Zprávy HCJB 20.2.2004

   Zemětřesení, které postihlo v sobotu 15. února Pákistán, po sobě zanechalo množství mrtvých a tisíce lidí na zimě. Místní misionáři podporovaní Christian Aid Mission, kteří pracují v této oblasti, ohlásili, že „tisíce domů byly zničeny, miliony lidí zůstaly v mrazu bez přístřeší.“ V jedné oblasti šla žena pro vodu, když byla zasažena padajícím kusem skály. Na místě zemřela a její malá dcera, která ji doprovázela, byla těžce zraněna. Nejhůře postiženou oblastí je sněhem pokryté Kaghan Valley, kde zůstaly v krutém mrazu bez střechy nad hlavou stovky lidí. Situace se ještě zkomplikovala, když kvůli hustému sněžení a sesuvům půdy došlo k zablokování hlavní cesty Kaghan Road a tím jsou omezeny i pokusy o pomoc. V oblasti Batagram byl zraněn desetiletý chlapec, když se zřítila zeď domu. Další chlapec přišel o život, když zůstal pod sutinami spadlé zdi. Místní misionáři pracují na distribuci přikrývek, potravin a léků a pomáhají rodinám, které zůstaly bez domova a truchlí nad ztrátou svých milovaných. Vládní organizace pro zmírnění následků katastrof také distribuují přikrývky a stany obětem neštěstí. (Missions Insider)
   (Voice of the Martyrs) - Osm křesťanek včetně dvou nedospělých žen bylo bito a pokořováno ve dvou vesnicích ve výchoindickém státě Orissa v pátek 6.února. Compass Direct oznamuje, že dav asi 40 lidí včetně některých vlastních příbuzných obětí zkoušel přesvědčit ženy ve vesnici Kilipala a Kanimul, aby se zřekly své víry v Krista,zatímco jejich manželé byli v zaměstnání. Když odmítly, byly bity, vysvlečeny a nuceny projít vesnicí a pak jim oholili hlavy. I když volaly o pomoc, nikdo z jiných domů nepřišel. Místní policejní velitel Dayal Gangvar řekl, že ženy se nedávno staly křesťankami.

*Nejnovější zprávy v originální anglické verzi jsou vždy zde (klikněte).


An earthquake that struck Pakistan Saturday, Feb. 15, has left many dead and thousands stranded in the cold. Indigenous missionaries supported by Christian Aid Mission working in the area reported that "thousands of houses were destroyed, leaving millions of people without shelter in freezing cold temperatures." In one district a woman who had gone to fetch water was hit by a sliding rock. She died instantly while her young daughter who was accompanying her was severely injured. The most affected area was the snow-clad Kaghan Valley where hundreds of people have been left homeless in the biting cold. To further complicate the situation, the Kaghan Road has been blocked due to heavy snowfall and landslides, hampering relief efforts. In the Batagram district, a 10-year-old boy was injured when the wall of a house collapsed. Another young boy was killed when he was buried beneath the debris of a fallen wall. Indigenous missionaries are working to distribute blankets, food and medicines and comfort the families who have been left homeless and grieving the loss of loved ones. Governmental relief agencies are also distributing blankets and tents to victims. (Missions Insider)


Eight Christian women, including two teenage girls, were beaten and humiliated in two villages in eastern India's Orissa state Friday, Feb. 6, while the men of the homes were at work. Compass Direct reported that a mob of more than 40 people, including some of the victims' own relatives, tried to persuade the women in Kilipala and Kanimul to renounce their faith in Christ. When they refused, they were beaten, stripped naked and forced to walk through their villages before having their heads shaved. Despite calling for help, no one from the other homes in the village came to their aid. Dayal Gangwar, the district superintendent of police, said that the women were recent converts to Christianity. (Voice of the Martyrs)


Three Christian workers were visiting a Christian's home in Katugasthota, Sri Lanka, Saturday, Feb. 14, when they were forcibly taken to the Buddhist temple where a monk summoned the villagers who assaulted the three, reported the National Christian Evangelical Alliance of Sri Lanka. When their pastor and others came to assist, they were taken to the police station and held until the next day. The report claims that in another incident, the Apostolic Church in Boraluwewa has been under constant threat as opponents attempt to close the church. A worker there received information that an attack on the church was planned for Sunday, Feb. 15, but when he notified the police, they never arrived. Two hours later a crowd of about 100 gathered, destroying the church and the pastor's living quarters. The worker and his pregnant wife managed to escape, but all of their possessions were destroyed. In Kurundugaha Hathapma, the home where Calvary Church meets was also attacked on Feb. 15. The homeowner escaped with only slight injuries. His wife, however, was trapped in the home where she was threatened with death if they continued to hold services. Police were informed, and the family has asked for a police guard, but no protection has arrived. (Voice of the Martyrs)


