Zprávy HCJB 12.11.2006 - 18.11.2006

 Dohoda mezi Biblickou Společností Austrálie a Mezinárodní Biblickou Společností.
   Australská Biblická Společnost (BSA) a Mezinárodní Biblická Společnost podepsaly v sobotu 11. listopadu v Sydney smlouvu o spolupráci. Ne jejím základě je možný tisk Nové mezinárodní verze Bible v různých formátech k distribuci v Austrálii, Novém Zélandu a na ostrovech jižního Pacifiku i v působištích United Bible Society – v Africe, jižní Asii a v Izraeli. P. L. N. Murthy, viceprezident IBS pro Austrálii, Mikronézii, Afriku, Jižní Ameriku a Izrael hovořil o potřebě spojenectví vydavatelů Bible s využivání společných zdrojů. Řekl, že přinášet lidem Boží Slovo, které změní jejich život, je zavazující. (Assist News Service)
 Rostoucí nátlak nutí mnoho palestinských křesťanů k útěku
    Letáky objevující se v Betlému v Izraeli zneuctívají křesťany arabské národnosti a papeže Benedicta a viní křesťany z Palestiny, že prodávají mobilní telefony s urážlivými obrázky islámského proroka Mohammeda, uvádí AgapePress. Vyděšený prodavač mobilů se ukrývá a pomýšlí na odstěhování se do zahraničí. Toto je jen jen součástí současného exodu nepatrné menšiny palestinských křesťanů, který by mohl vést, jak někteří předvídají, k víře skutečně vymírající na místě, kde se zrodila. Palestinské povstání a oddělující bariéra, kterou Izraelci v roce 2002 postavili, urychlily úprk z míst kdysi tepajících ruchem poutníků, např. Betléma, a přeměnily je na města duchů. Rostoucí síla radikálního islámského hnutí přidala na obavách. Během protestů způsobených papežovými poznámkámi o Islámu pronesených v září se nejnásilnější boje odehrály v oblastech Palestiny, kde kostely byly vypáleny zápalnými pumami a střelbou. (Religion Today)
 Nejistota v Izraeli otevírá příležitost pro hlásání evangelia
    Ostražitost Izraele nárůstá, protože minulý týden Palestina pohrozila, že letecky zaútočí na území Gazy. Nejistota v okolí Izraele, Gazy a západního břehu však může vytvořit podmínky pro misijní činnost ve Svaté zemi, řekl Tom Doyle z E3 Partners, který je právě v Izraeli. „Poprvé teď mnoho lidí židovského národa klade otázky. Jsou otevření a ochotní naslouchat. Jsou teď velmi vyděšení a pocity zoufalství a pochnurné nálady, které tam panují, jsou vždy pro evangelium velmi příznivé.“ V neděli 12. listopadu se Doyle zúčastnil svěcení Baptistického kostela v Gaze. Řekl, že muslimové a teroristé se obracejí ke Kristu. „Z Islámu jsou lidé zklamáni,“ vysvětloval. „Většina muslimů nechce jihad a podrobit si svět. Raději by byli šťastní a schopni uživit své rodiny. Mezi muslimy se o tom tak hovoří a také se mluví o tom, jak se mnoho lidí odvrací od islámu ke křesťanství.“ (Mission Network News)
 Anglikánský kněz brutálně ubodán k smrti na Jamajce
   Reverend Richard Johnson, jeden z nejoblíbenějších anglikánských duchovních na Jamajce, byl v neděli 12. listopadu brutálně zavražděn ve svém domově na faře v hlavním městě Jamajky. Bylo mu 45 let. Johnson, farář 119 let staré Jude´s Anglican Church v Stony Hill, byl nalezen ubodaný k smrti ve svém obydlí u kostela v neděli kolem 22. hodiny večer. Jeden ze správců jej slyšel křičet a pak objevil jeho tělo zhroucené na schodišti a probodané 25 bodnými ranami. Hlavní podezřelý z vraždy, známý jako „Bomber“, se v pondělí sám udal na policii a podrobil se výslechu detektivů. „Je to pro nás ohromná ztráta,“ řekl Dave Dennie, jeden ze starších a člen církevního výboru. „ Byl pro nás něco jako matka Tereza. Nechápu, proč by někdo takto mohl vzít život, když ho nemůže zpět darovat.“ Johnson, absolvent United Theological College v Západní Indii, byl vysvěcen na kněze v roce 1992. Jeho manželka Heather, ředitelka prominentní střední školy v St. Ann, nebyla v domě vraždy doma. (Assist News Service)
 Extrémisté útočí na indonézského vyučujícího pro jeho obrácení se na křesťanství
   Muslimští extrémisté na Západní Jávě v Indonézii se v polovině října pokusili zavraždit lektora za to, že se před třemi roky obrátil z islámu na křesťanskou víru. Vyučující teologie, jehož jméno je z bezpečnostních důvodů utajeno, se ukrývá v jiné provincii, aby uprchnul dalším hrozbám smrti. Zdroje mluví o tom, že jeden muž prohlašující se za křesťana zavolal vyučujícího a říkal, že chce studovat islám, aby si lépe rozuměl se svými muslimskými známými. Několikrát se lektor s ním a jeho přáteli setkal. Oni ho požádali, aby s nimi cestoval do Lembangu, malé obce na předměstí Bandungu. Cestou mu kolem krku omotali provaz a pokoušeli se ho uškrtit. Několikrát jej uhodili přes hlavu kladivem, ale jemu se podařilo vyskočit z automobilu a skutálet se s kopce dolů. Policie jednoho z mužů zodpovědných za útok zatknula, avšak ostatní uprchli. (Compass Direct News)
 Radikální hinduisté pokračují v tlaku na indické křesťany.
   Křesťané v Indii nepřestávají trpět útlakem ze strany radikálních hinduistů. V neděli 12. listopadu hinduističtí extrémisté fackovali konvertitu, který má leukémii. Hned druhý den dalším místním konvertitům vyhrožovali, aby je odradili od návštěvy kostela. Známý podporovatel hinduistické nacionalistické strany Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) spustil pokřik u domu pastora C. Samuela Johna ve vesnici Lakkavalli v okrese Chickmagalur. Johna, který provozuje křesťanský sirotčinec obvinil z násilného obracení Dalitů na křesťany.

