Zprávy HCJB 1.10.2006 - 7.10.2006

 Iránská tajná policie uvěznila manžele působící v domácí církvi
   Iránská tajná policie ve městě Mashad v severovýchodním Iránu ve čtvrtek 26. září uvěznila křesťanské manžele. Násilně je oddělila od jejich šestileté dcery a od té doby je drží v samovazbě. Tajná policie vtrhla do bytu 35letého Amira Montazami a jeho manželky 28leté Feresteh Dibaj v 7 hodin ráno, zabavila počítače, křesťanskou literaturu a další věci. Montazami ještě stačil zavolat své matce, aby přišla a odvedla jejich dceru Christine. Babička přijela a již jen zahlédla oba manžele zamčené v policejním vozu a zastihla dva muže prohledávající byt. Montazami pochází ze známé rodiny Mashad a křesťanem se stal ve svých 20 letech. Jeho manželka je nejmladší dcerou reverenda Mahdi Dibaj, kazatele Assemblies of God , který se stal mučedníkem před 12 lety. Přes devět let strávil ve vězení pro víru a brzy po propuštění byl zavražděn, když se ubíral na oslavu narozenin své dcery Feresteh. Oba uvěznění manželé vedli domácí církev, který je pozůstatkem po dvou protestantských církvích, které v Iránu působily před islámskou revolucí v roce 1976. Montazami údajně směl zatelefonovat své rodině, ale o jeho manželce nepadlo ani slovo, což budí obavy, že buď byla mučena nebo zahynula. (Pray for Iran Team/Compass Direct/Elam Ministries)
 Pastor v Rusku pokutován za "nezákonný křest"
   Pastor jedné z největších Letničních církví v Bělorusku dostal pokutu rovnou 150ti násobkům minimální mzdy za to, že v místním jezeru nezákonně křtil. Pastor Letniční církve spasení Sergej Poznakovič pokřtil asi 70 lidí v místním jezeru poblíž kostela v Baranoviči. Pastor, jehož syn byl mezi křtěnými, při křtu nezpozoroval žádné přihlížející pověřené státem, ale všiml si, že následně po křtu, 16. července, kostel navštívili policejní důstojníci. 30. srpna dostal Poznakovič od soudce Oksany Kuševa pokutu v hodnotě 2 171 US dolarů. Mimoto byl pokutován i regionální biskup církve 298 US dolary. Státní činitelé uvedli jako důvod pro odmítnutí opakovaných žádostí o povolení křtu „hladinu bakteriálního znečištění převyšující přípustné normy“ a tvrdí, že nabídli náhradní lokality. Poznakovič řekl, že toto jezero je „nejčistší ve městě“ a potvrdil, že byl pokutován za křest v tomže jezeře minulý rok. Letniční církev spasení byla založena ve 20. letech minulého století a má přibližně 1 500 členů.
 Nový prezident Bolívie uvažuje o omezení náboženských svobod
   Křesťané v Bolívii očekávají důsledky možných legislativních změn zahájených novým socialistickým prezidentem Juanem Evo Moralesem Aymou. Prezident,populárně známý jako Evo, prohlašuje, že je prvním menšinovým kmenovým náčelníkem státu od dobytí Španělskem před více než 470 lety. Přes 200 mužů a žen nedávno pověřil studiem způsobu, jak nejlépe novelizovat nebo přepsat ústavu země. Jedna z možných změn by mohla omezit náboženskou svobodu, a tak dramaticky ovlivnit misie, jako Grace Ministries International (GMI), která provozuje soukromé křesťanské školy. „Projednávají se různé otázky a zvláště jedna myšlenka by mohla závažně poškodit křesťanské církve, a to, že by neexistovaly soukromé školy”, řekl představitel GMI Sam Vinton. „Všechny naše školy by…. převzal do svých rukou stát. Neztratili bychom pouze školy jako takové, ale nemohlo by se tak vyučovat křesťanské učení, protože školy by podléhaly kontrole vlády.” Přestože zatím nedošlo k žádnému rozhodnutí, GMI a podobné misie prosí o modlitby.(Mission Network News)
 Presbyteriánské církve hlásí zázraky v severovýchodní Indii
   Presbyteriánští čelní představitelé ve státech severovýchodní Indie, Meghalaya a Mizoram, obklopených muslimy v Bangladéši a budhisty v Myanmaru, podávají zprávy o četných zázracích, které by mohly nasvědčovat znovuprobuzení církve v oblasti. Jedna církev v Shilongu, hlavním městě Meghalaye, podala svědectví o kříži planoucím a vyzařujícím obraz Krista, v důsledku čeho se vytvořily nepřetržité proudy přívrženců Krista. Tento jev, spolu se zprávami o studentech „svíjejících se v křečích, abnormálně se chovajících a dokonce omdlívajících”, komentoval Presbyteriánský mluvčí, Rev. Laldawngliana,:„Duch Boží je přítomen, aby znovu probudil lidi”, poukázáním na obdobné události, které zažehly jiskru oživení v regionu před sto lety. Tento region má mnoho historických vazeb na Presbytariánskou církev ve Walesu, která založila tuto denominaci v Indii v roce 1841 prostřednictvím misionáře Thomase Jonese. K nedávným událostem v regionu svědčícím o oživení došlo souběžně s oživením ve Walesu. Později došlo ke spojení zpětnému tím, že dva kazatelé z Indie byli posláni do Walesu, aby pomohli zaplnit „duchovní prázdno” poté, co studie z roku 2001 ukázala, že pouze jeden z 10 welšanů chodí do kostela. (Worldwide Religious News/BBC News)
 Festival ‘Hlasitě a jasně’ v Bucheonu v Jižní Koreji navštívilo 47 000 lidí.
