Zprávy HCJB 28.2.2007

 Nový Zéland hlásí velký počet nových misionářů.
   Zdroj: Assist News Service. Misijní agentury Nového Zélandu oznamují velký nárůst misionářů vysílaných do zahraničí. Jamie Wood, národní ředitel Pioneers New Zealand řekl, že je tímto vývojem potěšen. Jeho skupina v poslední době připravila 12 misionářů pro dlouhodobé působení v zahraničí. Z nich již osm odjelo do šesti různých zemí. „U nás to představuje 55% nárůst,“ řekl Wood. „Je to známka vzestupu.“ Warren Payne, národní ředitel OMF International řekl, že organizace pozoruje nárůst závazných přihlášek na dlouhodobé misie – nejčastěji mladých rodin. Worldwide Evangelization for Christ (WEC) International pokládá současné počty také za lepší, než v předchozích pěti letech – vyškolila již 14 misionářů a další kurz se připravuje. WEC rovněž zahajuje výcvikové základny pro misionáře z jiných zemí, zvláště z Jižní Koreje, která je nyní zemí s třetím nejvyšším počtem vysílaných misionářů (po USA a Velké Británii). Wood dodává, že výhodou Novozélanďanů (proti Američanům a Britům) je, že podle domorodých pracovníků se s nimi a s Australany jednodušeji vychází.
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině.

Source: Assist News Service
New Zealand mission agencies are reporting a boom in the number of missionaries being sent out. Jamie Wood, national director of Pioneers New Zealand, said he’s excited about the trend after preparing 12 long-term missionaries for the field last year, eight of whom have left for six different countries. “This is a 55-percent jump for us,” he said. “It’s a sign of a momentum upswing.” Warren Payne, national director of OMF International, said the organization is seeing an increase in firm applications for long-term mission -- most of them young families. Worldwide Evangelization for Christ (WEC) International is also seeing missionary numbers better than the last five years with 14 trainees in its first course and another course yet to be held. WEC has become a training and sending base for missionaries from other countries, especially South Korea, which now provides the third-largest group (after the U.S. and U.K.) going into the mission field. Wood says New Zealanders have a unique perspective on the world -- different from missionaries from the U.S. or Britain. “The national workers find that New Zealanders and Australians easier to work with,” he said.


Source: BosNewsLife
The body of 29-year-old Pastor Goda Israel was discovered on Tuesday, Feb. 20, in a canal near his home in southeastern India’s Andhra Pradesh state in the village of Pedapallparru. Israel, who supervised 15 churches, went missing following a prayer meeting on Feb. 17. The Global Council of Indian Christians (GCIC) reported, “He did not come back from the prayer meeting [and] the family and church members [informed] the local police station. [However] they did not take any [immediate] action. Three days [later] his dead body was found in the canal.” Stab wounds were reportedly seen on his body. Hindu militants are suspected in the attacks. Emmanuel Mission International reported that Israel had been threatened by Hindu militants earlier because of his involvement in preaching the gospel in the region. Israel leaves behind a wife and small children. He was the second Christian in India to be killed for his faith since Saturday, Feb. 10, when S. Stanley, a retired Public Service Commission employee in the southwestern Kerala state, was stabbed to death by angry young people in his home in Pavaloor. GCIC and other human rights organizations have expressed growing concern about what they see as an atmosphere of hatred towards active Christians in several areas of India.

* Radio programs in 17 languages air to India from HCJB Global Voice-Australia’s shortwave station in Kununurra. The programs are produced at the ministry’s studios in New Delhi, India.


Sources: Evangelical News, Baptist Press
Baptist missionaries Carl and Kay Garvin are in stable condition after two robbers attacked them in Tanzania Feb. 23. The two were airlifted to Nairobi, Kenya, where Carl, 60, underwent surgery for a broken arm and lacerations. He will also have surgery to repair ligament damage to his knee. Kay, 56, was shot in the chest. The bullet entered close to her heart, missing the aorta by half an inch. It pierced the lung and nestled against the skin on her back. The saga began when the Garvins were working with an Arkansas volunteer team south of Moshi, Tanzania, when two intruders beat down their hotel door with a machete. Carl tried to hold the door, but the machete sliced into Carl’s forearm, breaking the bone and cutting it open. The second intruder entered and shot Kay in the chest. As the Arkansas team rode with the Gavins to the nearest hospital, one volunteer prayed continuously throughout the journey, another applied pressure to Kay’s chest wound and the third sang praise songs. “She’s a walking, talking miracle,” Carl said of Kay from his hospital bed. “We are both living miracles,” Kay added, squeezing Carl’s hand. “God was with us throughout the entire ordeal.”


Source: China Aid Association
Shuang Shuying, 77-year-old mother of Beijing house church activist Hua Huiqi, was sentenced to two years in prison by Beijing Chongwen District People’s Court on Monday, Feb. 26, after being convicted of willfully damaging public and private property. She was arrested as she walked to the Chongwen district office seeking information about her son who has been in custody since Jan. 26. Since the trial date was set on the first work day after the Chinese New Year period, her lawyer was not able to collect any evidence to defend her. The court only spent an hour hearing this case and quickly sent the verdict. Hua is an active house church Christian in Beijing and has assisted numerous persecuted Christians and oppressed peasants.


Source: Christian Aid Mission
A ministry supported by Christian Aid Mission in Iraq started a church in the city of Nineveh in an area known for its opposition to the gospel. Three pastors were killed there in 2006, and yet church services continue to be held in secret until the situation improves. The ministry has faced persecution throughout Iraq, and the pastor of the affiliate church in Baghdad fled to Damascus after receiving a death threat. Despite the dangers, ministry workers (with help from Christian Aid) recently purchased 20,000 copies of the New Testament for distribution. “Our biggest concern was to get through each military checkpoint because the guards had the authority to let us in or out of the city or village to which we were going, but the Lord heard our prayers,” wrote the ministry leader. “Surprisingly, the checkpoints were the places where we distributed the most Bibles! Every time we went through a checkpoint, the people there asked for Bibles for themselves and their friends and family. We thank the Lord that we were not searched or held for any reason, but were able to get through without difficulty.”

* HCJB Global Voice reaches across North Africa, the Middle East and Europe with Christian Arabic programming aired via shortwave, satellite and local stations. The mission’s Arabic satellite network airs programs direct-to-home 24 hours a day. This region has the world’s highest concentration of personal satellite dishes.

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