Ve čtvrtek 9. listopadu se ve vesnici Bamhni ve středovýchodním indickém státu Chattisgarh sešli panchyat (obecní rada), aby vyhrožovali místním křesťanům. Přitom místní hodnostáři a další lidé napadli šest křesťanů, mezi nimi těhotnou ženu. Vesnická rada mlčky pozorovala, jak těhotnou Sukbati Mandavi bili pěstí do žaludku. Poté, co místní politik Puran Patel a další lidé tyto křesťany zbili, utekli křesťané na blízkou policejní stanici v Kondongaon, kde jim však policisté odmítli pomoci.

Při nedávném incidentu v severoindickém státu Radžastán napadli čtyři radikální hinduisté misionáře Jaksona z misijní organizace Gospel for Asia (GOP), když vystoupil z autobusu. Donutili ho, aby s nimi šel na nedaleké rýžové pole a vyslýchali ho tam kvůli dvěma místním křesťanům, kteří na základě Jaksonovy pobídky mají v plánu navštěvovat biblickou školu GFA. Jaksona radikálové na poli fackovali, bili a srazili na zem. Odešli, když jim nějaký člověk řekl, aby toho nechali. Ještě pohrozili, že těm dvěma, co chtějí chodit do biblické školy, zabijí rodiče. (Compass Direct News/Assist News Service/Gospel for Asia)

* V 17 jazykových mutacích se do Indie vysílají křesťanské programy HCJB World Radio-Australia připravené ve studiích v Dillí. Programy jsou šířeny z krátkovlnných vysílačů v Kununurra v severní Austrálii.

