Zprávy HCJB 21.2.2007

 Průkopník misie vrtačů studní Harry Westmoreland zemřel ve věku 65 let
   Zdroj: Assist News Service. Harry Lee Wesmoreland mladší, zakladatel mezinárodní misie Living Water International (LWJ) zemřel v pátek 16. února následkem komplikací po operaci srdce. Tento rodilý Texasan založil v roce 1984 Lone Star Bit Company a začal vyrábět vrtáky. Po návštěvě Peru v roce 1988 Westmoreland přešel na výrobu vrtných souprav. Tam totiž potkal misionáře, který vrtal studny pro lidi, kteří neměli zdroj čisté nezávadné vody. Westmoreland si zamiloval tento jednoduchý způsob pomáhání lidem ve jménu Ježíše Krista. Nedlouho po návratu do Texasu Westmoreland sestrojil první z řady lehkých přenosných vrtných souprav. Později o tom řekl, že soupravu vynalezl Bůh, on sám ji jen vyrobil. Po cestě do Mombassy v Keni, kde s přáteli ze sboru podnikli neúspěšný pokud vyvrtat studnu, přišel nápad založit LWI. Za dlouhá léta činnosti pak tato misie uskutečnila skoro 4000 vodních projektů v 21 zemích. Westmoreland pomáhal při uskutečňování výukového programu LWI v oblasti řešení vodních zdrojů. Školil stovky lidí ve vrtání mělkých vodních vrtů.
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině.

Source: Assist News Service
Harry Lee Westmoreland Jr., cofounder of the international water ministry Living Water International (LWI), died Friday, Feb. 16, from complications following heart surgery. The native Texan started Lone Star Bit Company in 1984 and began fabricating drill bits. Westmoreland migrated into drilling rig fabrication following a visit to Peru in 1988 where he met a missionary who was drilling water wells to minister to people who lacked a clean, safe source of water. Westmoreland fell in love with this simple concept to meet the needs of people and share Jesus’ love with them. Not long after returning to Texas, Westmoreland constructed the first of several new lightweight portable well-drilling rigs. According to Westmoreland, God invented it, he just manufactured it. Following a trip to Mombassa, Kenya, with friends from church where they tried unsuccessfully to drill a water well, the vision to create LWI was born. Throughout the years the ministry has completed almost 4,000 water projects in 21 countries with Westmoreland helping shape LWI’s training program in integrated water solutions. He trained hundreds of people in shallow well drilling worldwide.


Source: Compass Direct News
Churches in northeastern Sri Lanka are increasingly becoming a casualty of the ongoing civil war between the Sri Lankan government and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam. Churches in the area have become shelters for hundreds of internally displaced people who have fled their homes because of the fighting. Raids on these refugees have followed, prompting one anonymous source to speculate, “One wonders if the attacks on churches are just a coincidence, or an attempt by the government to warn the clergy not to give protection to these defenseless people.” In the long-running conflict, civilians have been targeted by both the government army and Tiger rebels -- with soldiers arresting and interrogating hundreds while Tiger rebels have tortured and killed whole families suspected of siding with government forces. “In a civil war the lines are blurred indeed,” said Godfrey Yogarajah, president of the National Christian Evangelical Fellowship of Sri Lanka. He pointed out that religious liberty issues are intrinsically linked to the general climate of human rights abuse. By September 2006 more than 200,000 people had been displaced in the northeast with homes, schools and places of worship destroyed indiscriminately.


Source: Mission Network News
A mushroom farm in the Central European country of Moldova is helping one new church plant to become self-supporting. FARMS International is a ministry specializing in providing technical support for income generating projects and micro-loans to help with startup costs. In Moldova, FARMS has partnered with church-planting outreach Gospel Ministries International to help church families by providing income generated by mushroom production. “There’s a group of three families that have renovated the lower level of a vacant building,” explained Nathan McLaughlin of FARMS. “With about $1,000, some hay and garbage bags they’ve created a business that employs a few dozen people from production to the final sale in the market.” Aside from helping the church, the project enables families to stay together by providing work. “One strain on the family that exists is that you’ll have the mother or the father who’s often forced to leave the family to try and find work and hopefully send money back.” The mushroom farm has “really become a tremendous witness,” said McLaughlin.


Source: Compass Direct News
Pakistani officials have relocated the trial of Christian woman Martha Bibi Masih who was accused of blaspheming the Islamic prophet Mohammed. The sensitive nature of the case and the threat of violent demonstrations caused Judge Rao Abdel Jabar to agree to preside over the case in the district capital of Kasur rather than near Masih’s home village in Chunian. Police originally arrested Masih in the early-morning hours of Tuesday, Jan. 23, after a violent mob stormed her house in the village of Kot Nanka Singh. The riot was prompted by claims that Masih made insulting remarks against Mohammed. Masih’s husband said that accusations against his wife were false and stemmed from a quarrel with a Muslim neighbor. Masih remains behind bars in Kasur’s district jail while her husband and five children have gone into hiding to avoid a revenge attack. At least 23 people suspected of blasphemy have been murdered.

* HCJB Global Hands sent two medical teams from Ecuador to Pakistan following the Oct. 8, 2005, earthquake that left tens of thousands dead and thousands more injured and homeless. Staff members helped SIM International with relief efforts.


Source: Assist News Service
A new five-year study of the top 250 to 300 Hollywood movies released each year in North America shows that moviegoers prefer “patriotic, capitalist, pro-American movies with traditional Judeo-Christian values” rather than those pushing a “left-wing, anti-capitalist, socialist, atheist or homosexual agenda.” The Christian Film & Television Commission, a Hollywood Christian advocacy group, sponsored the study to be released with full details in its MOVIEGUIDE: A Family Guide to Movies and Entertainment. “Movies with very strong Judeo-Christian values, or capitalist ideals, patriotism and pro-American attitudes do much better at the box office than movies promoting socialism, Marxism, radical feminism, left-wing political correctness, atheism and homosexuality,” said MOVIEGUIDE Publisher Ted Baehr. Details of the “2007 Report to the Entertainment Industry” will include statistics on Christian content, pagan worldview, occult content, environmentalist content and anti-Christian content. It will also provide box office averages on the amount of foul language, sex, nudity, violence and substance abuse and how these elements relate to box office earnings.

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