Zprávy HCJB 13.2.2004

   (Religion Today/Charisma News Service/Christianity Today) - Pilot křesťan, který nedávno pobídl křesťanské pasažéry během vnitrostátního letu, aby se zapojili do diskuse o křesťanství, možná skončí s létáním. Před odletem 6. února kapitán letu 34 American Airlines Rodger Findiesen, který se právě vrátil z misijního pobytu v Kostarice, vyzval pasažéry letu z Los Angeles do New Yorku, aby zvedli ruku, jsou-li křesťany. S využitím palubního komunikačního systému jim pak navrhl, aby během čtyřapůlhodinového letu o své víře diskutovali s ostatními pasažéry. „Chtěl jsem, aby křesťané měli možnost mluvit s ostatními cestujícími o tom, proč se stali křesťany,“ řekl Findiesen. „Cítil jsem Boží pokyn něco říci … Není žádný předpis, který by to zakazoval.“

Mluvčí AA Tim Wagner řekl, že Findiesenovy poznámky jsou na hranici “sporného úsudku a nemístného jednání,” a že letecká společnost to vyšetří. Pilotovy výroky totiž u některých pasažérů vyvolaly myšlenku na smrt. „S přihlédnutím k událostem v letecké dopravě v této zemi se v tomto smyslu mohlo stát cokoliv,“ řekla cestující Karla Austin v pondělí redaktorovi CNN. „Nechápali jsme, co by se od startu do přistání mělo stát. Ale vyvolalo to v nás pocit, že se něco stane.“ Austinová řekla, že někteří cestující po výzvě popadli své mobilní telefony.

Po 45 minutách letu se kapitán Findiesen ohlásil palubním rozhlasem a omluvil se za předchozí poznámky. „Myslím, že jsem posádku trochu vyvedl z míry a snad byli kvůli mým řečem kritizováni. Proto se chci posádce omluvit.“ Wagner řekl, že pilotovi nebude zastavena činnost, ale „pár dní si nezalétá.“ Personál AA bude s událostí seznámen. Jeden pasažér si stěžoval sdělovacím prostředkům. Výsledky šetření nebudou zveřejněny, jde o osobní záležitost - řekl Wagner.

*Nejnovější zprávy v originální anglické verzi jsou vždy zde (klikněte).


Hindu fundamentalists have gained control of another state in India, and the new leadership is having a negative impact on Christians. Lance Thollander of Hope Builders International says the central Indian state of Madhya Pradesh is the latest to fall. "The fundamentalist Hindu government has come into power. And it's an area where there's been persecution of believers in the last few years. Now the government has joined with the Hindu fundamentalists to aggressively go after believers." Frequent beatings, church burnings and arrests have accompanied the threats. Thollander says believers are standing strong despite local authorities' outlawing Christian ministry. "Christians are saying, 'If we can't meet openly, publicly, then we'll continue to meet in homes.' It's another one of those situations where the enemy tries to come in and stamp out the church, but the church responds with faith and witness." Meanwhile, an increase in the number of violent acts against Christians in India has prompted calls for the government to step in. The Voice of the Martyrs reported that Hindu groups have been conducting anti-Christian rallies, leading to attacks against schools, vehicles and churches as well as threats against Christians. Protestant and Catholic groups have joined together in calling for the government to intervene in stopping these attacks that occur on a regular basis. (Mission Network News) FIJI'S POLITICAL LEADERS SPEARHEAD SPIRITUAL RENEWAL

Christians have been divided for years in Fiji, but spiritual renewal has recently engulfed the South Pacific nation -- and its president has publicly led his people in repentance. Sentinel Group, a U.S.-based Christian research and information agency, has sent film crews to Fiji to document the revitalization of the country's churches as well as its national revival and reconciliation movement. Fiji -- about two-thirds of the way from Hawaii to New Zealand -- has long identified itself as a devoutly Christian nation, but its almost 900,000 inhabitants were rocked by a coup on May 19, 2000, when eight gunmen stormed into the Fiji parliament and seized 35 hostages, including Mahendra Chaudhry, Fiji's first Indian prime minister. The unrest served to unite the country's established denominations that had been mired in doctrinal standoffs. Sentinel Group Producer George Otis Jr., said the situation did more than bring together Christians. "There's this wonderful, almost seamless working partnership between the church and the state here right now," he said. "Many senators and parliamentarians are also pastors and church leaders." Foremost among these government leaders is Ratu Josefa Iloilo, a Methodist preacher and high chief who was appointed president when the coup ended. In 2001 Iloilo, 83, approached the major denominations and asked them if they would formalize the growing unity of Christians in Fiji and lead a national reconciliation movement. This led to the founding of the Assembly of Christian Churches in Fiji and the nationwide Millennial Revival Mission that Iloilo launched on July 8, 2001. (Charisma News Service)

* HCJB World Radio worked with partner EBM International to establish FM radio stations in two cities of Fiji, Pacific Harbour (in 1996) and Suva (in 1999). Both stations broadcast programs in English and Fijian.