   Přes 47 000 Korejců se nedávno shromáždilo při různých akcích ‘Hlasitě a jasně’ ve městě Bucheon v Jižní Koreji, 60 kilometrů jižně od hranice se Severní Koreou. Týdenní událost byla organizována týmem z organizace Horizon Christian Fellowship a pastorem Mike MacIntoshem ze San Diega v Kalifornii. Přes 200 dobrovolníků z USA a čtyř dalších zemí ze zúčastnilo činností spojených s hudbou, akrobatickou cyklistikou, prací v lékařském týmu, dětskou misií i veselými scénkami. 85 místních korejských sborů a stovky studentů a jejich učitelů ze Soulského bohosloveckého semináře akce zaštítili a zajistili ubytování pro dobrovolníky, interprety, dopravu, stravu účastníků a pokračování s těmi, kdo projevili zájem při MacIntoshově evangelizaci. Anglická Vesnice blízko parku u Bucheonského stadionu byla jednou z novinek týdne a přitáhla množství mladých i starých. MacIntosh vedl letos v létě obdobné akce v Polsku pod názvem Festival života. Tu organizovalo Radio CCM, jedno z partnerských pracovišť HCJB World Radio. (Assist News Service)
 Uvězněná křesťanská iránská matka má kontakt s rodinou.
   Feresteh Dibaj, mladá matka a pracovnice v domácí církvi, která byla uvězněna v úterý 26. září společně se svým manželem Amir Montazemi se po týdnu směla spojit se svou rodinou. Sdělila, že se jim oběma vede dobře, i když jsou stále ve vazbě. Montazemi volal rodině již v pátek 29. září , ale o Dibaj tehdy nepadlo ani slovo a rostly tudíž obavy o její osud. Úřady důvod jejich vazby nesdělili. Jejich 6letá dcera Christine zůstává s příbuznými. Dibaj je dcerou iránského křesťanského mučedníka Mehdi Dibaj, kazatele Assemblies of God, který prožil devět let ve vězení pro svou víru. Brzy po propuštění byl zavražděn, když pospíchal na oslavu šestých narozenin své dcery. (Pray for Iran Team)
 Open doors povzbuzuje a podporuje křesťany po bouřích v Nigérii
   Po násilnostech zaměřených proti křesťanům v Dutse v Nigérii začala organizace Open Doors poskytovat podporu křesťanským obětem, aby zmírnila jejich bezprostřední potřeby. Ve středu 20. září došlo k hádce mezi jedním muslimským mužem a křesťankou, která očividně vedla k „rouhačským” poznámkám, a zažehla jiskru v davu muslimů, kteří ve vzteku zaútočili na křesťanské domovy a obchody křesťanů. Vypáleno bylo celkem 14 kostelů. Další dva byly vydrancovány a 2 000 křesťanů, včetně 16 pastorů, zůstali bez domova. Dále bylo zničeno nejméně 80 obchodů vlastněných křesťany. K žádnému zatčení nedošlo a komunita křesťanů prožívá otřes. Mnoho křesťanů, kteří ztratili svůj majetek, vyhledávají útočiště na místních policejních stanicích. Open Doors fyzicky i duchovně podporuje traumatizované křesťany. „Je nezbytné, aby církve v Dutse věděly, že nejsou v osamoceny. Podáním pomocné ruky teď, v době jejich největší nouze, jim připomínáme, že jsou součástí těla Kristova. Jsme s nimi v jejich utrpení”, řekl J.P. Pretorirus, vedoucí podpůrných akcí Open Doors pro sub-saharskou Afriku. ● HCJB World Radio, společně s partnery In Touch Ministries, SIM a Evangelical Church in West Arica, začaly v roce 2000 vysílat půlhodinové programy týdně pro Nigérii v jazyce Igbo. V roce 2003 přibyla vysílání v dalších dvou jazycích, Yoruba a Hausa. HCJB World Radio také pomáhá rozhlasové evangelizaci v šesti městech, zvláště ve stádiu plánov
 Kazašští baptisté platí pokuty za odmítnutí registrace církví
   Baptisté ve středoasijské zemi Kazachstánu, kteří odmítli pravidlo registrace svých církví, nyní trvají na tom, že nebudou platit pokuty, které jim byly uloženy za to, že církve nezaregistrovali. „Nezaplatíme, protože si nejsme vědomi viny,˝ řekl pastor Jaroslav Senjuškevič. „Ústava Kazachstánu garantuje svobodu vyznání a registrací se nezabývá.˝ Registrace náboženských komunit může vysoce zasahovat do práv, protože vyžaduje velké množství osobních informací o členech sborů a jejich politických přívržencích. Senjuškevič, jemuž byla pokuta uložena v květnu, řekl, že ho nikdo o zaplacení pokuty nepožádal. „Pokuta nebyla zrušena, ale také nebyla vybrána,˝ řekl. „Samozřejmě, jelikož pokuta stále platí, mohli by ji přijít vybrat kdykoli.˝ Kazachstán odstartoval kampaň proti neregistrovaným náboženským organizacím poté, co v červnu 2005 prezident Nursultan Nazarbajev podepsal novelu k „národní bezpečnosti˝, kterou chtějí úřady přinutit náboženské organizace k registraci. Aktivisté bojující za lidská a náboženská práva jsou těmto zákonům v opozici.
 Úřady propustily iránský křesťanský pár na kauci.
   Iránští manželé uvěznění v úterý 26. září (viz související zprávy z 2. a 4.10.2006) byli ráno 5.10.2006 propuštěni na kauci a opět se shledali se svou šestiletou dcerkou. Reza „Amir“ Montazami a Feresteh Dibaj vyjádřili hlubokou vděčnost všem lidem na světě, kteří se za jejich propuštění modlili. Také uvedli, že ve vazbě s nimi bylo dobře zacházeno. K propuštění došlo den poté, co bylo Feresteh umožněno telefonovat s příbuznými, což rozptýlilo obavy, že po svém uvěznění byla zraněna nebo zabita. Případ zůstává otevřen, ale formální obvinění proti manželům vzneseno nebylo. Podle náznaků z úředních míst bylo zadržení obou manželů v souvislosti s jejich vyznáním a náboženskými aktivitami. (Pray for Iran/Middle East Concern)