 Indonézan se doznal k vraždě 3 křesťanských děvčat.
   Podezřelý muslimský militant se ve středu 15. listopadu doznal k účasti na useknutí hlavy třem křesťanským školačkám, ke kterému loni došlo v Indonézii. Požádal rodiny dívek o prominutí. 34letý Hasanuddin řekl před soudem v Jakartě, že pomáhal vražedný útok naplánovat, ale odmítl, že by byl hlavním pachatelem. Řekl, že chtěl pomstít smrt mnoha muslimských školáků v roce 2000, kdy vrcholily muslimsko-křesťanské boje v oblasti Poso ve východoindonézské provincii Centrální Sulawesi. Je spolu s dalšími dvěma podezřelými souzen podle indonézských protiteroristických zákonů a v případě, že bude uznán vinným, může stanout před popravčí četou. Tři školačky - patnáctiletá Theresia Morangke, 17letá Alfita Poliwo a 15letá Yarni Sambue – byly zabity cestou do soukromé křesťanské školy blízko jejich domovů ve městě Poso. Hlava jedné z nich byla nalezena před místním kostelem. Čtvrtá dívka, 15letá Noviana Malewa, byla těžce zraněna v obličeji a na krku, ale podařilo se jí utéct a oznámit, co se stalo. (BosNewsLife)

* HCJB World Radio společně s místními partnery zprovoznili od roku 2004 po celé Indonézii 14 místních rozhlasových stanic. Také vysílání z krátkovlnné stanice HCJB World Radio-Australia v Kununurra povzbutuje posluchače v celé zemi. HCJB World Radio pomáhalo i při odstraňování následků tsunami 26. prosince 2004.

 Muslimští extrémisté poničili centrum misie v Beninu.
   Během noci na neděli 4. listopadu islámští extrémisté patřící k poblíž ležící mešitě zničili církevní zařízení provozované domorodou misií Christ Power Ministries v islámském městě Porto Novo v Beninu v západní Africe. Domorodí misionáři žijící v centru se i se svými věcmi spasili útěkem, ale židle, stoly, dveře, psací stoly a další zařízení bylo zničeno.

Policejním vyšetřováním bylo zjištěno, že zničení centra nařídil imám z blízké mešity. Muslimská majitelka, která nemovitost křesťanům pronajala (protože k ní byli laskaví) byla slovně napadena a islámskou komunitou jí bylo vyhrožováno za to, že křesťanům dovolila její majetek používat.

Od zahájení činnosti v roce 2000 prošlo centrem 1500 absolventů a 650 pracovníků na poli dětské misie, kteří se zde cvičili pro práci v domorodých sborech. Centrum bylo důležitým místem modliteb za praktikanty i instruktory. Také zde vznikaly misijní programy pro muslimy a jejich děti.

”Po mnoha letech práce jsme naše centrum zratili,“ píše jeho vedoucí Claude Sossa. „Ale milujeme ty, kdo to udělali, protože ze ně zemřel Ježíš a já věřím, že mnozí z nich k Němu nakonec přijdou. Boj pokračuje.“

*HCJB World Radio spolu s Radou protestantských a evangelijních sborů v Beninu zprovoznilo křesťanskou FM rozhlasovou stanici v Cotonou v roce 1998. Stanice vysílá evangelizační program ve francouzštině, angličtině a sedmi místních jazycích. Spolupracující misie SIM také nahrává programy v osmi jazycích ve studiu v Parakou. Plánuje se celostátní síť FM stanic.

