Zprávy HCJB 15.1.2007

 Terorizmus je příčinou rozmachu křesťanské školy na Filipínách.
   Škola založená organizací World Hope na Filipínách zažívá opravdový rozmach, jehož důvodem je – terorizmus. World Hope zahájila činnost základní školy mezi etnikem B’laan na ostrově Mindanao v roce 1999 pod záštitou ochránců dětí – Hope for Children. Hlavním cílem školy byla podpora gramotnosti jako součásti boje proti zabírání půdy. Děti však stárnou a na střední školu by musely chodit územím povstalců. Aktivita povstalců narůstá a s ní i obavy domorodců, a tak se vesničané rozhodli postavit vlastní střední školu. World Hope pomohla a nová školní budova bude připravena k zahájení pravidelného vyučování v dubnu. „Podle odhadu bude mít 80 až 100 žáků,“ řekl ředitel Hope for Children. Každý rok přibude jedna třída, takže příští rok bude mít devátou třídu, napřesrok desátou.“ (Mission Network News)
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A school launched by World Hope in the Philippines is actually experiencing dramatic growth due to terrorism. World Hope started a primary school in 1999 on Mindanao island among the B’laan people under their child sponsorship arm called Hope for the Children. The main purpose of the school is to promote literacy among the B’laan as part of its defense against land-grab schemes. As children began “aging out” of the system in their middle-school years, secondary school students were being forced to travel through rebel-held territory. As the villager’s concerns increased along with heightened rebel activity, the villagers decided to build their own secondary school. A World Hope donor helped, and a new school building was completed at the end of 2006 that will be ready to begin by the country’s regular school year in April. “They’re anticipating having 80 to 100 students,” said Hope for Children Director Ann O’Dell. “They will add grades each year, so this next year they’ll have 9th grade, and then the following year, 10th grade.” (Mission Network News)


Immediately after African Union (AU) peacekeepers visited western Sudan’s war-torn Darfur region to encourage rebels to join a ceasefire agreement, a Sudanese government airplane bombed the region. AU Gen. Luke Aprezi believes the strike jeopardizes efforts to get other rebel groups to sign a ceasefire agreement previously signed by one rebel faction last May. Sudanese officials had approved the AU visit ahead of time. Aid workers in the region say violence has only increased since the ceasefire agreement was signed, and the renewed fighting continues to push the level of aid needed for survival in the region higher. Refugee numbers have surged in the last six months with an estimated 4 million people in need. Operation Blessing’s David Darg says, “For the people in Darfur, right now, hope isn’t even an option, which is a terrible thing to say. Unless there is a radical shift nothing is going to happen for these people that’s positive, and nothing is going to change. Some form of security needs to be introduced to the region.” (Baptist Press)


A relatively peaceful holiday season in Indonesia was offset when a mob of 200 people prevented the Pentecostal Church of Indonesia in Jakarta from holding Christmas Eve services. The Muslim mob leader, known as Kodri, said the church was violating West Jakarta regulations banning worship services in private homes. However, church members claim their practices have remained unchanged since 2004 on this matter. After a discussion involving church members, neighbors, police and the district chief of Cengkareng, the Christmas Eve service was eventually called off and the church committee found another location for the service on Christmas Day.

Since 2000, when a series of bombs were planted in or near churches on Christmas killing 19 and injuring hundreds, Indonesia has provided security for churches during the holiday season. In the days preceding Christmas Eve, more than 17,000 policemen and soldiers were deployed to protect churches, shopping malls and airport terminals in Jakarta. Several Muslim organizations also took part in security efforts to provide what one group’s leader called “interfaith harmony in Jakarta.”

The New Year also began peacefully in Central Sulawesi where a 2005 New Year’s marketplace bombing killed eight and injured more than 100 people. (Compass Direct News)

* HCJB Global Voice has worked with local partners to establish more than 14 local Christian radio stations across Indonesia since 2004. Broadcasts from HCJB Global-Australia’s shortwave station in Kununurra also encourage listeners nationwide. In addition, HCJB Global Hands has helped with relief efforts since the Dec. 26, 2004, earthquake/tsunami and subsequent quakes that devastated parts of Indonesia.


A severe cold wave accompanied by heavy fog in northern Bangladesh, India and the plains of Nepal has left communities unprepared to deal with the frigid conditions. An area of Bangladesh, where normal temperatures for this time of year range between 80 and 90 degrees, has faced temperatures as low as 42 degrees, leaving hundreds dead and many more ailing with weather-related illnesses. Nazarene District Superintendent Sukamal Biswas reports, “Last night one of our pastors in the Naogaon District [northern Bangladesh] froze to death. Thick fog covers the country. Most people are so poor they have no idea how to help themselves. Many pregnant women, young mothers and small children are suffering from the cold, and many are malnourished or close to malnourishment. This prevents their bodies from having enough energy to fight the cold. Meanwhile, three Nazarenes and dozens of their neighbors have lost their lives.” With continue cold forecast throughout this month, Biswas is asking, “What can we do to help our people?” Nazarene Compassionate Ministries is raising funds to purchase blankets for people in the region. (Evangelical News/India eNews)

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