In many parts of Asia, a stitch in time can save souls. Asian women are a difficult group to reach for national missionaries. Wives are often kept isolated by their spouses with their time devoted to family and household tasks. With the establishment of evangelistic sewing centers, Christian ladies are able to provide a haven for Hindu, Buddhist and Muslim women with an informal atmosphere where they can feel accepted. As they learn sewing skills, their work earns income for their families, allowing economic improvements and boosting their self-esteem. Most importantly, each workday is begun with prayer and a Scripture reading. Instructors teach sewing skills as they share the gospel and establish relationships with the women who attend. One new believer explained, "When I attended the sewing center in my village, I learned for the first time that there is a living God who loves me. He touched my heart." (Missions Insider)


A Christian pilot who recently invited passengers to participate in a discussion of Christianity during a cross-country flight may be grounded for his actions. Just before takeoff Friday, Feb. 6, American Airlines (AA) Capt. Rodger Findiesen, fresh from a short-term missions trip to Costa Rica, asked passengers aboard Flight 34 from Los Angeles to New York to raise their hands if they are Christians. Using the plane's public address system, he then suggested they discuss their faith with other passengers aboard the 4.5-hour flight. "I just wanted to give Christians a chance to talk about why they're Christians," Findiesen said. "I felt that God was telling me to say something. . . . There's actually no regulation against doing what I did."

AA spokesman Tim Wagner said that Findiesen's comments fall "somewhere between questionable judgment and inappropriate behavior," and that the airline has launched an investigation. The pilot's comments caused some passengers to think they were going to die. "Just given the history of what's happened on planes in this country, anything can happen at this point," passenger Karla Austin told CNN on Monday. "So we weren't sure if something was going to happen at takeoff, if he was going to wait until [John F. Kennedy Airport] to do something. But there was definitely implication there that we felt that something was going to happen." Austin said some passengers grabbed their mobile telephones or the on-plane phones after the announcement.

About 45 minutes into the flight, Findiesen came back on the PA system and apologized for his earlier remarks. "I think I really threw the flight crew off a little bit, and they were getting a lot of flack for the things I said. So I wanted to apologize to my flight crew." Wagner said the pilot hasn't been suspended, but isn't "scheduled to fly for a few days." AA personnel learned about the incident when at least one passenger complained to the media. The results of the inquiry will not be made public because it is a personnel matter, Wagner said. (Religion Today/Charisma News Service/Christianity Today)


Former HCJB World Radio missionary Dr. Ron Guderian has been named the 2003 "Alumnus of the Year" by Prairie Bible Institute (PBI) in Three Hills, Alberta. A clinical pathologist, Guderian played a key role in researching tropical diseases in Ecuador, developing a system of community-based, self-sustaining healthcare, and training Ecuadorian doctors-all while sharing the gospel with people throughout the country.

Guderian's research helped provide a long-awaited treatment for onchocerciasis (river blindness), a debilitating, insect-borne disease that can cause disfigurement and blindness. By the year 2000, Ecuador was the first country in the world to declare river blindness under control. He was also one of the first to show that electric shock can be used effectively as a first-aid intervention against snakebites and other poisonous bites/stings if immediately applied to the site.

After receiving his diploma in biblical training from PBI in 1964, Guderian went on to obtain a doctorate in medicine from the University of Washington. In 1974 Guderian and his wife, Eleanor, began working at HCJB World Radio in Ecuador. He initially worked at Hospital Vozandes-Quito, offering a training program for young doctors. The goal was to help Ecuadorians become Christian doctors with a vision for reaching their own people.

Almost three decades later, this program is still in existence with five Ecuadorian universities sending medical students to Hospital Vozandes-Quito where many have put their faith in Christ.

Guderian has received 35 research awards. His 15 awards for scientific merit include International Scientist of the Year and Honorable Citizen of Ecuador. His medical findings have been printed in 64 publications, and he consulted with 20 medical organizations, including the U.S. National Institute of Health and the World Health Organization.

The Guderians left Ecuador in 1999 after nearly 25 years of ministry with HCJB World Radio and moved to the state of Washington. Ron serves with Northwest Medical Teams International, a Christian agency dedicated to providing medical and economic relief for underdeveloped countries and disaster victims. Eleanor is an independent consultant and trainer, and her work includes assisting HCJB World Radio. (HCJB World Radio/Prairie Harvester)

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