 Úprk slonů vesnicí připravil cestu pro evangelizaci v Indii
    Z neznámých důvodů se v nedávné době stádo 10 slonů přehnalo malou vesnicí v severovýchodní Indii ve státu Nagaland. Když se prach usadil, bylo po všem. Členové nové církve, založené před 8 lety, se také rozprchli, avšak svým novým sousedům přinesli evangelium a výsledky byly ohromující. Mnoho lidí se přihlásilo ke Kristu a byly založeny dva nové sbory. Domorodí misionáři z Gospel for Asia jsou nyní vedoucími dvou nových společenství a vyučují nové věřící. Místní korespondent GFA napsal, „Všichni věřící teď chápou, že Bůh řídí věci dobře. Chvalme Boha za to, že používá naše věřící, aby vznikala tato nová modlitební společenství.“ (Mission Network News)
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině

The Bible Society in Australia (BSA) and the International Bible Society (IBS) signed a partnership agreement in Sydney, Australia, Saturday, Nov. 11. The agreement enables the publishing of the New International Version of the Bible in various formats for distribution in Australia, New Zealand and across the South Pacific as well as affiliates of the United Bible Societies throughout Africa and South Asia. P.L.N. Murthy, IBS group vice president for Australia, Micronesia, Africa, South Asia and Israel, spoke of the need for fellowship between Bible producers and the use of resources available among member bodies. He said the challenge is to reach people with God’s Word, resulting in changed lives. (Assist News Service)

* HCJB World Radio-Australia operates a shortwave station in Kununurra, reaching across the Asia Pacific region with programs in 20 languages. Studios at the office in Melbourne are used to record programs in English and Oromo, a language spoken in Ethiopia.


In a worsening climate of impunity as Sri Lanka falls into civil war, Buddhist militants have continued their campaign against Christianity, attacking churches and threatening Christian schools. Christians in Sri Lanka are calling for help from the international community following a rapid deterioration of law and order in the past week. The plea follows an attack on Wednesday, Nov. 8, by the Sri Lankan armed forces on refugees sheltered at a school in Kathiraveli, a coastal town in the eastern district of Batticaloa. Protestant and Roman Catholic schools in the Colombo area have received letters demanding that they cancel all Christmas programs, and a mob of around 50 people led by four Buddhist monks arrived at an Assembly of God church in Yakkala, Gampaha, and demanded that the pastor cease the service and all future ones. (Compass Direct News)


Israel is on high alert as Palestinian militants threaten to avenge the Israeli artillery strike in the Gaza Strip last week. However, uncertainty surrounding Israel, Gaza and the West Bank may be boosting outreach in the Holy Land, said Tom Doyle of E3 Partners who is in Israel. “This is the first time that so many Jewish people are asking questions. They’re open. They’re listening. They feel very threatened right now, so there’s kind of a sense of despair and gloom and that’s always very good for the gospel.” On Sunday, Nov. 12, Doyle was part of the dedication of the Gaza Baptist Church. He said Muslims and terrorists are turning to Christ. “There’s a frustration with Islam,” he explained. “The majority of Muslims don’t want to do jihad and take over the world. They’d just be happy to be able to feed their families. Muslims are talking about this and how many people have been turning away from Islam and looking at Christianity.” (Mission Network News)


The U.S. on Monday dropped Vietnam from its list of nations that severely violate religious freedom ahead of a visit by President George W. Bush, citing improvement in its tolerance for religious expression. The State Department also reported that it added Uzbekistan to the list of “Countries of Particular Concern” on religious freedom which includes nations such as Iran, China, Saudi Arabia and North Korea. Vietnam was added to the list in 2004 and is the first country ever to be removed from it.

Vietnamese government spokesman Le Dung praised the country’s removal from the list is the “right decision that accurately reflects reality in Vietnam. Vietnam’s consistent policy is to respect and guarantee the right to freedom of belief and religion and the right to freedom of non-belief.”

John Hanford, the U.S. ambassador at large for religious freedom, told reporters that “Vietnam has made significant improvements toward advancing religious freedom.” He cited the release of dozens of religious prisoners, the reopening of hundreds of churches and an end to the practice of forcing tens of thousands of people -- chiefly Protestants -- to renounce their faith.

