Zprávy HCJB 1.10.2003 - 4.10.2003

   (Mission Network News) - Lidé v Turecku se vydávají na cestu za Pánem Ježíšem, i když ze strany úřadů mohou očekávat protivenství. Řekl to Lance Thollander z organizace Hope Builders International . Řekl také: „Pravý Bůh připravil pole, které již zraje ke žni. Nebudu to rozvádět, ale říkám, že lidé bez naděje a vyděděnci tu přijímají dobrou novinu o tom, že je Bůh, který je miluje.“ Thollander řekl, že v poslední době vyznalo víru 10 nebo 15 lidí na zvláštních shromážděních ve vesnicích obývaných menšinami. Ale tři křesťanští kazatelé byli zadrženi policií. „Drželi je tam přes noc,“ řekl Thollander. „Nebyla však proti nim vznesena žádná obvinění, protože šlo o povolená shromáždění.“

*Nejnovější zprávy v originální anglické verzi jsou vždy zde (klikněte).

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   Neděle 5. října bude první „Nedělí pro sirotky“, dnem, kdy si budou moci křesťanské obce uvědomit zvyšující se počet sirotků po celém světě. Podle zprávy „Děti na okraji 2002“, kterou podporuje americká Agentura pro mezinárodní rozvoj, se zvýší počet sirotků v celém světě na 106 milionů do konce roku 2010. Tím vznikne obrovská globální krize v péči o děti. „Smrt rodičů HIV/AIDS pozitivních, jinak nemocných, občanské války, regionální konflikty, hladomory a jiné tragické události ve světě, to vše zanechává množství sirotků a zranitelných dětí bez naděje do budoucna,“ řekl Gary Schneider, předseda instituce zajišťující organizaci „Neděle pro sirotky“. Organizátoři doufají, že to bude den modliteb, víry a akcí za sirotky ve světě. Začíná kampaň, která připomene církvím, jiným charitativním organizacím a lidstvu jako celku kritickou situaci dnešních sirotků. „Podpora může být v modlitbě nebo formou dotace z kongregačních sbírek, z mládežnických projektů, v čemkoli, co pomůže v uvědomění si této velké potřeby. Jen chceme, aby se církve sjednotily v řešení problémů sirotků,“ řekl Schneider. (Assist News Service)
    Nový 3D animovaný film o životě Krista je téměř dokončen, říká Bob Hoskins, mluvčí Book of Hope International(Kniha naděje). Projekt za 4 miliony dolarů „Boží muž“ by se mohl stát klíčovým prostředkem, jak se dostat k mladým lidem v zemích s omezenými možnostmi jako je např. Čína. „I když jsme schopni do Číny dostat jen malé množství Knih naděje, budeme mít možnost ukázat film „Boží muž“ na kompaktním video disku milionům čínských dětí školního věku,“ říká Hoskins. „Tak můžeme ukázat Ježíšův příběh nejpřijatelnějším možným způsobem.“ Aby mohl být film do konce roku dokončen, je třeba ještě 800,000 dolarů. „Jestliže to nestihneme, bude pro nás velmi obtížné dostat tento film do vysílání na amerických kanálech v době velikonoc. A pak samozřejmě dostat na trh další jazykové verze bude představovat výdaj navíc v rozpočtu na příští rok, kdy chceme film šířit ve světě ,“ říká Hoskins. (Mission Network News)
   Už počtvrté od té doby, kdy neregistrovanému sboru Peace Protestant v uzbekistánském Nukusu byla před třemi roky odebrána registrace, provedla policie během nedělní bohoslužby 24. srpna razii. Vedoucí představitelé sboru byli pokutováni 27,300 somy (28 US dolarů), což představuje pětinásobek minimálního měsíčního platu. „Není to poprvé, kdy pokutuji představitele tohoto sboru,“ řekl soudce Oibek Turejev. „Mohu vám jen znovu zopakovat, že podle uzbeckého zákona je registrace povinná.“Jeden ze dvou pokutovaných Khym-Mun Kim řekl, že sbor se několikrát pokoušel o znovuzískání registrace, ale pokaždé byla oficiálními místy žádost zamítnuta. „My jsme občané, kteří ctí právo a chceme být zaregistrováni. Úřady nás však nutí k ilegální činnosti,“ řekl Kim. Registrace byla sboru odebrána v srpnu 2000 poté, co členové sboru organizovali letní tábor pro děti z chudých rodin. (Forum 18 News Service)
   (Religion Today/Charisma News Service) (Zpráva z 2.10.) - Vojáci nedávno opět zabavovali Bible, znásilňovali, uvězňovali a mučili elektrickými paralyzátory vietnamské křesťany. V srpnu vtrhlo 100 vojáků do domu H'Duen Buondapové ve vesnici Buon Yang Reh v provincii Daklak, zabavili zde Bible a zpěvníky. Oznámila to Montagnard Foundation. Velitel vojáků údajně Buondapovou znásilnil. Při jiném incidentu 21. srpna zbila skupina vojáků a policistů Y-Pho Ebana a členy jeho rodiny pažbami pušek a použili proti němu paralyzátorů, protože ho podezírali z poskytování jídla uprchlíkům skrývajícím se ve vesnici Buon Cuoi. Minulý měsíc společná hlídka vietnamských a kambodždských pohraničníků uvěznila a zbila čtyři příslušníky Montagnards pokoušejících se obstarat jídlo pro skupinu asi 50 svých soukmenovců prchajících z Vietnamu. Čtyři postižení byli navíc pokutováni a byly jim sebrány peníze i jídlo. Montagnards (franc. Horalé) je ve Vietnamu společné označení pro skupinu křesťanských kmenů obývajících vienamskou centrální vysočinu.

