Zprávy HCJB 2.2.2006

   Prezident Gospel for Asia K.P.Yohannan vyzývá křesťany po celém světě za modlitby; Přišla zpráva, že jeden z domorodých misionářů byl unesen v indickém státu Chattisgarth. Pastor Subhash, mladý misionář, který založil již pět misijních stanic s 28 věřícími se spolu s pěti lidmi vracel domů taxíkem, ale do cíle nikdy nedojeli. „V úterý Sabhashovi rodiče dostali dopis, kde jim bylo oznámeno, že jejich syn byl unesen extrémistickou marxistickou skupinou známou pod názvem Naxalité,“ uvádí Yohannan v mailové zprávě. „Dopis se nezmiňuje o výkupném ani neobsahuje jiné požadavky, ale žádá, aby ‘Subhashovi rodiče pomohli při jeho bezpečném propuštění’ … Prosíme o modlitby za toto Sabhashovo bezpečné propuštění. Modlete se take za jeho rodiče, aby je v následující tvrdé zkoušce provázel. A prosím, připojte se ke mně a k celé GFA v modlitbách za všechny pronásledované bratry a sestry po celé Asii, trpící rukou antikrista.” (Gospel for Asia)

Gospel for Asia (GFA) President K.P. Yohannan is calling on Christians everywhere to pray after word was received this week that terrorists kidnapped one of the ministry’s native missionaries in India’s east-central Chattisgarh state. Pastor Subhash, a young single missionary who has already started five mission stations with 28 believers, was returning home in a taxi with five other people -- but they never reached their destination. “[On Tuesday] Subhash’s parents received a letter that said he had been kidnapped by an extremist Marxist group known as the Naxalites,” explained Yohannan in an e-mail report. “The letter did not mention any ransom or other demand, but did ask that Subhash’s parents “help in order to secure his safe release. . . . Please pray for Subhash’s safe release. Pray also for his parents, that God will be with them through this ordeal. And please join me and the rest of the GFA family in praying for all of our persecuted brothers and sisters across South Asia who are suffering at the hands of anti-Christian elements.” (Gospel for Asia)


After protests outside the Houses of Parliament, British lawmakers watered down a bill banning religious hate speech, then narrowly voted it into law Tuesday, Jan. 31. The House of Commons voted against the government’s Racial and Religious Hatred Bill and adopted the House of Lord’s amendment which changed the wording to allow for greater freedom. The new law is expected to take effect in about a year.

Prime Minister Tony Blair wanted to make it a criminal offense to incite religious hatred through threatening words or actions, insults and abuse. However, Britain’s upper chamber inserted provisions specifying that it would not be an offense to seek converts, discuss, criticize, insult, abuse or ridicule religion, belief or religious practices.

The decision delighted evangelicals who have been rallying efforts to fight the original bill since last year. “The victory is with us for sure,” said Barbara Elele, a member of the Christ Faith Tabernacle church in London.

Glenn Penner of Voice of the Martyrs in Canada agreed. “They’re going to be able to continue to preach the exclusive claims of Christ,” he said. “Now prosecutors must prove that offending parties intended to incite hatred towards another religion, and the burden of proof is on the prosecutor to prove incitement and not on the accused to prove that he did not mean to spread hatred. And that’s a subtle, but a rather significant distinction, because it supports the premise that someone is innocent until proven guilty.” (AgapePress/Associated Press/Religion Today/Mission Network News)


In 2003 Rev. Seth Saleh, then pastor of St. Peter’s Anglican Church in Bakura in northern Nigeria’s Zamfara state, was told by a town councilor that Gov. Alhaji Ahmed Sani was ordering the demolition of his church. The following day the church was demolished. That event marked the beginning of a series of assaults by Islamic fundamentalists under Sani’s leadership to carry out Islamic law (sharia). Saleh, now a pastor at St. John’s Anglican Church in Kaura Namoda, recalled how officials often promised that sharia would only be applied to Muslims. However, Anglican Bishop John Garba Danbinta said that since the introduction of the sharia in January 2000, Zamfara authorities have banned Christians from sharing their faith or building churches. Christians also face difficulties in other sectors such as education as discriminatory school fees have been forced on Christian students and there is no teaching of Christian subjects. There is no employment for Christians in the public service, and a ban has been placed on Christian radio and television programs. The imposition of sharia in criminal matters in 12 northern states has resulted in numerous conflicts bringing death to thousands of people, most of them Christians. (Compass)

* HCJB World Radio, together with partners In Touch Ministries, SIM and the Evangelical Church of West Africa, began airing weekly half-hour programs to Nigeria in the Igbo language in 2000. In 2003 weekly broadcasts were added in two additional languages, Yoruba and Hausa. HCJB World Radio also has helped with radio ministries in six cities with more in the planning stages.


Along the border of Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia, two years without rain have created a growing humanitarian crisis with millions of people at risk for starvation. American evangelist Sammy Tippit was recently in Kenya with a team to meet practical needs, encourage believers and hold evangelistic meetings in a remote Muslim area. Working together with the local pastors, Tippit helped provide a program of follow-up for the coming days and months. His team also distributed $1,200 worth of food supplies. “We were able to make a bridge into a community, to say, ‘Hey, we’re Christians and we love you. And the reason we’re doing this is because Christ has changed our hearts and He’s given us a love for all people.’” He added that the people showed “great openness” to the gospel message. (Mission Network News)

* HCJB World Radio has worked with local partners to install eight radio outlets in seven cities of Kenya.


The Salvation Army has elected a new world leader, Commissioner Shaw Clifton, 60, currently the territorial commander in the U.K. and Ireland. He will begin his new responsibilities on Saturday, April 1, when he takes over from Gen. John Larsson, leading 3 million “soldiers of Christ” in 111 countries. The Salvation Army’s High Council -- an assembly of national leaders and commissioners -- elected Clifton on Saturday, Jan. 28, after nine days of deliberation, selecting him from among four other candidates. Clifton will serve as the 18th general of the Salvation Army which was founded by the English Methodist minister William Booth in 1865. (Assist News Service)

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