Zprávy HCJB 3.3.2004

    Křesťanské humanitární organizace se modlí za uklidnění situace na Haiti po rezignaci prezidenta Jean-Bertranda Aristida z 29. února. Vůdce rebelů Guy Philippe oznámil, že povede haitskou armádu, zatímco soudce Nejvyššího soudu Boniface Alesandre bude mít na starost vnitřní záležitosti. Kate Scannell z World Vision řekla, že se nálada v hlavním městě Port-au-Prince za posledních 24 hodin zcela změnila.. „Na ulicích bylo cítit velké napětí,“ řekla. „Teď je nálada slavnostní a lidé se cítí svobodní. Doufáme, že s otevřením silnic budeme schopni přivézt zdravotnický materiál do nemocnic, kterým už došly všechny zásoby.“ Tak jak je pomáháno 300,000 lidí fyzicky, jsou i možnosti šířit evangelium, jak říká Scannell. „Pomáháme s některými základními a důležitými potřebami jako jsou potraviny, zdravotní péče a docházka dětí do škol,protože máme víru v Ježíše Krista. A o tu jsme schopni se otevřeně a praktickými způsoby podělit.“ (Mission Network News)
   (Religion Today/Charisma News Service) - Tři představitelé čínské domácí církve oživili 80 let starou představu o šíření evengelia z Činy do prostoru 10/40 (pásu na severní polokouli ohraničeného těmito rovnoběžkami). V těchto mísetech žije 90% všech lidí světa, kteří neslyšeli evangelium. Po letech strávených ve vězení za kázání evangelia vedou Peter Xu Yongze, Enoch Wang a „Bratr Yun“ hnutí známé pod pojmem „Zpět do Jeruzaléma.“ Cílem hnutí je mobilizovat 100.000. čínských misionářů, kteří jsou ochotni i položit život při evangelizaci 2 miliard lidí žijících v oblasti 10/40. Představa vznikla poprvé v čínské Církvi Ježíše Krista v roce 1949. Většina misionářů v Číně byla tehdy uvězněna a zemřela. Yongze, Wang a Yun strategii vysvětlují v knize Zpět do Jeruzaléma: Povolání k velkému poslání, kterou napsal Paul Hattaway. Ten uvádí, že počet čínských misionářů již nyní přestoupil 1000. Luis Bush, který vede World Inquiry, misii zabývající se právě oblastí 10/40 dodal: „Čínští misionáři zde budou čelit protivenství. Ale oni věří, že zkušenost pronásledování, kterou již zakusili, bude pro jejich obtížnou činnost užitečným základem.“

*Tato a další zprávy jsou (pouze v aktuální den) v originální anglické verzi zde.


Christian relief organizations are praying for calm after Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide's resignation on Sunday, Feb. 29. Rebel leader Guy Philippe announced that he will head Haiti's military while Haitian Supreme Court Chief Justice Boniface Alexandre is the interim leader. World Vision's Kate Scannell said the mood has changed dramatically in the capital city of Port-au-Prince in the last 24 hours. "There was a lot of tension on the streets," she said. "The mood changed to be one of celebration and people feeling liberated. We're hoping that as the roads open up, we're going to be able to get medical supplies to health clinics that have been empty of supplies." As the ministry works to help 300,000 people physically, Scannell says opportunities are opening to share the gospel. "We're helping to respond to some of their very basic urgent needs like food, healthcare, and helping children go to school because of our faith in Jesus Christ. And we're able to share that very openly in very practical ways." (Mission Network News)

* Staff members from the HCJB World Radio Engineering Center in Elkhart, Ind., are working with OMS International to establish a satellite radio network, based at 4VEH outside the city of Cap-Haitien, that will deliver programs to FM stations nationwide. Downlinks have been installed in Turtle Island and Pignon, and at least three more are planned when the situation stabilizes. Meanwhile, 4VEH continues to broadcast a message of hope from an AM station and two FM stations. HCJB World Radio also helped partner World Gospel Mission with a small station in Port-au-Prince.