*Nejnovější zprávy v originální anglické verzi jsou vždy zde (klikněte).

   (Friday Fax/IAM Partners) - Více než 500 muslimů, kteří přijali křesťanství a žijí v Izraeli, bylo během posledních 18 měsíců pokřtěno v rámci činnosti místní misijní organizace Společnost Světla. Vedoucí představitel misie vystupující zde pod krycím jménem Barnabáš řekl, že k trvalé změně poměrů může dojít jedině tak, že Palestinci a muslimové žijící v Izraeli přijmou Pána Ježíše Krista. Misie pomáhá dětem ex-muslimů, kteří se stali křesťany obstarávat školní potřeby. Tito účastníci rostoucího hnutí zažívají ústrky i útoky, ale také až nečekanou pomoc od Boha. Nedávno, když byly školní materiály skoro spotřebovány, jeden Barnabášův známý z muslimské pomocné organizace mu sám přinesl školní knihy pro chudé děti.

Workers were gathered for prayer and fasting on the second floor of a Christian children's home in Indonesia at midday Monday, Sept. 21 (a public holiday), when heavy smoke began descended from the floor above them. Someone called the fire department, and everyone began evacuating. Three fire engines arrived and firemen put out the fire, but not before it destroyed all the belongings and furnishings on the third floor. No one was lost or injured in the blaze, but mattresses, bedding, musical instruments, tape recorders, fans and furniture were consumed. In addition, schoolbooks, bags, uniforms, shoes and personal belongings of 100 children were lost. The children cannot return to school until they are supplied with new uniforms, shoes and books. "The girls are sleeping in any space on the floor like sardines," said the school's director, "while the boys are staying temporarily in a community building next to the children's home." Most of the children are from rural areas where they have little chance to obtain an education, and some have lost a mother or father to terrorist attacks in the past three years. Ministry leaders are praying for funds to renovate the damaged third floor and replace the damaged goods. (Missions Insider)


World Vision Korea was the first non-governmental organization to reach out to victims of Typhoon Maemi that struck the southern coastal region of South Korea in mid-September. At the outbreak of storm, World Vision Korea's domestic ministry team and relief team immediately packed and delivered 825 relief kits to typhoon-affected households in Kosung, an area of severely damaged seashore villages in the southern area. The relief effort was conducted in partnership with a donor corporation, churches and World Vision Korea. This week the ministry will pack and deliver another 3,650 relief kits to the typhoon victims on the country's east coast. Among the recipients will be sponsored children and their families who lost houses and property. Typhoon Maemi, the worst in 40 years, affected many Koreans who were taking annual vacations with their families to celebrate the traditional Full Moon Festival Sept. 10-14. The storm claimed 126 lives in South Korea and caused an estimated $4.1 billion in damage. (Mission Network News/Reuters)