London-based Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW), however, expressed concerns at the removal of Vietnam from the list. The organization pointed to a leaked Vietnamese government document released Monday that formally mandates and instructs local officials to force members of less well-established Protestant congregations in the northern highlands to surrender their faith and return to their “traditional beliefs.”

“We are deeply disappointed that Vietnam has not been redesignated as a Country of Particular Concern,” said CSW Chief Executive Mervyn Thomas.” The improvements cited are insufficiently great to justify the removal of Vietnam from the list.” (WorldWide Religious News/Reuters/DPA/Christian Solidarity Worldwide)


A massive volunteer effort is underway as kids nationwide pack millions of gift-filled shoeboxes, helping to bring joy to struggling children overseas who may be opening the first Christmas gifts they’ve ever received. Operation Christmas Child, a ministry of Samaritan’s Purse, aims to distribute 8 million of the gift boxes in some 90 countries. “It’s a little symbol of hope that touches the lives of so many people, bringing joy to hurting children in other parts of the world while also giving kids here in the U.S. a wonderful opportunity to learn about generosity and compassion,” said Franklin Graham, president of Samaritan’s Purse. This is “collection week” as shoeboxes are being dropped off at locations across the U.S. and in 10 other countries. The boxes are filled with carefully chosen gifts such as toys, school supplies, toiletry items, books, clothes and handwritten notes of encouragement. The gifts help bring hope to children who are suffering from natural disaster, war, terrorism, disease, poverty, and famine. (Samaritan’s Purse)

© Copyright 2006 - HCJB World Radio - Colorado Springs, CO USA - btc@hcjb.org

 Všechny zprávy v angličtině.

Christians in India continue to suffer persecution at the hands of radical Hindus. On Sunday, Nov. 12, Hindu extremists in the southern state of Karnataka slapped a convert suffering from blood cancer, and the following day they threatened to keep area converts from joining churches. An alleged supporter of the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) made the threat at the house of Pastor C. Samuel John in Lakkavalli village, Chickmagalur district. He accused John, the owner of a Christian orphanage, of forcibly converting Dalits to Christianity.

On Thursday, Nov. 9, during a panchayat (village council meeting) convened to address threats against Christians in the village of Bamhni in east-central India’s Chattisgarh state, a local politician and others attacked six Christians, including a pregnant woman. The village council remained mute as they watched the attack in which the pregnant Sukbati Mandavi was kicked in the stomach. After politician Puran Patel and others beat the believers, the Christians fled to the nearby Kondagaon police station where officers refused to help them.

In another recent incident in northern India’s Rajasthan state, a Gospel for Asia (GFA) missionary named Jakson was attacked by four men from a radical Hindu group after he stepped off a bus. They took him by force to a nearby paddy field and interrogated him about two local Christian young men who planned to attend a GFA Bible college as a result of his witness. Jakson's attackers began to slap him, beat him and throw him to the ground. The four men left after a neighbor pleaded with the men to stop beating him. Then they made death threats to the parents of the two men who planned attend Bible college. (Compass Direct News/Assist News Service/Gospel for Asia)

* Radio programs in 17 languages air to India from HCJB World Radio-Australia’s shortwave station in Kununurra. The programs are produced at the ministry’s studios in New Delhi, India.


Christian groups are uniting to bring a voice to the plight of 143 million orphans worldwide. Because the crisis is too big for any one group to handle alone, Family Life, Focus on the Family and Shaohannah’s Hope have joined forces to make a stronger case for action. The alliance launched the “Voice of the Orphan” campaign this week, aimed at raising awareness of the need for North American churches to spur fellow Christians to action in helping orphans, including considering adoption. Coalition member Bill Blacquiere, president of Bethany Christian Services, said the alliance has issued a call that requires a “do” response from the church. “While it’s very important to feed and clothe and care for children -- and we support that work -- it’s also very important to do it in the name of Jesus Christ and present the message of salvation,” he said. (Mission Network News)


