Zprávy HCJB 19.3.2007

 Obrácení Mohamedova potomka vedlo k vražedným výhrůžkám.
   Sedar Dedeoglu - Turek, který tvrdí, že je potomkem islámského proroka Mohameda, se v Německu stal křesťanem. Dedeoglu je zapojen do křesťanského hnutí mezi Muslimy. Jeho obrácení vedlo k řadě výhrůžek smrtí od muslimů odmítajících připustit si jeho konverzi. Dedeoglu má právníka Oswalda Seittera a ten říká, že nelze přehlížet mimořádné nebezpečí, kterému je rodina jeho mandanta vystavena. V rodném městě Dedeoglu v Turecku byli členové jeho rodiny ctěni jako „svatí.“ Konverze jej však staví do role „odpadlíka,“ který urazil samotného proroka. Kdyby se Dedeoglu nyní vrátil do své rodné země, pravděpodobně bude zabit. Přes tyto hrozby Německý imigrační úřad i řada soudů odmítly žádost o asyl rodiny Dedeoglu s tím, že křesťané v Turecku přece mohou volně vyznávat své náboženství. Aby se vyhnuli deportaci, Dedeoglu, jeho žena Husniye a jejich dcera Isil nyní doufají, že budou v Německu strpěni z důvodu „nadměrné tvrdosti zákona.“ Zdroj: Assist News Service
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině.

Source: Mission Network News
Dalit Christians in India have been handed a huge setback. The National Commission for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes rejected the demand for affirmative-action benefits for Dalit Christians and Muslims. Gospel for Asia President K.P. Yohannan calls this is a huge setback, but he’s hopeful. “There is still a lot of talk, a lot of articles, people are talking about it. These people deserve to have the privileges guaranteed by the constitution. So I think this will be picked up again.” Yohannan says this decision isn’t going to stop Dalits, sometimes referred to as “untouchables,” from turning to Christ. He says it makes their conversion even more incredible. “In many places these people are coming to Christ knowing that they are going to be losing their privileges,” he explained. “They may not be able to send their kids for higher education, which they were able to do almost free. But I’m telling you, knowing Christ . . . changes everything.” The case is still pending before India’s Supreme Court. For the first time a Dalit sits on the bench.

* Radio programs in 17 languages air to India from HCJB Global-Australia’s shortwave station in Kununurra. The programs are produced at the ministry’s studios in New Delhi, India.


Source: Christian Newswire
A senior house church leader in China was released the evening of Friday, March 16, after being detained for 10 days. Pastor Dong Quanyu was released from the Wancheng Detention Center in Nanyang, in Henan province. He was detained along with 33 other House church leaders and three pastors from South Korea while they were having a Bible study together on Tuesday, March 6. After intensive international pressure, local police released 33 arrested house church leaders and three leaders from South Korea the following day. Dong, however, was sentenced to 10 days’ administrative detention for holding an “illegal gathering.” Dong is the vice president of Chinese House Church Alliance. Authorities refused to issue any official document for his detention and release.


Source: Assist News Service
A new five-year study of box-office receipts in the U.S. shows that movies with a “very strong Christian worldview” earn 3.5 times more money than those with a “very strong non-Christian worldview.” Christian movies earned an average of about $65 million compared to less than $18 million for “strongly non-Christian” movies. All movies with “very strong moral worldviews” had similar results, earning an average of about $64 million. “American moviegoers want movies with overt Christian values and biblical worldviews,” said Ted Baehr, founder and publisher of MOVIEGUIDE which studied the content of more than 1,000 movies released from 2002 through 2006. “They don’t want to see movies that mock their faith and values.”


Sources: Daywind Music Group, Chattanoogan.com
Legacy Five pianist Roger Bennett died in Houston Saturday, March 17, following a long battle with leukemia. He was 48. Born March 10, 1959, Bennett grew up in Strawberry, Ark. In November 1979 he fulfilled his lifelong dream of being a part of professional Southern Gospel music when he was invited by Glen Payne and George Younce to join the legendary Cathedral Quartet. Though he would leave the group for two years (1987-1989) to serve as the president of Journey Records, he was the group’s pianist at the time of the quartet’s retirement in 1999. Bennett and fellow Cathedrals member Scott Fowler then launched Legacy Five. Known also as a singer and comedian, Bennett received the Singing News Fan Award for “Favorite Southern Gospel Pianist” 14 years in row (1993-2006). Ed Leonard, president of Daywind Music Group, expressed his admiration for Bennett. “Roger exemplified true Christianity, true musicianship and true leadership in his time here,” he said. “We will miss our dear friend, and we look forward to the time when we will all be together again in eternity.” Bennett is survived by his wife, Debbie, and two children, Chelsea and Jordan. Funeral arrangements are pending.


Source: Assist News Service
Sedar Dedeoglu, a Turk who claims to be a descendant of the Islamic prophet Mohammed, has converted to Christianity in Germany. Dedeoglu is involved in Christian outreach programs among Muslims. As a result he frequently receives death threats from Muslims unwilling to accept his conversion. Oswald Seitter, Dedeoglu’s attorney, says it’s impossible to overlook the extraordinary danger that his family is facing. In Dedeoglu’s hometown in Turkey, family members were revered as a “holy.” Dedeoglu’s conversion makes him an “apostate” and is regarded as an insult of the prophet himself. If Dedeoglu returned to his native country, he would likely be killed. In spite of this threat, the German Federal Migration Office and several courts of justice have rejected asylum applications by the Dedeoglu family, claiming that Christians are free to practice their religion in Turkey. To avoid deportation Dedeoglu, his wife, Husniye, and their daughter, Isil, now hope to be tolerated in Germany as a “case of hardship.”

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