The European Baptist Federation (EBF) has elected Billy Taranger, general secretary of the Norwegian Baptist Federation, to succeed Gregory Kommendant as president. Kommendant, general secretary of the Ukrainian Baptists, left the EBF post after two years as required by the organization's statutes. The EBF represents 52 federations with 700,000 members. The new vice president is Helari Puu of the Estonian Baptists. The EBF council met in Radosz, Poland (near Warsaw), Sept. 24-28. Taranger urged delegates to maintain unity despite theological differences. "This is the biblical way," he said. "A few years ago the ordination of women had become such a contentious issue that it brought the federation to breaking point. Today some EBF-members still reject female leaders for spiritual reasons, but the fellowship is not threatened." Kommendant called for more passion in the fulfillment of the Great Commission and emphasized that a living faith is not found only among Baptists, but anyone who genuinely trusts the Lord, regardless of religious background. (IDEA)


People are continuing to come to Christ in Turkey despite opposition from authorities, says Lance Thollander of Hope Builders International. "Truly God has prepared a harvest field that is ready to be reaped," he said. "While we cannot share all of the details, I can tell you a hopeless and rejected people are receiving the good news that there is a God who loves them." Thollander said that 10 to 15 people made professions of faith recently during special meetings in a village made up of minorities. However, three Christian leaders at the meeting were taken into police custody. "They held them for one night," Thollander said. "No charges could be made because we had permission from the leaders to hold the meeting." (Mission Network News)


Sunday, Oct. 5, will mark the inaugural "Orphan Sunday," a day designated to raise awareness within the Christian community of the increasing number of orphans worldwide. According to "Children on the Brink 2002," a report sponsored by the U.S. Agency for International Development, the total worldwide orphan population will reach 106 million by 2010, creating an enormous global childcare crisis. "The death of parents from HIV/AIDS and other preventable diseases, civil wars, regional conflicts, famines and other tragic events around the world is leaving a population of orphans and vulnerable children without hope for the future," said Gary Schneider, chairman of the task force organizing the annual Orphan Sunday event. Organizers hope the event will be a day of prayer, faith and action for the cause of the world's orphans. The group is launching an awareness campaign that will educate the church, other charitable organizations, and the population at large about the plight of today's orphans. "Support can be in the form of prayer or donations gathered from congregations, youth projects, whatever elevates awareness of this tremendous need. We simply want to unite the church to address the cause of the orphan," said Schneider. (Assist News Service)

* HCJB WORLD RADIO-UK WINS TOP AWARD FOR EASTER PROGRAM The Christian radio production team at HCJB World Radio's U.K. World Office in Bradford picked up a top award in London Wednesday, Sept. 24, for best original Good Friday feature. The "Easter on Independent Local Radio (ILR) Award" is organized by Jerusalem Productions, one of the Sainsbury Family Charitable Trusts, and encourages commercial radio stations to broadcast a special feature on Good Friday highlighting the meaning of the day.

The winning program, "Tears of Heaven," was broadcast on West Yorkshire station Pulse Classic Gold and produced by HCJB World Radio-UK Program Director Colin Lowther. It focused on the story of Paul Bailey, a Bradford man who lost his 7-year-old son, Robert, when a driver accidentally struck him on a crosswalk. Bailey said he was ready to kill the woman, but asked Jesus to help him forgive her instead. The special feature told his story through voices and music.

Lowther, who presents "The Full Breakfast" show on Sunday mornings on Pulse Classic Gold, said it was "fantastic" to win this award. "I'm especially pleased for Paul," he said. "Even though he's been through some terrible tragedies in his life, God has always pulled him through, and I know it means a lot to him for his story to be recognized in this way."

A glass trophy, certificate and check for Ł3,000 (US$5,000) were presented to Pulse Classic Gold Program Manager Tony Simon, Paul Bailey and Lowther at a ceremony at the Royal Society of Arts in London. Spirit FM in West Sussex was the runner-up with a prize of Ł1,000 for the program, "Good Friday, Fierce! Music."

The first-place award was presented by 32-year-old Cameron Stout, this year's winner of the British version of the reality television series, "Big Brother." Stout's Christian beliefs became widely known during his stay as a housemate in the "Big Brother" house. Stout, from the Orkney Isles in Scotland, said, "Having taken part in 'Big Brother,' I know only too well the impact the broadcast media has on people's lives. These awards are significant because they help to increase the understanding of the Christian religion."