 Etiopský dětský domov se školou pomáhá nejchudším dětem v oblasti
   Nový dětský domov se školou na severovýchodu Etiopského státu v Benishangul-Gumuz přijal 141 nejchudších sirotků v oblasti. Dětský domov se školou Kamashi byl zřízen ve spolupráci s Blessing the Children International. Děti přicházející do sirotčince jsou většinou podvyživené, vyhublé a nahé. Nové zařízení bylo zřízeno jako škola, jídelna, zdravotní a administrativní středisko a ubytování pro děti a misionáře. „Je to náročná práce,˝ říká ředitel misie Strawn, „ale zároveň vděčná, když vidíte prospívat děti tak, jak by měly prospívat.˝ Původně mělo zařízení sloužit až pro 500 osiřelých dětí a mohlo se rychle zaplnit, kdyby byly k dispozici finance potřebné pro jeho provoz. Blessing the Children si vydělá na svou režii jako tiskárna a konzultačními a jinými službami, takže veškeré dary jdou přímo na pomoc dětem. (Christian Neswire) ●Pracovníci HCJB World Radio-Australia´s Studios zaznamenávají programy v jazyku Oromo, které prostřednictvím krátkovlnných zařízení FEBE Radio vysílají pro 28 milionů lidí tímto jazykem mluvících v Ehiopii a Keni.
 Misionář-trenér koní evangelizuje mexické „vaqueros˝
   Andy Hill z Baptist International Mission Board věří, že každý Mexičan je srdcem „vaquero˝ (španělský výraz pro „cowboy˝), a svou misii zřídil v mexickém pohraničním městě Agua Prieta. Nejdříve se tu myšlenku Hill pokoušel zapudit. „Říkal jsem si, ΄Počkej, to by mohla být docela zábava,΄˝ říká. „Obával jsem se ale, že ta myšlenka je spíš moje než od Boha.˝ Avšak Hill vysledoval, jak málo vaqueros v oblasti se dostane do styku se skupinami křesťanů a jak důležitá je pro ně kultura vaqueros. Pak se Hillův nadřízený Allen Alexander zeptal:“Andy, už jsi někdy uvažoval o založení církví „vaqueros˝ ve tvé oblasti?˝ Mezitím Bůh také připravoval trenéra koní Chipa Sugara z Hawley v Texasu ke službě zaměřené na ztracené lidi prostřednictvím koní. Každoročně zavítá Sugar do Hillovy církve a pořádá kurzy rodea, ve kterých používá biblické principy a evangelium. Nyní již sedm vaqueros se svými rodinami studují Bibli a scházejí se pravidelně k bohoslužbám s Hillovými na místním cvičišti rodea. Hill věří, že to je počátek církví̉vaquerỏ, které má potenciál rozšířit se na celé Mexiko.˝ ● World Radio Network, ve spolupráci s HCKJB World Radio, má více než 23 poboček, většina z nich jsou stanice vysílající a opakující ve španělštině, zřízené podél mexicko-americké hranice, jedna z nich je např. v Douglasu v Arizoně na druhé straně hranice od Agua Prieta.
 Talentovaný tenorista na pěveckém turné po Americe.
   Irský tenorista Ronan Tynan na turné po USA rozdává své písně o naději inspirované vírou z posledního CD Úsvit Dne (The Dawning of the Day). Tynan je ztělesnění inspirace v různých oblastech. I když je fyzicky nemohoucí – ve dvaceti letech přišel o obě nohy po autonehodě - vyhrál 18 zlatých medailí jako nejvšestrannější atlet paralympijských her. Je také prvním invalidou, který se dostal na Institut tělesné výchovy a sportu (National College of Physical education) a nakonec promoval jako lékař se zaměřením na sportovní ortopedii na Trinity College. Pak po necelém roce se na radu svého otce věnoval studiu zpěvu, získal Cenu pro tenory Johna McCormicka a vyhrál soutěž talentů BBC Go For It. Tynan říká: „Chci, aby lidé viděli, že když chcete něčím být, neduh nebo fyzické postižení vám v tom nezabrání Obrňte svou mysl a překonáte všechny překážky. Odhodlejte se k riziku, protože když se to pak podaří, je to nádherné. (Assist News Service)
 Útoky proti křesťanům v Indii vyvolaly krizi v politických stranách
   Compass Direct News hlásí, že rostoucí násilnosti proti křesťanům v Indii mají původ v politických nejistotách hindských nacionalistů. V letech 2001 až 2005 bylo hlášeno přibližně 200 protikřesťanských útoků v Indii ročně. Letos bylo přibližně 150 takových útoků ohlášeno už v polovině září, s tím, že se očekává více než 200 útoků do konce roku. Násilí proti křesťanům se dramaticky zvýšilo, když se v roce 1998 dostala k moci hindská extremistická Bharatiya Janata party (BJP). Až do letošního roku zůstalo relativně stabilní. Nedávný nárůst protikřesťanských útoků se zdá být určován politickými ztrátami a vnitřním rozštěpením BJP. Strana využívá citlivé otázky křesťanského obrácení, které nazývá „vynuceným“ pro získání politického kreditu mezi hinduisty. Protikřesťanské incidenty tak v roce 2006 zahrnují skupinové znásilnění dvou křesťanských žen a záplavu falešných obvinění z „násilných“ konverzí po násilných útocích v Madhya Pradesh, útrapy, kterými trpí Emmanuel Mission International (EMI) více než šest měsíců v Rajasthanu, masívní protkřesťanské kampaně v okresech Dangs v Guajaratu a Phulbani v Orisse a náhlý nárůst útoků na křesťany ve státě Karnataka. (Compass Direct)
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině.

