Zprávy HCJB 21.9.2003 - 27.9.2003

    Odhaduje se, že každý den sleduje na 200,000 až 300,000 Němců křesťanské programy, jako např. „Kniha Knih“ na TV stanici Bible, která začala vysílat před rokem a je první křesťanskou stanicí vysílající 24 hodin denně. Tato stanice vysílá digitálně přes satelit a kabelem a nabízí množství pořadů jako Biblické čtení, křesťanské filmy, rozhovory, dokumenty na téma biblické archeologie a křesťanskou hudbu. Výkonný ředitel Hanning Roehl řekl, že na vysílání reagovalo už 10,000 diváků. Ti se dělí podle zaměření jednotlivých pořadů. Mladí lidé mají zájem o hudební klipy, zatímco starší křesťané dávají přednost zajímavým filmům a rozhovorům. Pořady jsou vysílány z Luxemburgu. (IDEA)
   (Charisma News Service) - Manželé z Minnesoty učinili ze zisku společnosti nástroj misie, když použili 300 milionů dolarů zisku na založení charitativní organizace, která letos formou pomoci rozdělí chudým po celém světě 300 milionů dolarů. Prostřednictvím své misijní organizace Hope for the City rozděluje křesťanský obchodník Dennis Doyle spolu se svou ženou Megane miliony v přebývajícím zboží. Hope for the City funguje jako mezičlánek odčerpávající nadbytečný zisk a poskytující je organizacím bojujícím s chudobou. Zboží je poskytováno bez daně organizacím, které jej mohou využít. „Domníváme se, že nelze změnit charakter společnosti nebo jednotlivců pokud se nezajímáte o podstatu jejich problémů,“ řekl Dennis Doyle. S tímto úmyslem spolupracuje Hope for the City s organizacemi, které „jsou schopny změnit životy oslovovaných lidí.“ Z Hope for the City mají prospěch především křesťanské pomocné organizace, ale i lidé jiného vyznání a sekulární pomocné skupiny.

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*Nejnovější zprávy v originální anglické verzi jsou vždy zde (klikněte).

   (Mission Network News) - Souběžně s přibýváním neklidu na Středním Východě zde narůstá zájem o křesťanské televizní pořady – hlásí Ron Ensminger ze satelitního vysílání SAT-7 pro arabsky hovořící obyvatele v této oblasti: „Naše divácká obec se stále rozrůstá. Počet telefonátů, e-mailů a dopisů se významně zvyšuje.“ Počet individuálních satelitních antén v severní Africe a na Středním Východě se za poslední období zvýšil ze 100 milionů na 115 milionů. „Jak přibývá obyvatel, přibývá i satelitních antén,“ řekl Ensminger a dodává, že o to hlubší je potřeba finanční podpory. „Jen 0.2% všech darů na misii od věřících v USA jde na Střední Východ a přitom zde žije 460 milionů lidí. Finančních darů je opravdu nepřiměřeně málo.“

*HCJB World Radio pokrývá arabským krátkovlnným vysíláním severní Afriku, Střední Východ a Evropu. Arabsky se vysílá i ze satelitu a také na místních FM stanicích. Radio Al Mahabba (Radio Láska) vysílá se satelitu 24 hodin denně přímo do domácností posluchačů. V oblasti je nejvyšší koncentrace satelitních přijímačů na světě.

*Nejnovější zprávy v originální anglické verzi jsou vždy zde (klikněte).

   Ve středu 17. září nařídil islámský soud v severním Jordánsku křesťanské vdově Siham Qandah, aby se vzdala své dcery Rawan (15) a syna Fadi (13) a svěřila je během tří dnů do opatrování muslimskému pečovateli, nebo bude na 30 dní uvězněna. Toto rozhodnutí znamenalo obrat v bitvě křesťanské matky o svěření dětí do péče. Tím tento soud nevzal na vědomí rozsudek vrchního islámského soudu ze 3. srpna, který vydal příkaz k jejímu zatčení i k odebrání dětí. Její právník podal hned 21. září odvolání k irbidskému soudu.“Je to jediná šance, jak získat trochu času,“ řekla Qandah. Během posledních 18 měsíců se musela rodina několikrát skrývat, aby nemohlo dojít k vykonání rozsudku. Děti jsou na soudní příkaz na černé listině, aby nemohli opustit Jordánsko. „Bez srdečné podpory a modliteb křesťanů z okolního světa bych už své děti ztratila,“ řekla Qandah. (Compass)
   (Missions Insider) - Lidé z muslimské společnosti, kteří se v Indii obrátí ke Kristu, jsou často odmítáni svými rodinami a celou společností. To je i případ mladé muslimské ženy, která přijala Krista a vzala si za muže křesťana. Ramla a její rodina byli sousedy zbožného křesťana. Skrze jeho svědectví se děvče obrátilo k Pánu. Posléze se vdala za křesťana. Její rodina a celá vesnice je oba zapudili a nyní jsou z manželů bezdomovci. Bývalý soused - křesťan, který k jejímu obrácení přispěl, prý takových případů vypuzení u nových křesťanů viděl mnoho. Někdy se proti novému křesťanovi obrátí celá vesnice, lhostejno k poměrům, ze kterých konvertita pochází. Zmíněný starý svědčící křesťan vede misii, která navštěvuje odlehlé vesničky po celé Indii. Tato misie působí v 10 z 25 států Indie, ujímá se biblických kurzů a seminářů, poskytuje léky a jídlo chudým, pořádá evangelizační shromáždění pod širým nebem i výuku nových věřících.

