Zprávy HCJB 25.1.2006

   Kanadští křesťané jsou povzbuzeni hlasováním, které 23. ledna přivedlo k moci první konzervativní vládu po 13 letech. I když strana nového ministerského předsedy Stephena Harpera získala nejvíce - 124 křesel z 308 členného parlamentu, nemá většinu, pro kterou by potřebovala 155 hlasů. Harper slíbil rychle plnit své předvolební sliby – snížit daně, snížit zločinnost, snížit státní výdaje a zlepšit vztahy s Washingtonem.

Na dotaz zda konzervativní premiér pomůže křesťanům v jejich úsilí, Glenn Penner z Voice of the Martyrs Canada řekl, že asi nebude docházet k jejich dalšímu omezování. „Jsme optimističtí, pokud jde o zastavení dosavadního vývoje. Asi již nebude docházet k dalšímu úpadku společenského konzervativismu, ale těžko se přinejmenším v nejbližší době dočkáme rušení současných zákonů umožňujích sňatky homosexuálů, zákona o „nenávistné literatuře“ nebo zákona o legalizaci potratů. On (Harper) prostě nemá v parlamentu dost politické síly.“

Za vlády předchozí liberální administrativy byl přijat zákon umožňující označit některé čísti Bible za „nenávistnou literaturu.“ Penner vyzývá k modlitbám za věřící, kteří budou s tímto zákonem zápolit na úřadech. „Při jednání s politiky jsme se naučili chápat, že tu nejde o vítězství či prohru, ale o postupné kroky směrem k našim cílům.“ (Mission Network News/Associated Press)


Canadian Christians are encouraged after voters elected the country’s first conservative government in 13 years Monday, Jan. 23. While the party led by new Prime Minister Stephen Harper won the most seats in the House of Commons with 124 out of a possible 308, it fell short of the 155 seats needed to take a majority. Harper pledged to quickly carry out his campaign promises to cut taxes, get tough on crime, increase federal accountability on spending, and repair strained ties with Washington.

When asked whether a conservative prime minister would help Christians in their efforts toward evangelism, Glenn Penner of Voice of the Martyrs Canada said it isn’t likely to get more restrictive. “We’re optimistic that we’re not going to see more of the same. We’re not going to see, I think, an increasing slide away from social conservatism, but not, at least in the short term, are we going to see an undoing of some of this legislation such as same-sex marriage, the hate literature laws, such as abortion laws. He (Harper) simply doesn’t have enough strength in the House of Commons.”

Under the previous liberal administration, a bill was passed last year that amounted to calling portions of the Bible “hate literature.” Penner urges prayer for the believers who will grapple with these issues in office. “One of the things we learn dealing with politicians is that you can’t judge progress by winning, but whether or not you’ve made some progress towards your goals, one step at a time.” (Mission Network News/Associated Press)


Survivors of the October 2005 earthquake in Pakistan who are staying in tent camps during the long, hard winter now face another problem -- landslides. International Aid’s Myles Fish confirms that landslides are now an “hourly event,” exacerbating an already desperate need. However, the situation has made victims more open to the gospel. “For us to have the kind of relationship that we do that’s going to be sustained now for an extended period of time,” he said. “It means that we’re going to be able to build the kind of relationships that are necessary so that ultimately we’ll be able to explain who we are in Christ, what the difference is between our faith and their faith. We’re praying expectantly that God’s going to use that in a way to expand His kingdom.” (Mission Network News)

* HCJB World Radio sent two medical teams from Ecuador to Pakistan following the Oct. 8, 2005, earthquake that left tens of thousands dead and thousands more injured and homeless. Staff members helped SIM International with relief efforts.


As a humanitarian crisis continues in western Sudan’s Darfur region, one ministry head believes instability in the troubled country could lead to war once again. “The peace treaty between northern and southern Sudan is still unstable,” said Pastor Sam Childers, founder of World Missions which operates orphanages in southern Sudan and Uganda. “We could be back to fighting -- and this time it could be a serious war.” In the last eight years Childers and his organization have rescued more than 300 children caught up in the 20-year conflict between the Muslim north and mostly non-Muslim south. Living conditions are desperate in the area surrounding the orphanage. “Within 25 yards of our gates the average child only eats one meal per day,” he said. Most of the children outside the orphanage sleep on the ground without a blanket or mosquito net. Chiders also has observed people in the bush so desperate for food that they cook leaves to make a watery soup. (Assist News Service)


Recent studies by George Barna’s research group find that “churches need to do more to help teens become wiser consumers of media -- and to train them how to integrate scriptural perspectives into their decision-making,” said David Kinnaman, author of the report and vice president of the group. The Barna Group interviewed more than 4,000 teens in three nationwide studies about their exposure to the “supernatural world.” The results indicated that three of four teens have “engaged in at least one type of psychic or witchcraft-related activity” beyond that contained in the media. Only a minority of teens believes that horoscopes are not accurate and should be avoided; and just 28 percent of churched teens recall receiving any teaching at their church in the last year that affected their views on the supernatural world. “Millions of teens are precariously close to simply shelving the Christian faith as irrelevant, uninspiring and ‘just a phase,’” said Kinnaman. “The supernatural world represents the epicenter of the spiritual struggle for their hearts and minds.” (AgapePress)


The youth outreach of Open Doors International is gearing up for SHOCKWAVE, a global 72-hour prayer event Friday-Sunday, March 3-5, for youth that will take place online as well as at prayer meetings throughout the world. The fifth annual SHOCKWAVE kicks off in New Zealand and works its way across the time zones, literally covering the world. Last year thousands of young people from 19 nations were involved. The goal is to raise awareness about the suffering of Christians worldwide. An estimated 200 million Christians worldwide suffer interrogation, arrest and even death for their faith in Christ, with another 200 to 400 million facing discrimination and alienation. (Mission Network News/Open Doors)

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