Zprávy HCJB 22.3.2007

 Misie poskytne 4,6 milionu dolarů na vodní projekt v Hondurasu.
   Organizace Water Missions International (WMI) 22. března oznámila zahájení projektu SafeWater-Colón, který poběží tři roky a který zlepší dostupnost nezávadné vody a hygieny pro potřebné lidi v Hondurasu ve státu Colón.

Na oficiálním večerním zahájení v Charlestonu v Jižní Karolíně se počítá s přítomností mnoha amerických i honduraských úředníků. Přítomni budou mimo jiné guvernér Jižní Karolíny Mark Stanford, starosta Charlestonu Joseph Riley a první dáma Hondurasu Xiomara Castro de Zelaya.

Spoluzakladatel WMI George Greene řekl, že cílem projektu je „ukázat, že obyvatelé rozvojových zemí mohou být zaopatřeni obnovitelnými zdroji nezávadné vody a hygienickými zařízeními za přijatelnou cenu. Zahajujeme Projekt SafeWater-Colón dnes, v Mezinárodní Den Vody, abychom upozornili na tuto skutečnost, že 1.1 miliardy lidí, kteří kvalitní vodu nemají, ji mohou mít s přijatelnými náklady.“

Tento projekt v hodnotě 4.6 milionu dolarů poslouží asi 220 000 lidí státu Colón, kde „významná část populace nemá přístup ke kvalitní vodě ani k hygienickým zařízením. Projekt zahrnuje dokumentaci současné situace, její řešení a sledování výsledků.“

WMI je křesťanská stavební organizace, která zajišťuje zdroje pitné vody v rozvojových zemích a v oblastech zasažených katastrofou. Misie již instalovala 338 vodovodních systémů po celém světě. Letos se plánuje výstavba dalších 175 systémů, které zajistí nezávadnou vodu pro 500 000 lidí. Zdroj: Water Missions International, Christian Newswire

*Také pracovníci útvaru pro místní rozvoj HCJB Global Hands pomáhají při obstarávání čisté pitné vody a kanalizace ve venkovských oblastech Ecuadoru. V roce 2006 spolu s místními vesničany zprovoznili 21 veřejných studní, navíc vodovody a příslušná zařízení v dalších sedmi vesnicích, z čehož má prospěch celkem skoro 7000 lidí.
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině.

Sources: Water Missions International, Christian Newswire
South Carolina-based Water Missions International (WMI) announced today (March 22) the launch of Project SafeWater-Colón, a three-year initiative designed to improve access to affordable, safe water and sanitation for needy Hondurans in the state of Colón.

A number of American and Honduran officials are expected to attend the project’s official kickoff in Charleston, S.C., this evening. Among the many dignitaries present will be South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford, Charleston Mayor Joseph Riley and the First Lady of Honduras Xiomara Castro de Zelaya.

WMI cofounder George Greene said the goal of the project is “to demonstrate that people in developing countries can be provided access to sustainable sources of safe drinking water and adequate sanitation facilities quickly and cost-effectively. We are launching Project SafeWater-Colón today on World Water Day to draw attention to our belief that the needs of the 1.1 billion people who lack safe, clean water worldwide can be cost-effectively addressed.”

This $4.6-million project will serve the approximate 220,000 people of Colón where a “significant percentage of the population lacks access to clean water and adequate sanitation. The comprehensive project will document current conditions, implement solutions, and track results.”

WMI is a Christian engineering organization that provides sustainable safe water solutions to developing countries and disaster areas. The ministry has installed more than 338 water systems worldwide. An additional 175 systems planned for this year, making safe water available to more than 500,000 people.

* Staff members with HCJB Global Hands’ community development department help bring clean drinking water and sanitation to rural Ecuadorian communities. In 2006 they worked with local villagers to install wells in 21 communities plus water systems and other related facilities in an additional seven villages, benefiting nearly 7,000 people.


Source: BosNewsLife
Christians in northeastern Nigeria are mourning the death of Oluwatoyin Olusase, a Christian teacher who was killed by Muslim students at a secondary school who accused her of “desecrating the Koran.” Police in Gombe state said Olusase was “lynched” by her students while conducting an Islamic religious knowledge exam at the school in Gombe city. It is unclear if the teacher did anything to upset her students. “We are investigating the report,” said Gombe State Police Commissioner Joseph Ibi. Police officials added that their intervention prevented the incident from escalating into a riot. Authorities temporarily closed schools in Gombe city amid fears of more violence in the region.


Sources: Assist News Service, Religion Today
The archbishops of Canterbury, York, the West Indies and Ghana will join the “Walk of Witness” in London to mark the bicentennial of the act which abolished the slave trade in the British Empire. Thousands of people are expected to take part in the event on Saturday, March 24. The walk has been organized by the Church of England’s Committee for Ethnic Anglican Concerns. Three walks along different routes will converge in central London. The London strands will meet at Kennington Park in south London where they will be joined by participants in the national March of the Abolitionists that began in Hull on Thursday, March 1. At Kennington Park participants will be invited to sign the Anti-Slavery International Declaration, calling for an end to modern-day slavery. The campaign to end the practice in England in 1807, led by anti-slavery pioneer William Wilberforce, is chronicled in Bristol Bay Production’s newest film, “Amazing Grace.” His mentor, John Newton, wrote the lyrics of the famous hymn with the same title.


Source: Christian Newswire
Shuang Shuying, 77-year-old mother of Beijing house church activist Hua Huiqi, has filed her formal appeal to the Beijing No. 2 Intermediate People’s Court for retrial. She was sentenced to two years in prison by Beijing Chongwen District People’s Court on Monday, Feb. 26, on the charge of “willfully damaging public and private property.” Shuang was accused of using her cane to destroy the hood of a police car and a touch-screen device in the vehicle. Shuang accused police of trying to run her down as she approached the Chongwen district government building to seek the whereabouts of her arrested son. The damage to the vehicle occurred in the ensuing struggle, and she was convicted in a hasty trial. Both Shuang and her son, Hua, have been active in defending persecuted Christians and other socially oppressed groups in China.


Source: Sky Angel
Sky Angel has added AllWorship radio to its lineup, airing on Sky Angel Channel 9764. AllWorship plays commercial-free congregational worship music 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Worship music has become one of the most popular genres of Christian music. “AllWorship is thrilled to be part of the Sky Angel satellite service,” said Bill Hardekopf, general manager for AllWorship. “It’s a great honor for our station to be selected and become part of this prestigious lineup of Christian television and radio programs.” Sky Angel is a Christian-owned multi-channel television service committed to faith-based and family programming, serving most U.S. states and territories as well as Canada.

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