*HCJB World Radio vysílá z nového zařízení v lokalitě Kununurra v Austrálii denně 6.5 hodiny anglických pořadů do Indie a celé jihovýchodní Asie. K tomu od července přistoupily dva půlhodinové pořady v urdštině od pondělí do soboty a v plánu je vysílání v hindštině. Ve spolupráci s FEBA Radio vysílá HCJB World Radio také každý týden křesťanské vysílání na krátkých vlnách ve třech jazycích - Bhojpuri, Chattisgarhi a Mundari.

Zde je pro lovce na krátkých vlnách přehled nejnovějších vysílacích časů HCJB-AUSTRALIA od 21.července:
0100-0130 15420 Urdu směr jižní Asie
0130-0330 15420 anglicky směr jižní Asie
0800-1230 11750 anglicky směr Austrálie a Nový Zéland
1230-1700 15390 anglicky směr jižní Asie
1700-1730 15405 Urdu směr jižní Asie
1800-2030 11765 anglicky směr Austrálie a Nový Zéland

Anglický text s podrobným technickým popisem včetně očekávané kvality příjmu je ke stažení zde.

*Nejnovější zprávy v originální anglické verzi jsou vždy zde (klikněte).

   Biblická liga (Bible League) stojí před těžkým úkolem. Její práce je dostat Boží slovo do rukou všech lidí po celém světě. Bob Cole, nový president společnosti, říká, že faktem zůstává, že dvě ze tří žádostí o Bible nemohou uspokojit. „To je náš hlavní problém. Tak jak roste církev v Africe a jihovýchodní Asii či Latinské Americe, každým rokem se zvyšuje poptávka,“ říká. „Myslím, že každý na západě si myslí, že v současné době už každý musí Bibli mít.“ Nicméně Cole říká, že to je pravdě velice vzdáleno. „Kdybychom celý náš rozpočet věnovali jen do jediné oblasti či země, stejně bychom neuspokojili všechny,“ řekl. Hlavní překážkou v tom, aby každý křesťan měl svou Bibli, je nedostatek financí. „Máme strategii, ale nemáme zdroje. Můžeme tisknout, rozesílat a dodávat Bibli za cenu 4 dolarů. V některých místech jako je Čína může jediná kopie Bible ovlivnit myšlení celé vesnice nebo města.“ (Mission Network News)
    Sklad evangelické literatury v indické Kalkatě, kanceláře vydavatelství a tiskárny Zaca Patnaika, jednoho z 12 vice prezidentů Baptistické světové aliance (BWA), byly 10. září zničeny neznámými žháři. Škoda je odhadována na více než 350,000 dolarů, ale větší škodou, jak říká Patnaik, je „ztráta dvaceti let práce“. Tato skutečnost bude mít vliv na zaměstnanost 140 pracovníků, stejně jako na školu pro děti uprchlíků ve východním Nepálu, neboť výdělky ze závodní jídelny a z vydavatelského oddělení pomáhaly v podpoře těchto dětí. Tisk čtvrtletníku Baptist World, publikace BWA distribuovaná po Indii, Butanu, Nepálu a dalších zemích, byl na neurčitou dobu pozastaven. Patnaik řekl, že „všechny kanceláře shořely na popel“. Prosí věřící o modlitby a svou důvěru svěřuje plně do Božích rukou. „Jsem si jist, že Bůh tuto záležitost vyřeší v čase, který bude podle Jeho vůle nejvhodnější. Má víra je silná a stále roste.“ (Mission Network News/Baptist World Alliance)
   (Naija-news) - Dnes v časných hodinách islámský soud v severonigerijském městě Katsina osvobodil svobodnou matku Amina Lawal, která byla předtím odsouzena k smrti ukamenováním za cizoložství. V případě projednávání druhého odvolání proti rozsudku 31-leté matky čtyř dětí rozhodla porota 5 soudců u Odvolacího soudu Šaría nejednomyslně v její prospěch. Ale diskuse o znovuzavedení islámského právního sytému šaríja v severních státech Nigérie pokračují. Od konce vojenské diktatury v roce 1999 řada států přijala zpět prvky šaríja do svého trestního práva a tím způsobily vzestup napětí mezi muslimy a křesťany. Nigerijský prezident, křesťan Olesugun Obasanjso je ostražitý ve věci rozpínavosti muslimů tvořících nyní polovinu ze 126 milionové nigerijské populace a je nucen přihlížet, jak některé státy Nigérie znovu zavádějí tresty typu ukamenování za sexuální prohřešky či useknutí ruky za krádež. Když byla Lawal a nejméně dvě další rozvedené ženy odsouzeny na mateřství mimo manželství – tyto rozsudky byly oznámeny na prvních stranách světového tisku – Obasanjo slíbil, že při odvolání budou očištěny. Křesťanské skupiny a skupiny ochránců lidských práv obvinily vládu z přimhuřování oka nad plíživou islamizací částí Nigérie, které je etnicky i nábožensky různorodou federací.