Iranian secret police arrested a Christian couple in the northeastern city of Mashhad on Tuesday, Sept. 26, forcing them to leave behind their 6-year-old daughter and holding them incommunicado ever since. Plainclothes police raided the apartment of Amir Montazami, 35, and his wife, Fereshteh Dibaj, 28, at 7 a.m., confiscating computers, Christian literature and other items. Montazami was able to call his mother, asking her to come and take their daughter Christine. By the time the grandmother arrived, the couple was already locked in a police car, and two men remained searching the apartment. Montazami is from a well-known Mashhad family and converted to Christianity in his 20s. His wife is the youngest daughter of Rev. Mehdi Dibaj, an Assemblies of God minister who was martyred for his faith 12 years ago. He spent more than nine years in prison for his faith before being assassinated while on his way to Fereshteh’s birthday party soon after his release. The couple led a house church that is a remnant of two Protestant churches that were active before Iran’s 1976 Islamic revolution. Montazemi has reportedly been allowed to call his family, but there has been no word from his wife, raising fears she has been tortured or killed. (Pray for Iran Team/Compass Direct/Elam Ministries)


Largely unreported in the Western media, anti-Christian violence in Iraq claimed lives outside a cathedral in Baghdad as well as two other church attacks in Mosul. On the morning of Sunday, Sept. 24, a double bombing, apparently intended to maximize casualties, began with a small car bomb exploding under the minister’s car as worshipers were leaving the church.

Shortly after a crowd had gathered to help, a second, larger car bomb exploded on the other side of the narrow street. The two explosions resulted in the deaths of both a church security guard and a child while injuring at least 17 others. The cathedral itself was badly damaged.

On the same day in Mosul, armed men fired around 80 shots into a church building about 11:15 a.m. No service was in progress and no injuries were reported. Christians courageously gathered in the same building for an evening service later the same day.

Two days later on Tuesday, Sept. 26, the same church was attacked with rockets, and an explosive device detonated outside a door. There were no casualties. "Whether in the north, the center or the south of their country, Iraqi Christians are facing hostility and violence," said Barnabas Fund International Director, Dr Patrick Sookhdeo. (Assist News Service)


In a surprising turnaround in the case involving a red-tape dispute between Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) and government officials in the Democratic Republic of Congo, unrest surrounding a presidential candidate helped a judge rule in MAF’s favor. In August a dispute regarding taxes had led to the impounding of two MAF aircraft and one vehicle. MAF cut back its flight program while trying to resolve the misunderstanding involving several different officials, differing tax rates and paid receipts. MAF’s Fran Derocher said that when the mission’s day in court rolled around, the election unrest actually played into MAF’s hands. "It just so happens that day there was a little bit of trouble in town, but our guys still went to court. The judge was there. But guess who wasn’t? The other side!" MAF presented all the evidence, proving all taxes had been paid without any dispute. Two weeks later the judge ruled in MAF’s favor, allowing the release of the planes and vehicle back into service. "We just think this was a tremendous answer from God," Derocher said. (Mission Network News)

* HCJB World Radio works with local partners in the Democratic Republic of Congo to broadcast the gospel on Christian stations in Boma, Bukavu and Kinshasa. Programs go out in English, French, Kikongo Fioti, Lingala, Luba and Swahili. Weekly programs in the Songe and Kikongo San Salvador languages also air from local FM stations in the country.


The pastor of one of the largest Pentecostal churches in Belarus has been fined the equivalent of 150 times the minimum wage for performing baptisms in a local lake. On July 2 Pastor Sergei Poznyakovich of the Salvation Pentecostal Church baptized some 70 people in a local lake near the church in Baranovichi. The pastor, whose son was among the baptized, did not see any state observers at the event, but noted police officers subsequently visited the church on July 16. On Aug. 30 Judge Oksana Kusheva fined Poznyakovich the equivalent of US$2,171. In addition, the church’s regional bishop was fined the equivalent of US$298. State officials cite a "higher than permitted level of bacterial pollution in the water" as the reason for denying repeated requests for permits for the event, and claim they offered alternative sites. Poznyakovich said the lake is "the cleanest in town" and confirmed he had been fined for a baptism in the same lake last year. The Salvation Pentecostal Church was founded in the 1920s and has about 1,500 adult members. (Forum 18 News Service)


Religious tensions in central Indonesia caused by the execution of three Christian militants and years of fighting between Muslims and Christians remain extremely high. On Sunday, October 1, about 20 masked men blocked a road near the main battleground in the 1998-2002 fighting in Poso. They stopped a bus, forcing five passengers to get out, stabbing one Christian man before police arrived. The victim was hospitalized with wounds to his back and was described by one nurse as remaining in "serious" condition. On the same night, two small bombs were detonated, causing no injuries. Soon after, a Muslim mob set fire to a partially-constructed church. On Friday, Sept. 29, about 100 Christian youth torched a police station and threw rocks at a helicopter carrying the police chief. (WorldWide Religious News)

* HCJB World Radio has worked with local partners to establish more than 14 local Christian radio stations across Indonesia since 2004. Broadcasts from HCJB World Radio-Australia’s shortwave station in Kununurra also encourage listeners nationwide. In addition, HCJB World Radio has helped with relief efforts since the Dec. 26, 2004, earthquake/tsunami and subsequent quakes that have devastated parts of Indonesia.