HCJB World Radio-UK has captured numerous awards for radio programs in recent years. This is the fifth time that Lowther has won the "Easter on ILR Award" since 1997. He also took the "Christmas on ILR Award" in 2000, and last year received a Merit Award at the Sandford St. Martin Radio Awards presented by the Church of England. In 1998 "The Full Breakfast" won an Andrew Cross Award for best music-based religious output, and Sandra Coleman took a New Century Radio Award in 2001 for one of her creative "Thoughts in Shorts" programs. (HCJB World Radio)

© Copyright 2003 - HCJB World Radio - Colorado Springs, CO USA - btc@hcjb.org


Arsonists are suspected of burning down a Seventh-day Adventist Church in the northwestern Russian city of Novgorod Saturday, Sept. 25. The fire also destroyed books, records and archives while water damage rendered the building unusable. The congregation of 98 worshipers is seeking an alternate location. Pastor Stanislav Bazilo said church members arrived on the scene at 5 a.m. to find the building in ruins. Earlier, a guard at a neighboring construction site noticed smoke coming from the building and called fire brigades. "The police discovered that the locks on all the doors were broken," Bazilo said. "They even found the crowbar with which the locks were broken." No motive for the suspected arson has been given, and police are investigating. Bazilo has asked city authorities for help in seeking a new worship location. (Adventist News Network)


Soldiers recently confiscated Bibles, raped, arrested and used electric-shock torture on Vietnamese Christians. In August, 100 soldiers forced their way into H'Duen Buondap's house in the village of Buon Yang Reh in Daklak province, confiscating Bibles and hymn books, reported the Montagnard Foundation. The group's leader also reportedly raped Buondap. In another incident on Aug. 21, a group of soldiers and police officers beat Y-Pho Eban and his family with rifles and used stun guns against them because they suspected him of feeding refugees who were hiding in the village of Buon Cuoi. Last month a joint patrol of Vietnamese and Cambodian police also arrested and beat four Cambodian Montagnards who were trying to provide food to a group of 50 Montagnards who had fled Vietnam. The Montagnards were fined and their supplies and money confiscated. Montagnard, a Vietnamese word meaning "mountain people," includes several Christian tribes living in Vietnam's central highlands. (Religion Today/Charisma News Service)


A religious freedom survey of the Central Asian country of Turkmenistan shows a "complete lack of freedom" to practice any faith except for Sunni Islam and Russian Orthodox Christianity in a limited number of registered places of worship. All other communities -- Baptist, Pentecostal, Adventist, Lutheran and other Protestants, as well as other forms of Islam, Armenian Apostolic, Jewish, Baha'i, Jehovah's Witness and Hare Krishna -- are de facto banned and their activity punishable under the administrative or criminal law. Religious meetings have been broken up with a spate of raids on Protestants and Hare Krishnas since May. Believers have been threatened, detained, beaten, fined and sacked from their jobs while homes used for worship and religious literature have been confiscated. Turkmenistan's secret police oversee all activities of religious groups and social organizations in the country. (Forum 18 News Service)

* HCJB World Radio works in partnership with Back to the Bible to air Christian Turkmen programs. Twice-weekly broadcasts began airing from an undisclosed site outside of Turkmenistan in 2001 and moved to daily programming earlier this year.


While some Nigerians are throwing away unwanted babies, at least one Christian ministry is making strides to change this cruel practice. An article in The Kano Sun told of newborns being dumped daily in poor parts of the city. In some instances rats came and gnawed on parts of the babies while they were still alive. To counter the problem, neighbors and police have been urged to watch for women entering the streets in the early morning hours. So far the efforts of government leaders, civic officials and law enforcement officers have failed to halt the baby-dumping practice and did not offer any positive solutions to the problem. A Nigerian Christian ministry wants to set up a home to reclaim the unwanted babies while educating and counseling the distraught mothers. "Only the gospel can break the chains of Satan in these wicked and inhuman acts," said the mission leader.

The ministry sponsored a "Health and Healing" seminar in July that attracted more than 2,500 people. Clergymen and Christian medical professionals gave lectures on how to avoid HIV/AIDS, chronic diarrhea, malaria, typhoid and polio while giving guidelines for simple hygiene and safe pregnancies. "The ministers concentrated on salvation, which is the No. 1 healing that everyone needs," the leader said. At the end of the conference more than 300 ministers spent the evening praying individually with those who requested prayer. At least 200 young women received counseling on the dangers of teenage pregnancy and early marriage; more than 150 women got professional counsel on female health problems; and 300 persons put their faith in Christ. (Missions Insider)

* HCJB World Radio, together with partners In Touch Ministries, SIM and the Evangelical Church of West Africa, began airing weekly half-hour programs in the Igbo language in 2000. The programs air via shortwave to Nigeria's 15 million Igbo speakers.


