Zprávy HCJB 1.3.2007

 Podle průzkumu je Evropa rozdělena v otázce významu náboženství.
   Zdroj: Assist News Service. Nedávný průzkum v Evropské Unii prováděný statistickou agenturou EU Eurostat naznačil postoje Evropy k náboženství. Asi 46 procent z 27 000 dotázaných obyvatel 27 zemí EU nepřikládá náboženství žádný význam, zatímco 53 procent považuje náboženství za důležitou součást jejich života. Ve stejném období dle jiných statistik 453,6 milionu obyvatel EU uvedlo příslušnost k nějaké církvi. Z toho vyplývá, že nejméně čtvrtina z nich jsou pouze matrikoví členové. Eurostat také našel výrazné rozdíly mezi jednotlivými členskými státy. Náboženství je nejdůležitější pro obyvatele Malty (88 procent), pro Poláky (87 procent) a pro obyvatele Řecka, Kypru a Rumunska (po 86 procentech). Na druhé straně přes 70 procent obyvatel Belgie a České Republiky považuje náboženství za nevýznamné. V Německu se v odpovědi na tuto otázku odráží bývalá hranice mezi Západem a Východem. 53 procent obyvatel bývalého Západního Německa odpovídá, že náboženství je důležité, zatímco v bývalém Východním Německu jen 26 procent. Ženy jsou v Evropě v průměru více nábožensky založeny, než muži. Náboženství znamená „mnoho“ pro 58 procent žen, ale jen pro 45 procent mužů.
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině.

Sources: Open Doors, BosNewsLife
A significant section of an Open Doors Christian training center in southern Sudan was partially destroyed by fire on Monday, Feb. 19. The fire at the compound of the multipurpose training center, officially known as the Emmanuel Christian Training Center (ECTC), destroyed most of the mud huts accommodating students and tutors as well as washing facilities and kitchen at the center. Several expensive items were lost in the fire. No one was hurt in the fire and students were able to save most of their personal affects, but some of the mattresses and mosquito nets inside the huts were lost. The ECTC encompasses both an “old” compound, consisting mainly of mud buildings, and a new compound where permanent brick buildings are under construction. The construction site, classrooms and generator that provides electricity to the center were spared from the flames. The estimated 160 students took shelter in the classrooms while tutors were accommodated in a neighboring town. Training was expected to resume in late February. The cause of the fire remains unclear.


Source: Assist News Service
A radio program called “Gospel Revolution,” the first Christian music show to be aired regularly on a radio station in Japan, began about a year ago and is gaining market share, a solid listener base and regular sponsorship. “At first we were surprised and a bit hesitant of having a gospel music program,” said station representative Hirofumi Araki. “Now we are considering extending the time as well as expanding the program content. The program has brought a new audience to our station that we didn’t have previously. In particular, it is great to see the vision and excitement of the young people and all the new talent being introduced on our station.” A special feature of the weekly program is music from some of the nearly 100 Japanese Christian music groups. During a weekly prayer meeting these groups gather to pray for the program and for a higher profile in an economically strong but spiritually weak country. Japan is believed by some to be on the verge of a long-predicted spiritual revival. The nation is predominantly Buddhist and Shinto.

* Weekly one-hour Japanese broadcasts air from HCJB Global Voice-Australia’s shortwave station in Kununurra. Programs are also available on the Internet via on-demand archives and air via a digital satellite network in Japan. An HCJB Global representation site opened in Tokyo in August 2006.


Source: Mission Network News
Hundreds of people gave their hearts to Christ in an evangelistic meeting on the outskirts of Monrovia in the West African country of Liberia. It was the culmination of an evangelistic effort with evangelist Sammy Tippit that ended Sunday, Feb 25. Meetings were held in the soccer field of the New Kru Town borough where thousands gathered nightly to hear Tippit preach. The celebration began Thursday, Feb. 22, with a march in which 400 Christians marched, danced and sang through the main streets. Many of the watchers then followed the procession into the stadium, heard the Word of God and gave their hearts to Christ. Pastor Emmanuel Gyamfi, chairman of the crusade, accompanied the Tippits to the meeting on Friday afternoon. Tippit also held a conference for pastors and other church leaders in one of the local churches where he challenged them to pray for revival in Liberia. The evangelist last traveled to Liberia three years ago at the conclusion of the country’s most recent civil war.

* HCJB Global Voice works in partnership with ELWA, a ministry founded by SIM in Monrovia in 1954, to air the gospel across the country and West Africa. The radio station was destroyed twice by civil war, first in 1990 and again in 1996. ELWA most recently went back on the air in 1997 with a small FM transmitter. Then in 2000 HCJB Global Voice provided a low-power shortwave transmitter, again enabling the station to cover the entire region. ELWA broadcasts the gospel in 10 languages and plans to add more as resources become available.


Source: Assist News Service
A recent survey of citizens in the European Union (EU) conducted by the statistical agency of the EU, Eurostat, outlined Europe’s attitudes about religion. Approximately 46 percent of the 27,000 interviewees in the 27 EU member countries attach no importance to religion while 53 percent regarded religion as a significant element of their lives. At the same time, about three-quarters of the 453.6 million EU citizens claim affiliation with a religious community, indicating at least one in four are only nominal members. The Eurostat survey found significant differences between individual member states. Religion is most important to the Maltese (88 percent), Poles (87 percent) as well as Cypriots, Greeks and Romanians (86 percent each). By contrast, more than 70 percent of the population in Belgium and the Czech Republic regard religion as insignificant. In Germany the old east-west divide is still reflected in religious attitudes. While 53 percent of the population in the former West Germany say that religion is important, the figure is only 26 percent in the former East Germany. On the whole, European women are more religious than men. Religion means “a lot” to 58 percent of the women but only 45 percent of the men.


Sources: OneNewsNow.com, Christian Newswire
A study by the University of New Hampshire recently published in the journal, Pediatrics, reports that online pornography’s threat to children and teens may be more serious that previously thought. In a survey of Internet users from ages 10 to 17, some 42 percent said they had seen online pornography in the previous year. And out of that group, 66 percent said their exposure to the pornographic material was unintentional. “The study is welcome and useful, but we believe the percentages are even higher,” said William “Skip” Mathews, president of Integrity Online, the nation’s oldest and largest Internet filter solution provider. “The data is already outdated, other studies have shown higher exposure, and our own experience says otherwise.” Integrity Online Director Neil Peterson says new technology has created more avenues for porn to reach children, making it tougher than ever to keep pornography out of the hands of young people. “The first thing we always recommend is that you have a discussion with your children,” Peterson says. “That’s the first thing that really nothing else will take the place of.” Last year Integrity Online blocked more than 200 million pornography-laden web pages and e-mails.

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