Zprávy HCJB 2.3.2007

 Odborníci předpovídají islámu vedoucí postavení v Evropě, leda by se něco změnilo.
   Různí experti a výzkumné ústavy po celé Evropě dávají najevo, že Islám by se mohl stát hlavním evropským náboženstvím, jestliže současný vývoj bude pokračovat. Úpadek návštěvnosti kostelů a rivalita mezi denominacemi v otázce homosexuality spolu s nárůstem a oživením muslimských komunit a jejich vyšší porodností ukazují na obrat v převažující náboženské příslušnosti obyvatel.

Výzkumné centrum Christian Reserach předvídá, že za 35 let bude v Evropě v pátek do mešit chodit dvakrát víc lidí, než v neděli do kostela, přestože je nyní v Evropě jen 3 procenta muslimů.

Listopadová studie španělského časopisu Alba uvádí, že ve Francii bylo v posledním století postaveno víc mešit než kostelů, a že po celé Evropě teď muslimům slouží 4000 mešit. Kontinent v posledních 100 letech zažívá masivní imigraci muslimů hlavně ze severní Afriky a někteří experti předpovídají, že koncem tohoto století se stane převažující složkou obyvatelstva.

V lednu v Německu vládou podporovaný výzkumný ústav Zentralinstitut Islam-Archiv-Deutschland předpověděl, že muslimové budou v roce 2046 tvořit většinu německého obyvatelstva, především vzhledem k vysoké porodnosti.

Brent Nelson, expert na evropský islám na Furmanově univerzitě v Jižní Karolíně řekl, že pokud se křesťané a muslimové nenaučí žít vedle sebe, hrozí střet kultur. „Nebezpečí je v tom, že Evropa se nedokáže vyrovnat s masivním přílivem muslimské populace,“ řekl Nelson. „A naopak, že muslimové se nedokáží vyrovnat se životem na Západě, že nedokážou vykročit směrem k západním hodnotám. Pokud to tak skutečně bude, nastane válka kultur, která zastíní všechno, co jsme kdy v tomto smyslu mohli vidět v Americe.“ Zdroj: WorlWide Religious News.
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině.

Source: Compass Direct News
A Christian child has been sentenced to five years in juvenile detention in northern Iraq for fatally stabbing her Muslim uncle while he beat her for converting to Christianity, her lawyer said. Judge Satar Sofe convicted 14-year-old Asya Ahmad Muhammad of murder at the trial’s first hearing on Wednesday, Feb. 7, in Dohuk’s juvenile court. Akram Mikhael Al-Najar, the girl’s defense lawyer, appealed the ruling, questioning Sofe’s conclusion that the killing had been intentional. Muhammad stabbed her paternal uncle with a kitchen knife last July when he came to her family’s kitchen utensil store on the outskirts of Dohuk and began beating her, her mother and younger brother. He was supposedly trying to order to restore “honor” lost because his female in-laws were working in public. But Muhammad’s father and lawyer said that the real motive for the uncle’s attack was religious. Her five-year sentence was light considering that Iraq’s penal code invokes the death penalty for committing murder.


Source: Mission Network News
A medical team associated with India Partners is teaming up with a national organization called the Reaching Hand Society to provide medical and dental training to nationals in eastern India’s coastal Orissa state. The ministry has been unable to visit this area since 2004. Dr. Iris Paul of reaching hands says there’s a reason India Partners teams haven’t traveled there. “We have the anti-conversion laws in force. The opposition has been too much.” She is excited about a team returning to help them. “They are the only people who send us teams to train us in medical facilities for the dental work and other emergency medical treatment -- what is known as EMT training. That has been able to save the lives of children [here]. And they train the nationals.” The ministry is open about its ties to Christianity. “We are very evangelistic and very openly telling about Jesus Christ before we start any program,” Paul said. “And only if the village is willing to accept that, then we do it.” Occasionally the group has to close work in a village and move on. “But that’s OK because there are 1,020 villages,” she added.


Source: Assist News Service
Young activist Cheery Zahau presented evidence of widespread rape by the Myanmar (Burma) Army at a recent United Nations (U.N.) conference about state-sanctioned rape. Zahau, coordinator of the Women’s League of Chinaland, referred to past reports of rape in Burma’s Shan, Karen, Karenni and Mon states and presented fresh evidence of rape in Chin state. She said that sexual violence is “used as a weapon to torture and terrorize local ethnic populations into submission.” Zahau highlighted 38 cases of rape by the Burma Army against Chin women, five of whom involved girls under the age of 18, including a 12-year-old victim. Almost half were gang rapes. “Often the rapes have been carried out with extreme brutality, and in some cases resulting in the victim’s death. In one case a woman was stripped naked and hung on a cross to mock her Christian religion,” Zahau said. “There is a collective understanding among the troops that they can rape with impunity.” She urged the U.N. Security Council to continue addressing this crisis.


Source: WorldWide Religious News
Various experts and research institutes across Europe indicate that Islam could become Europe’s dominant religion if current trends continue. The drop in church attendance and denominational infighting about homosexuality -- coupled with increases and revivals in the Muslim communities and higher fertility rates -- show a swing in overall religious affiliation.

British think-tank Christian Research projects that in 35 years there will be twice as many Muslims attending mosques on Friday as there are Christians in churches on Sunday despite the fact that Muslims only comprise about 3 percent of the total population.

A November study by the Spanish magazine Alba cited that more mosques than churches have been built in France in the last century with more than 4,000 mosques serving Europe’s largest Muslim population. The continent has seen a wave of Muslim immigration during the last century, primarily from North Africa, and some experts predict that they will become the dominant population by the end of this century.

In January the Islam-Archive Central Institute, a government-sponsored think-tank, projected that Muslims will be the majority population of Germany by 2046 based on rising fertility rates.

Brent Nelson, an expert on European Islam at Furman University in South Carolina, said that unless Christians and Muslims learn to compromise and live together, there will be a danger of the cultures clashing. “The danger is that Europe will not come to terms with what it means to absorb a large Muslim population,” he said. “And in turn that Muslims won’t come to terms with what it means to live in the West -- the need to compromise with Western values. If that doesn’t occur, you’ll have a culture war that will dwarf anything we’ve seen in the U.S.”

* HCJB Global Voice has been operating Radio Vida, an FM station in southern Europe, since 1998. The station broadcasts the gospel in Spanish, English and Arabic.


Source: Mission Network News
Flooding in Bolivia is being seen as an opportunity for outreach by Grace Ministries International (GMI). The outreach has three high schools that educate about 2,000 students. However, GMI’S Sam Vinton says the schools have focused on helping those who are displaced by recent flooding. “This gives us the opportunity, then, to be able to minister spiritually to those who are hurting,” Vinton said. “So I think that this could very much enhance even our evangelistic outreach in that area.” The greatest need continues to be for food supplies. “I’m sure that will be one of the areas we’ll have to try to get funding to help people who have lost their crops, and who have a difficult time surviving at this time,” said Vinton. GMI may also be helping provide housing to those who are displaced. Bolivia is reporting the county’s worst flooding in 25 years with more than 350,000 people affected.

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