*Nejnovější zprávy v originální anglické verzi jsou vždy zde (klikněte).

    Po odsouzení 13 hinduistických aktivistů za upálení misionáře Grahama Stewarta a jeho dvou synů v lednu 1999 se křesťané v Indii bojí odvety ze strany militantních hinduistických skupin. 20. září informoval Hindustan Times o skupině stojící za Darou Singhem, vůdcem obviněným a odsouzeným v této kauze, která vyhrožuje zabitím katolickému knězi v Orisse, jestliže nebude obžaloba stažena. Otec Kuriakose obdržel dopis poté, co byli Singh a ostatní 15. září odsouzeni. Policie nyní ověřuje právoplatnost dopisu. Mid Day Multimedia informovala o jiném případu, kdy hinduističtí aktivisté přerušili ve čtvrtek 18. září modlitební setkání v indickém městě Borivali, násilím vyhnali asi 100 křesťanů a zamkli sál. Hinduisté obvinili křesťany z toho, že během shromáždění plánují, jak obracet lidi na křesťanskou víru s pomocí peněz jako stimulem k obrácení. Policie sdělila, že prošetřuje stížnosti jak ze strany křesťanů, tak i hinduistů. (Voice of the Martyrs)
   (Voice of the Martyrs) - Bolis Rezekallah, egyptský křesťan chystající se k odchodu do Kanady, byl ve středu 24.září zadržen na letišti v Káhiře. Úředníci jej obvinili, že se oženil s muslimskou konvertitkou Enas Badawi. Protože islámské zákony křesťanům zakazují brát si za ženy muslimky a konverze ke křesťanství zas může být důvodem k rozsudku smrti, rozhodli se snoubenci vynechat civilní sňatek a mít jen církevní. Zjištění, že jeho manželka, (která s ním necestovala, i když již má kanadské imigrační vízum) je vlastně stále úředně muslimkou, vedlo Rezekallahovu uvěznění.

*Nejnovější zprávy v originální anglické verzi jsou vždy zde (klikněte).


A "large number" of armed State and Central Security officers and soldiers attacked St. George Coptic Orthodox Church, in Assiut, Egypt, at 10 a.m. Friday, Sept. 19. The officer in charge ordered Fr. Abanoub, the church priest, to immediately evacuate and close down the church, but he and the parishioners refused his request, especially since police arrived during Holy Mass. Police officers then attacked Abanoub, took the sacrament from the altar, threw it on the floor and stomped on it with their boots. This angered the parishioners and instigated a confrontation with police forces. The police then surrounded the church and arrested several deacons and young Coptic Christians in an attempt to occupy the church. Abanoub refused to leave and asked the congregation to protect the church from the police. When news of the attack spread throughout the city, thousands of Christians rushed to protect and aid the church. As the scene developed, police forces were surrounded by thousands of angry Christians chanting various cries of defiance such as, "By our spirit, by our blood, we will protect our cross!" and "We will die martyrs defending our church!" Police then ordered the detention of Abanoub, but massive crowd prevented this from happening. It is unclear what motivated security forces to attack the historic church, but local Christians are concerned the policemen have plans to convert the building into a mosque. (U.S. Copts Association)


Guerrilla violence in Venezuela is forcing missionaries out of the jungle and into the cities, says Merrill Dyck of New Tribes Mission who works among the Pume people. He served in the jungle for 25 years before being forced out. "We were in a very dangerous area, close to the Colombian border where guerrillas were kidnapping people and causing grief," Dyck said. "The warnings came in thick and strong. We suddenly packed up really fast, and 10 days later the guerrillas hit the station." Tribal church leaders now travel to the city for discipleship, Dyck said. "We rendezvous with the Pume leadership team periodically in a safe location. We get together about three times a year and help them in discipleship and leadership training." The end goal, says Dyck, is to "give them the whole ball of wax, let them run with it and see the churches totally standing on their own." While this part of the work is continuing, he says there's a new threat to the ministry. "An anthropologist is fighting hard to stop Christianity among the Pume . . . and to get them back into the old ways, the ancestral teachings, and give up everything that has to do with Scriptures." (Mission Network News)

* HCJB World Radio worked with local partners to establish a Christian station in La Morita, Venezuela, in 2000. Partner stations in two additional Venezuelan cities are also affiliated with the ALAS, the ministry's Latin American satellite radio network with more than 100 radio outlets in 18 countries.


