Zprávy HCJB 26.3.2004

   Kontroverzní film Mela Gibsona „Utrpení Krista“ vhání mnoha muslimům na středním východě slzy do očí. Nejméně ve dvou městech – Amman v Jordánsku a Doha v Kataru – se tvořily před kiny dlouhé fronty. Učitelé berou své žáky, aby se podívali na film, který vyzdvihuje posledních 12 hodin před Kristovým ukřižováním. Části tohoto filmu jsou promítány i v arabské televizi a následně probíhá diskuse s muslimskými učenci. Očití svědkové říkají, že arabští diváci jsou hluboce dojati Kristovým utrpením. Na ulicích se prodávají pirátské kopie tohoto filmu. DVD a videa se „prodávají jak housky na krámě,“ jak informuje britská informační služba Ekklesia. Západní filmy se dají sehnat na černém trhu v Saudské Arábii, v jedné z nejpřísnějších islámských zemí. Katarský list The Peninsula, který vychází v angličtině, informoval, že od chvíle, kdy byla v neděli 21. března otevřena tři místní kina ve městě Doha, „nebylo možno dostat lístek“. „Všechna představení v The Mall, Landmark a Gulf Cinema byla v pondělí v poledne vyprodána a na čtyři dny dopředu byly vstupenky zamluveny,“ podle listu. „Oficiální distribuční společnost předpokládá, že se film bude promítat nejméně dva měsíce.“ Misionáři v Kataru informovali ve své e-mailové zprávě, že jim film otevírá nečekané možnosti šířit v této zemi evangelium. Když se film ve městě Doha promítal druhý den, vzali misionáři na tento film bývalého studenta, který nyní pracuje pro vládní agenturu. „Toto byl pravděpodobně nejdůležitější den, jaký jsme prožili za 12 let života na středním východě,“ řekl. „Ve dvou krátkých hodinách slyšelo evangelium více Katarů, než jsme byli schopni oslovit za pět let zdejšího pobytu. Film byl promítán ve všech třech kinech v 19.30 a ve 21.30 hod. Odhaduji, že asi 50% lidí v kinech byli místní muslimové – ženy zcela zahalené… Mohli jste vidět, jak tento film každého oslovil. „Když film skončil, podíval jsem se na svého bývalého studenta a řekl jsem mu arabsky, ‚Nevidíš, že Ježíš zemřel za tvé hříchy?‘ Pak jsem trochu zariskoval a řekl jsem, „Myslíš si, že tento film je tady kvůli „svobodě slova“ nebo kvůli novému přístupu vlády, ale ve skutečnosti sám Bůh poslal tento film, aby napravil celkově nesprávný pohled tvého lidu na to, kdo je Ježíš a proč přišel na tuto zem.“ Pak následovala dvouhodinová diskuse na téma rozdílů mezi islámem a křesťanstvím.“ Tento misionář řekl, že mnoho arabských muslimů chce tento film vidět, protože slyšeli, že je „proti-židovský, a protože Židy nenávidí, chtějí ho vidět. Je úžasné, že Bůh tento film používá k šíření evangelia, i když motivace k touze vidět ten film je z opačného ducha. Výzva k milování svých nepřátel a Ježíšova modlitba, aby jim bylo odpuštěno, zatímco visí na kříži, by mohla muslimské diváky mocně zasáhnout.“ Řekl, že je zajímavé, že byl tento film v Kataru promítán právě v předvečer atentátu na palestinského vůdce Hamasu šejka Ahmada Yassina. „Odpovědí Arabů byla nová vlna nenávisti vůči Židům, kterou ukázali na velké veřejné demonstraci v březnu. Boží načasování je tak úžasné. Ve chvíli, kdy byla znovu silně obnovena muslimská nenávist, přinesl Pán ‚Utrpení‘, kde slyší, ‚Ne, milujte své nepřátele! Odpusťte jim! Ten kontrast je ohromný … V přicházejících týdnech snad uvidí tento mocný film o Kristově utrpení a smrti desítky tisíc arabských muslimů.“ (Assist News Service/The Peninsula/HCJB World Radio)
   (Religion Today/Agape Press/Mission Network News) - Výskyt horečky Dengue narušuje činnost misijní organizace pro děti Compassion International v Indonézii. Od ledna tato nemoc zachvátila v Indonézii již 35 000 lidí a 450 jich zemřelo. Rebecca Hacharik, dětská lékařka Compassion International řekla, že výskyt choroby vážně narušil činnost misie v oblasti. „V Indonézii nám v našich zařízeních onemocnělo 60 dětí a dvě zemřely,“ řekla Hacharik Asi 20 jich je v misijní nemocnici. Nemoc přenášená komáry se projevuje horečkou, velkými bolestmi hlavy, vyrážkou, zánětem spojivek, kloubními a svalovými bolestmi. Hacharik dodává, že epidemie mění původní plán práce v přímé svědectví personálu dětem a jejich rodinám o Kristu.