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 Všechny zprávy v angličtině.

John W. Peterson, author of well-loved gospel songs such as "It Took a Miracle" which was often sung at Billy Graham crusades by George Beverley Shea, died on Wednesday, Sept. 20, after a bout with cancer. He was 84. After a World War II stint as an Army Air Force pilot, Peterson attended Moody Bible Institute in Chicago and served on the radio staff there for a number of years. In 1953 he graduated from the American Conservatory of Music in Chicago. He was president and editor-in-chief of the sacred music publishing company Singspiration for more than 10 years and served on numerous boards while continuing his songwriting. He wrote more than 1,000 individual songs, including titles common in many of today’s hymnals such as "So Send I You," "Surely Goodness and Mercy" and "Heaven Came Down." In addition, Peterson also wrote 35 cantatas and musicals that have sold more than 10 million copies worldwide. Bill Welte, executive director of the Keswick Conventions, said Peterson was "much like Martin Luther [in that] during his lifetime he brought music back to the church through his choruses and Christmas and Easter cantatas. John loved to get people together to sing and worship the Lord." (Assist News Service)


Presbyterian leaders in the northeastern Indian states of Meghalaya and Mizoram -- surrounded by Muslims in Bangladesh and Buddhists in Myanmar -- are saying there have been numerous miracles that could point to a religious reawakening in the region. One church in Meghalaya’s capital city of Shillong reported a cross glowing and radiating the image of Jesus, resulting in a steady stream of devotees. This, along with reports of school students "convulsing, behaving abnormally and even fainting," prompted Presbyterian spokesman Rev. Laldawngliana to say, "The Holy Spirit is here to reawaken people" and point to similar events that sparked a revival in the region 100 years ago. The region has many historical ties to the Presbyterian Church in Wales which founded the denomination in India in 1841 through missionary Thomas Jones. Previous revivals in the region have coincided with reawakenings in Wales. Of late, the connection has been reversed as two priests from India were sent to Wales to help fill a "spiritual void" after a 2001 study showed less than one in 10 Welsh people attended church. (WorldWide Religious News/BBC News)


Christians in Bolivia are awaiting the results of possible changes in the law ushered in with new socialist President Juan Evo Morales Ayma. Popularly known as Evo, the president claims to be the first minority tribal head of state since the Spanish conquest more than 470 years ago. He has commissioned more than 200 men and women to study the revamping or rewriting of the country’s constitution. One possible change could limit freedom of religion, and have a dramatic impact on outreaches such as Grace Ministries International (GMI) which runs private Christian schools. "Some of the issues that have been brought up, and especially one that would be very detrimental to the Christian churches would be the idea that there’d be no more private schools," said GMI’s Sam Vinton. "All our schools would be . . . taken over by the government. We would not only lose the schools per se, but it would be a matter that Christian teaching could not be taught because schools would be under the authority of the government where none of those biblical teachings would be allowed." While nothing has been decided yet, GMI and other similar ministries are asking for prayer. (Mission Network News)

* HCJB World Radio has worked with local radio partners to plant local AM and FM stations in the Bolivian cities of Santa Cruz, Tarija and Tupiza. Four stations with eight transmitters in four cities (La Paz, Caranavi, Santa Cruz and Sucre) are also affiliated with the ALAS, the ministry’s Latin American satellite radio network that makes Spanish programs available to local stations 24 hours a day.


The American Bible Society has named Rev. Dr. R. Lamar Vest as the organization’s executive director for ministries effective Oct. 1. Bible Society President Paul Irwin said of Vest, "The mission of the American Bible Society is to provide God’s Word to every man, woman and child so that they can be changed by its life-changing message. Although [Vest] formally assumed his duties on Oct. 1, the fact is that his life has always been engaged and rooted in this mission. So we are most enthusiastic to welcome him to this new role." Vest says that he and his wife, Vickie, "are looking forward with great expectation to this new venture. The idea that we may indeed cover the earth with the knowledge of the Lord through the distribution of His Word is, for us, the opportunity of a lifetime." (Religion News Service)


More than 47,100 Koreans recently gathered at various "Loud & Clear" events in the South Korean city of Bucheon, 40 miles south of the border between North and South Korea. The weeklong event was led by the Loud & Clear outreach team from Horizon Christian Fellowship and Pastor Mike MacIntosh from San Diego, Calif. More than 200 volunteers from the U.S. and four other nations took part in the activities such as music, BMX stunt bikes, medical teams, children’s ministries and clowns. Eighty-five local Korean churches and hundreds of students and professors from Seoul Theological Seminary hosted the event and provided housing for the volunteers, interpreters, transportation, food and follow-up for those who responded to MacIntosh’s gospel messages. The English Village at Bucheon Stadium Park was one of the most novel aspects of the week’s activities, drawing huge crowds of young and old alike. MacIntosh led a similar event in Poland this summer called the Festival of Life. It was organized by Radio CCM, one of HCJB World Radio’s partner ministries. (Assist News Service)

© Copyright 2006 - HCJB World Radio - Colorado Springs, CO USA

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Fereshteh Dibaj, a young mother and house church leader who was arrested along with her husband, Amir Montazemi, on Tuesday, Sept. 26, was allowed to contact her family a week later. She reported that both she and her husband are doing well, although they remain in custody. Montazemi had called home on Friday, Sept. 29, but no word had been received from Dibaj, and there was increasing concern for her wellbeing. Officials have not released a reason for the couple’s arrest. Their 6-year-old daughter, Christine, is staying with family members. Dibaj is the daughter of Iranian Christian martyr Mehdi Dibaj, an Assemblies of God minister who spent more than nine years in prison for his faith before being assassinated while on his way to Fereshteh’s sixth birthday party soon after his release. (Pray for Iran Team)


