Zprávy HCJB 18.1.2006

   Ted Rabenold z Grace Ministries Intenational (GMI) se chopil možnosti získat peníze na loď, která by pomohla při misijních cestách do nepřístupných oblastí kolem Údolí Rukwa v Tanzánii. Když loď přišla, misijní skupina vzala studenty Biblické školy v Lay do jednotlivých vesnic podél jezera. Byla to pro ně krásný zážitek zúčastnit se tohoto nového způsobu církevní práce. Sam Vinton z GMI řekl o zkušebních plavbách, že tým se hned chopil příležitosti kázat vesničanům, kteří byli šťastní, že za nimi někdo přijel. „Věříme, že přichází nová příležitost. Tito lidé o evangeliu nikdy neslyšeli. Nová loď nám tak poskytuje velkou příležitost k evangelizaci, jakou jsme dosud neměli.“ Misionáři plánují využívat loď také k dopravě lékařské pomoci. (Mission Network News)

*Personál HCJB World Radio Engineering Center v Elkhartu v Indianě (USA) ve spolupráci s místními sbory, Lutheran Radion Center a Transworld Radio poskytuje zařízení pro FM vysílání ve třech tanzanijských městech. HCJB World Radio také pracuje spolu s Radio Africa Network, misijním partnerem jihoafrického CCFm na budování sítě rozhlasových vysílačů v hlavním městě Dar es Salaamu. První z těchto vysílačů pracují od roku 2002.


A campaign to crack down on house churches in Beijing has intensified since Christmas, according to a monitor of the Chinese church. Among the churches targeted was a well-known congregation in Beijing raided by Public Security Bureau (PSB) agents the past two Sundays, reported the U.S.-based China Aid Association.

Eyewitnesses said two uniformed policemen and two plainclothes agents rushed into the rented apartment where the Beijing Ark House Church was meeting, declaring the church was “disturbing the neighbors.” Yu Jie, one of the founders of the unregistered church, said he can’t let the congregation keep worshiping at the apartment because “pressure [from authorities] is already very heavy.”

In another incident, Jin Tianming, pastor of more than nine house churches in the Haidian district, was detained after Christmas and interrogated at a police station overnight. Dozens of other leaders in his church were also questioned. Jin’s church had applied to register with the government, but the PSB denied the request because the church refused to be part of China’s official Three-Self Patriotic Movement (TSPM).

China Aid also reported that five officials from the PSB and Religious Affairs raided a house church of 40 worshipers in Dayinjia, Jilin, Wednesday, Jan. 4, and posted a government seal declaring the gathering as “illegal.” The officials ordered the congregation to move to a TSPM church. Pastor Cui Guojun, 40, was released after a three-hour interrogation at a local PSB bureau.

Five detained church leaders in Ma Na Si county in the Xinjiang autonomous region were released Sunday, Jan. 8, following intensive international pressure. (WorldWide Religious News/WND)


Three Christian women jailed in Indramayu, West Java, Indonesia for inviting Muslim children to their Sunday school last year will stay in prison for three more years after the Constitutional Court rejected a legal challenge to the ruling. The court rejected a plea on Tuesday, Jan. 16, filed by a clergyman to strike off an article in the Child Protection Law which the Indramayu District Court used to put the women behind bars. The court ruled that Rev. Ruyandi Hutasoit had no legal standing in the case and that the article he challenged was not in conflict with the Constitution. The article in the Child Protection Law rules that people found guilty of “persuading children to convert to another religion” are subject to five years in jail and/or a fine the equivalent of US$10,500. The verdict drew criticism from Muslim and Christian communities in the area who said the children had voluntarily gone to the school and had not changed their religion. (WorldWide Religious News/Jakarta Post)

* HCJB World Radio has worked with local partners to establish more than 14 local Christian radio stations across Indonesia since 2004. Broadcasts from HCJB World Radio-Australia’s shortwave station in Kununurra also encourage listeners nationwide. In addition, HCJB World Radio has helped with relief efforts since the Dec. 26, 2004, earthquake/tsunami and subsequent quakes that devastated parts of Indonesia.


Approximately 400,000 Christians from different denominations in Germany, Austria and Switzerland joined in prayer during the Evangelical Alliance’s annual Week of Prayer Jan. 8-15. In many places they went in the public arena and prayed in town halls, in front of state parliaments and railway stations. Christians in the North German city of Bremen chartered a streetcar which took them through the different quarters while they prayed for concerns such as high unemployment and crime. Included in the prayer booklet was an appeal to pray for the “millennium development goals,” for example, to halve extreme poverty by the year 2015. In most of the 1,250 venues Christians came together for traditional prayer meetings as well as prayer concerts or round-the-clock prayers. It was the 160th week of prayer organized by the Evangelical Alliance. The spiritual focus this year was on the “I am” words of Jesus. Hartmut Steeb, general secretary of the German alliance representing 1.3 million evangelicals, was pleased with the results. The turnout remained stable, and the meetings developed into Bible study courses on the person of Jesus, he said. (Assist News Service)


Ted Rabenold, a missionary with Grace Ministries International (GMI), took up the challenge of raising money for a boat that would help in reaching into inaccessible areas around the Rukwa Valley in Tanzania with the gospel. When the boat arrived, the ministry team took a group of students from the Lay Bible School to various villages along the lake. It was an excellent time for them to see this new tool for mobilizing the church at work. Sam Vinton of GMI says in the test runs, the team took the opportunity to preach to the villagers who were amazed that someone would target them. “We believe it’s going to be opening up a new opportunity, and these people are not really reached with the gospel at all. So that gives us a great opportunity of evangelistic outreach that we did not have up to the time when we got that boat.” They are already planning its use in medical outreaches. (Mission Network News)

* Staff members from the HCJB World Radio Engineering Center in Elkhart, Ind., have worked with local churches, the Lutheran Radio Center and Trans World Radio to put FM radio stations on the air in three Tanzanian cities. HCJB World Radio is also working with Radio Africa Network, a ministry of partner CCFm in South Africa, to build a radio network based in the capital city of Dar es Salaam. The first of these stations went on the air in 2002.


The government-controlled Holy Synod of the Eritrean Orthodox Church last week served formal notice to Abune Antonios that he is no longer the patriarchal head of the East African nation’s largest religious body. Patriarch Antonios immediately rejected the notice, announcing that he was excommunicating or suspending those who signed his arbitrary dismissal order. Since last August when the Eritrean government stripped Antonios of his ecclesiastical authority and forbid him to administrate the affairs of the church, the patriarch has remained under virtual house arrest at his residence in Asmara. Local sources expect the patriarch to be arrested if he continues to challenge the government-orchestrated takeover of his church. (Compass)

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