Zprávy HCJB 17.2.2004

    Celkem 253 vyznání víry, to je výsledek evangelizačního projektu, který se konal během finále Národní fotbalové ligy Super Bowl v neděli 1. února. Sbory a jednotlivci organizovali množství „diváckých párty“ v širokém okolí Houstonu, pivo a reklamy na automobily byly nahrazeny nahranými rozhovory s křesťanskými hráči fotbalu z Texaského Houstonu. Bývalí hráči Národní fotbalové ligy jako Derrick Harris z týmu St. Louis Rams a San Diego Chargers a Tyrone Smith ze San Francisco 49, se podělili o svá svědectví a zkušenostech profesionálních sportovců a křesťanů. To vedlo k tomu, že mnoho účastníků této párty se stalo nečekanými vítězi díky novému vztahu s Ježíšem Kristem. (Worldwide Photos)
   (Christian Herald) - První čínský kanál křesťanského vysílání zahájil svůj nepřetržitý provoz 16.ledna. GOD TV je součástí balíku programů hongkongské kabelové televize. Ředitel společnosti řekl, že „program GOD TV vyplní mezeru v náboženském vysílání,“ a že „takový program předtím neexistoval ani v Hong Kongu, ani v Číně.“

*Tato a další zprávy jsou (pouze v aktuální den) v originální anglické verzi zde.


Terrorists wielding automatic weapons opened fire on a van carrying four American ministers, killing one of them Saturday, Feb. 14. Pastor John Kelly of Curtis Corner Baptist Church in Wakefield, R.I., was mortally wounded while the other three passengers, Kirk Di Vietro, David Davis and Garland Carey, escaped with minor injuries. They were saved by the driver who managed to drive away from the attackers and deliver the pastors to an Iraqi hospital. The attack was near the village of Mahmodia, about half an hour south of Baghdad. The driver was not injured, but the van suffered considerable damage. U.S. Army personnel supervised the medical examinations and treatment of the injured men. They have been in contact with their families and are expected to fly home soon. The men were from a group of Independent Baptist pastors who volunteered to go to Baghdad to help a group of believers start a church. Team leader Robert Lewis said, "My grief is without description. John Kelly was a great man. He served in the U.S. Marines, pastored for more than 25 years, and was a pillar of Christian manhood. He has certainly been a blessing to all with whom he has had contact."

Meanwhile, there is growing concern about lack of security in the "Sunni Triangle" and other areas of Iraq At least 21 people were killed and many others wounded Saturday, Feb. 14, in the area shortly after the country's Assyrian Christian community was warned that churches will become the next target of a terrorism. Reporters said the attackers fired rocket-propelled grenades and automatic weapons at the police station in a daring attack in the troubled town of Fallujah Saturday morning. "Scores of prisoners held at the police compound were reportedly released by the attackers," Voice of America reported. The latest violence, which followed two suicide blasts last week that killed more than 100 people, underscored concern among especially minority Christians in the region about what they see as Muslim violence against them and those supporting the U.S.-led coalition. Local Assyrian Christian churches recently received threatening letters and leaflets. Nearly 1 million Assyrians are living in Iraq, the only group that still speaks Aramaic, an ancient Semitic language spoken by Jesus and his disciples. Many churches are responding to the anonymous threats and violence by reducing worship services and meeting only during the day. Some Iraqi Muslim organizations denied threatening the Christians. An official of Al-Hawza al-Ilmia, a powerful Shi'a movement, said his group condemns the threats against the Christian churches. (Independent Baptist Missions/Assist News Service)


The issue of anti-conversion laws and conversions to Christianity is snowballing in Sri Lanka. The country's leading Buddhist organization is demanding the government ban all non-governmental organizations engaged in anti-Buddhist activities and introduce an anti-conversion law soon. Global Advance's David Shibley explained, "The sentiment seems to be that they are trying to incite religiously inspired warfare, so to speak, among Hindus, Muslims and Christians in order that an anti-conversion law might be passed." In spite of the fact that the government may have an anti-conversion provision in the works by month's end, Shibley says Global Advance is planning a Frontline Shepherd's Conference for pastors in Sri Lanka Feb. 24-26. "We believe we're going at a very opportune time," Shibley said. "It's a volatile situation, but we're confident that the hand of the Lord is with us and that we're going to encourage these wonderful pastors who are standing in the very heat of persecution." (Mission Network News)