While Hindu fundamentalism continues to threaten believers in India, Christian radio programming is expanding into the region. A dual-language program called "Leading the Way" with Michael Youseff will begin airing in India at the end of March. "We certainly believe that the good Lord wants us to be in India, primarily because this is the time when they need God's love," said ministry spokesman Yesdi Bhada. The bilingual program may even be more effective in reaching the lost because it "provides an opportunity for people to learn and practice English. Right now English is becoming a language of opportunity. With this program, they can listen to God's Word and be able to practice English." The Hindi language will be the focus of this project, but Bhada says more languages are being planned. "We also want to go into the Bengali language," he said. "As far as the Bengali is concerned, we have been told that our producers have been threatened and they are very concerned about even producing a dual-language program." (Mission Network News)

* "The Voice of the Great Southland," the shortwave station operated by HCJB World Radio-Australia, airs more than 44 hours of weekly English programming across India. Two half-hour programs in Urdu, airing Monday through Saturday, went on the air in July 2003, and a daily 15-minute program in Hindi began in January. A studio with programming and a follow-up center has been established in New Delhi. In partnership with FEBA Radio, HCJB World Radio also airs weekly Christian programs to eastern India via shortwave in three languages: Bhojpuri, Chattisgarhi and Mundari.


A North Carolina pastor thinks so highly of Mel Gibson's controversial film, "The Passion of the Christ," that he has purchased all of the tickets for the film's first showing in his city on Ash Wednesday, Feb. 25. He plans to give many of the tickets to people who might be apprehensive about seeing the movie -- including Jewish leaders in his community. Rev. Alex McFarland, founder of Greensboro-based Faith in Focus Apologetic Ministries, says he is hopeful that his plan will help overcome any local controversy about the film. "In our community there are strong bonds between Christians and Jews -- this movie will not change that," he says. McFarland saw the movie during a recent private screening in Florida. He disagrees with those who contend the film delivers an "anti-Semitic" message. The pastor notes that all people bear the responsibility for the death of Jesus, and that the movie does not counter that belief. "This movie broke my heart," he says. "But it also uplifted my spirit. Of the people that I spoke with who have seen the movie, they expressed many different emotions -- but anger and hatred were certainly not among them." (Religion Today/Agape Press)


A missionary teacher from the Alliance Academy, a school for children of missionaries in Quito, Ecuador, was among 350 "hostages" released from the city's García Moreno Prison Wednesday, Feb. 18, after they were caught in a three-day prisoners' strike. Russ Meehan, a Wycliffe Bible Translators missionary who teaches at the school, was trapped along with the others on Sunday, Feb. 15, when the inmates went on strike while he was at the prison for ministry and visitation.

Prisoners ended their strike on Wednesday after meeting with Ecuadorian Interior Minister Raul Baca. He promised to begin work on two of the prisoners' 11 demands by leading a meeting of the Rehabilitation Council to get lighter sentences. He also agreed to ask Ecuador's Congress to discuss the new Law of Sentence Execution.

National Prison Security Director Marco Morales said that none of the visitors or 1,100 inmates in the prison, designed for 400 prisoners, were injured. Most of those trapped in the prison were visiting relatives of inmates when the strike began. Others reportedly joined the prisoners in peaceful demonstrations. "They were supposedly there voluntarily, but the inmates welded shut the doors leading to the cellblocks," Morales said.

In addition to seeking basic services, the inmates want a new law to reduce sentences and modernized facilities to relieve overcrowding. Red Cross relief workers provided food during the strike.

Ecuador's government declared a state of emergency in the prison system Jan. 15 after a series of protests. Some 1,500 inmates in various prisons were released because they had been held for more than a year without trial. The move caused a public backlash after it became known that the freed prisoners included accused murderers, drug traffickers and rapists. (HCJB World Radio/AFP/AP/El Comercio)

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