A new 3D animated film on the life of Christ is close to being completed, says Book of Hope International spokesman Rob Hoskins. The $4-million "God Man" project could be the key to reaching young people in restricted countries such as China. "Although we are only able to get a small number of printed Books of Hope into the country of China, we'll be able to show the 'God Man' on compact video disc to millions of school-aged children in China," Hoskins says "This will show the story of Jesus in the latest and most relevant way possible." An additional $800,000 is needed to complete the film by year's end. "If we don't hit this deadline, it'll make it very difficult for us to get this on any type network television at Easter time for the U.S. And then of course, to roll it out in the other languages will be another budget factor for next year as we release it around the world," Hoskins says. (Mission Network News)


The nation's largest Protestant denomination could face a crisis within a few years unless churchgoers start giving more money to the denomination. A report conducted by the funding study committee of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) shows that giving by church members decreased steadily from 1968 to 1998 as a percentage of their earnings, dropping to 2.03 percent, the Associated Press reported. The Christian research group, Empty Tomb Inc., indicated that the percentage of donations forwarded from churches to the SBC's Cooperative Program (funding missions, seminaries and state Baptist convention ministries) dropped to 7.4 percent of church income last year, down from 10.5 percent in the 1980s. The lack of Cooperative Program funds already has forced postponement of 100 missionary deployments and resulted in job cuts at mission boards along with tuition increases at the six Southern Baptist seminaries, the report said. The denomination's executive committee adopted the document last week. "It is the opinion of the committee none of the entities are in a financial crisis at present," the report said. "However, all of them are experiencing trends in their fiscal health that could degenerate into a crisis in very few years." In addition to the sluggish economy, the report blamed lower Cooperative Program giving on increased local church expenditures and greater emphasis on local missions; the belief that SBC ministries have enough money; and con cerns that Cooperative Program funds aren't spent efficiently and effectively. Another theory is that "political infighting has led to decreased satisfaction with the denomination." The SBC has 42,000 churches and 16.2 million members. (Charisma News Service)

© Copyright 2003 - HCJB World Radio - Colorado Springs, CO USA - btc@hcjb.org


Gunfire and explosions erupted in Liberia's capital this week even as a new U.N. peace mission took control. Insurgents and government forces opened fire as the top rebel leader made his first entry into Monrovia to meet with caretaker President Moses Blah. Liberia has been embroiled in a civil war for four years with rebels from Liberians United for Reconciliation and Democracy (LURD) who are fighting to overthrow the government. In August ex-President Charles Taylor ceded power to his deputy, Moses Blah, who will hand power to an interim government this month. World Vision's Paul Sitnam, speaking from Liberia, said the ministry's teams are watching security measures carefully. "We made some tentative forays into where the fighting was and the areas beyond, and all appears calm, so some workers are at health clinics where there's not much danger." At least 500,000 Liberians have been displaced by the fighting in recent months, he said. Humanitarian efforts continue to open up opportunities to share the gospel. "Our work still continues, it hasn't been completely cut off," Sitnam said. "People can keep praying for us in that manner, that we make the right judgments, conditions here improve, and that we can go out and do our work." (Mission Network News)

* ELWA, a partner ministry founded by SIM in Monrovia in 1954, continues to air a message of hope and encouragement across Liberia and West Africa. The station is broadcasting on a limited schedule, depending on the availability of diesel fuel to operate the generators. ELWA was destroyed twice by civil war, first in 1990 and again in 1996. The station went back on the air in 1997 with a small FM transmitter. Then in 2000 HCJB World Radio provided a low-power shortwave transmitter, again enabling the station to cover the region. ELWA broadcasts the gospel in 10 languages and plans to add more as resources become available.