Following the two-year anniversary of 9/11 and in the shadow of Hurricane Isabel, Christian Emergency Network, the new crisis information cooperative volunteer service of Mission America Coalition partners is now poised and ready to respond to domestic crises in the U.S. The objective of the network is to lead Christians (individuals, ministries, and media) to speak clearly and minister effectively during a national calamity. The network provides coordinated information about relief training, mobilization, crisis counseling, evangelistic tools, and other resources, as well as timely messages from ministry leaders, Christian media programming, and news. Meanwhile, Presbyterian Disaster Assistance has issued a church-wide appeal for "significant financial resources" in the wake of Hurricane Isabel that struck the east coast of North Carolina Thursday, Sept. 18, with sustained winds of up to 100 mph. A 10-foot storm surge combined with high tide caused major coastal flooding in North Carolina and southern Virginia. High winds and torrential rain toppled trees and caused widespread inland flooding as the storm raced through Virginia, West Virginia and Pennsylvania. (Assist News Service/Presbyterian Disaster Assistance)


The Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) is investigating a fire that ravaged a prominent Presbyterian church in Nashville, Tenn., during the early-morning hours of Wednesday, Sept. 17. The three-alarm fire caused an estimated $1.5 to $2 million in damage. ATF press agent Mark Leiser said agents entered the charred building late last week. The blaze continued, burning into the daylight hours, destroying the church's sanctuary, offices and educational space. The only remnant of the steeple is its twisted metal frame and the cross on top -- a structure that firefighters feared might collapse. Rev. Jim Kitchens, the newly called pastor of the 400-member congregation, was driving cross-country to begin work in Nashville in early October. ATF agents as well as local firefighters have used the term "suspicious" to describe the fire that appeared to originate near the pulpit. About 75 firefighters managed to confine the fire to the sanctuary and office buildings. Church spokesperson Jane Hines said the church has one of the largest outreach programs in the city, including providing services for senior citizens and homeless people. "Lots and lots of outreach ministry is disrupted by this fire," she said. "We'll be able to worship somewhere. But our community ministries have been disrupted." Nashville police have questioned several individuals about the fire, but no arrests have been made. (PCUSA News)


Each day an estimated 200,000 to 300,000 Germans are watching Christian programs such as the "Book of Books" on Bible TV, the first 24-hour Christian TV channel in Germany that launched a year ago. The digital channel broadcasts via satellite and cable, offering a variety of programs such as Bible readings, Christian movies, talk shows, documentaries on biblical archaeology and Christian music. Approximately 10,000 viewers have responded to the programs, said Executive Director Henning Roehl. The audience is as diverse as the programs as young secular viewers appreciate music clips while older Christians prefer features and talk shows. The programs are transmitted from Luxembourg. (IDEA)


A Minnesota couple has turned corporate surplus into a ministry tool, launching a charity that will this year distribute some $300 million in aid to help fight poverty worldwide. Through their Hope for the City ministry, Christian businessman Dennis Doyle and his wife, Megan, distribute millions in excess goods. Hope for the City, acts as a "middle man," taking corporate surplus and getting it into the hands of organizations that fight poverty." The goods are provided without charge to organizations that can use them. "We believe that you're not going to change a city or change people unless you actually work on the core issues behind the problems," Dennis Doyle said. With that in mind, Hope for the City partners with organizations "who are touching the people and actually making a change in their lives," he said. Most of the groups benefiting from Hope for the City are Christian ministries, but other faiths and secular organizations are served as well, which opens doors to major corporations. (Charisma News Service)

© Copyright 2003 - HCJB World Radio - Colorado Springs, CO USA - btc@hcjb.org


The ringleader of the group that killed Australian missionary Graham Staines and his two young sons in 1999 was sentenced to death by an Indian court Monday, Sept. 15. Dara Singh received the death sentence while 12 of his co-accused were sentenced to life imprisonment. Singh, an activist against conversions, was ordered to the gallows for leading the crowd that torched the Jeep in which Staines and his two sons Philip, 10, and Timothy, 8, were sleeping in the eastern Indian state of Orissa. The defendants were found guilty of rioting, arson and culpable homicide amounting to murder. One other defendant was acquitted. Singh was not arrested until more than a year after the murder, having fled into hiding. Then there were also delays in bringing the case to court, and the trial itself has lasted more than two years. Although the verdict was reached and sentence passed, all 13 defendants have the right of appeal and seek a presidential pardon -- a lengthy process. Staines had been working to help leprosy sufferers in India for a quarter of a century. His widow, Gladys, still lives in India. "I have no bitterness because forgiveness brings healing and our land needs healing from hatred and violence. But forgiveness and the consequences of the crime should not be mixed up," she said. "No individual is above the law of the land." (Christian Solidarity Worldwide/AFP)

* HCJB World Radio-Australia's new shortwave site Kununurra airs 6.5 hours of daily English programming across South Asia, including India. Two half-hour programs in Urdu, airing Monday through Saturday, were added in July, and plans are being made to start Hindi programs. In partnership with FEBA Radio, HCJB World Radio also airs weekly Christian programs to eastern India via shortwave in three languages: Bhojpuri, Chattisgarhi and Mundari.