At least 13 people died and more than 80 were injured as a series of bomb blasts rocked a mostly Christian neighborhood in the southern part of the Iraqi capital, Baghdad. Just before noon in a shopping district of the Camp Sara neighborhood, which is predominantly Christian, one car bomb and two roadside bombs exploded in the span of 10 minutes. In an increasingly common terrorist tactic, the initial car bomb explosion was followed by two roadside bombs with a delay in between apparently targeting those who come to aid and investigate the initial explosion. Indeed, multiple news agencies list high numbers of policemen among the casualties. A convoy related to Iraq’s industry minister was in the area at the time, but it is uncertain if the explosion was directed at him. (BBC/Associated Press)


Seven Christians working with the Indian Missionary Society (IMS) in western India’s Gujarat state were released on bail Friday, Sept. 29, while one person remains in custody. The group was assaulted on the afternoon of Wednesday, Sept. 20, when a group of about 15 extremists surrounded the Christians, beating them with wooden clubs. One of the women reported severe and widespread bruising. Before leaving, the extremists stole their valuables and warned them of dire consequences if they continued to share the gospel in the area. When the group went to file a police complaint the next day, they were arrested instead. They also discovered that one of the extremists, Kanji Nayak, had already filed a complaint against the eight, claiming that the Christians had tried to shoot him after he refused to convert. Pastor Dasrath Nanji Dilwad remains in custody, and his case has been transferred to the High Court. Rev. Samuel Ravi, regional field coordinator for IMS, believes the incident has a political motive since the incident occurred only a day after an amendment strengthening the Gujarat Freedom of Religion Bill was passed, pointing to an anti-Christian bias in the state. (Compass Direct)

* Radio programs in 17 languages air to India from HCJB World Radio-Australia’s shortwave station in Kununurra. The programs are produced at the ministry’s studios in New Delhi, India.


Following the anti-Christian violence in Dutse, Nigeria, Open Doors has begun delivering relief aid to Christian victims to alleviate immediate needs. On Wednesday Sept. 20, an argument between a Muslim man and a Christian woman apparently led to "blasphemous" remarks that sparked an angry Muslim mob to go on a violent rampage targeting Christian churches, homes and businesses. A total of 14 churches were burned, another two were looted, and 2,000 Christians, including 16 pastors, were left homeless. At least 80 stores owned by Christians were also damaged. No arrests have been made and the Christian community remains shaken. Many Christians who lost property are seeking refuge at local police stations. Open Doors is committed to both the physical and spiritual encouragement of the traumatized Christians. "It’s crucial that the churches in Dutse know they are not alone. By extending a helping hand now, in the time of their greatest need, we are reminding them that they are part of the body of Christ. We are sharing in their suffering," said J.P. Pretorius, Open Doors’ operations director for Sub-Saharan Africa. (Evangelical News)

* HCJB World Radio, together with partners In Touch Ministries, SIM and the Evangelical Church of West Africa, began airing weekly half-hour programs to Nigeria in the Igbo language in 2000. In 2003 weekly broadcasts were added in two additional languages, Yoruba and Hausa. HCJB World Radio also has helped with radio ministries in six cities with more in the planning stages.


Baptists in the Central Asian country of Kazakhstan who have refused on principle to register their churches are now insisting that they will not pay fines imposed on them for not registering. "We won’t pay because we don’t consider we’re guilty," said Pastor Yaroslav Senyushkevich. "Kazakhstan’s constitution guarantees freedom of worship and says nothing about registration." Registration of religious communities can be highly intrusive, demanding large amounts of personal information about congregation members and political affiliations. Senyushkevich, who was fined in May, said no one has asked him for the money. "The fine has not been annulled, but it has not been collected," he said. "Of course, as the fine still stands, [the authorities] could come at any time." Kazakhstan has launched a campaign against unregistered religious organizations following President Nursultan Nazarbayev’s signature in June 2005 of "national security" amendments which the authorities claim compel religious organizations to register. Human and religious rights activists oppose the laws. (Forum 18 News Service)

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The Iranian couple arrested on Tuesday, Sept. 26, was released on bail this morning and reunited with their 6-year-old daughter. Reza "Amir" Montazami and Fereshteh Dibaj expressed their deepest gratitude for all those around the world who were praying for their release. The couple reported that they were treated well by the authorities while in prison. Their release comes one day after Fereshteh was allowed to contact her relatives, alleviating fears that she was injured or killed soon after the arrest. The case against the couple remains open, but formal charges have not been revealed. Authorities have indicated that their arrest was connected with their Christian beliefs and activities. (Pray for Iran/Middle East Concern)


Christian Freedom International (CFI), a non-profit organization dedicated to helping persecuted Christians, has announced the released of its 2006-2007 Handcraft Catalog in conjunction with its micro-enterprise program. The catalog features handmade items created by Christian artisans in countries such as Pakistan, Laos, Bangladesh and Indonesia. Items for sale include ethnic clothing, pottery, jewelry and bags. CFI provides artisans with training and materials and then pays them for the crafts that are then shipped and sold in the U.S. The self-help program has allowed poverty-stricken Christians to earn an income for themselves and their families. For more information visit www.christianfreedom.org. (Evangelical News)