Shortly after speaking as an official guest at an event marking Kazakhstan’s “Day of Spiritual Unity and Conciliation” last month, a South Korean pastor was expelled from the country Tuesday, Nov. 14, for “missionary work without registration.” Pastor Kim U Sob led the Love Presbyterian Church in the southern town of Kyzyl-Orda, Kazakhstan, for the past eight years and was visiting a church member when he was arrested. “The police suddenly burst into the house where he was staying and filmed everyone present,” said a church member who asked to remain anonymous. Aleksandr Klyushev of the Association of Religious Communities of Kazakhstan said the local migration police refused to allow the pastor to extend his visa and stay in the country after he was found guilty in June of carrying out “missionary work without registration.” (Forum 18 News Service)


Research by the Christian Booksellers Association and Zondervan Publishers indicates that the average U.S. Christian owns nine Bibles and is actively in the market for more. That statistic troubled Christian Resources International (CRI) Executive Director Fred Palmerton whose organization receives more than 250 letters a month from pastors and Christian workers in developing countries without any Bibles or Christian books. “Every day more than 122,000 people become Christians, and most of those people are in Africa, Asia, and South America,” he said. “They’re attending churches where even the pastors have no Bibles.” This prompted Palmerton and CRI to launch “Operation Bare Your Bookshelf,” a project that makes it easy for American Christians to send their Bibles and other Christian books overseas. One of CRI’s volunteers, Doug Burnie, regularly takes used ambulances and school buses to Guaymas, Mexico, to donate to charities, churches, clinics and schools. Recently he delivered an 11-pound bundle of theological and spiritual works to a needy pastor. The pastor then shared the library with six other pastors in his community. (Evangelical News/Christian Newswire)


Rev. Richard Johnson, one of Jamaica’s most well-loved Anglican priests, was brutally murdered on Sunday, Nov. 12, at his home in a church compound in Jamaica’s capital. He was 45. Johnson, rector of the 119-year-old St. Jude’s Anglican Church in Stony Hill, was found stabbed to death at his residence near the church at about 10 p.m. Sunday. A caretaker heard him screaming and discovered his body, slumped on a staircase, riddled with 25 stab wounds,. The main suspect in the killing, a man known only as “Bomber,” turned himself in to police late Monday and was being questioned by senior detectives. “It has been a huge loss,” said Dave Dennie, senior server and member of the church committee. “He was like a Mother Teresa to us. I don’t understand why someone would take a life like this, and they can’t give life.” A graduate of the United Theological College of the West Indies, Johnson was ordained a priest in 1992. His wife, Heather, principal of a prominent high school in St. Ann, was not at the home when the murder took place. (Assist News Service)

© Copyright 2006 - HCJB World Radio - Colorado Springs, CO USA

 Všechny zprávy v angličtině.

The Slavic Gospel Association (SGA) is again gearing up for its Immanuel’s Child Christmas outreach in an effort to present the gospel to 15,000 children in Russia and other nations in the Commonwealth of Independent States. SGA’s Joel Griffith says it’s a great outreach as “dedicated Christians from local Bible-preaching churches (across North America) deliver the gifts and establish credibility in the community. They develop one-on-one relationships with the children to make disciples. It also opens the door for follow-up ministry that takes place throughout the year. It’s just really a neat church partnership.” He added that the outreach opens doors to share Christ with needy families. “It’s a wonderful opportunity to have not only churches here have a ministry overseas across the lands of Russia,” Griffith explained. “It’s also a chance to help the churches there have an open door to reach their communities and children in their communities.” Last year’s program reached about 11,000 children. (Mission Network News)


