Zprávy HCJB 16.3.2007

 Kazašský pastor dostal 3 dny vězení za nezaregistrování sboru.
   V středu 7. března byl pastor Fauzi Gubajdullin odsouzen ke střem dnům vězení za to, že odmítl dodržet loni nařízené tříměsíční zastavení činnosti svého sboru. Trest nastoupil okamžitě. Trest byl nařízen když sbor ve městě Šimkent odmítl oficiální registraci.

Vláda Kazachstánu trvá na tom, že všechny církve musí být registrovány, Rada baptistických sborů (k nimž se sbor řadí) však povinnou vládní registraci odmítá, protože v tom vidí cestu k ovlivňování vnitřních církevních záležitostí státem. Sbor je ve svém odmítavém postoji podporován kazašským ombudsmanem Bolatem Baikadamovem. Gubaidullin vyhlásil, že jeho sbor bude ve své činnosti pokračovat bez ohledu na následky.

Jinde v Kazachstánu ve městě Aktobe úřady jednomu baptistovi zabavily m.j. automobil a myčku k pokrytí nezaplacené pokuty uložené za pokojnou náboženskou činnost.

Jurij Pfafenrot, člen sboru v Šimkentu řekl, že situace pro neregistrované baptisty v Kazachstánu se zhoršuje. „Nejdřív přišli a registraci nám nabízeli, ale odmítli jsme,“ řekl Pfafenrot. „Nyní na registraci trvají a když ne, udělují velké pokuty nebo i vznášejí obvinění z trestného činu.“ Zdroj: Voice of the Martyrs, Mission Network News
 Vnuk Billyho Grahama raněn při svém druhém nasazení v Iráku.
   Vnuk evangelisty Billyho Grahama byl zraněn při své vojenské službě v Iráku. Kapitán Edward Graham, nejmladší syn Franklina Grahama se zotavuje v blíže neurčené nemocnici ze zásahu šrapnelem do zad, nohou a paží. 27-letý americký ranger a absolvent americké vojenské akademie ve West Pointu sloužil v Iráku podruhé. Přes informační omezení daná vojenskou povahou věci se proslýchá, že Grahamova rodina vyjádřila důvěru, že jejich vnuk není ohrožen na životě. Podle Baptist Press prezident Samaritan Purse Franklin Graham prozradil novinky týkající se zranění jeho syna na slavnosti MissionFest 3. března v Torontu. Zdroj: OneNewsNow.com
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině.

Source: Assist News Service
Rev. Sosthenes Kibanga, 58, a pastor with the Evangelical Lutheran Church’s North Eastern Diocese, was shot dead in Tanzania on Sunday, March 11, by three unidentified persons in an attempted robbery. Tanzanian police reported that Kibanga was driving with a companion from Mlalo to Lushoto in the Usambara Mountains. Guga Elias, who accompanied the cleric, said they were driving through a forest when logs placed in the middle of the road forced them to stop. Three people, two of them masked, emerged from the forest and advanced towards the car. One of the gunmen fired two shots through the window that hit the pastor in the chest, killing him instantly. According to local reports the thieves took a mobile phone from the car. They fled the vehicle when they realized that the pastor was dead. Police have mounted a full-scale hunt for the killers. Kibanga, who was married, was buried two days later in Lushoto. All Lutheran institutions in the town, including a school for handicapped children, were closed for a day of mourning. The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania has 3.5 million members.


Source: Mission Network News
The South American country of Bolivia continues to suffer from heavy rains, flooding, disease outbreaks and food shortages all associated with the extreme weather that began two months ago attributed to climate phenomenon called El Nińo. More than 42 people have died, and an estimated 400,000 Bolivians have been affected by flooding. As World Vision assists more than 20,000 Bolivian families in the hardest-hit central region, they also have assessed damage to their sponsorship projects in the country. Twenty projects have been affected and World Vision is providing medicines, medical supplies, clothing, temporary shelters, water purification, hygiene products and school supplies to children and families. The effects of the flooding will likely be ongoing as tropical diseases have been reported in waterlogged communities such as dengue, malaria, yellow fever, scabies, respiratory ailments and acute diarrhea. Dead animals lying in standing water are creating the threat of severe health epidemics.

* HCJB Global Voice has worked with local radio partners to plant local AM and FM stations in the Bolivian cities of Santa Cruz, Tarija and Tupiza. Four stations with eight transmitters in four cities (La Paz, Caranavi, Santa Cruz and Sucre) are also affiliated with the ALAS, the ministry’s Latin American satellite radio network that makes Spanish programs available to local stations 24 hours a day.


Sources: Voice of the Martyrs, Mission Network News
On Wednesday, March 7, Pastor Fauzi Gubaidullin was sentenced to a three-day administrative prison term for refusing to abide by a three-month ban imposed on his church last year by the government of the Central Asian nation of Kazakhstan. His sentence began immediately. The ban came after the church in Shymkent refused to officially register with the government.

Although the government insists that all churches must register, the Council of Churches Baptists (to which the church belongs) rejects compulsory government registration, viewing it as a way for the state to interfere in churches’ internal affairs. The denomination’s position has received support from Kazakhstan’s Human Rights ombudsperson, Bolat Baikadamov. Gubaidullin vowed that his church will continue meeting regardless of the consequences.

Elsewhere in Kazakhstan, in late February in Aktobe, a car and a washing machine were among items confiscated from a Baptist preacher to cover unpaid fines levied in punishment for peaceful religious activity.

Yuri Pfafenrot, a member of the Shymkent congregation, said the situation is deteriorating for unregistered Baptist churches in Kazakhstan. “First they came and offered us registration, but we refused,” he said. “Now they insist that we register, and when we don’t, they hand down big fines or even launch criminal cases.”


Source: OneNewsNow.com
The grandson of evangelist Billy Graham has been injured during his tour of duty in Iraq. Army Capt. Edward Graham, the youngest son of Franklin Graham, is recovering at an undisclosed hospital from shrapnel wounds to his back, legs and arms. The 27-year-old Army ranger and graduate of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point is serving his second tour in Iraq. Though military regulations restrict dissemination of many details, numerous media outlets say the Graham family has expressed confidence that their grandson is not in a life-threatening situation. According to Baptist Press, Samaritan’s Purse President Franklin Graham revealed news of his son’s injuries during a message March 3 at MissionFest in Toronto.


Source: Religion Today
More than 22,000 evangelical teenagers prayed, sang and screamed at AT&T Park in San Francisco, Calif., last weekend as part of an event called BattleCry. The event, organized by Teen Mania founder Ron Luce, is part pep rally, part rock concert and part church service. During the event Luce showed teens the possibilities of living for Christ in a culture that bombards youth with un-Christian messages. “We will not allow the enemy to steal this generation,” Luce said. He divided Christians into three categories: seekers, students and stalkers (which he defined as those who are so committed to following Christ they find out things nobody else knows). Teens came from at least as far as Bakersfield and Los Angeles for the multiracial-but-controversial event. BattleCry was held despite opposition from the public because of the group’s pro-Christian message and being perceived as anti-gay or homophobic. During the event the youth were treated to several Christian musical acts and a Christian comedian.

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