Zprávy HCJB 15.1.2004

    Podle průzkumu veřejného mínění, které provedla uznávaná křesťanská organizace, má pouze polovina protestantských pastorů biblický pohled na svět. Podle nejnovější studie Barna Research Group pouze 51% duchovních, kteří byli náhodně vybráni mezi protestantskými církvemi, má biblický pohled na šest základních prvků víry (přesnost biblického učení, Ježíšova absolutní bezhříšnost, skutečná existence satana, všemohoucnost a vševědoucnost Boha, spasení pouze skrze milost a osobní zodpovědnost za evangelizaci). Průzkum mezi 2,033 dospělými odhalil fakt, že 4% Američanů vnímá svět z biblického hlediska, zatímco 9% znovu-zrozených křesťanů a 7% protestantů má takový životní názor. Ze 601 dotazovaných starších pastorů ze sedmi denominací měli nejvyšší procento biblické víry Jižní baptisté (71%), zatímco metodisté zaujímají nejnižší příčku (27%). Mezi ostatními dotazovanými mělo 57% pastorů baptistických církví (jiní než Jižní baptisté) biblický pohled na svět, jako 51% nedenominačních protestantských pastorů, 44% pastorů z charismatických a letničních sborů, 35% z černošských sborů a 28% z těch, kteří vedou hlavní kongregace. Z pohledu vzdělanosti má biblický pohled na svět méně pastorů, kteří absolvovali seminář (45%). Naopak tři z pěti pastorů (59%), kteří nikdy seminář nenavštěvovali, mají biblický pohled na svět. 53% mužů – pastorů má biblický pohled na svět, ale jen 15% žen – pastorů. Pro srovnání ještě dodáváme, že bělošští pastorové ve srovnání s černošskými mají téměř dvakrát více biblický pohled na svět: 55% : 30%.
   Jedenáct křesťanů, kteří byli uvězněni ve vesnici Kang v Laosu koncem prosince za pořádání vánoční bohoslužby, bylo úřady propuštěno v pondělí 12. ledna. Člověk, který je v kontaktu s Christian Aid Mission oznámil, že během pobytu ve vězení tito křesťané obrátili ke Kristu dalších 100 uvězněných. Tento člověk také řekl, že byl uchvácen způsobem, „jakým Pán zázračně zasáhl“ k ochraně těch, kdo v Něj věří. Úředník, který 11 křesťanů uvěznil, ve čtvrtek 1. ledna zahynul při dopravní nehodě. Tento úředník byl znám spíše pod přezdívkou pan Ne a byl proslulý pronásledovatelem laoských křesťanů. 27. prosince shromáždil věřící před kostelem ve vesnici Kang, jejich Bible naházel na hromadu, pak jednu Bibli vytáhl a napsal do ní jména šesti vesničanů, které ten den zatkl. Pak jim nasadil pouta a dodávkou je odvezl do okresního vězení v Attapue. Přístí den zavřel dalších pět křesťanů ze stejného okresu. Jeden křesťan, který zadržení unikl řekl, že Ne jednomu muži svázal ruce a nohy jako zvířeti, hodil ho do dodávky a odvezl ho do vězení. O čtyři dny později Ne jedoucí na motocyklu narazil hlavou do velkého auta a na místě zahynul.

*Tato a další zprávy jsou (pouze v aktuální den) v originální anglické verzi zde.


A respected Christian pollster says just half of Protestant pastors in the U.S. hold a biblical worldview. According to the newest study by the Barna Research Group, only 51 percent of ministers, representing a random cross-section of Protestant churches, have a biblical view on six core beliefs (the accuracy of biblical teaching, the sinless nature of Jesus, the literal existence of Satan, the omnipotence and omniscience of God, salvation by grace alone, and the personal responsibility to evangelize). The survey of 2,033 adults found that only 4 percent of Americans possess a biblical worldview, while just 9 percent of born-again Christians and 7 percent of Protestants have such a perspective on life. Of the 601 senior pastors polled from seven denominations, Southern Baptists had the highest percentage with a biblical worldview (71 percent) while the Methodists were lowest (27 percent). Among the other segments examined, 57 percent of the pastors of Baptist churches (other than Southern Baptist) had a biblical worldview, as did 51 percent of non-denominational Protestant pastors, 44 percent of pastors of charismatic or Pentecostal churches, 35 percent of pastors of black churches, and 28 percent of those leading mainline congregations. Educationally, the pastors least likely to have a biblical worldview are those who are seminary graduates (45 percent). In contrast, three out of five pastors (59 percent) who have not attended seminary operate with a biblical worldview. Fifty-three percent of male pastors have a biblical worldview, but just 15 percent of female pastors hold the same view. Additionally, white pastors were nearly twice as likely as black ministers to have a biblical worldview: 55 percent versus 30 percent respectively. (Charisma News Service)


