Zprávy HCJB 14.3.2007

 Mladé dívky očištěny z afrického pohanského náboženského otroctví.
   V některých oblastech světa stále existuje otroctví. Odhadem je na světě 27 milionů otroků. Rody Rodeheaver, prezident IN Network USA řekl, že v oblasti Volty v Ghaně Afričané stále provádějí Trokosi. Rodehaver to popisuje: Mladé dívky ve věku 5, 6 a 7 let jsou fetišistickým knězem brány do otroctví jako výkupné za hříchy jiných lidí. Když dosáhnou puberty, jsou znásilněny a nuceny pak žít v hrozných podmínkách. IN Network se pokoušel vyednat propuštění dívek z tohoto bezprávného a tiše přehlíženého postavení. “Trokosi je tak zakořeněno v tradičním africkém náboženství voodoo, že i místní soudní úředníci se bojí prokletí a velmi se zdráhají vymáhat právo.” Když se podaří dívky vysvobodit, IN Network je vychovává v základních životních dovednostech, v překonávání prožitého traumatu a poskytuje jim nějaké malé zaměstnání, aby mohly začít nový život. “Přes 90 procent žen vysvobozených z tohoto otroctví se stane křesťankami,” dodává Rodeheaver. “Jejich rozhodnutí je dobře srozumitelné, ony chápou, co to znamená být očištěn. Chápou, co je to mít Krista, který zaplatil za jejich hříchy.” Zdroj: Mission Network News.
 Únosy křesťanských dětí v Nigérii na vzestupu.
   Představitelé křesťanů ve většinou muslimském severonigerijském federálním státu Sokoto říkají, že únosy křesťanských chlapců a dívek za účelem jejich konverze k islámu se staly běžným jevem. Například poslední den listopadu zmizel 13-letý Victor Udo Usen z křesťanské apoštolské církve v Sokoto. V úterý 20 února otřásla jeho rodinou novina, že byl zahlédnut v domě muslimského souseda. Jeho matka Esther Udo Usen uvedla, že tam hned běžela a potkala syna, který se horečně snažil před ní utéct. “Chytla jsem ho za ruce a táhla ho směrem k našemu domu,” řekla jeho matka. “Ale za okamžik jsem slyšela výkřiky ‘Aláh akbar’ (Bůh je velký). Byla jsem ochromena a spatřila velké množství muslimů, jak se k nám ženou.” Viktorův otec Udo Usen nebyl doma, když tu novinu uslyšel a když se vrátil, byl jen znovu zklamán. “Pomyslil jsem: ‘Když se do domu toho muslima budu dobývat násilím, abych svého syna získal zpět, nejen že ohrozím životy své rodiny, ale ještě vytvořím záminku k útokům na další křesťany v Sokoto,’“ řekl otec uneseného chlapce. Představitelé křesťanů se obávají, že únosů přibývá. Zdroj: Compass Direct News
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině.

Source: Mission Network News
In some areas of the world, slavery still exists with estimated numbers as high as 27 million. Rody Rodeheaver, president of IN Network USA, says in the Volta region of Ghana the African practice of “Trokosi” is still taking place. Rodeheaver describes this as “young virgin girls, some as young as 5, 6 and 7 years old, are taken as slaves by fetish priests for the payment of the sins of other people.” As these girls reach puberty, they’re raped and forced to live in horrible conditions. IN Network has been trying to negotiate the girls’ release from this outlawed, yet ignored, practice. “This is so deeply rooted in the traditional African religion and voodoo that law enforcement officials in these areas are themselves afraid of the death curse, so they have been very reluctant and have not enforced the law at all.” When freed, IN Network provides basic life skills, trauma counseling and micro-enterprise grants to help them start a new life. “Over 90 percent of the women who are freed from this slavery become Christians,” Rodeheaver said. “It’s easy to understand why because they understand what it means to have a redeemer. They understand what it means when we share with them that Christ has paid for their sins.”