Three more believers have been arrested in Ping Ding Shan in China's Henan province after authorities discovered they were affiliated with an unregistered church. Local sources said more than 20 Public Security Bureau (PSB) officers initially arrested two men, Xiao Bi-guang and Zhang Yi-nan, the morning of Friday, Sept. 26. Then on Sunday Yi-nan's wife, Ding Guizhen, was arrested at the hospital where she worked as a doctor. The whereabouts of the two men is unknown, and the families have received no official notification. Guizhen is being held in the PSB office. Police also searched the homes of the detainees and confiscated various possessions, including computers and books. Bi-guang is an active member of a Beijing house church and had served three years in a labor camp for providing "spiritual aid" for an independent labor union. He was also part of the legal team representing the leaders of the South China Church, including the church's founder, Gong Shengliang, who is serving a life sentence. Bi-guang's wife previously worked as a theology teacher at the state-approved Beijing Theological Seminary until it was learned that she was involved in an unregistered house church. (Voice of the Martyrs)


For the fourth time since the unregistered Peace Protestant church in Nukus in Karakalpakstan, Uzbekistan, had its registration stripped away three years ago, the church was raided by the police during worship on Sunday, Aug. 24. Two church leaders were subsequently fined 27,300 soms (US$28) which is five times the minimum monthly wage. "This is not the first time that I have fined the Peace church's leaders," said Judge Oibek Tureyev. "I can only repeat to you once again that under Uzbek laws, registration is compulsory." Khym-Mun Kim, one of the two leaders who was fined, said the church has repeatedly tried to regain its registration, but each time officials have denied the application. "We are law-abiding citizens, and we want to be registered, but the authorities are forcing us to operate illegally," said Kim. Authorities removed the church's registration status in August 2000 after church members organized a summer camp for children from poor families. (Forum 18 News Service)


More than 500 Muslims converts living in Israel have been baptized in the past 18 months through a local missions agency called Society of Light. The leader of the ministry, code named Barnabas, says lasting change is only possible if Palestinians and Muslims living in Israel come to Jesus Christ. The ministry helps children of ex-Muslims now following Christ obtain school materials. The growing movement's members experience persecution and attacks, but also unexpected help from God. Recently when the school materials were about to run out, an acquaintance from a Muslim aid organization brought Barnabas schoolbooks to be distributed to needy children. (Friday Fax/IAM Partners)


The largest evangelistic event ever to be organized by the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Peru, "Caravana del Poder" (Caravan of Power), ended Sept. 20 with a total of 100,000 people attending events in 17 locations in Puno. Theology students from Peru Union University have been involved in this project since Aug. 10 and are continuing with follow-up efforts until this weekend. Sergio Bernales Hospital in Lima provided free medical and dental care as part of the program. A group of pastors, physicians and nurses traveled to various locations in the region to offer assistance in the areas of spirituality, health and Christian lifestyle. Puno, and the region of Lake Titicaca, have a special place in the Adventist mission. It was in this part of Peru where Ana and Fernando Stahl established schools in the first two decades of the 20th century. This comprehensive educational program became a blueprint for national education in the country. (Adventist News Network)


Staff members at HCJB World Radio's North Africa/Middle East regional office are praising God that a fire wasn't any worse after a blaze started at about 8:10 a.m. (local time) Wednesday, Oct. 1. A power surge apparently shorted out a computer monitor, sparking a fire while no one was present. In addition to the computer, the fire damaged a mini-disc player, furniture and various electronic equipment, causing an estimated $4,000 to $8,000 in damage. No foul play is suspected.

The damage was relatively minor because the fire was noticed before it got out of hand. "Two workmen who were scheduled to work at a residence that morning could not do the work there because of rain," said the regional director. "Therefore, they came to the office to do inside work and discovered the fire. If the discovery had come only half an hour later, we probably would have lost our entire CD library. If it had begun in the middle of the night, there's no telling how much destruction could have taken place. We're not sure why the monitor took so long to catch fire -- God's provision!"

After turning off the electrical supply, the two men and one missionary man used garden hoses to extinguish the flames. The fire is expected to have "no direct impact on the ministry other than lost time cleaning up and repairing the damage." Staff members are assessing the damage which is expected to be covered by insurance. They also are installing fire extinguishers and a fire alarm system. He added that the incident has served to build unity among the staff, representing 10 countries around the globe.

The North Africa/Middle East office is the hub for a variety of radio and training ministries throughout the region with Arabic programming aired via shortwave 11/2 hours daily from the U.K. and by satellite 24 hours a day. The Radio Al Mahabba (Radio Love) satellite network airs programs direct-to-home across this region which has the world's highest concentration of personal satellite dishes. Radio Vida, an FM station started in 1997 to reach the local area, also broadcasts Spanish and Arabic programs from there. (HCJB World Radio)

© Copyright 2003 - HCJB World Radio - Colorado Springs, CO USA - btc@hcjb.org


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