Christians in Indonesia have issued an urgent call for prayer for the release of Rev. Rinaldy Damanik whose prison detention in Palu, Central Sulawesi, was to have ended on Monday, Sept. 15, as specified by Indonesian law. That was the day that Damanik's extended detention order expired, but Palu prison authorities refused a release request from his lawyers until clearance comes from a higher authority. The High Court of Central Sulawesi has already extended Damanik's imprisonment five times, but can no longer do so due to a pending appeal before the nation's Supreme Court. To date, the Supreme Court has issued no extension order of its own, making Damanik's continued imprisonment illegal. Last June the Central Sulawesi court sentenced the prominent Christian leader to three years in prison for transporting illegal arms. Sources in Indonesia say his imprisonment is part of the Indonesian government's attempt to blame the Christian community for inter-religious violence in the Poso region. (Compass)


On Wednesday, Sept, 17, an Islamic court in northern Jordan ordered Jordanian widow Siham Qandah to turn over her daughter, Rawan, 15, and son, Fadi, 13, to a Muslim guardian within three days or go to jail for 30 days. The Irbid Islamic court's ruling marked an alarming turn in the Christian mother's battle to retain custody of her children. The Irbid court reportedly ignored a restraining order issued by the Supreme Islamic Court on Aug. 3, staying both the arrest warrant against Qandah and the removal of her children. Qandah's lawyer filed a new appeal to the Irbid court on Sunday, Sept. 21. "This is our only chance to gain a little time," Qandah said. In the past 18 months the family has gone into hiding several times to avoid enforcement of the ruling. The children are blacklisted by court order from leaving Jordan. "Without the hearts and prayers of Christians around the world for us, I would have already lost the children," Qandah said. (Compass)


As unrest in the Middle East continually increases, so does interest in Christian television, says Ron Ensminger of SAT-7, a satellite television network for Arabic-speaking people in the region. "Our viewership actually continues to increase," he says. "The number of telephone calls, e-mails and letters that are coming in is increasing significantly." The numbers of personal satellite dishes that have been installed in the North Africa/Middle East region increased to 115 million from 100 million. "As the population grows, so grows the population of satellite dishes," said Ensminger, adding that this only makes the need for funding more urgent. "Just 0.2 percent of all missions giving in the U.S. goes to the Middle East, and we're talking about a population group of 460 million. So there's a huge disparity in the giving." (Mission Network News)

* HCJB World Radio reaches across North Africa, the Middle East and Europe with Christian Arabic programming aired via shortwave, satellite and local stations. The Radio Al Mahabba (Radio Love) Arabic satellite network airs programs direct-to-home 24 hours a day. This region has the world's highest concentration of personal satellite dishes.


On the two-year anniversary of 9/11 -- a day many remember as a turning point for America -- Baptist relief workers in the Middle East brought a message of hope and reconciliation as they delivered food and supplies to Iraqi and other refugees living in Jordan. Working with local charities, 19 volunteers from Florida, Virginia, Texas, Georgia and North Carolina delivered 50 boxes of food which mirrored the contents of 46,000 food boxes from Southern Baptists awaiting delivery to Iraqi families. Initially, the work had been interrupted when security concerns arose after the terrorist bombing of the U.N. headquarters in Iraq in late August. Instead of going to Baghdad, the workers were diverted to Jordan Sept. 2 where they engaged in a variety of relief projects among the estimated 500,000 Iraqi refugees there. In other projects during their 10-day trip, relief workers visited an Islamic women's center to deliver diapers and other baby items, helped build relationships with families, assisted with healthcare assessments among the poor, helped at the Amman Baptist School, and brought food and supplies to a nearby orphanage. The team began their orientation to Middle Eastern culture and religion by visiting and praying at sites in Jordan with special biblical tie-ins: Petra, Mount Nebo and Umm Qais. (Baptist Press)


Ted Haggard was named the president of the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE) in March and is now trying to gain respect for evangelicals by focusing on essentials such as salvation, Jesus, the Bible and trying to love people into heaven instead of divisive side issues. Haggard debuted his kinder and gentler evangelicalism at a forum on Islam that was cosponsored by the NAE, an organization that represents 51 denominations with 43,000 congregations and some 250 parachurch organizations. He is the pastor and founder of New Life Church, the independent charismatic congregation he founded in his Colorado Springs, Colo., basement in 1985. Today New Life is the largest congregation in Colorado and one of the fastest-growing churches in the U.S. Haggard is less concerned about being popular than he is about carrying out Christ's command in Matthew to make disciples of all nations. "I am absolutely convinced ours is the first generation that has a realistic opportunity to fulfill the Great Commission. I know Christians cannot successfully fulfill the assignment given to this generation if we're separated from one another." (Religion News Service)

© Copyright 2003 - HCJB World Radio - Colorado Springs, CO USA - btc@hcjb.org


Oyaw Abdwahd Ukash, a security guard for the Somalia office of the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) in Gedo, Somalia, was shot and killed Sunday, Sept. 14, while traveling with co-workers from El Wak, Kenya, to a water project site in Dhamasa, Somalia. He had been employed by the relief agency since 2002. "He was very committed to his work and would even perform other tasks not included in his regular duties," said Ferdinand Njue, coordinator for the Gedo Water Project. "We are devastated and deeply saddened by this loss, but are grateful for his dedicated work for our organization." Todd Reese, a spokesman for ADRA International in Silver Spring, Md., added, "ADRA Somalia is collaborating with the Kenyan government and Somali authorities to ensure that the situation is addressed appropriately. ADRA Somalia's field operations in Gedo have been suspended until an in-depth assessment is completed." Oyaw is survived by his wife and two children. (Adventist News Network/Assist News Service)