*Nejnovější zprávy v originální anglické verzi jsou vždy zde (klikněte).


Mel Gibson's controversial movie, "The Passion of the Christ," is moving many Muslims in the Middle East to tears. Long lines have formed at movie theaters in at least two cities -- Amman, Jordan, and Doha, Qatar. Teachers take pupils to watch the movie depicting the last 12 hours before Christ's crucifixion. Parts of the film are also shown on Arabic TV followed by panel discussions with Muslim scholars.

Eyewitnesses say that Arab audiences are deeply moved by Christ's suffering. Street vendors are offering pirate copies. DVDs and videos are "selling like hotcakes," reported the British information service Ekklesia. Western movies are even available on the black market in Saudi Arabia, one of the strictest Islamic countries.

The Peninsula, an English-language newspaper in Qatar, reported that "seats have been scarce" since the movie opened at three local cinemas in Doha on Sunday, March 21. "All showings at The Mall, Landmark and Gulf Cinema were sold out by mid-afternoon Monday, and bookings have been made for days ahead," the newspaper reported. "Officials from the Qatar Cinema and Film Distribution Co. disclosed that the movie is expected to play for no less than two months."

A missionary in Qatar said in an e-mail report that the film is opening up unprecedented opportunities to share the gospel in the country. On the second day after its release in Doha, the missionary took along a former student, who now works for a government agency, to view the film. "Today very possibly was the most significant day we have seen in nearly 12 years of living in the Middle East," he said. "In two short hours more Qataris heard that gospel than I have been able to reach in nearly five years of living here. At the 7:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. showings, the film was running in all three theaters. I would estimate that well over 50 percent of the people in the theater were local Muslims -- women completely veiled. . . . You could see how this film impacted everyone.

"After we saw the film I looked at my former student and said to him in Arabic, 'Don't you see that Jesus died for your sins?' I then took a bit of a risk and said, 'You think that this film is here because of "freedom of speech" or the new openness of your government but actually God Himself has sent this film to correct your people's total misunderstanding about who Jesus is and why He came to earth.' What followed was a two-hour discussion/debate on many of the differences between Islam and Christianity."

The missionary said that many Arab Muslims are curious to see the film because they "heard it was anti-Jewish, and since they hate the Jews, they want to see it. How interesting that God is using this film to communicate the gospel and the very opposite spirit that might be motivating them to go see it. The message to love your enemies, and Jesus' praying for them to be forgiven while on the cross would hit the Muslim moviegoer in a powerful way."

He said it's interesting that the film was released in Qatar the day before the assassination of Palestinian Hamas leader Sheikh Ahmad Yassin. "The Arab response has been a whole new wave of hatred for the Jews which was illustrated in a large public demonstration/march. Again, God's timing is so amazing. At a time when the urge for Muslims to hate has been renewed, the Lord has brought 'The Passion,' telling them, 'No, love your enemies! Forgive them! The contrast is staggering. . . . In the coming weeks, potentially tens of thousands of Arab Muslims will see this powerful portrayal of Christ's suffering and death." (Assist News Service/The Peninsula/HCJB World Radio)


A dengue fever outbreak in Indonesia is affecting the operations of Compassion International, a Christian child development ministry. Since January more than 35,000 people in Indonesia have fallen ill from the disease, resulting in more than 450 deaths. Rebecca Harcharik, child development specialist for Compassion International, says the outbreak has seriously affected the ministry's operations in the region. "At the Compassion projects in Indonesia we've had 60 children infected, and two have died," she said. About 20 are receiving treatment in the hospital. The mosquito-borne sickness causes fever, severe headaches, rashes and eye, joint and muscle pain. Harcharik adds that the crisis is opening up opportunities to reach out to the children and their families for Christ. "The staff that work with children receive training and are Christians themselves. They would definitely use this as an opportunity to share God's love and His mercy and inspire them in that sense." (Religion Today/Agape Press/Mission Network News)


Eighteen families from Mexico's indigenous Huichol tribe, consisting of more than 80 adults and children, have been threatened with expulsion from a second community in less than two years because of their faith in Christ, reported Compass Direct. The story of these families began in 1988 when a small group of converts from Santa Catarina began construction of a church building. Because of their faith, believers of all ages faced prison and torture, ranging from the elderly to a 6-month-old baby. In August 2002 they were expelled from their ancestral community. Leaving all of their belongings, they sought refuge in Tenzompa, more than four hours away. In December 2003 they sought the right to own land for the building of homes and planting of crops. This request was denied, and to prevent any further requests, an order to expel them has been issued. This expulsion order is to take effect at the end of this school year. Adolfo García, who has been helping to defend their case, says what is particularly unusual is that the expulsion order was not signed by the elders from Tenzompa, but by elders from their original homeland of Santa Catarina, making the expulsion order illegal. (Voice of the Martyrs)