Source: Compass Direct News
Christian leaders in northern Nigeria’s Sokoto majority-Muslim state say abduction of Christian boys and girls for conversion to Islam has become a common phenomenon. For example, last November 13-year-old Victor Udo Usen, a member of the Christ Apostolic Church in Sokoto, went missing. On Tuesday, Feb. 20, news that Victor was spotted in a Muslim neighbor’s house jolted his family. His mother, Esther Udo Usen, said she ran to the house and met him as he was making frantic efforts to escape. “I quickly held his hands and dragged him along with me towards our house,” she said. “But within a twinkle of an eye, I heard shouts of ‘Allahu Akbar!’ (God is great). I was shocked as I saw a large number of Muslims rushing towards us.” Victor’s father, Udo Usen, was away from home when he heard the news, only to be disappointed anew when he rushed back. “I thought, ‘If I force myself into the house of that Muslim to get my son, I will not only be placing the lives of my family at risk, but also creating room for them to attack other Christians in Sokoto,’” he said. Christian leaders are worried that the kidnapping trend is on the increase.

* HCJB Global Voice, together with partners In Touch Ministries, SIM and the Evangelical Church of West Africa, began airing weekly half-hour programs to Nigeria in the Igbo language in 2000. In 2003 weekly broadcasts were added in two additional languages, Yoruba and Hausa. HCJB Global Voice also has helped with radio ministries in six cities with more in the planning stages.


Source: WorldWide Religious News
A new state law in Missouri that requires photos for driver’s licenses is having the unintended effect of causing some Mennonites to move away. Certain Mennonite groups believe the Bible forbids them from posing for photographs, so the new state requirement has led them to pull up stakes. Fifteen families in Missouri’s Randolf County have moved to Arkansas where state law offers Mennonites an exemption from having a photograph on their driver’s license. Six other Mennonite communities in Missouri are considering a similar move. “We aren’t down on the government,” said 40-year-old Leo Kempf. “We believe the government is ordained by God, and we believe we should follow what they say as long as it is not against the word of God. God comes first.” Neighbor Matt Thornburg is outraged and thinks an exemption should be made for the Mennonites. “These people aren’t a security risk.” Thornburg said. “I want people to know there is an injustice going on here. We don’t want these folks moving out … they’re good citizens!” Maura Browning of the Missouri Department of Revenue said the law tightened driver’s license security standards. Previously, a religious exemption allowed Mennonites to forego the photograph. Now they have the option of not having a photograph on their personal license, but a picture must be on file with the state.


Source: Assist News Service
Missionaries at the Gospel for Asia (GFA) radio headquarters in northwestern India’s Rajasthan state couldn’t understand why someone would send support to the ministry without providing a return address. The support, designated for the radio ministry, arrived regularly, increasing the staff’s curiosity about the giver. One day the information on the gifts led GFA staff members to the home of Sheela who shared an incredible story with them. Sheela had been suffering with arthritis and thyroid difficulties for several years before she heard a GFA radio broadcast called, “God’s Power in Human Difficulties.” As the prayer rang out from the radio, she placed her hand on her neck and prayed for healing. Immediate relief engulfed her, and the next day doctors found no trace of her chronic problems. From then on, in gratitude to God, Sheela faithfully sent support to GFA Radio in Rajasthan, but never revealed her full address.


Sources: OneNewsNow.com, Religion Today
A leading international religious freedom advocate says the U.S. human rights bureaucracy is dominated by “philosophical liberalism” and that efforts to promote democracy without a mandate for religious freedom are “doomed to fail.” Williams Saunders of the Family Research Council, while praising President George W. Bush’s efforts to end the Muslim-on-Christian brutality in southern Sudan, believes the administration has significantly “gotten it wrong” on religious freedom. For example, the failure to insist on genuine religious freedom in Afghanistan “underlies a deeper unease and confusion” within the foreign policy establishment, Saunders said. “Efforts to promote democracy around the world without promoting genuine religious freedom, in my opinion, both handicap U.S. foreign policy and are doomed to fail,” he explained.

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