A new audiovisual studio was dedicated in the headquarters building of the Chinese Christian Council/Three-Self Patriotic Movement (TSPM) in China. The TSPM is China’s officially sanctioned Protestant church. At a special ceremony, Presbyter Ji Jianhong, the TSPM’s national chairman, joined International Ministry Director Walt Winters and Gunya Na Thalang, general secretary of Asian ministry (both from the Lutheran Laymen’s League) to unveil the studio. "Thank God for this new building," said President Cao Shengjie. "Thank God for his blessings, particularly in this room for new audio and video works." The Lutheran Laymen’s League, also know as Lutheran Hour Ministries (LHM), produces Christian radio and television programming for broadcast as well as Internet and print communications, dramas, music and printed materials to reach the unchurched in more than 40 countries. LHM’s flagship program, "The Lutheran Hour," is the world’s longest-running Christian outreach radio program. It airs weekly on more than 800 stations. (www.chineseprotestantchurch.org)


A new orphanage and school in the northwestern Ethiopian state of Benishangul-Gumuz has accepted 141 of the poorest orphans in the region. The Kamashi Orphanage and School was built in cooperation with Blessing the Children International. Children coming into the orphanage are often malnourished, underweight and often naked. The facilities were designed to provide a school, dining hall, medical clinic, administration and housing to both children and missionaries. "It’s challenging work," says Mr. Strawn, president of the ministry, "but its so rewarding to see them blossom into the children they were meant to be." The facilities were designed to house up to 500 orphaned children and could be filled to capacity quickly if the organization had the funding to support the work. Blessing the Children earns all overhead ministry costs through providing printing, consulting and various services so that all donations go directly to helping children. (Christian Newswire)

* Staff members at HCJB World Radio-Australia’s studios record Oromo language programs that air to 28 million speakers in Ethiopia and Kenya via FEBA Radio’s shortwave facilities.


Baptist International Mission Board missionary Andy Hill believes there is a "vaquero" (Spanish for cowboy) at the heart of every Mexican man, and he is basing his ministry in the border town of Agua Prieta, Mexico. At first Hill tried to push the idea away. "I thought, ‘Wait a minute. That sounds like too much fun,’" he said. "I was afraid it was too much my idea and not enough God’s." But Hill observed how few vaqueros are being reached by Christian groups in the area and how important the vaquero culture was. Then Hill’s supervisor, Allen Alexander, posed the question, "Andy, have you ever thought about starting ‘vaquero’ churches in your area?" In the meantime, God was also preparing horse trainer Chip Sugar of Hawley, Texas, to start a part-time ministry reaching lost people through the use of horses. Sugar makes annual trips to Hill’s church, incorporating scriptural principles and the gospel message into his horse training seminars. Now seven "vaqueros" and their families study the Bible and worship regularly with the Hills at the local rodeo grounds. Hill believes it’s the "beginning of a movement of ‘vaquero’ churches that has the potential to spread across Mexico." (Baptist Press)

* The World Radio Network, a cooperating ministry of HCJB World Radio, has more than 23 outlets, most of them Spanish-language stations and repeaters along the U.S.-Mexico border, including one in Douglas, Ariz., across the border from Agua Prieta.

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Irish tenor Ronan Tynan is traveling the U.S. on a tour to share his songs of hope and faith-based inspiration from his latest CD called The Dawning of the Day. Tynan is the embodiment of inspiration and wears many hats. Despite a disability that lead to the amputation of both his legs below the knee after an automobile accident at age 20, Tynan has won 18 Gold medals as a multi-talented athlete in the Paralympics. He is also the first disabled person ever to be admitted to the National College of Physical education, receiving his degree as a medical doctor specializing in Orthopedic sports Medicine from Trinity College. Less than one year after he began studying voice at the urging of his father, Tynan won both the John McCormick Cup for Tenor Voice and the BBC talent show Go For It. Tynan says, "I want people to realize that regardless of what infirmity or disability, it should never stop you from doing what you want to do. You can mentally make your mind strong enough to overcome any obstacle that comes your way. Make a deal with yourself to take risks, because when you do and it come out right, boy it's some buzz!" (Assist News Service)


It has been nearly one year since the deadly 7.6-magnitude earthquake struck the Kashmir region of Pakistan, killing 88,000, injuring 100,000, and leaving more than 3.5 million homeless. While Open Doors chipped in with emergency response, the long-term goal of Open Doors and partnering Christian organizations was to open a much-needed hospital and build schools. In May, Pakistani Christian volunteers helped replace temporary tents with a pre-fabricated, shock- proof hospital building, ready to house 20 patients along with a new surgical center, dispensary and outpatient treatment center. In addition, the group is focusing on constructing four schools to help replace the 65 percent of government schools that were destroyed. "The schools will bring interfaith harmony and remove the suspicion and doubt that usually is spread through extremism," one Christian commented. "We hope that when Muslims start living side by side they will understand who Christians are. And the Christians by the same token will be able to share the love and compassion of Christ by their presence in that area." (Evangelical News)

* HCJB World Radio sent two medical teams from Ecuador to Pakistan following the Oct. 8, 2005, earthquake that left tens of thousands dead and thousands more injured and homeless. Staff members helped SIM International with relief efforts.