More than 4,500 Liberian refugees have fled to Guinea's southern forest region in the past 10 days to escape continued fighting and instability in the West African state, the U.N. refugee agency reported on Tuesday. "The fact that Liberians continue to flee is very worrisome. Many areas in Liberia are still very insecure . . . making it all the more urgent that peacekeepers be deployed throughout the country as soon as possible," the agency said in a statement. A 3,500-strong West African force is in Liberia, but it operates mainly in the towns and cities. The U.N. has approved the sending of a further 15,000 peacekeepers, but they are not expected to arrive for months. World Vision spokesman Paul Sitnam said ministry teams recently returned to Liberia after having been evacuated during the worst of the fighting. How much work the teams can do hinges on how quickly the country recovers from years of civil war. "Right now we're doing health work and distributing food to the displaced people in the country," he says. The outreach is opening numerous witnessing opportunities, especially among those most affected by the fighting. More than 200,000 people died in 14 years of almost uninterrupted fighting in Liberia that began when ex-president Charles Taylor launched a rebellion in 1989. Taylor went into exile in Nigeria in August as part of a peace deal. (Mission Network News)

* HCJB World Radio works in partnership with ELWA, a ministry founded by SIM in Monrovia in 1954, to air the gospel across the country and West Africa. The radio station was destroyed twice by civil war, first in 1990 and again in 1996. ELWA went back on the air in 1997 with a small FM transmitter. Then in 2000 HCJB World Radio provided a low-power shortwave transmitter, again enabling the station to cover the region. ELWA broadcasts the gospel in 10 languages and plans to add more as resources become available. The station is broadcasting on a limited schedule as diesel fuel is available to operate the generators.


The Asian Human Rights Commission and the Asian Center for the Progress of Peoples recently reported the torture and subsequent death of 18-year-old Christian Pakistani citizen Samuel Sunil. He was arrested by officers from the Qilla Singh police station in mid-August after falsely accusing him of robbery. Sunil worked at an Internet café, and when he demanded his salary, his employer tried to delay payment, leading to an argument between them. The employer then registered a fabricated charge of robbery against him. Sub-inspector Ghulam Hussain and other officers arrested Samuel Sunil and tortured him. The victim was then sent to Camp Jail Lahore where he was detained with convicted criminals and sexually assaulted by three inmates. When Sunil complained about the assaults, he was reportedly ordered to be punished along with his assailants. After refusing to pay a bribe, he faced further torture and died of his injuries on Aug. 19. The victim's family has registered a case against the prison superintendent, warden and the three prisoners. The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan reports that extra-judicial killings have increased compared to previous years. In 2002 at least 236 persons were killed in "encounters" with law enforcement officials, and more than 50 were victims of "targeted killings." (World Organization Against Torture)


People from Muslim background who turn to Christ in India are often rejected by their families and entire communities. This was the case of a young Muslim woman who accepted Christ and married a Christian. Ramla and her family were neighbors of a godly Christian leader. Through him, the girl was led to the Lord. Then she married a Christian man. The girl's family and village rejected them, and now she and her husband are homeless. The leader who led the Muslim girl to Christ has seen many such incidents of new Christians experiencing ostracism. Sometimes entire villages turn against a person when he or she accepts Christ, regardless of the person's background. The leader heads a ministry that reaches remote tribal villages throughout India. His organization operates in 10 of India's 25 states, hosting Bible classes and seminars, offering food and medicine to the poor, conducting open-air evangelism and discipling new believers. (Missions Insider)

* HCJB World Radio-Australia's new shortwave site Kununurra airs 6.5 hours of daily English programming across South Asia, including India. Two half-hour programs in Urdu, airing Monday through Saturday, were added in July, and plans are being made to start Hindi programs. In partnership with FEBA Radio, HCJB World Radio also airs weekly Christian programs to eastern India via shortwave in three languages: Bhojpuri, Chattisgarhi and Mundari.


The Bible League is facing numerous challenges as it works to place God's Word into the hands of people worldwide. Bob Cole, the ministry's new president, says there's one staggering fact, "We basically turn down two out of every three requests for Bibles. That is a major challenge. And as the church is growing across Africa and throughout Southeast Asia and Latin America, that challenge just increases every year," he said. "I think we in the West think everyone should have a Bible by now." However, Cole says that is far from the truth. "We could have our whole budget into one region or one country, and we still wouldn't meet the needs," he said. Lack of funding is the main obstacle in putting God's Word into the hands of every Christian, he says. "We have the strategies, but we lack the resources. We can print, ship and place a whole Bible at an average cost of $4. And in some places like China, a whole village or town can be impacted by just one copy of the Bible." (Mission Network News)


Co-founded by musician Michael W. Smith, a Christian-run skate park is attracting thousands of non-Christian teens in Nashville, Tenn., becoming one of the most popular spots in the city. Rocketown, a 40,000-square-foot, state-of-the-art youth complex, is set to be duplicated in other cities nationwide. It provides a safe haven for disaffected youth that rivals many secular clubs, concert venues and skate parks in the area. The facility comprises a 13,000-foot indoor skateboard park, a dance and concert venue, coffee shop and clothing store designed to get kids in the door of this former warehouse that cost $3 million to renovate. "The mission is to attract kids, so we need to be an attraction," said Roger Thompson, Rocketown's executive director. "The more often they come, the more often they're going to interact with us and the volunteers, and we'll be able to build a relationship with them." Since it opened in January, more than 50,000 teens have visited Rocketown. Because of repeated requests, Thompson and the Rocketown board are developing a program to help other communities launch similar ministries. The idea for Rocketown dates back to 1992 when Smith saw the "loneliness, confusion and hurt in the eyes of teenagers" in his hometown. Rocketown leaders say 90 percent of the regular attendees are unchurched. Manager Alex McGlothlin, for example, leads a Bible study for young skaters on Sunday nights. "It gives us a good chance to get involved in the kids' lives," he said. (Charisma News Service).