A historic agreement between the Presbyterian Church of Korea and the Wesley Institute in Sydney, Australia, is expected to result in the preparation of thousands of Korean Christians for full-time ministry. At a dedication service the evening of Sunday, March 21, representatives from both ministries signed a concordant that ratified Wesley Institute's Korean Theological Program as the "official provider of theological education and training to the church." Rev. Kee Wan Kim, moderator of the Presbyterian Church of Korea, David Johnston, principal of the Wesley Institute, and Dr. Kye Won Lee, head of the Korean Theology Department at Wesley Institute, signed the agreement before almost 800 people. The Korean program had its beginnings in 2001 when the Lee was appointed to teach systematic theology, Johnston said. "We were teaching other subjects to Korean students long before then, but we believed that we needed courses taught in Korean," he said. "We identified early that Dr. Lee was very capable and that he had a vision to start a theological course in the Korean language." The Korean Theological Program teaches subjects such as systematic theology, Old Testament and New Testament methodologies, hermeneutics, Greek, Hebrew, urban missions and migration theology. "We kept knocking down doors, and finally got the course accredited through the Sydney College of Divinity," Johnston said. "Through Dr. Lee's network and through the Korean Church in Sydney he made the proposal to the Presbyterian Church of Korea. The plan was passed by the Presbyterian Church of Korea, then the Wesley Institute Council and the Wesley Mission." There are an estimated 200 Korean churches in Sydney alone. (Wesley Mission)

* HCJB WORLD RADIO PLACES NEAR TOP OF PORTUGUESE LISTENERS' POLL For the third consecutive year, Portuguese-speaking listeners in Brazil have named HCJB World Radio's shortwave station in Quito, Ecuador, as their second-favorite shortwave station. The results of the annual survey, conducted by the Santa Rita DX Club, Brazil's largest shortwave listening club, were released on Saturday, March 20.

Radio Station HCJB, A Voz dos Andes (Voice of the Andes), was runner-up in the category, "Best International Station," finishing ahead of shortwave "heavyweights" such as the British Broadcasting Corporation, Radio Japan, Deutsche Welle and Radio Canada International. The U.S.-based shortwave station, Voz Cristă (Christian Vision), came in first.

"Once again, the staff in the Portuguese Language Service has demonstrated their commitment to their audience, and they are responding with programming that meets their needs," says International Radio Director Curt Cole. "The faithfulness of the Portuguese staff is clearly evident when one considers that since the language service started 40 years ago, Portuguese programs remain among the most popular in Brazil."

Cole adds that the Portuguese shortwave broadcasts play a key role in spreading the gospel and encouraging believers in the expansive country of Brazil. "Portuguese remains one of our most important shortwave releases in the Latin American region," he says. "The ministry impact is huge when we consider that many of our listeners do not have access to a local church due to the remoteness of their location. Many of them also cannot read or write, and television is virtually nonexistent in the more remote areas of Brazil, so for many, radio is their lifeline, their church, their pastor."

The awards were based on a 2003 survey in which 261 Portuguese-speaking listeners responded -- 62 percent of whom were male, with a median age of 30. More than half (52 percent) listen to shortwave radio every day. Even though this survey was organized by a shortwave listeners' club in Brazil, 83 percent of respondents were not members of any such club. A quarter of all respondents filled out the questionnaire via the Internet. While most of the respondents live in Brazil, 11 percent reside in the U.S.

HCJB World Radio had four of the top six people in the "Best Male Program Host" category as pastor Mario Miki placed first; Victorinho Kraus, third; Victor Arndt, fourth; and pastor Francisco Wiens, tied for fifth. In the "Best Female Program Host" category, Marly Breus was second; Eunice Carvajal, fourth; and Ingrid Winter, sixth. The station also finished first in the "Best DX Program" category, second in "Best Journalistic Program" and "Best Letterbox Program," and third in "Best Variety Program."

Here are some recent letter excerpts from Brazilian listeners:

* "It's been 11 years since I accepted Christ through your station. We hear Radio Station HCJB on our fix-tuned radio all evening."

* "My life took another change of course after starting your Bible study on Acts. Today I can say that I am happy. Your programs have encouraged me to resolve my problems. They give me the courage to face each day."

* "I want to congratulate you for your blessed programming. It's just what the world needs to hear -- a station that gives priority to God's Word. May God bless you richly."

* "HCJB was the station that paid attention to me when I started listening to international stations 11 years ago. I'm thankful to God for all that I learned through your programs. The encouraging, enthusiastic messages have demonstrated that HCJB is more than a voice, you are friends who care about your listeners." (HCJB World Radio)

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