Eleven Christians who were arrested in the village of Kang, Laos, in late December for holding religious services on Christmas Day, were released from prison by authorities Monday, Jan. 12. A contact with Christian Aid Mission said that while they were in prison they shared Christ with 100 other inmates. The contact also said he was moved by how the Lord "miraculously intervened" to protect those who trusted in Him. Meanwhile, the official who arrested the 11 Christians died in a traffic accident Thursday, Jan. 1. Notorious for his persecution of Lao Christians, Mr. Ne (as he was known) gathered believers in front of the house church of Kang village on Dec. 27, threw their Bibles into a heap, then picked up one of the Bibles and wrote in it the names of the six villagers he arrested that day. Then he handcuffed them, put them in a van and took them to Attapue Provincial Prison. The next day he arrested five more believers from the same district. One Christian who avoided arrest said that Ne tied up one of the men by his hands and feet like an animal, threw him into a van, and carted him off to prison. Four days later, Ne crashed his motorcycle head-on into a large vehicle and died at the scene. (Missions Insider)


A bomb went off in café in the town of Palopo on the island of Sulawesi in eastern Indonesia, the afternoon of Saturday, Jan. 10, killing four persons. No one has claimed responsibility but Sulawesi is home to one of the largest concentrations of Christians in Indonesia, and its Christians have been attacked repeatedly by Islamic militants in recent months, especially in the Poso area. Thirty-five Christians have been murdered in the last few months. (Voice of the Martyrs)


On Dec. 25, the Union of Christians Church in St. Petersburg, Russia, celebrated its 12th year anniversary. The next night there was a fire in the building housing the church office. The fire started in a small private hotel and spread rapidly from the top of the church down. It took 10 hours for firefighters to extinguish the blaze. Musical equipment, office equipment, church records and ministry materials were destroyed, but the church members hoped to be able to save their computer and other important records stored in it. "Praise God that among the documents recovered were the church documents which prove our existence and legal registration," said pastor Dmitri "Paul" Poliakoff. "Even though this tragic situation is not what we would have chosen, we anticipate exciting things as we prepare to start over. It is a great environment in which to use one's faith. We are starting the New Year with a new beginning, as we really have nothing left but God and what He has prepared for us." The cause of the fire is still being investigated. (Assist News Service)


Vietnamese police are doing everything in they can to force Christians to deny Christ. A report received last week from Christian Aid Mission reviewed the atrocities against Vietnamese believers last year as police beat, tortured with electric shock, and even murdered Christians to get them to recant their faith. "You can't be Christians," the police told a group of Dao tribe believers. "You must be animists and rebuild the altars of your forefathers." Some believers have had their home furnishings destroyed, while others have fled their villages in search of refuge. Despite the persecution, the report pointed out that 348 new churches began in Vietnam in 2003, bringing the total number of churches in one network to 780 with an estimated 67,104 Christians. The majority of Christians refuse to deny their faith, sometimes holding meetings between 2 and 4 a.m. to avoid detection by authorities. (Missions Insider)


A popular Christian television show in the U.S. called "Aspiring Woman" is now being broadcast weekly on Romanian TV. Distribution of the program started in December 2003. Episodes air three times weekly on one of Romania's major national coverage channels. Produced at the Total Network Living studios in Chicago, "Aspiring Woman" was nominated three times for an Emmy Award. Alfa Omega TV in Timisoara, Romania, prepared the Romanian version of the program. "The common vision is to reach Romania using Christian programs through secular channels," said Alfa Omega spokesman Tudor Petan. (Assist News Service) * HCJB World Radio broadcasts the gospel locally in seven Romanian cities via the partner ministry, Radio Voice of the Gospel. The network is a cooperative effort with the Evangelical Alliance of Romania and the Romanian Missionary Society.

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