© Copyright 2003 - HCJB World Radio - Colorado Springs, CO USA - btc@hcjb.org


The Evangelical Literature Depot in Calcutta, India, the publishing and printing offices of Zac Patnaik, one of the 12 vice presidents of Baptist World Alliance (BWA), was destroyed by arsonists on Sept. 10. Fire officials estimate damage at more than $350,000, but the greater loss, says Patnaik is the "20 years of work that has been lost." The jobs of more than 140 staff members have been affected as well as a school for refugee children in eastern Nepal since profits from the business cafeteria and the publishing department helped support the children. Printing of the quarterly Baptist World, a BWA publication distributed across India, Bhutan, Nepal and other countries, has been delayed indefinitely. Patnaik said all of the offices were "burned to ashes." He asks believers to pray and reaffirms his confidence in God. "I am sure in His time, God will solve the problem. My faith is strong and continues to grow." (Mission Network News/Baptist World Alliance)


Earlier today an Islamic court in the northern Nigerian city of Katsina acquitted single mother Amina Lawal who had been sentenced to death by stoning for adultery. In a split verdict, a panel of five judges at the Sharia Appeal Court ruled in favor of the 31-year-old mother of four at her second bid to get the sentence lifted. But the dispute regarding the reintroduction of sharia (Islamic law) to Nigeria's northern states continues. Since the end of military rule 1999, a dozen states have brought back elements of sharia into their penal codes, a move that has increased tensions between Muslims and Christians. Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo, a Christian wary of offending Muslims who make up half of Nigeria's 126 million people, has stood by as the states brought back punishments such as stoning for sex crimes and hand-chopping for thieves. When Lawal and at least two more divorcees were condemned for bearing children out of wedlock -- their sentences making international headlines -- Obasanjo promised that they would be cleared on appeal. Christian groups and rights have accused the government of turning a blind eye to what they see as a creeping Islamization in parts of Nigeria, an ethnically and religiously diverse federation. (Naija-news)


An evangelistic team from Sammy Tippit Ministries in Pakistan was attacked this week as representatives showed a video of his outreach to the country last April. An unidentified attacker threatened and pistol-whipped one of the ministry's "digital evangelists." Videos had been shown across Pakistan more than 20 times without incident, and another 20 showings are planned. "We've seen people come to Christ and lives changed," Tippit said, adding that the team isn't letting this violence stop the outreach. "We feel that in the area of Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan . . . people are very open to the gospel of Jesus Christ." (Mission Network News)


The Catholic Church failed in its bid to become the second religious community to gain legal status in Georgia when the government abruptly canceled plans to sign an agreement with the Vatican Friday, Sept. 19. Catholic officials stressed that the church needs the agreement. "For the past decade they kept saying a law on religion would be adopted which would grant such recognition, but it never happened," said a Catholic official who asked to remain anonymous. "That's the reason for the agreement." The government's change of mind followed complaints from the Orthodox patriarch and street protests. "These demonstrations were organized by the Orthodox Church that stirred up the students by telling them the agreement was part of a plot by European and Masonic agents," said Orthodox priest Basile Kobakhidze. In his weekly radio interview Monday, Sept. 22, Georgian President Eduard Shevardnadze expressed regret that the agreement had not been signed and promised that a religion law would be adopted to regulate the legal status of all faiths in the country. (Forum 18 News Service)


In terrorizing certain regions of the Philippines, Islamic terrorist groups are actually driving some Muslims into the arms of Christ. Muslim extremists are a daily threat to Filipinos -- both Muslim and Christian. They roam the rural areas as vigilantes, striking fear in residents wherever they go. The violence has kept Muslim tribes from developing the natural resources in their areas, leaving them among the poorest of the Philippines. In some areas the violence is compounded by the activity of the communist New People's Army, a terrorist group that preys on the country's poorest people. Yet the terrorism is unwittingly driving Muslims to the gospel. That's because the terrorists have often hurt other underprivileged Muslims, and the violence has caused many to leave their homes in search of safety. Many have fled to the cities to escape the terrorists in the rural areas. Christians are opening their hearts to their Muslim neighbors, and in the cities the Muslims often find believers who are willing to help them and share the gospel with them. Christians are befriending the Muslims and starting ministries such as orphanages and schools that specifically target Muslims. (Missions Insider)


In part of a national campaign focused on enhancing his communication with his countrymen, Ecuadorian President Lucio Gutiérrez visited HCJB World Radio's studios in Quito the evening of Monday, Sept. 22, to take part in a live radio call-in program called, "Dialogue with the President."