A suspected Muslim militant admitted Wednesday, Nov. 15, that he was involved in the beheadings of three Christian schoolgirls in Indonesia last year and asked forgiveness from their families. Hasanuddin, 34, told a Jakarta court he had helped plan the attack, but rejected claims that he was the mastermind. He said he wanted to avenge the killing of scores of Muslims at a boarding school in 2000 during the peak of Muslim-Christian violence in the Poso region of eastern Indonesia’s Central Sulawesi province. He and two other suspects are tried under Indonesia’s anti-terror laws and could face death by firing squad if found guilty. The three schoolgirls, Theresia Morangke, 15, Alfita Poliwo, 17, and Yarni Sambue, 15, were killed as they walked to the private Christian school near their home in the town of Poso. One of their heads was discovered outside a church. A fourth girl, 15-year-old Noviana Malewa, received serious injuries to her face and neck but managed to escape and report what had happened. (BosNewsLife)

* HCJB World Radio has worked with local partners to establish more than 14 local Christian radio stations across Indonesia since 2004. Broadcasts from HCJB World Radio-Australia’s shortwave station in Kununurra also encourage listeners nationwide. In addition, HCJB World Radio has helped with relief efforts since the Dec. 26, 2004, earthquake/tsunami and subsequent quakes that devastated parts of Indonesia.


The World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) announced that the Micah Network as its newest Global Partner, formalizing the strong relationship that began two years ago with the joint launch of the Micah Challenge initiative. “It’s our hope this new partnership will facilitate greater coordination and integration of relief and development work in our network of 3 million churches around the world,” said Geoff Tunnicliffe, international director for the WEA. Steve Bradbury, chair of the Micah Network, added that the partnership will benefit both organizations. “It’s my heartfelt prayer that God will bless the Micah Network/WEA relationship and use it to enhance our capacities to serve Him,” he said. Micah Network is a group of nearly 300 Christian relief, development and justice organizations that work together to meet the needs of the poor and oppressed, proclaim the mission of the church and advocate biblical values to leaders and decision makers around the world. (Evangelical News/World Evangelical Alliance)


Muslim extremists in West Java, Indonesia, attempted to murder a lecturer in mid-October for converting to Christianity from Islam three years ago. The theology lecturer, whose name was withheld for security reasons, has taken shelter in another province to escape further threats to his life. Sources said that a man claiming to be a Christian called the lecturer. saying he wanted to study Islam in order to better relate to his Muslim acquaintances. After meeting with the caller and his friends several times, they asked him to travel with them to Lembang, a small community on the outskirts of Bandung. En route they slipped a rope over the lecturer’s neck and attempted to strangle him. They hit him several times over the head with a hammer, but he managed to jump out of the car and roll downhill. Police arrested one of the men responsible for the attack, but the others escaped. (Compass Direct News)


To kick off National Bible Week, Nov. 19-26, the Bible Literacy Project and the National Bible Association announced that they are co-sponsoring a national public service billboard campaign with 5,000 billboards highlighting the message, “An educated person knows the Bible.” Chuck Stetson, chairman of the Bible Literacy Project, said, “We have a tremendous disconnect in public school education. On the one hand, national surveys show that virtually all educators recognize that knowing the Bible is key to understanding English literature as well as art, music, history and culture. However, only 8 percent of public schools teach about the Bible.” The billboards also direct people to “read the research” conducted by the Bible Literacy Project and funded by the John Templeton Foundation. The survey revealed that 98 percent of high school English teachers and 100 percent of university professors agree that students need to know the Bible in order to be well educated. (Christian Newswire)

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During the night of Saturday, Nov. 4, Islamic extremists from a nearby mosque ransacked a discipleship center operated by Christ Power Ministries, an indigenous ministry in the Islamic city of Porto Novo in the West African country of Benin. Native missionaries living at the center managed to escape with their possessions unharmed. However, chairs, tables, doors, desks and other materials were destroyed.

Police investigations revealed that the imam of a nearby mosque ordered the destruction of the center. The Muslim landlord, who rented the facility to the believers because of their kindness to her, was also verbally attacked and threatened by the Islamic community for allowing Christians on her premises.