Compass Direct News reports that the increasing violence against Christians in India is rooted in the political insecurities of the Hindu nationalists. Beginning in 2001 and on through 2005, approximately 200 anti-Christian attacks were reported in India each year. This year, nearly 150 such attacks were already reported by mid-September with the annual total expected to exceed 200. Christian violence increased dramatically when the Hindu extremist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) came into power in 1998. It has remained relatively stable until this year. Recent increases in anti-Christian attacks appear tied to political losses and internal division within the BJP. The party is exploiting the touchy issue of Christian conversions, which they call "forced" to gain political credit among Hindus. Anti-Christian incidents thus far in 2006 include the gang rape of two Christian women and a spate of false accusations of "forced" conversions, followed by violent attacks in Madhya Pradesh; sustained harassment of the Emmanuel Mission International (EMI) for more than six months in Rajasthan; a massive anti-Christian campaign in the districts of Dangs and Phulbani in Gujarat and Orissa respectively; and a sudden increase of attacks on Christians in Karnataka state. (Compass Direct)


The World Bible Translations Center's easy-to-read version of the Hungarian New Testament excited a seminary student named Istvan who disliked the old Hungarian version that was available. So when he received the new version, he had the idea to make an audio recording of the entire New Testament available on the Internet for free. Istvan searched more than two years for the ideal voice to present the audio version of the Gospel in a professional way before connecting with a secondary school teacher named Monica. Monica was not even a Christian when the new version of the New Testament was released, but had just turned her life over to God. Her vision was that the Lord would use her voice to record the Bible in an audio format. The divine connection between vision and talent is working together to get the message of Christ to the Hungarian people. (Mission Network News)


"Beyond the Call" (BTC), a daily one-minute radio program hosted by Ron Cline, HCJB World Radio's board chairman and former president, celebrates its 10th anniversary on Saturday, Oct. 7.

BTC was the brainchild of former staff members Jack Harrison and Pam Hargis who "wanted to get the mission's name out to the public" and inspire believers to do something great for God.

"That's why it's called, 'Beyond the Call,'" Cline said. "It means going beyond what God saved you from. It's all about taking that next step."

BTC was launched as a three-minute, question-and-answer program with queries from listeners such as, "How can I keep my temper under control?", "How can I witness to people who are caught up in cults?", "What can I do to get more fired up about reading the Bible?" and "Exactly how do you go about fasting?"

In each program Cline gave a short, Bible-based answer and a practical suggestion about how believers could "go beyond the call" in their Christian life. A call center was set up at HCJB World Radio's international headquarters so listeners could ask questions and order a wide variety of resources.

"Many people called in with great questions, and this offered an opportunity to interact with the audience," Cline said.

However, putting together the three-minute program became a strain on the mission's resources, and the changing market demanded a shorter format. The team went back to the drawing board, and with encouragement from Ambassador Advertising Agency, they came up with the idea of a one-minute program with a punchy story and a call to action, giving true stories of how real people went "beyond the call" in their Christian lives.

"The idea of 'Beyond the Call' was to show that when you do something small out of obedience to God, He often does something astounding," Cline says. The format worked, and the shorter version, which began in early 1998, has remained in place ever since.

Telling an often-complicated story in 130 words or less has proved to be a challenge, but the staff has risen to the occasion, putting together nearly 2,600 programs in the last 10 years.

"We have to leave out a lot of the details and just get right to the heart of the story," Cline explains. "Our writers have done very well to find these stories and boil them down to less than a minute each."

Moving to the one-minute format caused an explosion of interest in the program among Christian stations nationwide. Originally airing on a few dozen stations, BTC is now carried on nearly 1,000 outlets and is heard more than 1,100 times daily on partner stations. It's also being podcast and is available worldwide via the Internet at beyondthecall.org.

"This is definitely one of the most well-used one-minute features in our experience," says Peggy Campbell, vice president of marketing at Ambassador Advertising Agency which oversees distribution of the program.

"Given the trend to less talk-even one-minute programs-as well as the reality that no station is compensated for airtime, the distribution/coverage is truly a remarkable accomplishment," she said. "It's indicative of the value stations place on HCJB World Radio's reputation-the substantive content being delivered to audiences and the ability of Ron Cline to communicate in a compelling style that resonates with listeners."

Chris Staley, manager of networking programming at KSOS in Las Vegas, Nev., one of the original 14 stations to carry the program, said the station has stuck with the program because of the compelling stories.

"The power of a testimony is undeniable," she explained. "'Beyond the Call' brings real-life stories that show how listeners can do something that matters for the kingdom of God."

Wayne Pederson, vice president of broadcasting at Moody Broadcasting Network in Chicago and a member of HCJB World Radio's board of trustees, says stories are a great way to inspire Christians to a deeper walk with Christ. "We're always looking for ways to encourage believers to be more all-out for God, and who can issue that call better than Ron Cline in 'Beyond the Call'? The stories are such a compelling way to help believers effectively serve Jesus Christ. They are life-changing."

Chris Lemke, general manager of WCSG in Grand Rapids, Mich., agrees. "It's a great tool for us to use. It's brief, yet it's effective. It's a great little package, packing a lot into 60 seconds, but Ron has a way of doing it-he cuts right to the chase. We're thrilled to have his program!"

Jim Kirkland, general manager of WMIT/Blue Ridge Broadcasting in Black Mountain, N.C., describes Cline's style as "simple, yet compelling. The stories he shares about people making a difference are pure inspiration. I count his program a highlight of our daily ministry to listeners."

Although officially retired, Cline says he's eager to keep hosting the program as long as he's able and the demand is there. "I'll do it as long as it's worthwhile," he said. "As long as it's encouraging people to do something special with their lives, we'll keep producing it. There's certainly no lack of stories, and it's a great forum to present what God is doing around the world."

Since 1931 HCJB World Radio's passion has been to make disciples of Jesus Christ. Through the practical tools of media and healthcare, the mission is equipping the voices and hands of the growing church. By working with local believers around the globe, ministries have been established in more than 300 communities in more than 100 countries as partners focus on blessing their communities.

Together with these partners, HCJB World Radio broadcasts the gospel in more than 120 languages and dialects. Thousands of healthcare patients are also meeting Jesus. Believers are being trained as missionaries, pastors, broadcasters and healthcare providers. HCJB World Radio's desire is to integrate discipleship with practical tools to equip the growing church around the world and see lives transformed.

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