National News Director Edwin Chamorro was instrumental in organizing the two-hour program that was rebroadcast by more than 50 radio stations nationwide. Gutiérrez has done several such radio programs on different radio stations in Ecuador during which he takes live calls and answers callers without any fixed agenda or schedule. "This was a very positive move for the station," Chamorro said. "Getting the president to come is not easy. It always helps our relationship between the mission and the government, and it's a great boost to our listenership. We're very happy that we could provide the technical means for the president to do his program."

Chamorro added that the program reached all the country's regions -- mountains, coast and jungle. Gutiérrez answered nearly a third of the incoming calls without incident. Security was tight at the HCJB World Radio compound during his visit. Following the program, he stayed to attend a reception in his honor. This wasn't the first time that an Ecuadorian president has broadcast a program from within HCJB World Radio's studios. The most recent was Jamil Mahuad in 1999. (HCJB World Radio)

© Copyright 2003 - HCJB World Radio - Colorado Springs, CO USA - btc@hcjb.org


With the conviction of 13 Hindu activists in the burning death of missionary Graham Stewart Staines and his two sons in January 1999, Christians in India fear reprisals from militant Hindu groups. The Hindustan Times reported on Sept. 20 that a group claiming to defend Dara Singh, the ringleader who was convicted and sentenced to death in the case, has threatened to kill a Catholic priest in Orissa if the conviction is not overturned. Father Kuriakose received the letter after Singh and the others were sentenced on Sept. 15. Police are investigating the validity of the letter. In a separate incident, Mid Day Multimedia reported that Hindu activists stopped a prayer meeting in Borivali, India, on Thursday, Sept. 18, driving out at least 100 Christians and locking the hall. The Hindus accused the Christians of planning to convert people to Christianity during the meeting, using money as inducements for conversion. Police said they received complaints from the Christians as well as the Hindus and are investigating. (Voice of the Martyrs)


Bolis Rezekallah, an Egyptian Christian preparing to immigrate to Canada, was detained at the Cairo airport Wednesday, Sept. 24, when officials learned that he was married to a Muslim convert named Enas Badawi. Since Islamic law forbids men to marry Muslim women, and converting to Christianity is a potential capital offense, the couple had decided to forego the civil ceremony and only hold a church wedding. Learning that his wife, who was not traveling with him but who also has a Canadian immigrant visa, was legally still a Muslim, officials arrested Rezekallah. (Voice of the Martyrs)


Bible scholar and author Derek Prince, 88, died of heart failure at his home in Jerusalem Wednesday, Sept. 24. Prince is known by many Christians worldwide for authoring more than 45 books, including Shaping History Through Prayer and Fasting, and The Spirit-filled Believer's Handbook which have been translated and distributed worldwide in more than 60 languages. He pioneered teaching on such groundbreaking themes as generational curses, the biblical significance of Israel and demonology. He also began "Keys to Successful Living," a weekly radio program, in 1979. The program airs on 124 stations. Prince was born in Bangalore, India, into a British military family. He studied at Eton College and Cambridge University in England and Hebrew University in Israel. He and his first wife, Lydia, immigrated to the U.S. in 1963 to pastor a church in Seattle. After the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, Prince became passionate about teaching Americans how to intercede for the nation. Derek Prince Ministries distributes his work and teachings and trains missionaries, congregations and leaders at 12 locations worldwide. Funeral services are being held in Jerusalem today. A memorial service is also being planned for Charlotte, N.C. (National Religious Broadcasters/Derek Prince Ministries)


The Portuguese Evangelical Alliance has an official church-planting strategy to reach a total of 4,000 evangelical churches in Portugal by the year 2015. The plan, set by pastor Paulo Méndez, is based on the Dawn strategy. In 1960 there were just 291 churches in the country. By 1980 this number grew to 894, and by 2000 it reached 1,630. "If the trend continues and the Portuguese churches plant churches at the same rate as in the recent past, there will be 4,000 churches in the year 2015," says Dawn European Network's Reinhold Scharnowski. (Friday Fax/Dawn Report)


A recent meeting of the minds in Panama may determine the course of partnerships for the church in Latin America. A consultation of Latin American Christian leaders and North American mission personnel reached some innovative conclusions about the future of expatriate mission work in that region, reported Latin America Mission's Ken MacHarg. "The nearly 100 missionaries and church leaders who met in Panama in mid-September cautioned that differing perspectives between North and Latin Americans are the main barriers to cooperative missionary effort," he said. "Participants agreed that church and mission leaders need to stop thinking in terms of North Americans and Latin Americans with separate roles, but as co-participants in the mission given by God." Latin American pastors and leaders emphasized the continuing opportunities for mission work in the region, and affirmed that the need for missionaries to work in specialized ministry areas with an attitude of mutual respect and teamwork. (Mission Network News)


Churches may be to blame for the downward slide of American culture, says Family Research Council President Tony Perkins. He believes the religious element of American society has to share the blame for the depravity that is running rampant throughout the nation's culture. "There's no doubt that we're seeing a cultural shift, and part of the 'anchor' that should be there -- the church -- in many ways has contributed to the drifting." He says many churches have rejected the teachings of the Bible and embraced a secular worldview of life while the remaining churches keep quiet. Activists say both of those attitudes have contributed to the culture's decline. (Agape Press/Religion Today)

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