Zprávy HCJB 14.2.2007

 Navrhovaný indický předpis by mohl zbrzdit pomocné organizace.
   Zdroj: Compass Direct News. Navrhovaný dodatek k zákonu o zahraničních darech humanitárním organizacím v Indii by mohl vážně narušit práci asi 20 000 pomocných skupin, z toho poloviny křesťanských. Tzv. Předpis o regulaci cizí pomoci nyní vyžaduje, aby se pomocné organizace získávající prostředky ze zahraničí každých pět let znovu zaregistrovaly. Předpis také úřadům umožňuje registraci kdykoliv zrušit. Dosud byla tato registrace časově neomezená. Příkladem, jak tato změna může být zneužita proti křesťanským organizacím jsou úřední tahanice, které musí podstupovat Emmanuel Mission International (EMI). Registrace jejích pomocných skupin byla v důsledku svévolného zdržování již ve dvou případech odmítnuta. Řada organizací si myslí, že nový předpis posílí pozici nacionalistů zneklidňujících EMI. Vláda vysvětluje nutnost nového předpisu potřebou kontroly militantů a separatistických organizací získávající prostředky pro svou „protistátní“ činnost ze zahraničí.
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Sources: Assist News Service, Wikipedia.com
As 16 teams prepare for the Cricket World Cup set for the Caribbean March 13-April 28, churches in the region are gearing up for the event as a cooperative outreach opportunity. Using the theme, “Islands Playing in Praise,” planned activities (held in cooperation with Jamaica-based Caribbean Sports Reach) include such things as concerts, children’s games, crusades, tract and Bible distribution, clean-up campaigns and distribution of a free booklet about the history of the Cricket World Cup. The booklet, featuring memories of famous cricket players, will be distributed not only in the Caribbean, but also in the U.K., India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nepal. A major sporting event in England and many of the nation’s former colonies, cricket is the most popular sport in much of South Asia, including India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. It’s also a major sport in most English-speaking countries in the West Indies.

* In cooperation with the Bible Broadcasting Network and Caribbean Radio Lighthouse, HCJB Global Voice helped establish an FM station in Antigua. In addition staff members from the HCJB Global Technology Center in Elkhart, Ind., helped install an FM transmitter and antenna at Christian partner station Streams of Power in St. Vincent & Grenadines and a 500-watt FM transmitter, antenna and studio together with Tarrant Baptist Church in Kingston, Jamaica.


Source: Compass Direct News
A proposed amendment to a law on foreign funding of social service organizations in India could seriously hinder the work of an estimated 20,000 developmental organizations, half of which are Christian. Called the Foreign Contributions Regulation Bill, the law would obligate service organizations that receive foreign funding to re-register every five years and enable authorities to revoke registration at any time. At present, registration to receive foreign funding is granted indefinitely. An example of how the law could be used against Christian organizations is the ongoing legal battle of Emmanuel Mission International (EMI) whose registration was arbitrarily dismissed due to two alleged procedural violations. Many organizations believe the new amendment would give sharper teeth to the same nationalist groups who have harassed EMI. The government claims the amendment is needed to keep a check on militant and separatist organizations that raise funds abroad for “anti-national” activities.


Source: OneNewsNow.com
Two volunteer members of the evangelistic Bible society, Gideons International, were arrested Friday, Jan. 19, while handing out Bibles on a public sidewalk outside a school in Key Largo, Fla. Anthony Mirto and Ernest Simpson are facing criminal trespassing charges filed by the State of Florida despite their compliance with a police officer’s order to leave a public sidewalk. They will face a court hearing on Monday, March 5, in Monroe County Court. A spokesman from the Alliance Defense Fund who is representing the two men said that neither man entered the school grounds and no law was broken by simply providing the books on a public sidewalk.


Source: Christian Newswire
The Christian Defense Coalition is leading an effort to hold a weeklong prayer vigil in Baghdad to seek God’s divine intervention to bring healing and peace to Iraq. The group has initiated discussions with Iraqi officials in Washington, D.C., and recently sent a letter to Iraqi Prime Minister al-Maliki seeking permission to hold the meetings in Baghdad. The group hopes to coordinate a week of prayer and fasting with thousands of U.S. churches, much like they did two years ago along with Faith and Action before the Iraqi national elections. “Regardless of how one has viewed the war, we can all agree that we are in desperate need of God’s mercy and grace,” said Rev. Patrick Mahoney, director of the Christian Defense Coalition. “It is important that the people of Iraq know that the Christian community of America stands with them during these challenging and difficult times.”


Sources: Religion Today, Religion News Service
Dubbed “Amazing Grace Sunday,” Feb 18 has been set aside as a worldwide event bringing together more than 2,500 churches and tens of thousands of individuals to commemorate the abolition of slavery in England and to take a stand against modern-day slavery. Religion News Service reports that individuals from throughout the world will cross racial and denominational divides to pray for freedom and sing the historic song, “Amazing Grace.” The event was inspired by Bristol Bay Production’s newest film, “Amazing Grace,” which chronicles the lives of anti-slavery pioneer William Wilberforce as well as John Newton who wrote the lyrics for the hymn.

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