Zprávy HCJB 1.2.2006

   Rodiny tří křesťanských školaček, které byly loni v říjnu zavražděny a sťaty muslimskými extrémisty ve východoindonézské provincii Střední Sulawesi prohlásily, že vrahům odpouštějí. Čtyři dívky napadení přežily. Pastor Mastin řekl, že smrt tří dívek, 19leté Alfity, 18leté Terezie a 15leté Yarni nebyla marná, protože přinesla jednotu křesťanských sborů v Poso a povzbudila věřící k pevnosti ve víře. „Doufáme, že do Poso přijde mír,“ řekl Mastin. „Umučení tří dívek bylo pro nás zkouškou, jako když se zkouší zlato.“ (Srv. 1Pt1.7 - pozn. překl.) Rodiče dětí řekli, že vrahům odpustili s vírou, že je to Bůh, kdo je bude soudit. Markus Sambuwe, otec jedné z dívek, poznamenal: „Jsem opravdu rozhněvaný, ale Duch Svatý se dotkl mého srdce a změnil mne. Odpouštím jim, jako Ježíš mně odpustil mé hříchy.“ Policie s souvislosti s případem uvěznila sedm podezřelých. (Christians in Crisis/CBN News/Assist News Service)

Religious and human rights groups are concerned about a proposed religion law in Romania that resumes its parliamentary progress in the lower house, the Chamber of Deputies, today. “This is a very critical time for religious liberty in Romania,” said Evangelical Alliance President Paul Negrut. The government-drafted law passed unchanged through Romania’s upper house, the Senate, in December. Peter Eckstein-Kovacs, head of the Senate’s legal committee, recognized that the draft is “problematic” but denied that its adoption by the Senate without a vote had been a “trick.” Protestant groups such as Adventists and Baptists as well as other religious groups already have complained about the draft law. Iustina Ionescu of the Bucharest-based Center for Legal Resources said the draft law “infringes on many laws and the constitution of Romania, as well as international human rights commitments to which Romania is subject.” (Forum 18 News Service)

* HCJB World Radio broadcasts the gospel locally in eight Romanian cities via partner ministry Radio Voice of the Gospel. The network is a cooperative effort with the Evangelical Alliance of Romania and the Romanian Missionary Society.


Gospel for Asia president K.P. Yohannan is calling on Christians worldwide to pray and fast in support of believers in India who are experiencing increased persecution and danger. Trouble is brewing in western India’s Gujarat state where Christians in the Dangs district are considering whether to evacuate in advance of a major gathering of Hindu extremist groups. Up to 500,000 Hindus are expected to attend the Shabri Kumbh festival Saturday-Monday, Feb. 11-13, a gathering that could potentially unleash a wave of violence against tribal Christians. “Hindu homes are being marked with yellow flags, leaving the small population of Christians vulnerable to attack as many already have been,” Yohannan explained. “Christians in the West must resolve to pray and fast. The situation is urgent. Christians all over India are in peril.” (Evangelical News/Gospel for Asia)


Peace teams are stepping up their efforts in the Democratic Republic of Congo in advance of the April elections with U.N. troops anticipating a flare-up between the rebels and the government. It’s an effort to bring order to the country’s lawless eastern region, paving the way for the April 29 elections, the first free presidential and parliamentary elections since the 1970s. Sam Vinton of Grace Ministries says believers are wary, especially given the turmoil they’ve seen already. The electoral process could also cause an upheaval that might slow down the ministry’s work. “Another thing (that may be problematic) is that they may tell people they can’t travel for a number of weeks, or months.” He said that could “set a barrier to evangelists and church leaders traveling and going to villages and visiting churches.” Vinton says the country will not experience true peace until the people give their hearts to the Lord. (Mission Network News)

* HCJB World Radio works with local partners in the Democratic Republic of Congo to broadcast the gospel on FM stations in Boma, Bukavu and Kinshasa. Programs go out in English, French, Kikongo Fioti, Lingala, Luba and Swahili. Weekly programs in the Songe and Kikongo San Salvador languages also air from local FM stations in the country.


An upsurge in the violence between Sri Lanka’s army and Tamil Tiger rebels has created a climate of fear that could jeopardize peace. Although both sides returned to negotiations in an effort to end two decades of civil war, there already have been deadly ambushes and the threat of suicide bombers. The violence has been a setback for ministries in the region. Security concerns sometimes prevent church leaders from traveling to congregations, and keep evangelists from moving around. “There are Tamil Christians and Sinhalese Christians who work side by side, working in the same organizations,” explains Glenn Penner from Voice of the Martyrs Canada. “This makes things really difficult for them at times as they have family members on either side. And Christians are sometimes seen as being disloyal to both sides.” Penner cites recent information detailing three separate incidents of persecution against Sri Lanka’s Christian community since the beginning of this year, including verbal threats against a church, mobs of armed men confronting worshipers and demanding an end to Christian activity and the stoning of a pastor’s house. (Mission Network News)


The families of three Christian schoolgirls who were murdered and beheaded by Muslim extremists in eastern Indonesia’s Central Sulawesi province last October said they have forgiven the killers. A fourth girl survived the assault. Pastor Mastin said the deaths of the three teenagers, Alfita, 19, Teressia, 18, and Yarni, 15, were not in vain as they brought unity to the Christian churches in Poso and encouraged believers to be strong in the faith. “We hope peace will come to Poso,” Mastin said. “Because of the three girls who were martyred, we are challenged, and our faith is put to a test like gold.” The parents of the girls said they have forgiven the killers, believing that it is God who will judge them. Markus Sambuwe, the father of one of the girls, remarked, “I am really angry, but the Holy Spirit touched my heart and changed me. I forgive them just as Jesus has forgiven my sins.” Police have arrested several suspects in the case. (Christians in Crisis/CBN News/Assist News Service)

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