Zprávy HCJB 9.3.2007

 Návštěva v uprchlickém táboře v Darfuru misijního představitele povzbudila.
   Oblast Darfuru v Súdánu je známa především nejhroznější humanitární krizí na světě a prezidenta Operation Blessing International (OBI) Billa Horana tak samotného překvapilo, že jeho nedávná návštěva této postižené oblasti v něm vyvolala naději. „Byl jsem povzbuzen velkým počtem lidí, kterým je Operace Požehnání (Operation Blessing) a naši misijní přátelé schopni pomoci,“ řekl Horan. „Především jsem se převědčil, že naděje pro Súdán, naděje pro lid Darfúru existuje.“ Než Horan uskutečnil svou cestu, měl nepříjemný pocit, že úsilí pomocných organizací „končí v černé díře – že žádný, kdo do tohoto projektu vkládá peníze a zdroje, nemá mnoho naděje na kladný výsledek.“ Ale návštěva jeho pocity změnila. OBI a německý partner Humedica provozují tři tábory pro uprchlíky před válkou - Otash, Al Salaam a Al Shereif. OBI a Humedica v táborech zlepšily životní podmínky i zdravotní úroveň nabídkou služby porodní asistentky 24 hodin denně, novorozeneckou péčí, službou praktického lékaře a očkováním proti dětské obrně, tuberkulóze a spalničkám. Tyto misijní skupiny také provozují dvě internátní školy po 1200 žácích. „Děti zoufale potřebují vzdělání,“ řekl Horan. „Touží po něm a chtějí se učit.“ Zdroj: Religion Today
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině.

Source: Religion Today
Although Sudan’s Darfur region is known as one of the worst humanitarian crises in the world, a recent visit by Operation Blessing International (OBI) President Bill Horan left him surprisingly hopeful. “I was encouraged by seeing the great numbers of people that Operation Blessing and our partners are able to help and I was quite encouraged,” Horan said. “The No. 1 thing I came home with is that there is hope for Sudan; there is hope for the people of Darfur.” Before Horan made the trip, he feared that relief efforts were “going into a huge hole -- that maybe everyone was investing resources and money without much hope.” But the visit changed his mind. OBI and its German partner, Humedica, operate in three camps for those fleeing the fighting -- Otash, Al Salaam and Al Shereif. OBI and Humedica have improved the living situation and overall health in the camps by offering a 24-hour midwife delivery service, postnatal care, primary healthcare services and vaccinations against diseases such as polio, tuberculosis and measles. The groups also operate schools in two of the camps, each with about 1,200 students. “These children desperately want and need education,” said Horan. “They are really thirsty for knowledge and they want to learn.”


Source: Christian Solidarity Worldwide
Oscar Elias Biscet, a Christian who is serving a 25-year sentence for human rights activities in a Havana, Cuba, prison, is said to be experiencing “extremely poor health.” In an urgent plea for prayer and action, Biscet’s wife, Elsa, said her husband suffers from high blood pressure, joint pain and failing eyesight. His family requested that he be moved to a “less severe prison system” but has yet to receive a response from Cuban officials. Biscet’s cell in the Combinado del Este Maximum Security Prison in Havana has no light or ventilation, high humidity and no mattress or chair. Family visits are allowed every three months for two hours. In a letter smuggled to his wife in February, he wrote, “In spite of the difficult situation, I am not frightened nor will I go back a step in regards to my ideas. I am here by my own free will to condemn and not to retract myself and will serve this unjust sentence until God in the highest puts an end to it.” After a month of freedom from a three-year sentence, Biscet was rearrested in December 2002 during a massive crackdown on human rights and democracy activists.

* HCJB Global Voice continues to air Spanish programs to Cuba via shortwave from South America. Hundreds of listeners have enrolled in the ministry’s Bible Institute of the Air, a Spanish correspondence program incorporating radio broadcasts. In addition, numerous pastors’ workshops held in conjunction with Leadership Resources International have been held in Cuba since the mid-1990s.


Source: New South Wales Bible Society
Australian veteran racecar driver Andrew Fisher has decided to carry the “Jesus. All about Life” brand on his car as a way of sharing his faith with racing fans this season. The campaign is a primetime media push developed by the Bible Society of New South Wales which aims to present the message of Jesus. The five-year-old V8 Ute racing series pits 32 nearly identically outfitted 300-plus horsepower vehicles (lovingly known as “Utes” in Australia) against each other in a fan-friendly format. When asked why he had the slogan on his Ute, Fisher said, “I was thinking of putting a fish (Christian symbol) on the back of the Ute or having a ‘Christian’ nickname, but my wife challenged me by saying, ‘Well if you really want to make a statement, why don’t you advertise the ‘Jesus. All About Life’ campaign on the Ute?’” Fisher’s driving earned him a sixth-place standing after the first race. “It was a great weekend,” he said. “I was referred to as either ‘Jesus in the No. 9 Ute’ or ‘Fisher of Men’ by the commentators who obviously struggled to get their heads around having Jesus’ name on a V8 Ute. The other competitors were great and very accepting of my position,” said Fisher. Future plans include a “Jesus. All About Life” V8 Ute poster, T-Shirts and cards carrying Fisher’s testimony.


Sources: Forum 18 News Service, WorldWide Religious News
Serbia’s new religious laws are proving problematic for religious communities within the former Soviet bloc nation. Since the controversial religion law was passed by the country’s National Assembly nearly 10 months ago, only three religious communities are known to have achieved registration. The Seventh-day Adventist Church and the United Methodist Church were the first two communities to be registered on Jan. 29. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons) confirmed on Friday, Feb. 23, that they too had been registered. Some religious communities such as the Serbian Baptist Union have chosen not to apply for registration. The Baptists argue that the law breaks both the Serbian constitution and International Law and have started a case against the Serbia’s religion law in the Constitutional Court. Some hope remains among smaller religious communities that may be allowed the status of “citizens’ association” as an acceptable way of gaining legal status if they do not have the 100 members specified as necessary for registration as a religious community.


Source: OneNewsNow.com
Administrators at Heritage High School in Vancouver, Wash., have denied a request from Christian students to start a prayer club. The students, who were not allowed to meet for prayer in a private room, instead gathered before school in the cafeteria to pray. A student claiming to be a Satanist reported the group, resulting in the school’s vice principal insisting that the students go outside. The Christian students refused and were suspended -- some for three days and others for 10. Mathew Staver of the pro-family legal group says the students’ constitutional rights were violated. “It’s absolutely outrageous that the school allowed one Satanist student to exercise a heckler’s veto over the other students’ speech,” he said. Staver noted that most of the suspended students were Russian immigrants who “came to America assuming that America was the land of the free and the home of the brave -- assuming that they would have religious liberty.” Instead they were greeted with “religious persecution and discrimination.” Liberty Counsel is providing legal assistance to the suspended students. A lawsuit will be filed if school officials do not reverse their decision.

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