Three Chinese house church leaders are reviving an 80-year-old vision to take the gospel from China to the 10/40 Window -- a region that comprises 90 percent of the world's unreached people. After a combined 40 years in prison for preaching the gospel, Peter Xu Yongze, Enoch Wang and "Brother Yun" are spearheading an movement known as the "Back to Jerusalem." The campaign aims to mobilize 100,000 Chinese missionaries who are willing to die to evangelize the estimated 2 billion people living in the area known as the 10/40 Window. This vision was first implemented by China's Jesus Church in 1949. Most of the missionaries in the country at that time were imprisoned and died. Yongze, Wang and Yun explain their strategy in the book, Back to Jerusalem: Called to Complete the Great Commission, written with Paul Hattaway. He said the number of missionaries sent from China already has climbed to about 1,000. Luis Bush, who heads the World Inquiry, a ministry that assesses missions activity inside the 10/40 Window, added: "The Chinese missionaries will face opposition in these regions. But they believe the persecution they have already endured was a training ground for this difficult mission." (Religion Today/Charisma News Service)


Nearly eight years ago SAT-7 launched with just two hours of weekly television programming. This week SAT-7 is expanding Christian programming to 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Until recently, SAT-7 had been broadcasting only 12 hours of Arabic Christian programming daily on its digital channel followed by 12 hours of promotional materials. SAT-7 now provides quality Christian programming day and night, strengthening, supporting and encouraging the life, work and witness of the Middle Eastern and North African Church. While SAT-7 leaders are excited to reach this milestone, they are reminded that many viewers are suffering and need to hear more about the hope offered through Christ. (Mission Network News)


Christians in Germany have taken the initiative to bring the railways back on the right track. The Christian Association of German Railway Workers has hired a full-time worker with the aim of spreading the good news among the company's 200,000 employees. Thousands of railway men and women have been laid off as the management works to convert the former state-owned company into a modern business. Many more are threatened with unemployment. Rosemarie Weisser, 41, the new full-time public relations officer of the Christian association, is making God's Word known among engine drivers, clerks and service personnel and to provide counseling. The 300 members of the Christian Railway Association, founded in 1900, have pledged to "point our colleagues in an honest and open way to the hope we have in Jesus Christ." (IDEA)


Popular contemporary Christian recording artist Rebecca St. James recently got the chance to lead a Bible study at the White House and speak about God's view regarding sex outside of marriage. Last month Rebecca St. James was invited to the White House to lead a lunchtime Bible study and spend time with several members of the Bush Administration staff. At the conclusion of the study, staffers approached St. James and questioned her about her thoughts on abstinence. The Bush Administration is working on a nationwide abstinence initiative. The artist, who has made the message of abstinence and sexual purity a particular focus of her ministry, shared with members of the Bush team some of the experiences and insights she has gained from speaking with teenagers during her travels. Her heart for this issue has led St. James to branch out far beyond the concert tour stage in order to maximize outreach. The Grammy Award-winning artist is also a writer of inspiring editorials and best-selling devotional books. St. James says even though Christians know God's ways are the best, believers need to be equipped and ready to share their beliefs with non-Christians. Through her music, public appearances, talks with teens and her writing, the multifaceted St. James is putting the word out that there is "power in purity." (Religion Today/Agape Press)


Bolstered by support from churches nationwide, Mel Gibson's film, "The Passion of the Christ," ascended to the top of the box office on the weekend in record-setting fashion. The controversial drama of the final hours of Jesus took in an estimated $76.2 million Friday-Sunday, Feb. 27-29, for a total of $117.5 million since opening on Ash Wednesday. This is the second-highest five-day total ever for a Wednesday opening, behind only "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King" which made $124.1 million in its first five days in December. The film also set a record for the biggest opening day for a movie released in February. "This is posting numbers as if it's a big summer movie," said Paul Dergarabedian, president of Exhibitor Relations which tracks ticket sales. "It stacks up against 'Harry Potter.' It's in the realm of 'Star Wars 2.' We've never seen anything like it." He attributed the film's early success to the "grassroots marketing, the huge amount of press coverage devoted to the film, the controversy and the Mel Gibson factor." (Charisma News Service)

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