Since the center was started in 2000, more than 1,500 disciples and 650 children’s ministry workers have been trained to work in native churches. The center was an important place of prayer for trainees and instructors. An outreach program to Muslims and their children was also developed.

“We have lost our center after many years of work,” wrote ministry leader Claude Sossa. “But we continue to love those who destroyed it because Jesus died for them, and I believe that many of them will come to the Lord. The struggle continues.” (Christian Aid Mission)

* HCJB World Radio worked with the Council of Protestant and Evangelical Churches of Benin to help put a Christian FM station on the air in Cotonou in 1998. The station broadcasts the gospel in French, English and seven tribal languages. Partner ministry SIM also records programs in eight languages at the studios in Parakou. A nationwide FM network is being planned.


The Willow Creek Association and World Vision have teamed up to create the “Courageous Leadership Award” to honor churches helping address the AIDS pandemic. “The goal of the award is not only to honor those churches already involved in fighting HIV and AIDS, but also to be a catalyst, encouraging other churches to explore how they might get involved in what God is doing through His church to have an impact,” said World Vision President Richard Stearns. “Regardless of the church’s size or budget, the recipients of the award will be selected based on how they strategically, intentionally and creatively have leveraged their God-given vision, gifts and resources to help address AIDS.” Bill Hybels, founding pastor of Willow Creek Community Church in South Barrington, Ill., and board chairman of the Willow Creek Association, added that “AIDS demands an active response from those who are called to be followers of Jesus Christ. If we truly wish to represent Christ in the world today, we must seek out those who are poor and sick and forgotten, offering both eternal hope and practical help.” The announcement of the award came about two weeks before World AIDS Day on Friday, Dec. 1. (Christian Newswire)

* HCJB World Radio’s Vozandes Hospital-Quito in Ecuador has operated an AIDS clinic since the early 1990s. The mission has also sent a staff member and short-term teams to Cape Town, South Africa, to help with an AIDS clinic at a community center operated by King of Kings Baptist Church. Recently HCJB World Radio assigned three missionaries to serve with Partners of Hope in Malawi, including an AIDS outreach.


This weekend volunteers are assembling more than 18,000 “Boxes of Love” for distribution in 20 U.S. cities. Each box holds the ingredients for a full classic holiday meal for a family of six. “It’s designed, not for the homeless, but for the working poor, the people who are struggling, but have a place to cook a meal.” Ted Gandy of Here’s Life Inner City says it’s not unusual for needy families to stretch such a meal out for up to four days. This year more than 111,300 poor Americans will have a special reason to give thanks. “It’s been a wonderful program all these years because it gives churches an opportunity to reach out people who are struggling in their communities,” Gandy said. (Mission Network News)


During an international conference last month in Oslo, Norway, more than 1,000 people paid tribute to longtime Trans World Radio-Europe partner Norea Mediemisjon. The “Hope for Life and Eternity” event included a special 50th anniversary dinner and celebration concert. Norea Mediemisjon was founded by Norwegian Lutheran Mission in 1956, and by December of that year, the first Norwegian program aired from TWR’s Moroccan transmitter, The Voice of Tangier. “We invited people from Asia, Africa, America and Europe to tell us about their mission needs so that we would see where we can serve in the years to come,” said Jan Gaute Sirevag, project director of Norea Mediemisjon. (Trans World Radio)


For reasons unknown, a group of 10 elephants recently stampeded a small village in northeastern India’s Nagaland state. When the dust settled, everything was gone. A church plant, now eight years old, saw its members scattered, too. However, the believers began to share the gospel among their new neighbors with amazing results. Many people came to Christ, and two new churches began. Native missionaries with Gospel for Asia are now leading these fellowship groups and discipling the new believers. The local GFA correspondent wrote, “Now all our believers understand that God works all things together for good. Praise God for using our believers to start these prayer fellowships.” (Mission Network News)

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