Zprávy HCJB 15.2.2007

 Evangelisté připravují na rok 2008 velkou akci na Ukrajině
   Zdroj: Don Betts Evangelistic Association.
Don Betts, evangelista kázající 12 let evangelium lidu Ukrajiny, chystá velkou ukrajinskou evangelizaci v srpnu 2008. Betts se nedávno sešel s představiteli Baptistické Unie Ukrajiny a společně plánovali potřebné prostředky k souběžným evangelizačním shromážděním ve 200 městech. Betts doufá, že tato evangelizace přivede na cestu za Kristem alespoň 100 000 lidí. Představitelé církve po celé Ukrajině vybírají řečníky, zatímco Betts organizuje totéž v USA, aby asi 1400 pracovníkům Baptistické Unie Ukrajiny přivedl pomoc. Cílem jsou týmy obsahující pastory, evangelisty, pracovníky s dětmi, se ženami, s mládeží, administrativní pracovníky a hudebníky. Vybrána mají být sídla s 30 000 až 100 000 obyvateli. Na Ukrajině je 125 takových měst, kde nejsou žádné sbory opírající se o Bibli a kde není hlásáno svědectví o Ježíši Spasiteli. Podobné úsilí je mezitím vyvíjeno i v Polsku.
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině

Sources: Religion Today, UN News Center, eCanadanow.com
Extreme rainfall leading to massive flooding in the areas of Mutarara, Caia and Marromeu in the East African country of Mozambique has left about 85,000 people homeless. Experts predict 280,000 more people could be forced from their homes in the next week in a worst-case scenario. Heavy rains in central and northern Mozambique and neighboring Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe in the last month flooded the Zambezi, Chire and Rivubue rivers with flood waters in some areas nearing levels last seen during the catastrophic floods of 2001 when 800 people were killed and 500,000 displaced. Mozambique Prime Minister Luisa Diogo fears this flood may even be worse than 2001. Food for the Hungry has relief and development programs already in place in the country, but is also rapidly responding in concert with the World Food Program and other international agencies to increase the efforts in the face of recent flooding. Mozambique is on Red Alert status, one step removed from declaring a national disaster. U.N. helicopters are distributing aid and evacuating people from dangerous areas.

* Eight hours of daily Christian Portuguese programs airs on an FM station in Maputo, Mozambique, as the result of a cooperative effort involving HCJB Global Voice, Trans World Radio and Radio Africa Network.


Source: Don Betts Evangelistic Association
Don Betts, an evangelist who has worked for the last 12 years to present the gospel to the people of Ukraine, is organizing a major, nationwide evangelistic thrust in August and September 2008. Betts recently met with leaders of the Baptist Union of Ukraine to plan the needed resources to conduct simultaneous evangelistic meetings in 200 cities. Betts is hopeful that more than 100,000 people will come to Christ during these meetings. Church leaders throughout Ukraine are recruiting and organizing while Betts is organizing evangelism teams in the U.S. to help the 1,400 or more workers from the Baptist Union of Ukraine. The goal is for each team to include pastors, evangelists, children’s workers, women’s workers, youth leaders, businessmen and musicians. The Ukrainian cities selected for the meetings will be in district centers of cities with populations ranging from 30,000 to 100,000. There are 125 district centers in Ukraine that have no Bible-believing churches and no witness for Jesus Christ. A similar effort is under way during the same time period in Poland.

* HCJB Global Voice worked with local churches to establish Radio Emmanuel, a 500-watt FM station, in Kiev in June. Two additional outlets in Kiev and one in Dneperpetrovsk are also affiliated with New Life Radio, a Russian satellite radio network operated by Christian Radio for Russia with HCJB Global Voice as the principal partner. In addition, weekly Ukrainian programs air to the country via shortwave.


Source: BosNewsLife
Concern is growing among members of Uzbekistan’s Greater Grace Protestant Church regarding the whereabouts of a visiting pastor from neighboring Kazakhstan who has not been seen since his arrest last week. Pastor Rishat Garifulin from the Greater Grace congregation in Kazakhstan’s commercial capital of Almaty, was reportedly detained Thursday, Feb. 8, on the streets of the city of Samarkand while visiting fellow believers in Uzbekistan. Police discovered Christian booklets in his bag. “We were expecting Rishat to be released after three days as they are accustomed to do,” said local sources as quoted by Forum 18 News Service. “Now it’s almost a week later, and we haven’t heard anything about him or his whereabouts.” Local officials have refused to confirm or deny his arrest. Religious tensions in the country are already high as Pastor Dmitry Shestakov, 37, remains imprisoned in solitary confinement pending his trial for charges of “incitement to hatred on national, racial or religious grounds.” Fellow church members do not yet know the date for the trial.


Source: Fusion Australia
Started as a way for Christians to connect with the community at Australian agricultural shows, Open Crowd Festivals are now being adopted by Christian leaders from around the world who live in some of the most complex areas for outreach. Christian leaders from Nigeria, Ghana, China, Indonesia, India, Sri Lanka, Jamaica, Canada, U.K., Albania, Greece, Germany, South Korea and Pakistan were represented at a recent training course held in conjunction with the Poatina Australia Day Festival to take part in what is being called the “Awakening” movement in Australia. “The Awakening movement began in 1990 as Christians came together across denominations to bring Christianity out of the church buildings and into the hearts of their communities,” said Mal Garvin, president of Fusion Australia. “Festivals were a crucial part of the strategy, as we built on what was developed through the agricultural shows.” Australian secular crowds don’t respond to religious language and customs, forcing Australian Christians to communicate their heart without clichés. Ideally, the crowd becomes receptive (referred to as an “open crowd”) and experience a sense of connection and community.


Source: OneNewsNow.com
LifeWay Christian Resources, in conjunction with the Southern Baptist Convention, is kicking off a project called LifeBox, designed to supply Christian literature and spiritual encouragement to U.S. soldiers who are fighting the war on terror. Through the program, Southern Baptist congregations and other churches gather “care packages” filled with items such as socks, chewing gum, candy and stationery supplies and place them in a package which the church volunteers send to soldiers in the Middle East. Rhonda Buescher, director of LifeWay’s magazine advertising and circulation, says military personnel need spiritual encouragement, and Christian literature plays an important part. “About a year-and-a-half ago,” she recalls, “a captain from Fort Campbell, Ky., contacted the president of LifeWay and asked how his unit in Iraq could receive LifeWay magazine.” The project has grown from there, allowing Christians in the U.S. to impact a soldier’s life. Some 150 associations made up of approximately 4,500 churches have already committed to the project. “We predict that between 35,000 and 50,000 boxes will be shipped by Easter,” Buescher adds.

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