Zprávy HCJB 17.1.2006

   Západoafrický Mosambik je jednou z nejchudších zemí světa, ke Kristu zde ale Bůh každý týden přitahuje tisíce lidí národa Makua. „Pole v Africe je zralé a připravené ke žni,“ řekl Rolland Baker, misionář Iris Ministries Inc. v Mozambiku. Společně s manželkou Heidi zahájil Baker misijní činnost s 15 věřícími před třemi lety a od té doby již vzniklo 240 sborů. „Chudí vědí, že potřebují pravdu a živého Boha a když Ho vidí v Ježíši, běží k Němu,“ řekl Baker. „Neodmítají. Nejsou zatvrzelí.“ Každé tři měsíce se pět biblických škol zaplní novými kazateli a studenty z venkova. „Na Štědrý Den jsme měli svatební obřad a svědectví. Všechny místní děti byly pozvány a přes 100 z nich se vydalo na cestu spasení. Pak se celý sbor vydal na pláž, kde jsme pokřtili stovky nových věřících.“ Bakerovi také nabízejí výuku zdarma v základní škole. (Joel News International/Iris Ministries Inc.)

*8 hodin denně se vysílají křesťanské programy v portugalštině na FM stanicích v Maputu v Mozambiku. Jde o spolupráci s HCJB World Radio, Trans World Radio a Radio Africa Network


The Ukrainian parliament has voted to dismiss Prime Minister Yuri Yekhanurov’s government because of its agreement to pay sharply higher prices for gas imports from Russia. Viktor Yushchenko has demanded that parliament rescind its vote, blaming it on opposition lawmakers he said are trying to create instability in Ukraine. Barry Gardner of Russian Ministries is concerned about the political instability because Yushchenko was a friend of religious freedom. The instability could cause Yushchenko his job. However, Gardner says, “Ukrainian Christians are really on the move there. So there’s a lot more religious activity in that country. And that means it’s unlikely that even a new person coming in who would not be as friendly to missions would be able to cause a really harsh repression that we might fear in Russia.” The issue has been sent on to Ukraine’s Supreme Court and the political future of Yekhanurov and his cabinet is uncertain. (Mission Network News)

* HCJB World Radio has worked with local churches to establish radio ministries in Kiev and four other cities in Ukraine. Staff members are working with local partners to put Radio Emmanuel, a 500-watt FM station, on the air by June. Stations in three Ukrainian cities are also affiliated with New Life Radio, a Russian satellite radio network started with HCJB World Radio’s help in 2000. In addition, daily programs air to Ukraine via shortwave.


The Save Darfur Coalition, in cooperation with more than 150 faith-based advocacy and humanitarian aid organizations, launched the “Million Voices for Darfur” campaign Thursday, Jan. 12, reported The Christian Post.

“The goal of the . . . campaign is to deliver 1 million handwritten and electronic postcards from Americans to President George W. Bush and Congress demanding that they undertake a stronger and more effective U.S. response to the violence and atrocities plaguing the region,” said Rev. Richard Cizik, vice president of governmental affairs for the National Association of Evangelicals.

He called it a “moral imperative” for the U.S. government to take stronger action in Darfur, a war-torn region of western Sudan. An estimated 2 million refugees have fled Darfur to escape violence, starvation and death since February 2003 when rebels rose up against the Sudanese government, claiming they were being ignored by Khartoum. Tens of thousands have died in the conflict.

António Guterres, the U.N. high commissioner for refugees, says the situation in Darfur is deteriorating, and the world must step up efforts to help end the conflict and bring peace. The postcards, which are being collected at community events, student rallies, churches and the Internet, will be delivered to the White House and Capitol Hill to promote the necessary actions to end the crisis. (Religion Today/The Christian Post/BBC)


While the East African country of Mozambique is one of the poorest nations in the world, God is moving with thousands of Makua people finding Christ every week. “The harvest field is ripe and ready in Africa,” said Rolland Baker, a missionary with Iris Ministries Inc. in Mozambique. He and his wife, Heidi, began their ministry with 15 believers three years ago, and already it has grown to more than 240 churches. “The poor know they need the true and living God, and when they meet Him in Jesus, they run to Him,” Rolland said. “They do not refuse. They are not hardened.” Every three months five Bible schools are filled with new pastors and students from rural areas. “On Christmas Day we preached in a wedding service and gave an altar call,” he said. “All the children in the community had been invited, and more than 100 of them came forward for salvation. Then our entire church moved across the road to the beach, and we baptized hundreds of new believers.” The Bakers also offer free education at their primary school. (Joel News International/Iris Ministries Inc.)

* Eight hours of daily Christian Portuguese programs airs on an FM station in Maputo, Mozambique, as the result of a cooperative effort involving HCJB World Radio, Trans World Radio and Radio Africa Network.


New funding from the U.S. government will boost World Vision’s efforts to crack down on tourists sexually exploiting children in developing countries. The latest grant is for nearly $100,000. Joe Mettimano, director of World Vision’s child sex tourism prevention project, said the new money reflects growing cooperation between World Vision and the U.S. government to crack down on pedophiles operating in the developing world, and at the same time help rehabilitate their victims. Mettimano said World Vision’s program, has a two-pronged approach to tackling the problem of child sex tourism, nicknamed “bark” and “bite.” The “bark” element seeks to deter American men from abusing in the first place. This involves a strategic advertising campaign. The “bite” element refers to partnerships established between U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents, law enforcement agencies in developing countries and World Vision. World Vision’s program has been implemented in Cambodia, Thailand, Costa Rica, Mexico, Brazil and the U.S. (World Vision)


Israel is reconsidering its decision to break off contacts with televangelist Pat Robertson over construction of a Christian heritage park now that he’s apologized for saying Ariel Sharon’s stroke was God’s punishment for withdrawing from the Gaza strip. In a letter of apology to the prime minister’s family, Robertson said his remarks had been “inappropriate and insensitive” and asked for forgiveness. Israel has accepted that apology. Robertson was to lead Christians in building a multi-million dollar Christian heritage center near the Sea of Galilee, close to sites where Jesus lived and taught. A spokesman for Israel’s tourism minister said, “In light of the apology and his expression of sorrow over Sharon’s health, we will reconsider our decision.” Israel’s ambassador to the U.S. adds that Robertson is a true friend and supporter of Israel. (AgapePress/Associated Press)

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