Zprávy HCJB 12.2.2007

 Třináctiletá nevlastní dcera kubánského pastora zadržena a vyslýchána.
   V pondělí 5. února zadržely kubánské úřady třináctiletou nevlastní dceru kubánského pastora. Tento muž, Delmides Fidalgo López, je prezidentem evangelikální skupiny Křesťanské Hnutí Kuby (CMC). Leyani Domínguez Velásquez byla zadržena tento týden již podruhé ve městě Bonaventura v provincii Holguin. Během hodinového výslechu ji úředníci údajně nutili, aby obvinila svého otčíma ze sexuálního obtěžování. Právník Kubánské Nadace pro Lidská Práva Juan Carlos González Leiva dodal, že jí úředníci vyhrožovali „převozem do Havany a výslechem na detektoru lži, pokud nebude s obviněním otčíma souhlasit.“ CMC je skupina pastorů a jiných křesťanů, kteří se věnují hlásání evangelia a připomínají různé uváděné případy porušování lidských práv na Kubě. Zdroj: BosNewLife.

*HCJB Global Voice na Kubu vysílá programy ve Španělštině na krátkých vlnách z Jižní Ameriky. Stovky posluchačů jsou zapojeny do misijního „Rozhlasového Biblického Institutu“, kombinovaného poslechového a korespondenčního programu ve španělštině. Navíc se řada pastorů zúčastňuje společných sejití organizovaných ve spolupráci s Leadership Resources International, která se na Kubě konají již asi 10 let.
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině.

Source: BosNewsLife
On Monday, Feb. 5, Cuban authorities detained the 13-year-old stepdaughter of Delmides Fidalgo López, a Christian pastor and president of the evangelical group, Christian Movement of Cuba (CMC). Leyani Domínguez Velásquez was detained for the second time in less than one week in the town of Buenaventura in Holguin province. During the one-hour interrogation officials allegedly tried to force the girl to accuse her stepfather of molesting her. Cuban Human Rights Foundation lawyer Juan Carlos González Leiva added that authorities threatened to “transport her to Havana to put her through a lie detector test if she did not acquiesce.” The CMC is a group of pastors and other Christians dedicated to preaching the gospel and drawing attention to alleged human rights violations in Cuba.

* HCJB Global Voice continues to air Spanish programs to Cuba via shortwave from South America. Hundreds of listeners have enrolled in the ministry’s Bible Institute of the Air, a Spanish correspondence program incorporating radio broadcasts. In addition, numerous pastors’ workshops held in conjunction with Leadership Resources International have been held in Cuba since the mid-1990s.


Source: China Aid Association
House church activist Hua Huiqi was formally arrested by the Beijing Public Security Bureau on Thursday, Feb. 8, on charges of obstructing justice. The charges came nearly two weeks after he was detained by authorities on Jan. 26. Hua and his 76-year-old mother, Shuang Shuying, were beaten by police at that time, and Hua was tortured by having ice-cold water poured over him in below-freezing weather. His mother was formally arrested on Friday, Feb. 9, for willfully damaging public and private property. China Aid Association President Bob Fu, one of Hua’s former co-workers, said the charge against him is “totally baseless, and it’s clear a step of revenge against Hua’s Christian ministry to the oppressed.”


Source: Mission Network News
Erik Burklin of China Partner Ministries (CPM) says a partner’s report shows that the situation for Christianity in China is improving, resulting in more house church leaders being able to get training and start training schools for emerging Christian leaders. CPM is facilitating this by sponsoring Chinese students at U.S. universities. “We help with their living expenses, and then we partner with seminaries, such as Denver Seminary, that have committed to pay for the tuition,” Burklin said. “So together we give the opportunity for a Chinese person to come to our country to get theological training.” However, CPM is re-evaluating the effectiveness of the program which has sponsored five individuals so far. “Our main concern is that even though this is a ministry that we would like to make available to Chinese leaders, a majority of these individuals then, once they have received the education, do not return to China,” he said. Regardless, Burklin believes leadership training is critical to future church growth in China. CPM has trained more than 3,600 future pastors in 16 different Chinese cities during 45 pastoral training courses since 1991.


Source: Christian Newswire
National Religious Broadcasters (NRB) has named the website OnePlace.com the “Best Broadcast Website” for 2007. The award will be presented at an awards ceremony on Saturday, Feb. 17, during the association’s annual convention in Orlando, Fla. The award recognizes excellence in design and content, creativity in presentation and effectiveness in fulfilling its mission. OnePlace, owned by Salem Web Network, offers access to the ministry and teaching of more than 200 speakers, pastors and Bible experts such as Chuck Swindoll, David Jeremiah, Kay Arthur, Hank Hanegraaff and Greg Laurie. “For nearly a decade OnePlace.com has been providing a first-class experience for listeners all over the world to hear the best Bible teaching available online when and where they want it,” said Rick Killingsworth, vice president of the Salem Web Network. “OnePlace.com represents the best of what can happen when today’s technology and the timeless good news of the gospel are effectively combined.”


Source: HCJB Global Voice
This year’s Churches Media Conference in England will feature a special “stream” focusing on commercial radio. On each day of the conference, people working in commercial radio will be invited to special sessions where they can share their thoughts, ideas and concerns about commercial radio in general and what place Christianity has in their workplace and on the air.

Practitioners and key figures from the commercial radio industry have been invited to encourage, challenge and inspire, and there will be plenty of time to meet fellow professionals currently active in this exciting and fast-changing arena.

“This is the first time that those of us in commercial radio will have our own sessions at the conference,” said stream producer Colin Lowther of Bradford-based HCJB-UK and Whistling Frog Productions.

“Christians working in commercial radio can often feel isolated in such a competitive field and this new stream will be a great chance for us to meet and learn from each other. It’s also an opportunity for those who’ve had little contact with the Churches Media Council in the past, to find out about new ideas which are coming forward for the future.”

The annual conference will take place at the Hayes Conference Centre in Swanwick, Derbyshire, June 11-13. For details of the commercial radio stream contact Colin Lowther at clowther@hcjb.org.uk.

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