Police have threatened a local Baptist pastor in the southeastern Azerbaijan town of Neftchala, calling him a "traitor" for adopting Christianity and promising to "drive him out of the town." Telman Aliev, who has served as the congregation's pastor since last May, is regularly abused and threatened by local police when he visits the town to lead services. Alatin Rzayev, a senior local official, promised to help the church. "We'll summon the policemen and ask them why they are doing this to the church," he declared. "They shouldn't have such difficulties." Ilya Zenchenko, head of the Baptist Union in Azerbaijan, said this is only one of many problems that Baptists have as threats mount against congregations for not obtaining state registration. An Azeri-language Baptist church has been closed down, its pastor banned from preaching and subjected to a harsh media campaign. In addition, 50,000 Azeri-language New Testaments have been denied entry to Azerbaijan. (Forum 18 News Service)

* HCJB World Radio, in partnership with Hosanna and local partners in Baku, Azerbaijan, has recorded the dramatized Azeri New Testament as part of the Faith Comes by Hearing project. The recordings, completed in 1998, have been made into a series of radio programs.


China's first 24-hour Christian cable television channel was launched on Jan. 16. GOD TV is included in Hong Kong Cable's basic package. The company's director of corporate development said, "The GOD Channel will meet the need for a religious channel that has not been available before in Hong Kong and China." (Christian Herald)


A national pastor and his church in Bangladesh are providing valuable relief for more than 300 homeless victims of a fire that ravaged 51 homes in a lower middle-class neighborhood of Chittagong on Wednesday, Feb. 4. Many church people assisted in the evacuation of homeowners and renters from the burning buildings. No lives were lost, but with the fire and subsequent looting, few material possessions were saved. More than 100 people came into the church property for refuge while firemen extinguished the blaze. Many spent the first night in the church, and some families are still living there. The church has purchased rice, blankets, basic cookware and cane bed mats for each of the families that lost everything. Some neighbors have been inspired by the actions of the church, and a group of men catered a hot rice and curry dinner for all of the victims, especially requesting to host it in the church building. The Association of Baptists for World Evangelism is collecting funds to assist this church. As funds become available, aid will also be used to help rebuild the damaged houses. (Mission Network News)


One church in Croatia has been able to install central heating due to funds raised through Prayerline (a ministry of Christian Aid Mission), ending a decade of shivering. This action has not only warmed the physical body of Christ, but has brought hope and encouragement to the hearts of believers. Central heating is rare in Croatia, and the church has been "fired up" as a result. Members have expanded their plans for church use, utilizing the building to a greater extent to help thaw the hearts of the surrounding community for Christ through evangelistic campaigns and conferences. Winters in Eastern Europe are long and cold, and most church buildings have no central heating. Worshipers are forced to bundle up with extra clothing or shiver throughout the service. (Missions Insider)

* HCJB World Radio worked with Croatia's Evangelical Theological Seminary in Osijek to install a recording studio in 1999. Weekly radio programs called "Sources of Faith" produced in the studio air on more than 23 secular radio stations across Croatia and two stations in Bosnia.


A total of 253 professions of faith were recorded during the Super Bowl Evangelism Project culminating with the National Football League's championship game Sunday, Feb. 1. Churches and individuals hosted numerous "watch parties" throughout the greater Houston area, supplanting beer and car commercials with taped interviews with Christian football players from the Houston Texans. Former NFL football players such as Derrick Harris of the St. Louis Rams and San Diego Chargers and Tyrone Smith of the San Francisco 49ers gave live testimonies of their experiences as professional athletes and Christians. As a result, many partygoers found themselves the unexpected winners through a new relationship with Jesus Christ. (Worldwide Photos)

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