run by the state government. However, the Kano state government has closed virtually all Kano's Christian schools, so believers have little choice but to follow the order. Most Christian schools were closed in Kano because that they do not meet state-mandated standards, including the order that all schools must employ Islamic clerics to indoctrinate the children in Islam.. A Christian Association of Nigeria communiqué urged governments of the northern states to "respect Christian culture in the interest of peace and harmony." (Assist News Service)


Ten months after the highly restrictive religion law came into force and the compulsory re-registration process began, only a small proportion of religious organizations have re-registered. Just 27 of 140 churches have re-registered at the national level, while progress is especially slow for those that must re-register with local authorities. "Things aren't moving at the local level," said Sergei Khomich, head of the Pentecostal Union. Since the new law criminalizes unregistered religious activity, re-registration is essential to the continuing legal operation of individual religious organizations. All churches re-register November 2004 or risk being shut down by authorities. (Forum 18 News Service)


The 51 believers of a Gospel for Asia (GFA) church in eastern India's Jharkhand region continue to be under attack. Villagers have threatened GFA pastor Babuser not to visit their homes with the gospel. Despite this opposition, Babuser remains strong in his faith and continues to hold worship services. One of the new Christians is a former village priest who experienced God's healing touch. Many in the village were angry when they learned about his conversion; the priest and his family are now afraid to attend church. Someone in the village claimed that all the spirits they worship have departed due to Babuser's presence. Because of this, they want to drive the missionary and his family away. Babuser refuses to leave the village where God has led him to share the gospel, even if it means losing everything or dying for his faith. (Gospel for Asia)


InterVarsity Christian Fellowship is expecting more than 20,000 young people to attend the 20th Urbana missions conference in Illinois Dec. 27-31. The theme for the conference, normally held every third year, is "Your Kingdom Come, Your Will Be Done." Urbana 03 Director Jim Tebbe said he is hoping for three outcomes from the event. "The first thing is in the area of radical discipleship and what it means to live radically as a disciple of Jesus Christ. The second thing we hope to see is that students will be committed to sharing their faith to those who are close to them. And then there's the traditional call that we have for global and cross-cultural missionaries." Initial interest in the conference is high with more than 10,000 people already registered. "Young people today have a desire to commit themselves to something that's greater than themselves, and they are looking for the call of God on their lives," Tebbe says. Most of the participants have registered online at Urbana.org. (Mission Network News)


Staff members from HCJB World Radio's community development department traveled to Ecuador's coastal province of Esmeraldas in mid-August, taking food and supplies to about 100 families affected by massive flooding. They live in the village of Anchayacu along the Onzole River, a 1.5-hour boat ride from the town of Borbón in northwestern Ecuador.

Heavy rains prompted unprecedented flooding in the jungle area, causing many to lose their homes and possessions even though the simple houses had been built on stilts. One poor disabled woman recounted how she watched helplessly as her cooking pots floated away.

The local village well, previously drilled by the department's water projects division, was contaminated by floodwaters. Community development staff later traveled to the area to chlorinate the well and distribute mosquito nets to the villagers, many of who were forced to seek shelter in the local school building. Disaster relief teams from the mission also provided food parcels that were gratefully received by members of the community. (HCJB World Radio)

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