Zprávy HCJB 20.2.2007

 Nejméně 50 000 severokorejských křesťanů zůstává ve vězení.
   Zdroj: Evangelical News/BosNewsLife. Narozeniny prezidenta Kim Čong Ila 16. února jsou v Korejské lidově demokratické republice jedním z tří největších státních svátků. Mnozí občané severní Koreje v prezidentovi vidí „božskou bytost“; tisíce tančících lidí se tak vyrojily do ulic Pjongjangu u příležitosti jeho pětašedesátin. Také v armádě se slavilo písněmi a tanci. Ve stejné době je v Severní Koreji pro svou víru ve vězení 50 až 70 tisíc křesťanů, protože křesťanství je v této zemi vnímáno jako hrozba pro stabilitu země a pro vedoucí úlohu komunistické strany. Carl Moeller z Open Doors USA vyzývá věřící po celém světě, aby se za severokorejské křesťany modlili. „Open Doors podporují tříletou modlitební kampaň za Severní Koreu. Připojte se na naší stránku www.opendoorsusa.org/ a modlete se s námi 10 minut týdně. Severokorejci vědí, že se modlíme a pomáhá jim to,“ řekl Moeller.
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině.

Source: Christian Newswire
Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN), the world’s largest faith and family-friendly network group, has reached an agreement with Hong Kong-based Asia Broadcast Satellite (ABS) to air TBN’s group of faith-based networks throughout the Asia Pacific region. “A major window of opportunity has been opened so that we will be able to broadcast our programming on ABS into the region,” said TBN President Paul Crouch Sr. “This golden opportunity will open up TBN’s broadcast services to more of that part of the world known as the ‘10/40 Window’ so that billions more people can have the hope and joy that the good news of our programming can bring to their lives.” TBN’s networks will be distributed throughout the Asia Pacific region extending from Mongolia to the south of Thailand and across Eastern Europe, Asia and Japan.


Sources: Evangelical News/BosNewsLife
The birthday of North Korean President Kim Jong Il, celebrated on Friday, Feb. 16, is one of the country’s top three national holidays. He is seen as a “deity” by many North Koreans as thousands danced in the streets of Pyongyang to mark the leader’s 65th birthday. The military also hosted a gala, performing song and dance numbers. Meanwhile, an estimated 50,000 to 70,000 Christians remain imprisoned because of their faith as Christianity is viewed as a threat to the country’s stability and communistic system of government. Open Doors USA President Carl Moeller urges believers everywhere to pray for North Korea’s Christians. “Open Doors is sponsoring a three-year prayer campaign for North Korea,” he said. “Go to our website (www.opendoorsusa.org/) to sign up to pray for 10 minutes a week. North Koreans know we are praying for them and that encourages them.”


Source: Trans World Radio
Trans World Radio (TWR) has received two new FM radio licenses for Kenya, complementing the shortwave broadcasts originating in Swaziland that reach the nation. TWR programs have been aired to Kenya for several years via shortwave and are heard on local government stations in English, Swahili and Somali. The new FM partnerships are being developed in strategic locations in southern and northeastern Kenya. “The programs we are going to air will bring relevant practical information to our target audience of over 100,000 people within reach of these stations,” stated a TWR news release. Programs will include topics of concern such as HIV/AIDS, conflict resolution and the environment -- all dealt with from a Christian perspective. Programs geared toward women and youth will also be highlighted in the new FM programming.

* HCJB Global Voice has worked with local partners to install eight radio outlets in seven cities of Kenya in recent years.


Source: Compass Direct News
Uzbekistan’s Religious Affairs Committee has publicly admitted to arresting Protestant Pastor Dmitry Shestakov after being detained on Sunday, Jan. 21, in Andijan. On Monday, Feb. 12, officials said that Shestakov was not an authorized leader of any officially recognized religious organization in Uzbekistan and is considered an “imposter,” leading an underground group identified as “charismatic Pentecostals” who were engaged in “missionary and proselytizing activities under Shestakov’s leadership.” The government statement also described the pastor as a “former drug addict.” His wife, Marina, admitted to the latter charge, saying he was a “terrible and awful man” but that his life was transformed since coming to Christ more than 15 years ago. Shestakov’s lawyer said in a written statement that he has documentation showing the pastor has been authorized to conduct official worship services in the Full Gospel Church since Oct. 5, 2005. If convicted, the Shestakov faces maximum sentences of five to 10 years in prison for each offense.


Source: Religion Today
Dissident Orthodox Presbyterians are proposing a “radical change” in the current top-down church government. Ditching the hierarchical model widely used by mainline denominations, dissident Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) members recently voted on a new model for the postmodern era. Rev. Dean Weaver, senior pastor of Memorial Park Presbyterian Church in Pittsburgh, said, “As we move out of a modernist era into a postmodern era, the modernist structure -- bureaucratic, centralized authority, hierarchical top-down leadership -- doesn’t work anymore.” The New Wineskins Association of Churches (NWAC) and other Presbyterians unhappy with the PC(USA) unanimously voted to pass a proposal that offered congregations the option of remaining a part of the denomination or to realign with another Presbyterian body, the Evangelical Presbyterian Church (EPC), which has invited congregations to create a non-geographic presbytery named New Wineskins under the EPC. The New Wineskins Presbytery would run under a newly designed constitution based on a grassroots recognition of the local congregation’s decision-making ability. “It’s almost a total flipping of the pyramid, if you will,” explained Weaver. “It’s much more of an adaptive model for the 21st century than the model that got us through the 1920s to the 1950s.”

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