Zprávy HCJB 22.3.2006

   Mnoho let církve homosexuály spíše ignorovaly, ale nyní aktivně pracují na oslovení této skupiny lidí ve jménu Krista, uvádí prezident Cross Ministry Tim Wilkins v Christian Post Story. „Posledních čtyři nebo pět let vidíme dramatickou změnu evangelikálních sborů v nazírání na tento předmět. Jsou nyní aktivnější.“ Cross Ministry, člen Exodus International, přitahuje v posledních letech pozornost tím, že její prezident jezdí po celém území USA a připravuje sbory k evangelizaci homosexuálů a jejich učednictví. „Církev je zodpovědná za vyhlašování [že homosexualita je hřích], ale je také zodpovědná za šíření vykupitelské útěšné zvěsti. Vysvobození od homosexuality je reálně možné a církev je zavázána říkat tuto pravdu s láskou,“ řekl Wilkins. Misie pořádá konference pod názvem Víc než slova, která ukazuje, že lepší je lidi z homosexuality vyvádět než jim ji vymlouvat. (Religion Today)

Chinese authorities detained Pastor Lian Changnian on Monday, March 20, for leading a Bible study with 100 people at a house church in Xiantao City in the country’s Hubei province. He is being held at the Xiantao City Detention Center, the Chinese Aid Association (CAA) has learned.

In a separate incident, 15 house church leaders remain in detention, including a 15-year-old female evangelist, following a brutal police raid on a church leaders’ meeting in Wen country in Henan province in mid-March. Prominent human rights lawyers in Beijing say the pastors were accused of being “illegal evil cult members” by authorities. However, these pastors are believed to be part of the evangelical Henan Fangcheng Mother Church group.

About 100 public security officials raided the house church, arrested all the leaders, took them into custody, searched them and confiscated any cash on them. Officials released 36 of the pastors within 24 hours. Three more were released on Saturday, March 18, and six gained their freedom on Monday, March 20, but 15 are still in various jails.

A CAA investigator who interviewed several of the pastors who were released said police treated them brutally. All were beaten with electric shock batons at the police station. One of the leaders, 51-year-old Pastor Li Gongshe, remains in the Mengzhou City Chinese Medical Hospital for treatment of a broken rib due to a beating by police.

One Christian lady, 21-year-old Shan Ailing, left home out of humiliation because she was forced by police to strip during the interrogation at the Wenquan Police Station. Ma Wenqing, 72, was seen handcuffed and taken away because she hosted the meeting at her house which was searched again by security officials on March 20. (Chinese Aid Association)


Rev. Tongkhojang Lunkim was released by his kidnappers the afternoon of Saturday, March 18, after being held captive for two months by the Kuki Liberation Army (KLA) in northeastern India’s Manipur state. Before releasing him, the group forced Lunkim to apologize for and stop his alleged “anti-KLA activities.” Rev. M. Haokhothong, Lunkim’s son-in-law, said he was grateful for those who have prayed for the release. “I met Lunkim this evening in his home, but unfortunately he is too weak and unable to speak,” he said. “He is on a glucose drip, and a nurse is attending him.” Lunkim -- a missionary and human rights activist -- was a key spokesman for the people of Manipur. The KLA had reportedly demanded a ransom of 10 million rupees (US$225,000) after kidnapping him on Jan. 17, but it’s unknown if any ransom was paid. The KLA also kidnapped Lunkim’s son in 2003 but released him without a ransom payment. (Compass)

* Radio programs in 12 languages (English, Urdu, Hindi, Nepali, Chattisgarhi, Bangla, Bhojpuri, Tamil, Telegu, Marwari, Marathi and Santhali) air to India from HCJB World Radio-Australia’s shortwave station in Kununurra. The programs are produced at the ministry’s studios in New Delhi, India.

1,800 ERITREAN CHRISTIANS REMAIN IN PRISON FOR THEIR BELIEFS Nearly 1,800 Christians in the East African country of Eritrea are in custody because of their religious beliefs. In response, a petition protesting the widespread religious repression in Eritrea is headed for the Eritrean Ambassador to the U.K. Open Doors’ Carl Moeller, describing the prison conditions as “deplorable,” says the persecution has another effect. “The church has to go underground, it has to go unregistered and it has to become a secretive organization where the Scriptures are passed from hand to hand in very covert ways. Gatherings are small and very quietly done. Hymns and songs of praise are whispered instead of sung.” Moeller says despite the atrocities, persecution and desperate situation, there is hope. The church is alive in Eritrea. “The most important thing that the church there asks of us is to remember them in prayer and to get them what they need, the requirements that they need to move forward.” (Mission Network News)

GALLUP POLL: CHRISTIANITY SEES ‘STUNNING’ GROWTH IN JAPAN A Gallup poll has yielded some surprising statistics on Japanese attitudes toward religion, morality and spirituality. The findings from one of the most extensive surveys of the country showed an overall Christian population of 6 percent -- a number much higher than reported in previous surveys. Of the 30 percent of adults surveyed who claimed to have a religion, 75 percent considered themselves Buddhists, 19 percent Shintoists, while 12 percent considered themselves to be Christians. Of the 20 percent of the youth who professed to have a religion, 60 percent called themselves Buddhists, 36 percent Christians and followers of the traditionally dominant Japanese religion, Shinto. Calling the numbers “stunning,” George Gallup Jr. who assisted with the poll, noted of teenagers: “These projections mean that 7 percent of the total teenage population say they are Christians,” he said. The poll was conducted in association with American Trademark Research and MJM Group in 2001 for use in a documentary that is expected to be released later this year. (Assist News Service)

U.S. CHURCHES BECOMING PROACTIVE IN EVANGELIZING HOMOSEXUALS For years churches tended to ignore homosexuals, but now they’re actively working to reach this group for Christ, said Cross Ministry President Tim Wilkins in a Christian Post story. “In the last four to five years I’ve seen a dramatic change in evangelical churches in their take on the issue. They’re much more proactive.” Cross Ministry, a member of Exodus International North America, has generated wider attention in recent years as its president travels nationwide to equip the church to evangelize and disciple homosexuals. “The church has a responsibility to proclaim that [homosexuality is a sin], but it also has the responsibility to share the redemptive message. Freedom from homosexuality is a reality, and the church has an obligation to speak the truth in love,” Wilkins said. The ministry holds “More Than Words” conferences that emphasize “walking” versus “talking” people out of homosexuality. (Religion Today)

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